logoSherry Ann vs. P.J. Lawrence

[The camera returns from a commercial break, and goes straight to Garry and Sandra.]

Garry: Welcome back everyone.

Sandra: Yes, welcome back. Well things have been pretty wild so far, and we're just getting.............

[Sandra is interupted as a concusion grenade explodes in the arena, and the lights go out.]

Sandra: Well!! I guess we're getting started right away.

Garry: Yup, seems that way.

[The camera pans over the sell out crowd. The fans hold up their homemade signs, some of which read.....

"USA Rules"

"Sweet Misty is
Toooo Sweeeeeeeeet!"

"Amanda Sucks"

fans wait with anticipation to see what's going to happen. Simulated lightning bolts then flash throughout the arena..........

Thunder then pounds from the sound system, then "Thunderstruck" by AC/DC begins to play. The fans jump from their seats, as they know what that means.

Fire balls then go flying up everywhere, and sparks cascade over the wrestlers entranceway. The Angeltron lights up....

Then emerging from the sparks is Sherry Ann. The fans all cheer loudly for her, and she then makes her way down to the ring, giving the fans on the aisle high-5's.

Sherry Ann who is dressed in her long black oilskin drover coat, and thigh high black leather boots climbs into the ring. She walks around waving to the fans, then grabs a mic.

"Alright Penelope, come on down, andd get the severe ass kicking you've been deserving!!! And bring those bitches Amanda and Lucy on down too. I want them to have a nice close view of this!!!"

Sherry throws down the mic, then removes her coat, revealing her black bikini to the crowd. She then goes to her corner, and does some stretching as she awaits the arrival of P.J..

Sandra: She sounds like she is definately ready.

Garry: Pfft, that old hag is ready for retirement, and that's about it.

[A girls giggle sounds, purple lights with the letters 'PJ' appear down the aisle.]

[A voice says, 'Do ya smell what PJ is cookin'?' as Cyndi Lauper's 'Girls just wanna have fun' blares.]

[After a moment, P.J. Lawrence comes walking down the aisle, with Lucy Ottoman, her newest mentor. Lucy is wearing a grey pant suit. PJ on the other hand is wearing a school girl outfit, with her hair in pigtails, and she is blowing bubbles with her gum. Over her suit she will be wearing a Body Shop 2000 t-shirt.]

Sandra: You know Sherry is not liking the fact that P.J. has that shirt on.

Garry: Why? Sherry mailed her a box of those damn shirts. She should be happy someone is wearing one of the stupid things.

[PJ asks for a microphone from the attendant and stands on the middle rope just outside of the ring. Then with the microphone at her lips and her head down she waits for a few moments. Then she looks up and say.]

PJ: Finally, PJ has come back to....to.... [Looks over at Lucy Ottoman]..Hey, Lucy, where the heck are we anyway?

[Lucy tries to look inconspicuous as the crowd slowly begins to chant, 'Dum-my! Dum-my! PJ prattles on totally unaware.]

PJ: Sherry Ann has decided to go one on one with the Great one. She thinks that she impresses PJ with her Body Shop without the 2000 t-shirt. But, PJ is not impressed. PJ is going to take her t-shirt off her back, turn it sideways....and stick it straight up my candy ass!!!

[Lucy looks stunned as the crowd laughs. The chant of 'Dum-my!' grows in intensity. PJ stops for a moment.] PJ: "Speaking of which, hey Lucy, do ya got any candy?"

[Lucy now tries to hide as PJ decides to continue on with the speech she memorized as the crowd's chant of 'Dum-my!' is getting almost deafening.]

[ Sherry is just glaring at her old friend Lucy, and doesn't seem to be a bit concerned as to what P.J. is saying. ]

PJ: "Sherry Ann, you have no chance. These people need PJ to win. So, as you are out here listening to the millions and millions of PJ's fans shouting her name..."

Crowd: "Dum-my, Dum-my, Dum-my..."

PJ: "Do you know what I think about this match?....IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT I THINK!!!"

[PJ smiles as she thinks how well she memorized this long speech Lucy gave her. By the way, where is Lucy? PJ looks around for a moment and then continues she's thinking out loud and accidentally has the mic too close to her as everyone can here what she's saying.]

