
The arena is going crazy for the BRA Pay-Per-View. Row after row of fans on their feet all the way to the top of the arena. The camera pans across the wild and rowdy sea of humanity, taking a moment to stop on a few of the more interesting signs present in the crowd. The more entertaining ones say� "I came to hear Janus sing!", "My dog looks better than Tiffany Lane" and "PPV�People Pay Viper!" The camera comes to rest on Cari and Kenny.

Kenny: Howdy folks�up next do we ever have an interesting one.

Cari: This is my kind of match.

Kenny: Sasha and Patricia Flex, two women who don't get along all that well, will face Sakura Ito and Nina LaRue, two women with an interesting history. Four women who can't trust each other all in the ring at the same time.

Cari: That makes for interesting matches.

As "Problem Child" from AC/DC hits the speakers, Sasha the Dragon Lady walks towards the ring. Flanked by her bodyguard Brenda Busley, the tall blond woman struts and wanders towards the ring. She waves to the fans and sucks up their boos. Sasha is dressed in her black leather pants and blue velvet long sleeve shirt, the sleeves rolled up a but to show the Dragon's tail tattoo on her arms. She finishes the outfit with turquoise and yellow cowboy boots. Brenda wears black leather pants and a Hit Squad shirt. The large biker woman follows her boss, looking for possible problems in the stands. Sasha jumps up into the ring and has Brenda get her a microphone. Brenda gets one and hands it to Sasha. Sasha has her evil grin on her face. She seems calm and under control.

Sasha: Flexy, I'm so glad we can work together in this match. I'm looking forward to�

And just like that, Sasha's look changes to one of sneering anger. She looks around and seems to be collecting herself. All that can be seen in her eyes is rage.

Sasha: �owing you, once and for all, that you should look both ways before you cross Sasha!

Sasha seems to stop on the word. The smile comes right back to her face. She can't understand why the fans are booing her more than usual. And chanting "PSYCHO! PSYCHO! PSYCHO!"

Sasha: �was saying� I'm looking forward to gaining a victory with you as my partner!

Sasha hands the microphone back to Brenda and loosens up for the match.

Kenny: Ummm, Ok.

Cari: Can't these fans show some respect to the woman who put Skye Soaring Hawk through barbed wire and lightbulbs?

Kenny: I'm told we have Patricia Flex backstage�

Patricia: This is the biggest match of my BRA career to date. I cant trust my opponents, I can't trust my partner...but you know what? None of that matters. This show is about me, no one else. Tonight is the night I put on a show for all my fans, when I show them what Im made of. As all you good people out there can see, Im put together just great, and here it is time to show that arrogance pays, that greed pays, that beauty is all. Thank you so much.

Cari: And more disrespect to Sasha.

Kenny: That look on the Dragon Lady's face tells me her head isn't in the right place right now.

Cari: Her head is in the right place for kicking butt.

Kenny: But it could be Flex's butt she winds up kicking.

"West End Girls" By The Pet Shop Boys starts to play. Patrica Flex walks slowly towards the ring, clad in her favourite form-fitting blue leotard, wolf whistles from the crowd make it clear what they think of this girl. She enters the ring and gives a dismissive glance to Sasha. Sasha smiles back.

Cari: See, Sasha's under control again.

Kenny: Uh-huh.

The lights in the arena dim slightly, as, over the speakers, Queen's 'Don't Stop Me Now' begins to play. As the first slow stanza ends, and the music picks up, a burst of pyrotechnics brightens the ramp. Out of the fireworks jogs Sakura Ito, known also as 'Chibiyama' or the Little Mountain, closely followed by her manager, John Nanakami, as well as both Janus and Lightning Lindsey Locke, the other members of the Threesome. Sakura appears in prime shape, her thickly muscled body dressed in her standard ring garb, which consists of a strapless one-piece suit, with panels removed over the six-pack abdominals and chiseled muscles of the small of the back. The suit is coloured a bright white at the top and gradually shades off into a deep cherry-blossom pink by the bottom. Her well-muscled arms are bare, while her legs have pink kneesavers and short pink wrestling boots. John is dressed in a pair of black slacks and a grey sweatshirt, an airbrushed picture of a mountain peak and cherry blossoms scattering in the wind adorning the back. The pair make their way down to the ring, Sakura taking the time to clap hands with any willing fans. Sakura steps through the ring ropes, while John, Lindsey, and Janus takes a position in her corner. She hops up onto the second turnbuckle and flexes both of her arms, showing off impressive biceps, getting an audible pop from the fans, before flashing them a sign of three fingers up. Sakura stretches out in her corner, preparing for the match. Her demanor is especially intense this evening as she focuses mentally on her opponent.

Kenny: And here comes The Threesome�represented in this match by the powerhouse Sakura Ito. And of course she is managed by the venerable John Nanakami.

Cari: Team loser. Sakura, Janus and Lindsay�why? This is just a waste of TV time.

Kenny: And now we'll wait on Nina LaRue.

Suddenly, the crowd turns to the entrance way to see the figure of Nina LaRue. But Nina is not dressed for the match. Instead she is in street clothes and balancing herself on a pair of crutches. A voice comes over the loud speakers.

Ring announcer: Due to an injury, Nina LaRue will not be able to perform this evening. We're sorry for the inconvenience.

Sakura leans over the ropes to confer with John Nanakami. A few snippets of conversation that may be heard are:

John: You do not have to do this. This sounds like a trap . . .

Sakura: Iie, Nanakami-san . . . I *have* to do this! I will not back down!

John: If you wish to . . . then good luck . . . be careful, Sakura-chan!

Sakura: I will.

