
Just as the commercial for Cathouse Cookies finishes the screen is consumed by visions of the cheering crowd at the latest BRA PPV. As always the hard working and diligent camera crew manages to find something to run a close-up on and despite any appeals to the contrary the producers guarantee she is at least 18 years old! Five minutes�er�seconds later we once again pan down to the announcers table where BRA�s own Kenny and Cari ready to go.

Kenny: The Cathouse meets the Sisterhood of Seduction in our next matchup. Sharpshooter Shannon Roarke against Jennifer Christian.

Cari: The big question here is can Jennifer Christian put last weeks performance behind her and stand up to the rookie tonight!

Kenny: Very true. Jessica Estrella dominated the match from start to finish only to have a pin disallowed and be thrown out for complaining to the ref!

Cari: Christian�s foot WAS under the ropes!

Kenny: Barely!!

Cari: If she wasn�t such a goody-goody hothead she would have just pulled her foot in and pinned her again instead of whining and getting thrown out!

Kenny: I guess the rookie did get carried away, but I see big things in her future!

Cari: For now let�s see what lies in Christian�s.

[The camera cuts to a shot of the American flag waving gently in the wind. Zoom out to a shot of "Sharpshooter" Shannon Rourke in full military gear standing before the flag with her right hand raised to her brow in a salute. "Panama" by Van Halen cues up as we cut to the arena. As the song picks up pace, the scene cuts to a shot through the scope of a sniper rifle as it shines a spotlight down on the crowds, searching.]

    ## Jump back, what's that sound? ##
    ## Here she comes, full blast and top down. ##
    ## Hot shoe, burnin' down the avenue. ##
    ## Model citizen zero discipline ##
[The scene continues to pan around the screaming crowd through the view of the sniper rifle.]
    ## Don�t you know she's coming home with me? ##
    ## You�ll lose her in the turn. ##
    ## I�ll get her! ##
[The scene finally spots Shannon Rourke as she makes her way through the crowd. The scope follows her as she nears the ring.]
    ## Panama, Panama ##
    ## Panama, Panama ##
[Rourke jumps the guardrail and raises an arm to the crowd. They continue their chorus of cheers for her as she slaps fan hands all around the ring. After making a circle of the ring, she goes up the ringsteps and steps through the ropes. Again she raises a hand to the crowd. She smiles as pyros blow off from the stage and make their way down the aisle toward the ring. When they reach the ring, they stop as others erupt from overhead. As the music cues down, the big screen again shows a shot of the American flag. As she enters the ring Samantha Staffer and Peggy Christian come from behind the curtain and arrive at the ring. Shannon leans over and gives each a high five before turning her attention back in the ring.

Kenny Definitely the crowd favorite in this match!

Cari: So was Estrella and look what happened to her!

Across the loudspeakers come the first few haunting bars of the theme from Rod Serling�s Twilight Zone. Then, with a sudden flash of lights and explosions the opening riff�s of Golden Earing�s version of Twilight Zone explodes over the loudspeakers and Jennifer Christian steps boldly from behind the curtains. Images of deep space and all sorts of celestial oddities flash on the big screen interspersed with images of every member of the Sisterhood of Seduction as the petite teen walks toward the ring. She is dressed in a black two piece suit with black tights and wrestling boots as she makes her way to the ring with a scowl. Accompanying her to the rear are Nina LaRue, Tiffany Lane and Laura Parker all dressed in their ring attire.

Cari: This just may be me but I do NOT like the look of this!

Cari: Actually, this looks like fun!


Both wrestlers move out cautiously, but as Roarke goes for a lockup Christian deftly drops and leg sweeps the larger woman to the mat. With a burst of speed the teen was up and twisting a drop toehold on to her opponent. Roarke yelped in pain as Jenn worked the hold on her.

Cari Hmmm�she seems to have recovered quite nicely!

Kenny She looks a lot more confident!

In the ring Jenn finally breaks the hold but drops an elbow to the same leg, which elicits a scream from Roarke. As the youngster wraps a stepover toehold on the same leg Roarke drives her free leg into Christian�s stomach, dropping her groaning to the mat. Shaking off the pain as she gets up Roarke scoops her smaller opponent up and lifts her high before bodyslamming her hard to the mat!

Kenny Just a matter of time before Roarke�s size caught up with the youngster!

Kenny The prices of having everyone else you face being bigger than you!

Kenny Check out Laura Parker! She has the ref well distracted!

Cari: Like I said, this could be fun! Max Polk is that gullible!

As Roarke traps Christian in a powerful head scissors Laura goes to work. Max Polk checks the struggling teen but sees she is not ready to submit and allows his attention to stray. Laura casts a coy look and thrusts out her bosom, which instantly solves the referee�s loyalty problem. Roarke, still in control of her opponent tries to draw his attention away but something else draws everyone away.

Kenny Oh God! The Babe Squad has cold cocked Thirtysomething with chairs! Samantha and Peggy are down!

Cari: I knew this would get interesting!

Tiffany and Nina kick again and again at their downed victims as the referee finally leaves Laura and races over. Shannon Roarke seems torn between helping and continuing the match; finally delivering a hard fist to Christian�s head and heading for her friends.

Kenny That�s the sign of a good teamworker! She won�t let the Sisterhood away with that!

Cari: It�s the sign of a good loser!

As Roarke leans over the ropes to try and help Jennifer gets up and acts fast. Like a bolt of lightning she rushes up and using the ropes as a springboard, falls back and drags Roarke over and into a fold over pin! Laura Parker quickly points it out to Max Polk who falls to the mat and starts his count.

Kenny Oh gosh! Christian has got her!

Cari: Told you! Loser!





Kenny She got her! Jennifer Christian wins!

With the match over Max returns his attention to the beatdown going on outside, and doesn�t see Laura roll into the ring. With Jennifer�s help the two scoop Shannon up in a double suplex and drop her up and over the top ropes to the floor!

Kenny Oh, she landed with an awful thud! Roarke is not moving!

Cari: Looks like Laura and Jenn are not done yet either! I would move that computer of yours!

Kenny Oh�you don�t mean!

The announcer barely moves his computer away before Shannon Roarke comes crashing down through the table in front of him! On the other side Max Polk gives up in frustration but the Babe Squad have done their work and leave their victims moaning on the floor. Shannon is not moving as medical teams come rushing out to check all three Cathouse wrestlers. With the crowd booing loudly behind them, Jenn, Laura, Tiffany and Nina leave the arena, pumping their fists.

Kenny Shannon looks badly hurt! She is not moving! That was horrible!

Cari: A definite message to the Cathouse from the Sisterhood of Seduction! Take no prisoners!

WINNER: Jennifer Christian by pinfall, and the Sisterhood by subterfuge!

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