PJ: "I guess Lucy went to get me candy....oh yeah...I'm supposed to say that line...what is it?...oh yeah..... IF YOU CAN SMEEEEELLLLLLLL WHAT PJ..."

[She stops for dramatic effect]


[PJ blushes as people stop chanting as they try to figure out what that noise was. PJ raises the microphone and says in a little girl's voice.]

PJ: "Uh,...'Scuse me, please."

[The crowd laughs as PJ slides the microphone to the attendants ringside.]

[ After she's done speaking she throws her gum at Sherry Ann, and it sticks on Sherry's bikini. P.J. doubles over and laughs. Sherry's eyes look like two fireballs. ]

Sandra: Now ya did it P.J.!! Watch this!

[ Sherry pulls the gum off of her bikini, and runs across the ring. P.J. hears Sherry coming, and trys to escape through the ropes, but it's to late. Sherry grabs her, and rubs the gum into her hair. ]

Sherry: Hey dipstick, I think this is yours!!!!

Garry: What a bitch!!!

Sandra: Hey she deserved it!!!

[ The ref pulls the two women apart just as Sherry is about to punch P.J. in the head. He then makes Sherry go back to her corner, so he can officially start the match. ]

[ "Brickhouse" by the Commadores begins to play over the sound system. ]

Garry: YES!!! It's the boss!!!!

Sandra: Yup, here comes Amanda Strike down to the ring. This can't be good for Sherry at all.

Garry: Good!!!! I hate that bitch after what she did to me.

Sandra: Aww cause she exposed your teeny wieny to the world? To bad fatso....Ya know if you'd lose some weight that thing may look a little bigger.

Garry: Oh would you want it then?


Garry: OUCH!

Sandra: Pig!

[ Amanda is talking to Lucy at ringside, and then they both start laughing. P.J. is trying to get the gum out of her hair, as the ref gives Sherry and her his instructions. ]

[ Amanda then grabs a ring, and enters the ring, ]

Amanda: Well hello Sheeeerrrrry!!! Now Johnny [the ref] thanks for going over things with these two. Your job is done for this one.

Johnny: Huh?

Amanda: Go grab a cool one and relax. I'm gonna ref this match myself.

Sherry: WHAT?!?!?!!?!

Amanda: You heard me hotshot. Now you pull any crap, and your gonna get d.q.ed, have I made myself perfectly clear?

Sherry: Your dead bitch!

Amanda: Oh come on Sher, please hit me, so I can end this thing quickly. Now one more thing, if any of your little bimbo cronies come down here....they'll be suspended!!!

Sherry: Just signal for the bell wench, I don't need any help.

Amanda: Well that's good to hear Sherry, but I think P.J. does. Come on Lucy, I just made this a handicap match.

Sherry: This is bull*^#@ Amanda!!!!

Amanda: About as much bull as your contract here is. You want the big bucks? Well earn it skank!!

Garry: HAHAHA You gotta love it!!!

Sandra: No I don't. This is total crap, and Amanda is being totally unfair to Sherry here. She isn't prepared for a two on one match.

Garry: Well she better be, cause that's how it's gonna be....


Garry: -gonna be right now too. Here we go folks, and it's P.J. starting off against Sherry.

[ P.J. and Sherry move to the center of the ring. They tie up collar and elbow, and jockey for the upper hand. ]

[ Sherry then throws P.J. to the mat with a hiptoss. She tries to follow it up with an elbow drop on her downed opponent, but P.J. quickly rolled out of the way, causing Sherry to crash into the canvas. ]

Garry: Aww she missed, what a pitty.

[ P.J. grabs a handfull of Sherry's hair, and then slams her face into the mat repeatedly. ]

Sandra: Umm Amanda, you gonna say anything about her pulling hair?

Garry: You just let the boss do her job, and shut up.

Sandra: Oh I will, but her job is president, not referee.

Garry: Being president means she is capable of doing any job here, so shut up ya cry baby. Just watch your hero get her ass handed to her.

[P.J. now sits on top of Sherry's back, and begins choking her. Amanda is just standing in the corner with Lucy talking, and ignoring the illegal choke hold. ]

Sandra: This is total bullcrap!!

Garry: Huh? What? This is great entertainment, and I'm loving it!!!