Sakura turns back around and faces her opponents as the ref signals for the bell and the start of the match. Meanwhile, Sasha and Flex are having a discussion over who'll start the match.

Kenny: What's going on here?

Cari: I guess we have a handicapped match�if Patricia or Sasha decide to get in the ring.

Finally Sasha enters the ring and slowly walks to the center. She looks Sakura in the eyes and sees something she doesn't like. Sakura has a very focused and almost zen like stare. Sasha walks back to her corner and�

Kenny: What's this?

Cari: Sasha just slapped Patricia in the face. And Sasha's getting out of the ring.

Kenny: I guess that was a tag.

Flex climbs into the ring and gives Sasha a very dirty look. But before anything can come of it, Sakura grabs Flex from behind and spins her around. When Flex faces her, Sakura drops her with a clothesline that almost takes her head off. Flex goes down to the mat, but Sakura moves in quickly and stands her back up.

Cari: See that! Never, ever take your eyes off your opponent.

Kenny: Sasha may as well be her opponent.

Outside the ring, Nina is shouting encouragement for Sakura. Sakura has Flex by the hair. She spins Flex and slams her down with a fast Belly to belly suplex. Flex rolls around on the mat, clearly in some trouble. Sasha is practically ignoring the match.

Kenny: Patricia Flex in a bad way early.

Cari: No wonder Sasha's bored.

Flex pulls herself back up, but Sakura is on her immediately sending boxing style shots into her midsection and belly. Flex winces and recoils with each blow. She id doubled over and screeching in pain.

Cari: And a body shot to the left�and a shot to the right�Flex better get her guard up, this is going to hurt her in later rounds.

Kenny: Ahem!

Cari: I was just getting caught up in the moment.

Sakura sends Flex to the ropes and attempts a clothesline, but Flex uses every ounce of strength she has left to duck her. Flex jumps towards the corner to make a tag, but Sasha jumps down from the ring apron. Flex tags nothing but the corner and bounces back out.

Cari: Sasha musta' slipped.

Kenny: Yeah right.

As Flex comes out of the ring corner, Sakura grabs her and executes a Cyclone Suplex. The move sends Flex hard to the mat. Sasha jumps back up on the ring aporn and looks around like nothing's happened.

Kenny: What a fantastic move!

Cari: Yeah! Smart move by Sasha to get away from the tag.

Kenny: I was talking about the Cyclone Suplex.

Cari: Are you still here?

Nina continues to shout encouragement to Sakura on the outside. Sakura moves in on Flex, but Patricia uses her wits to send a low blow to Sakura that takes Sakura off guard. Sakura doubles over and Flex uses her last strength to hit Sakura with a DDT. Both women lay on the mat.

Cari: And now both women are down.

Kenny: Nina trying to rally Sakura�did I really just say that?

Cari: Shut up!

Flex is able to get herself up and she reaches down and pulls Sakura to her feet. She positions the Japanese superstar and hits her with a side Russian leg sweep.

Kenny: Flex catching a second win in this match right now.

As Sakura struggles back to her feet, Flex slingshots off the ropes. But as Flex contacts the ropes, Sasha slaps her back and starts to enter the ring. The slap catches her off guard. She turns and faces Sasha. The ref splits the two of them up and makes Flex get out of the ring.

Kenny: What was that?

Cari: A legal tag.

Kenny: Uh-huh.

Sasha enters the ring and picks Sakura up. She grabs the Japanese girl around the neck and hits her with a Bulldog. As Sakura lies motionless on the mat, Sasha saunters back to her corner and slaps Flex in the face. As Flex looks at her dumbfounded, Sasha exits the ring.

Cari: Did I mention how much I like Sasha?

Kenny: Flex looks like she doesn't too much.

Flex slaps Sasha and starts to exit the ring. Sasha gets in the ring and grabs Flex. The two women start to exchange blows in the corner. The ref is trying to get between them.

Kenny: Teams that fight this much only win 5% of their matches.

Cari: Oh just stop it!

All of this is giving Sakura plenty of time to get back to her feet. She slowly moves to where the two are fighting, grabs them both by the hair, and rams their heads together. Both of them go down hard. Sakura picks Sasha back up and delivers a Japanese Ocean Suplex. Sasha connects with the mat hard and rolls out of the ring. Brenda hurries over and helps her up.

Kenny: See. 5% of the time.

Cari: Match isn't over yet.

Sakura snaps up Flex and hits her with a sit out powerbomb. Sakura goes for the pin, and gets two before she gets off Flex. Out of the corner of her eye she sees�

Kenny: Oh my! Nina LaRue just hit John Nanakami with her crutch.

Cari: John was paying close attention to the mat and didn't see the sneak attack from Nina LaRue.

As Nina stands over the stunned John, Sakura dives out of the ring and comes to the aid of her manager. Her Threesome allies are quick to her side. Nina takes off for the back. Sakura starts to pursue her, but hears a bell.

Kenny: What was that?

Cari: I don't know.

In the ring, Flex is slowly getting back to her feet. The ref holds her arm up�signaling a win by countout. Sasha rolls into the ring and grabs Flex from behind.

Cari: Sasha no doubt here to congratulate her partner.

Kenny: Think again.

Sasha scoops Flex up and hits her with a jackhammer she calls "The Dragon Driver." Flex lies motionless while Sasha and Brenda leave the arena.

Kenny: Of all the�

Cari: That'll show Flex to mess with the Hit Squad.

On the other side of the ring, Sakura and the Threesome steady John and help him out of the arena while the ref helps Patricia to her feet and out of the arena.

Winners : Sasha and Patricia Flex by countout.
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