logoThirtysomething vs Simply Destructive

(The image re-appears on the Television screens. Thousands of screaming fans are waving signs and screaming at the top of their lungs. As the camera�s pan around, giving a few fans a part of their 15 minutes of fame, the announcers prepare themselves for the next match up.)

Ken: "Welcome back fans! The Battling Ring Angels Tag Team Titles are up for grabs in our next match!"

Cari: "It�s the whore and Betty Crocker wanna-be Piggy Christian vs the powerhouse Gina Moore and the lovely, talented, Alexandria Parker. Who by the way is a 2 time BRATT title holder."

Ken:: "You mean full time BRAT!"

Cari: "Heathen! You are just jealous because of another member of the S.O.S is about to win a yet another title."

Ken:: "Alex has had her moments, but she�s in the ring with a new partner against Peggy and Samantha, who have proven to be an excellent team."

Cari: "Well, Alex is a well established wrestler. Winning numerous titles her in BRA. Gina has become a force to be reckoned with. Also, she hates Peggy, something that can drive anyone to greatness."

Ken:: "Well according to the stats, Peggy and Samantha have a 54% chance of winning the titles."

Cari: "Stats mean nothing! You can�t judge anything based on stats."

Ken:: "82% of fans voted you the number one announcer in wrestling today."

Cari: "God bless those stats!"

Ken:: "Of course, that was a vote to see who the fans would most like to see wrapped in duct tape."

Cari: "Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr"

(The scene shifts to the stage area of the arena. The lights dims to black as 'LiL' Kim performs Queen B*tch II for the live audience dawning a red wig and trench coat. A single spotlight shines on the rapper as she sings.)

Y'all know who y'all are
Wanna battle?
Better call an end to all that shit
You legit? Spit a bar
What? See I won the show
Got the illest flow..........

(The Angeltron comes to life, flashing in large silver letters, RICH BITCH.' Pictures of Alexandria Parker destroying opponents flash onto the screen, showing some of her greatest moves, concluding with a montage` of her flipping of the audience, scowling at 'fans', screaming at officials and smashing the infamous mirror over the head of an opponent. An explosion occurs from the back and fireworks are the next visual treat. Heat pours over the first few rows by the ramp. )

Finding loads of bank rolls in my underclothes
It's the original
And everybody know
I rock diamonds that's red, white and indigo
I'm undroppable, untoppable
You can't hold me down.......

(Posed in the middle of the entrance ramp is the Rich Bitch herself, Alexandria Parker. She wears black hot pants with silver, knee-high boots and a matching bra top. Standing next to her is the visual treat of Team Parker, Ms. Vanity. She wears a red form fitting mini dress with matching pumps. As Alexandria approaches the ring, she tosses her silky crimson locks to the side as she screams a series of obscenities at ring side fans, ever word quickly bleeped out by censors. Wolf whistles thunder through the arena as Miss. Vanity and Alexandria both enter the ring by bending under the second rope. Parker does a small pose in the ring before her light stretches.)

Cari: "The three time BRATT Champion! Only Alexandra would have Lil Kim herself come out and introduce her!"

Ken:: "Getting a little ahead of yourself, aren�t you. And Lil Kim goes where the money goes."

Cari: "Bah"

(The lights in the arena briefly turn off, and the music of Bruce Springsteen begins to sound from the speakers, "It's hard to be a saint in the city." All eyes turn to the entrance ramp, and they are not disappointed. The hard-bodied Gina Moore walks down with a sneer on her face, as the gruff singer from the New Jersey shore continues to spit out his poetic lyrics. A large contingent of fans cheer Gina on, but she just walks past, inciting them to cheer her even louder, like perhaps she just didn't hear them because they weren't loud enough. Solid and angular like a slab of granite, Gina is wearing a one-piece that is crimson all over, save for a bright yellow belt that cinches her waist. She wears black wrestling boots on her feet, and pads on her elbows and knees. )

Ken:: "Gina�s got a very serious look on her face. Her hatred, or jealously of Peggy is well known around BRA."

Cari: "Jealously? Of that tollhouse eating idiot?"