[ Sherry does a push up with P.J. on her back choking her. She then quickly rolls to her side, and gets P.J. off of her. ]

Sandra: Go Sherry!!! Great escape!!!

Garry: Phooey, that was luck.

Sandra: No that was raw power there.

Garry: Nonsense, they should check her for sterroid use.

Sandra: Get real Garry, Sherry built that body naturally!!!

Garry: Yea right.

[ Sherry and P.J. are both on their feet, and meet in the center of the ring. Sherry wants a test of strength with P.J., and P.J. looks like she's gonna do it. ]

Garry: No no sweety, don't do it!!!

[ P.J. surprises Sherry, and nails her with a standing drop kick, that nails Sherry in the chest, and sends her crashing to the mat. Amanda and Lucy both cheer P.J. on as she now starts stomping away at Sherry Ann. ]

Sandra: Nice move from P.J., dang she is quick..!!!

[P.J. now grabs a handfull of Sherry's hair, and stick her head between her legs, and starts jumping up and down. ]

Garry: Ah the good ole Bellringer! Ya gotta love it. Poor Sherry just looks like crap out there tonight.

Sandra: Just wait Garry, she likes to let the action come to her, and then capitalize on her opponents mistakes.

Garry: Oh real smart, get you ass beaten into oblivion, and hope your opponent messes up.

[ Sherry gets a hand on the rope, and Amanda sloooowly walks over and asks P.J. to break the hold. P.J. does so, and Amanda nails Sherry in the side with a kick. ]

Amanda: Ooops! That was an accident!

Sandra: Accident my ass!! She probably meant to kick Sherry in the face! Damn that kick hurt Sherry, look at those 6 inch stacks Amanda has on, and she got all of them in Sherry's ribs.

[ Sherry rolls herself out of the ring, and holds her head and ribs. Amanda points at Lucy, and then to Sherry. Lucy hops down from the ring apron, and goes around to where Sherry is at. Amanda then whispers to P.J., and sends her out after Sherry. ]

Sandra: Oh what a great ref!

Garry: You finally realized that?

Sandra: Shut up, I was being sarcastic jackass.

[ Lucy grabs Sherry, and holds her for P.J.. P.J. then grabs a chair, and moves towards Sherry with it. She swings it at Sherry's head, but Sherry drops to her knees, and P.J. ends up nailing Lucy in the head with it. ]

Amanda: You freaking moron P.J.!!!

Sandra: Hahahaha

[ Sherry rolls back into the ring, or attempts to as Amanda kicks her again, and that causes Sherry to fall back to the floor. P.J. still holding the chair turns around, and smashes it across Sherry's back. Sherry just lays on the floor holding her back. P.J. hops into the ring, and stands next Amanda. ]

P.J.: Count her out, count her out!!!

[ Amanda starts her count. Lucy finally gets back up to her feet, and moves towards Sherry who is getting up slowly. Lucy grabs Sherry by the hair, and Sherry nails her with a low blow before she can do anything to her. Lucy drops like a rock, and Sherry with the crowd cheering her on, gets to her feet, and rolls herself into the ring, and stops Amanda's very fast count. ]

Sandra: Come on Sher, turn up the heat now.

Garry: Eww no, it's to hot in here already.

Sandra: That isn't what I meant, and it's very comfortable in here. Lose about 60 pounds and you'll be comfortable too fat boy. Hey, look out, here comes Sherry!!!

[ Sherry chases P.J. around the ring now. The crowd is cheering Sherry on, and she's closing in on P.J.. However that chase comes to an end when Amanda sticks her foot out, and trips Sherry. ]

Amanda: Oh sorry Sherry, I thought you were going the other way. Silly me.

Sandra: Poor Sherry isn't in a two on one, this is a freaking 3 on one!!

Garry: Killer isn't it? And those bimbo Shoppers can't come help her either. Of course her wimpy daughter is huwt to come here anyways, what a little wimp she is. I think Skye just hurt her pride last week is all. Maybe her bimbo wife will come out and get suspended. Nah, then I wouldn't get to see her get her ass handed to her by Lightnin next.

Sandra: Oh shut up, your such an asshole Garry.

