logoJessica Estrella and Sweet Melissa Shared vs Tara Sawyer and Jessica Connor

Match by: Lord Pumpkin

(The mass of fans packed into the stands screamed in anticipation as the cameras swirled around the ring, showing the scene for the fight about to occur. Excitement was building in the air like a pressure cooker, as the containment for another event was ready to boil over into a fevered pitch. At ringside, Kenny and Cari bantered back and forth, no doubt arguing over some point which Cari would win by sheer intimidation. However, the camera suddenly cut to backstage where shadowy figures lurked in the locker room. As the cameraman crept closer, the images of two women came closer into focus. Nubile and seductive, one was a buxom blonde, while the lithe brunette beside her, slowly made their way to one of the athlete�s doors. Both were dressed in white robes, clinging to their shapely bodies. Both wore faux angel wings on their backs and crooked halos upon their heads. The audience recognized them as Angelique and Celeste, the sneaking assistants to Gabrielle, former assistant director to Battling Ring Angels. Unaware that the cameraman was behind them, they snickered as they approached the locker room of the tagteam Jennifer Connors and Tara Sawyer. Upon getting closer, the camera picked up that both angels were laying in wait outside the door with one carrying a baseball bat and one holding a tire iron, looking less and less like angels and more and more like Hell�s Angels. Celeste, the blonde, glanced up and noticed the cameraman, approaching him with a menacing glare, raising her tire iron in anger, directly before the camera cut out, clicking back to the camera focused on Kenny and Cari.)

Kenny: My goodness! Sawyer and Conner are gonna get jumped!

Cari: I wonder if that means the other tag team will get a thumping as well. That would be true justice.

('Oye Como Va' by Carlos Santana begins to erupt from the arena speakers. As the crowd begins to scream in excitement, Jessica Estrella and Mellisa Shared come charging from behind the curtain and jog briskly to the ring. Jessica slaps hands with the fans and shows off her tanned and toned body. Mellisa follows her and smiles cutely for the fans. Jessica is dressed in a pair of black lycra shorts, adorned with flames, and a matching lycra top. Her boots are also black and have flames on them. She finishes her outfit with red kneepads. The shapely Puerto Rican beauty has her light brown hair loose and it waves in the breeze. She has a huge smile on her face for the benefit of her male fans. Mellisa wears orange and aqua lycra shorts and top, covered by a T-shirt that says �California High School Swimming Champs.� She wears orange boots and orange kneepads. Her blond hair is loose. Both slowly get into the ring, sliding between the second and top rope and wave for the fans. Jessica takes the mic.) Cari: Sweet Mother of God, she�s gonna talk . . .

Jessica: Oye! It's time for Las Amigas to show what they can do en este ring!

(She hands the mic to Mellisa.)

Cari: Oh, crap. The other one lives, too . . .

Mellisa: Ok, ummm, we are totally like The Bestest Buddies and we totally are the coolest thing in wrestling. So, like, let's ummm, wrestle. Ok?

Cari: (wrinkling her nose) �Bestest?� What a pair of nimrods. I should show these two REAL wrestling . . .

(Unaware of Cari�s cruel comments, the two best friends bounce back and forth, smiling to the fans in between exercising, waiting for their opponents.)

Kenny: I think that Sawyer and Conner may be in trouble back there with Gabrielle�s underlings waiting outside their locker room. I know that they don�t have good intentions!

Cari: Well, neither do I, most of the time.

(Waiting for their opponents, Mellisa and Jessica seem to grow in anticipation. As soon as the lights dim and the music begins to agitate from the speakers, they grow interested. But the music that comes from the speakers is not the anxiously awaited theme for Conners and Sawyer. Instead it is Beethoven�s �Ode to Joy.� As the music begins to thump through the arena, the Baroque sounds seem to keep the audience in sway. Suddenly, the arena is awash in feathers, falling gracefully from the rafters, bringing the entire area into a sea of white for the eyes. It is as if a strange blizzard were in effect. The curtains at the top of the ramp open, with Angelique and Celeste, still dressed in their halos and angel wings, pulling the curtains apart, making way for Gabrielle. He steps forward, allowing all to see the long black robe, from head to toe, with the cowl, up and over his face, like the Grim Reaper. A mask of gold, covering his face obscures his features, and black gloves cover his hands, not allowing one bit of flesh to be seen. Gesturing forward towards the ring, Celeste and Angelique take protective stances, guarding their master�s back.)

Gabrielle: Ms. Melissa. Ms. Jessica. It seems as if you two have become quite successful this evening. Your first successful pay per view. I think that congratulations are in order . . .

Jessica (taking the mic) What do you mean? Who the Hell are you?

Gabrielle: (a sinister laugh comes from the robed man) Poor child . . . Has it been so long that people have forgotten me? Have I been in hiding for such a period? I am Gabrielle. When the Arch Angel was reigning supreme, I was her Herald Angel. I was her mouthpiece. Alas, now she is gone, and what once could have been, shall now become.

Kenny: Ladies and gentlemen, I am not sure what Gabrielle means by all this . . .

(Standing in stunned silence, Jessica and Mellisa do not know how to react. They stare at Gabrielle, eyes locked upon him as he seems to have a most ominous and stern appearance. The crowd boos as it is clear that they are going to miss a match. However, uncaring, he raises the microphone to his face.)

Gabrielle: You see, this is what happens when miscreants and weasels take charge of the federation. They are unable to control the athletes on their roster. This terrible and . . . pathetic breakdown is inappropriate. That is why I have unearthed the original BRA charter � as signed by former CEO van Driesal and Arch Angel. It says . . .

(As Gabrielle reaches into his robes, he withdraws a parchment, and holds it up, dramatically, for all to see.)

Gabrielle: It says that in the event that the CEO or the federation director is in abstentia, then the current wrestlers � under contract � have the opportunity to vote for a new federation director. Now, this brings me to Jessica and Mellisa.

(He stares at the two women, holding fast in the ring. The looks on their faces are telling as it is clear he has taken away their chance to compete in the ring, instead getting a bitter and sour victory � one merely handed to them. The look less than pleased and the crowd seems to vocalize what the two women are not saying.)

Gabrielle: So, dear ladies . . . I leave you with this thought: Are you willing to do what it takes to go to the top? Are you willing to get behind me and ride the fame and glory that BRA has to offer? Under my direction, I shall not forget who has helped me climb to the top. Also, when I make my triumphant return, I shall not forget who had snubbed me, either. These feathers that have fallen � do not let them be symbolic about your fall from grace. I have given you a win this evening � but not everything shall be so simple in the future. Ponder my words. But not for too long.

(The almost sinister sneering that comes from Celeste and Angelique is cut short as Gabrielle throws down his mic and turns, gesturing for them to open the curtains wide for his departure, exiting, amid the boos and jeers from the fans. However, Jessica and Mellisa take the opportunity to shrug off Gabrielle�s words and get past the evening�s let down. Instead they make their way to the audience and slap hands with the fans, giving hugs and basking in the excitement and cheers from those who adore them.)

Cari: I can�t help but think how such fake and arrogant twerps can bamboozle a bunch of people. Have you ever seen anything so cheap in all your life?

Kenny: Well, Tiffany Lane and Nina Larue are scheduled to-

Cari: Do not even finish that sentence!

(The camera fades out, showing promos of the upcoming match.)
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