(The crowd cheers loudly, but Gina just frowns and continues to stare at her surroundings, quietly circling the ring area. Gina steps into the ring, and Alexandria pushes her back toward the corner, pointing. Gina looks down for a moment, her dirty blonde hair covering her face. Then her head snaps upward and she gives Alex a hard glare, as if a different person had emerged, pointing Alex toward the corner. The two continue to argue, until finally with a dark look on her face, Gina reluctantly steps through the ropes. She grabs a microphone. )

Gina: "Peggy Christian! Samantha Staffer! The Divine Alexandria Parker has decided that for the time being, you'll be spared my presence, but prepare yourselves, old ladies. Get ready to get demolished! Because no power can stop me, no force can contain me, nobody can escape my grasp. That's right, you'll find out what everyone already knows. I have it all... and Moore"

Ken:: " I guess Alex is starting for Simply Destructive?"

Cari: "It�s insulting that Alex and Gina were forced to come to the ring first."

Ken:: "ThirtySomething should have been given the belts. Technically they won the match against the Tag Champs. Regardless they�ve earned the right to come out second."

Cari: "They haven�t earned anything!"

Ken:: "They have the respect of the fans, and sometimes that�s more than enough."

Cari: "Fans? Bah! These idiots would cheer for anybody."

Ken:: "Except you."

(The lights dim and the Angeltron explodes to life with the words "Cathouse presents Thirtysomething" in bold bright letters before showing images from the teams last successful match. Tom Jones "What�s New Pussycat" blares over the speakers heralding the arrival of Samantha Staffer and Peggy Christian wearing identical black jackets with "Thirtysomething" written on the back of them. Leading the two wrestlers to the ring is "Sharpshooter" Shannon Rourke. She is dressed in an elegant mid length black dress and heels with a minimum of makeup on her handsome face. Her silky brown hair is in a bun and her penetrating green eyes shine as she leads Peggy and Samantha to the ring. After they enter the wrestlers remove their jackets revealing identical leopard print one-piece suits. Samantha wears her red hair in a single braid down her back and tall black boots. Peggy wears her hair loose and clear tights on her legs and white wrestling boots. They hand their jackets to Shannon as she pulls the two wrestlers together for a few last words before stepping from the ring. Peggy and Samantha hug each other for luck, before Peggy steps through the ropes.)

Ken:: "Looks like its� Alex vs. Samantha to start things off."

Cari: "David vs. Goliath you mean. Alex is 10 times the wrestler that Samantha is."

Ken:: "Ten times the ego, that�s for sure."

(Alex slowly saunters around the ring as Samantha comes to the middle. The "Rich Bitch" doesn�t seem to be in any hurry as Samantha starts to move in. Alex ducks under the ropes as Samantha moves in. Samantha stops as scowls as the ref moves in to stop her. Alex smiles, then frowns as the ref begins to count her out. She quickly ducks back into the ring cursing the zebra about his lineage. After a few moments Alex raises her hands to lock up with Samantha. Both women come together in the middle, testing each other�s strength. Alex quickly drives her knee up, smashing into Staffers midsection. She gasps, giving Alex enough time to put her in a headlock. Parker puts on the squeeze, cranking her arms around her trapped victim�s head. Samantha reacts by wrapping her arms around Alex�s waist. Alex cranks her arms again, causing Samantha to let out a small yelp. A twisted smile comes over Alex�s face as she lowers her arms, wrapping one of them around Samantha�s neck. On cue, Miss Vanity jumps up onto the ring apron, draping torso over the top rope. The ref turns and gawks for a moment, before moving over. Samantha�s arms wave back and forth as her face starts to turn red. Peggy screams from her corner, trying to get the ref�s attention, but Miss Vanity has seen to that. Alex drags Samantha over to her corner as Gina steps through the ropes.)

Ken:: "No Tag!"

Cari: "I�m sure I saw a tag."

( Gina raises her big arms and smashes them down across Samantha�s bent over back. Staffer slumps to the mat as Alex wipes her hands together and steps through the ropes. Gina grabs a handful of red hair and hauls Samantha up. She picks Staffer up and forcefully slams her down on the mat. The pretty redhead bounces on impact, clutching her back.)