[ P.J. now stands over Sherry. She stomps on her a few times, and then starts swinging her arms back and forth pointing to the ropes. ]

Garry: Oh Peoples Elbow coming up I think.

Sandra: What is with this nut thinking she's the Rock? How silly!

[ P.J. takes off running, and bouncing back and forth off the ropes, over and over again. ]

Garry: Umm P.J.....

Sandra: How many times is the goof gonna go back and forth?

[ P.J. then trips over Sherry on one of her passes, and falls on her ass, much to the delight of the laughing crowd. Amanda is furious, and begins scolding P.J.. She yanks P.J. to her feet, and sends her over to tag in Lucy. Sherry jumps up, and goes running after then, she leaps in the air, and takes both Amanda and P.J. down with a flying clothesline. ]

Sandra: YES!!!! She avoided the fresh Lucy getting in there with that...!! Good thinking Sher.

Garry: Pfft....she has no brain to think with.

Sandra: No that's P.J..

[ Sherry grabs P.J.'s foot, and drags her to the center of the ring, far away from Lucy. Sherry starts stomping away on P.J.'s knee repeatedly now. ]

[ Lucy helps Amanda up to her feet back in the corner. Amanda is furious now, and tells Lucy to go get Sherry. ]

Sandra: This match is an outrage!!

Garry: Outrageously good, yes!!!

[ Lucy walks up behind Sherry, and nails her with a double axe handle blow to the back of the head. Sherry drops to her knees, and Lucy then kicks her in the back for good measure, then returns to her corner. ]

Sandra: I can not believe Electra Van Driesal is standing for this crap!! Sherry is gonna get hurt bad in there!!!

Garry: Now that would really make my day!! Look at P.J.!!!

[ P.J. is now standing up on the top turnbuckle. Amanda kicks Sherry and lays her out, then signals to P.J.. P.J. leaps off, and attempts a frog splash....]

Garry: That's the P.J. Pounce!!!

Sandra: Ha! Was....

[ Sherry some how dug down deep inside, and found the energy to roll out of the way. P.J. lands hard on the mat, but her momentum rolls her right to Lucy, and Lucy tags in.]

Garry: Go kick your old leaders ass Lucy!!!

Sandra: Ya stupid dope...Lucy and Sherry were just stablemates when Lucy was in the Shop. It was before Sherry became leader.

Garry: Ok, go kick your old stablemates ass Lucy!!!

[ Lucy rushes in, and nails Sherry in the back with an elbow smash. ]

Sandra: Sherry can't take much more of this abuse.

Garry: Good, I'm sick of looking at her....It is nice seeing her take a beating like this though.

[ Lucy grabs Sherry by the hair, and brings her to her feet. She Irish whips her into the ropes. Sherry bounces off the ropes, and Lucy goes for a running lariot, but Sherry ducks it and runs past her, BUT waiting just past Lucy is Amanda, who levels Sherry with a kick to the face. Lucy now returns to the attack, as she stomps away on Sherry's head. ]

Sandra: This is just not right at all!!!

Garry: Sheesh, quit your whining woman!! Aww look at P.J., isn't she cute?

[ P.J. is just standing in the corner, twirling her pig tails with her finger, as she looks around at the crowd. ]

Sandra: Yes real cute, I'm glad the bubble brain isn't paying attention to the match. If she was she'd be in there for a three on one beating, and Sherry is having a hard enough time with a two on one.

Garry: I think I'll tell her to go help her friends.

Sandra: If Lucy and P.J. think Amanda is a friend, they're nuts. Only reason she's doing this with them is for her own benefit, and nothing more.

[Lucy grabs Sherry's leg, and puts her in a figure 4 leg lock. Sherry screams out in pain, as Lucy really yanks back on her old friends leg. ]

Garry: BREAK IT!!!

[ However in typical Sherry fashion, she remains focused through the pain, and is searching for the closest rope. She spots the one behind her as being the closest one, and trys pulling herself to it. ]

Sandra: Come on Sher, dig down deep babe!!

Garry: You should be cheering for our guest Lucy Ottoman, she really looks impressive. She sure hasn't gotten rusty with her time away from the ring.

Sandra: Yea, only reason she is back is because of greed. How can she do this to her old friend????

Garry: Money talks, and Sherry's bullcrap walks....

[ Sherry makes it to the ropes and grabs a hold of it. ]

Sherry: Alright "REF" do your job!

Amanda: Hmmn you do seem to have the rope don't you? [Amanda stomps on Sherry's stomach causing her to release the rope. ] Oh but you don't have it anymore hun! To bad, I was gonna make her break the hold.

[ Sherry is really in trouble now, and Amanda is yelling at P.J. to get in the ring. ]

P.J.: Huh? Me? In there?

Amanda: Yes you idiot, get your ass in here!!!

P.J.: Oh alrighty. Amanda did you see all the lights up on the ceiling? Sure are lots of 'em.

Amanda: Oh lord, get in here and kick Sherry's ass you doofus!!!

[ P.J. climbs through the ropes, but stops and gazes up at the lights again. Meanwhile, Sherry leans forward while Amanda babysits P.J., and rakes Lucy's eyes, causing Lucy to release the figure 4. Sherry in tremendous pain rolls over to the corner, and struggles to get to her feet. Amanda finally gets P.J.'s head out of her ass, and sends her after Sherry. P.J. takes off running, and nails Sherry in her aching left knee with a drop kick. Sherry howls out in pain, and drops to the mat. ]

Sandra: I can't watch anymore of this. I've seen Sherry come back from some bad beating to win, but none quite this bad.

Garry: This my favorite match so far tonight. HELL, this may be my fav of the decade!!!

[ Lucy now back up on her feet moves over to help P.J. who is just stomping away at Sherry's knee. ]

Sandra: What in the hell is Amanda doing now?

Garry: Are you an idiot? She's taking her shoe off, what do ya think she's doing?

Sandra: Why is she doing that jackass???

Garry: Hell I don't know.

Sandra: Then shut up!!

[ Amanda tells Lucy and P.J. to stand Sherry up, and they do so. Lucy stands behind Sherry holding her arms, and P.J. just continues to kick away at Sherry's knee. Amanda slowly walks to them with that big 6 inch stack heel in her hand. She then holds it up, and seings it at Sherry's face. Sherry ducks, and Amanda nails Lucy in the face with it instead of Sherry. Lucy's eyes roll back in her head, and she drops like a bag of rocks to the canvas. Sherry reaches down, and punches P.J. in the head, and knocks her to the mat. Now Sherry, whos eyes look like fireballs, glares at Amanda. Amanda backs away knowing Sherry's knee is to hurt for her to come after her, but Sherry tries anyway, but her knee almost gives out, and she clenches onto the ropes to stay up on her feet. ]

Sandra: Come on Sherry!!!

[ The crowd begins shouting Sherry's name, trying to encourage her to go on. Sherry looks down at the K.O.ed Lucy at her feet, and jumps down on top of her, hooks her leg and goes for the pin. Amanda just looks the other way, and now checks on P.J.'s condition instead of counting the pin. ]

Sandra: Dammit!!! 1..2..3..4..5..6..7 Come on Amanda!!!!!

Garry: Hey she's doing her job, she's making sure P.J. isn't hurt.

Sandra: Electra get a REAL ref out here, this is an outrage!!!! Sherry is up to about a 20 count now!!!

[ Amanda grabs P.J., and throws her on top of Sherry, causing Sherry to roll off of Lucy. Amanda now rolls Lucy out of the ring as Sherry and P.J. roll around puching at each other, and yanking on each others hair. Amanda walks over and grabs Sherry hard by the hair, and pulls her off of P.J.. "Hair pulling is against the rules Sherry!!! Do it again, and your outta here!!!" Amanda then to make her point clear to Sherry, punches her in the stomach. ]

Sandra: I'm about to get in that ring!!!

Garry: Cool do it!!! I'd love seeing Amanda kick your ass then fire you when she's done.

Sandra: Pfft....I'd knock the crap out of that......nevermind.

Garry: Come on say it, we're on tape hun. I'm sure Amanda wants to know what you think of her.

Sandra: Trust me, she doesn't wanna know.

Garry: Chicken!! Well P.J. is back into this again.....

[P.J. runs to the ropes, bounces off them and runs at Sherry. She then leaps in the air, nailing Sherry with a flying cross body block, BUT!! Sherry catches P.J., and nails her with a back breaker over her knee. She holds P.J. over her knee, and pounds on her stretched out abdomin. ]

Sandra: She's had enough, and is gonna end this right now!!