(Miss Vanity finally steps off the ring apron as Shannon Rourke starts to come over. The ref turns and looks to see Gina setting Samantha up for another big body slam. He looks over at Alex, who slaps her hands together, claiming that a tag was made. He looks at Peggy who is shaking her head. Gina slams Samantha down and then turns to face Peggy. Gina poses, flexing her biceps at her older opponent. Peggy glares back, but stays out of the ring. Gina smirks and turns as Samantha is on her knees. Gina goes to grab her, but Sam, launches a punch into her midsection. The blow hits Gina�s hard abs, Moore laughs, before grabbing Samantha by the hair and hauling her up.)

Cari: "Did you see that? Gina just laughed off Samantha�s punch!"

Ken:: "Gina is a powerful wrestler, there is no doubt about that."

(Gina whips Samantha into the ropes before charging after her. Gina lifts her arm up, attempting to clothesline Staffer as she rebounds. Sam hits the ropes and bounces back in. Gina swings her mighty arm, but the red head ducks it and continues running across the ring. Gina turns and scowls, charging after her opponent. Sam hits the opposite ropes and bounces back. She leaps into the air, extending her legs forward, plowing them into Gina�s belly. This time Gina feels the blow and stumbles backwards, before falling to the mat. Samantha jumps up to her feet and grabs one of Gina�s legs. Staffer quickly lifts the leg up, before launching a series of quick kicks into Gina�s hamstring. Moore grunts, trying to pull her leg away. Samantha jumps forwards, pulling the leg with her, landing both knees�s across it. Gina lets out a roar of pain as Staffer slams into her limb. Sam rises to her feet, maintaining a grip on Gina�s leg and pulls her closer to her partner. Peggy reaches out her arm and tags in. She quickly steps through the ropes before jumping up in the air, she pulls her legs out in front of her and drops a meaty thigh across Gina�s chest.)

Ken:: "Good teamwork by Thirtysomething."

Cari: "Bah, it�s easy to hit a leg drop"

( Peggy pushes herself up as Gina clutches her chest. There is a snarl on Peg�s face as she picks Gina up off the mat and scoops her up.)

Peggy: "Let�s see how you like it!"

(Peggy then slams Gina down into the mat. Moore bounces up on impact before rolling onto her back. Peggy quickly falls across Gina�s chest, hooking the leg. The ref drops for a pin, but Gina kicks out with authority, pushing Peggy off of her.)

Cari: "It�s going to take Moore than that�get it?"

Ken:: "Groan�"

(Peggy lifts Gina up and puts her in a side headlock. Christian is all smiles as she cranks on the pressure. She begins to walk Gina around the ring, stomping her feet with each step. Gina wraps her arms around Peggy�s midsection and with a yell, she lifts Peggy up in the air. Christian has a startled look on her face, it quickly changes to one of pain as Gina drops her forwards. Moore places her knee directly between Peggy�s legs, dropping her down on top of it.)

Cari: "Atomic Drop!"

Ken:: "Ouch!"

( Peggy yelps, bouncing off Gina�s knee and stumbling away. Moore rises to her feet and charges Peggy, dropping her with a short arm clothesline. Peggy hits the mat hard, Gina scowls at her and begins stomping down on her opponent with her big boots.)

Gina: "Beg for mercy, you overblown sow! Beg!"

(Gina has fire in her eyes as she relentlessly kicks the downed Peggy. Gina bends down after her assault and hauls the hurting Peggy up. Gina shoves Peggy into a corner and follows her in, ramming her shoulder into Peggy�s pliant midsection. Christian�s body is lifted up with each impact. Gina drives her shoulder in like a piston, repeating the move over and over. After about 7 impacts Gina takes a step back to observe her work. Peggy hangs in the corner, her arms over the top rope keeping her up. Gina steps forwards and wraps her strong arm around Peggy�s head. Moore then takes off across the ring, dragging Peggy along with her. At the halfway point, Gina leaps forwards. Peggy�s body is forced along with her and her head is driven down into the mat.)

Ken:: "Big Bulldog! Gina really planted Peggy with that one!"

(Gina doesn�t bother with the pin and pulls Peggy towards her partner. Gina reaches out her hand to tag, but Alex simply smiles.)

Alex: "You�re doing fine, keep pummeling the cow."