Garry: 10 bucks says she doesn't.

Sandra: Well this is Vegas, your on!

[ Amanda walks over, and lashes out with a crescent kick that nails Sherry in the back. ]

Garry: Pay up hun.

Sandra: Dammit!!

[ P.J. just rolls over to the corner and sits there looking up at the lights again. ]

P.J.: Hey Amanda, wonder how long it took them to put all these lights in here..........

Amanda: Dammit get over here and help me you idiot!!!!

P.J.: Nope....I'm not an idiot, take that back.

Amanda: Shut up and help me!!!!

[Amanda grabs Sherry by the hair, and starts punching away at her face. P.J. finally gets up, and merrily skips over to help Amanda out. P.J. pushes Amanda aside, and grabs Sherry by the hair, and brings her up to her feet. She then hands Sherry to Amanda. ]

P.J.: Here....Hold her up a sec.....

[ P.J. takes 10 steps back, and runs at Sherry, who is being held up by Amanda, and leaps into the air, her legs wrap around Sherry's head, and she then takes down hard to the mat with a Frankensteiner. ]

Garry: WOW!!! What a move!!!

Sandra: Yup, that was impressive. Poor Sherry!

Garry: Yup, and poor you, ya owe me ten bucks, pay up!!

Sandra: Shut up, you'll get your money, my purse is in my locker. You'll have to wait till after the show, jackass.

Amanda: Alright P.J.!!! Now pin her dammit!!!

P.J.: Ya got any candy Amandakins?

Amanda: Yes, a huge bag in my office. You pin Sherry, and it's all yours hun.

P.J.: Kewlies!!!!

[ P.J. drops down, and goes for the pin. Amanda hops down onto the mat, and accidently, so she plays it, knees Sherry in the head on her way down. ]

Sandra: Did you see that?????

Garry: Yea, well it was an accident.

Sandra: Pfft...yea right, she did that on purpose. Somebody needs to help Sherry!!!!!!

Garry: Well if they're gonna they best hurry, Amanda is counting......



Sandra: NO!!! Sherry some how kicked out at the last second, and beat that fast count.

Amanda: Dammit P.J., why didn't you hook her leg?????

P.J.: I dunno, you just said pin her....You didn't say hook her leg and pin her. Be more clear next time Amanda.

Amanda: Why in sam hell did I pick you to be the one to destroy Sherry????? AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!

P.J.: Hey quit yelling, your hurting my ears.

[ A frustrated Amanda then jumps on top of Sherry, and starts punching her in the face. She looks up at P.J. and yells to her...]

Amanda: Go get me something to hit this bitch with P.J.!!!

[ P.J. skips over to the ropes, and hops out of the ring. She starts looking around the ringside area for something Amanda can whack Sherry with. ]

[ Back in the ring, Amanda is now just clawing away at Sherry's face. Sherry is almost out it, and her feable swats at Amanda do nothing to stop the attack. ]

[P.J. walks up to the announcers table, and starts talking to Garry, and Sandra. ]

P.J.: Hiya!!! Ummm....you two got anything we can whack Sherry with? Oh, do ya have any gum or candy too?

Sandra: Get out of here ya silly goof.

Garry: Hey P.J., that ring bell will work.

P.J.: I can't eat a ring bell Garry!!!

Garry: Oh geez!! No hun, use it to whack Sherry with.

P.J.: OHHHH!!!! Alright, but what about some gum or candy?

Sandra: Oh come here P.J., I have some over here by my chair.

[ P.J. walks over next to Sandra, and looks for the candy. Sandra stands up, and starts to punch P.J., but Amanda sees this is screams....]

Amanda: Touch her, and your fired!!!!!!

[ Sandra quickly sits back in her seat, and P.J. snarls at Sandra. ]

P.J.: Your mean, you tried to trick me!!!

[ Amanda screams at P.J. to get back in the ring. She does, but being an airhead, she forgets why she left the ring, and returns without something to hit Sherry with. Amanda who is just walking around taunting Sherry sees P.J., and just rolls her eyes. ]

Sandra: That girl is a basket case.

Garry: I think Amanda is saying something along those lines to P.J. now. Dang is she pissed, wow!!!

Sandra: P.J.'s bafoonery is working in Sherry's favor now, as she is trying to get up. P.J. sees this, and run past Amanda to knock Sherry back down, but Sherry was waiting for this, and nails P.J. with a low blow, that puts her down to the mat.

Garry: D.Q. her boss!!!!

Sandra: oh shut up!!! Hell Amanda needs to D.Q. herself!!!

[ Amanda who was close behind P.J., gets knocked down as P.J. fell into her on her way down. Now the crowd is really rallying behind Sherry, and Sherry some how makes it to her feet. ]

Garry: I swear, she's a Timex!!! How the hell can she get up after what she's been through????

Sandra: It's called determination, and Sherry is determined not to lose this match. Gonna be tricky though, she can't touch Amanda, or she'll get D.Q.ed. Good thing Amanda knocked Lucy out, or she wouldn't have a prayer in there now.

[ Sherry starts stomping away on P.J.. Now she grabs her legs, and rolls her over.....]

Sandra: Sherry Crab time!!!!!

Garry: Nah, here comes the boss again.......

[ Amanda slowly gets to her feet, and sees Sherry locking the Sherry Crab on P.J., and comes over to help her............]

Garry: What the &^$*?!?! Who is this??????

[ A masked women climbs into the ring, and grabs Amanda, keeping her away from Sherry. Sherry looks a bit surprised by this, but keeps the hold locked on P.J., and screams at her to give up. ]

Sandra: Thank God, someone came to help finally, but who is that??? It's a brunette, so it isn't Katie or Jenny. Heck not even Samantha Page.

Garry: I have no idea, but this women is holding the boss, and if she is a wrestler here, she best be ready for a suspension if Amanda finds out who it is!

[ The masked women now forces Amanda over to Sherry and P.J., and Sherry is really raring back on the crab now. P.J. FINALLY realizes she is in severe pain, and begins screaming. The masked women tells Amanda to ask P.J. if she submits, and reluctantly Amanda does so. P.J. says no, and Sherry drives her knee deeper into the spine of P.J., and that makes P.J. howl out loudly in pain. ]

Sandra: Goofy best submit soon, that hold can cripple you.

Garry: Sherry should get d.q.ed for outside interference!!!

Sandra: Nope, that woman hasn't touched either wrestler, she's just controlling a horrid referee is all. Someone needed to do it, this was gross!!! Hey did she say what I think she said?

Garry: No, she didn't submit!!

Sandra: She did too, I heard it, and so did the masked girl, she telling Amanda to call for the bell, and declare Sherry the winner..!!!

[ Reluctantly, Amanda does so, and the bell sounds. The masked women quickly releases Amanda, and scurries out of the ring, and runs up the ailse. Sherry lets go of P.J., who gave up, and stomps on the back of her head. Sherry turns around, and is met by a punch to the face by a pissed off Amanda Strike. Sherry falls to the canvas, and Amanda jumps on her, and starts punching away. ]

Sandra: Enough is enough!!! It's over Amanda, face it, your girls lost!!!

Garry: Go boss, give her what she deserves, remember what she did to you!!!

[Sherry is out of it, her body has just had enough, she dug down for last ounce of energy to apply the Sherry crab and is drained, and she's at Amanda's mercy now. ]

Sandra: I'm going in there!

Garry: Been nice working with ya, have fun in the unemployment line.

Sandra: Hmmnn.....OH GAWD!! Now look at this crap, disgusting!!

[ Amanda pulls Sherry's legs up, and then face sits her, smothering her with her rear end. After a few moments sherry finally just stops moving. Amanda gets up, and puts her foot on Sherry's face, and raises her hands high in the air, acting like she won the match. Security finally steps into the ring, and trys to get Amanda away from Sherry. ]

Garry: hehehehe I love it. Sherry may of won the match, but payed dearly the whole way through it, and payed even more after the match.

Sandra: Well folks, we gotta go to a commercial now. I don't think we've seen the last of this Sherry/Amanda war though. Well your winner is Sherry Ann. We'll be back in a few minutes as Darling Katie and Lightnin will lock horns.

Garry: Seeya!

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