(Gina glares at her partner and then turns her attention back to Peggy. Gina lifts Peggy up and scoops her into a fireman�s carry. Showing off her strength, Gina takes a few running steps before jumping into the air.)

Cari: "HUGE Powerslam!"

Ken:: "The whole ring shook with that impact!"

(Peggy is slammed into the mat with Gina�s weight on top of her. Moore hooks the leg for the pin. The ref drops to the mat and slaps his hand down twice, before Peggy lifts her shoulder up.)

Gina: "Fine! Prepare to be Demolished!"

(Gina rises to her feet and pulls Peggy up by her hair. Moore whips Peg into the ropes. Christian hits the strands and quickly wraps her arms around the top rope. Gina snarls as Peggy stops her momentum. Moore charges in as Peggy hangs on the ropes. As Gina moves in, Peggy uses the ropes to lifts her feet up. She smacks them into Gina�s chest, knocking the big wrestler backwards. Peggy snarls and charges at Gina. Christian jumps forwards, driving her shoulder into Gina�s belly.)

Ken:: "What a spear!"

( Peggy drives Gina down into the mat, stunning the big blonde. Peggy quickly leans up and fires a punch into Gina�s chest.)

Peggy: "Take that you bitch!"

Ken:: "Wow! Peggy must really hate Gina, I�ve never seen her so enraged."

Cari: "Gina must have taKen: her cookies away."

(Peggy fires a punch into Gina�s face, before the ref warns her about the closed fist. Peggy glares at the ref, and then rises to her feet, pulling Gina with her. Peggy slaps on a side headlock and then jumps backwards.)

Cari: "DDT!? From Peggy?"

(Gina�s head is driven into the mat, she flops over onto her back as Peggy lies across her. The ref slaps his hand down twice. As he goes for the third, Alex�s boot slams into Peggy�s head, breaking the count."

Ken:: "What a cheap shot by Alex!"

Cari: (Simultaneously)"What a save by Alex"

(Peggy rolls away, clutching her head as Alex yells at Gina.)

Alex: "Do I have to do everything!"

(Gina scowls as she rises. Alex is forced back to her corner by the ref as Samantha yells about the infraction. Peggy is rising to her feet, holding her head as Gina moves in. Moore slams her elbow down across the back of Peggy�s head, dropping her to the mat. Gina then straddles Peggy, before squatting down on her back. Gina reaches forwards and pulls Peggy�s arms back, resting them across her thighs. Moore then wraps her hands around Peggy�s chin, pulling her head backwards.)

Ken:: "Camel Clutch!"

Cari: "Squeal Piggy, squeal!"

(Peggy lets out a scream as Gina bends her neck back. The ref asks if Peggy wants to quit, but she yells no, causing the fans to cheer. Alex turns and yells at some ringside fans, before ducking a few drink cups. Gina leans back, pulling Peggy�s torso with her. Christian�s spine is being viciously bent and Gina is loving every minute of it.)

Gina: "Scream you cow, let me hear you scream!"

Ken:: "Ok, Gina�s gotta work on her anger."

(Again the ref asks for Peggy�s submission, but the battling housewife refuses to give. Samantha yells encouragement from her corner, as Shannon does the same. Gina leans forwards and then back, rocking herself on top of Peggy. Christian screams out in pain as Gina smiles, pleased to hear her enemy�s cries. Gina enjoys the moment too much, causing Peggy to pull one arm free. Alex curses at Gina for being stupid as the clutch is broKen:. Gina lets Peggy flop to the mat, before glaring back at her partner. Alex averts her eyes from the cold stare of Moore as Gina lifts Peggy up. Gina whips Peggy into her corner and then moves in. Alex gives a fake friendly smile and then yelps as Gina slaps her hand down across Alex�s shoulder with a smack.)

Alex: "Ouch!"

Cari: "Careful with those tags Gina!"

Ken:: "I think she meant for that to hurt a little."

(Alex grumbles as she steps through the ropes. Gina grabs one of Peggy�s arms and Alex does the same. Both of them pull Peggy out of the corner, and then slam her back in. Peggy hits the turnbuckles hard before Simply Destructive repeats the move. The ref starts to call for the break, but Staffer has seen enough. The crowd cheers as she comes running across the ring. She leaps into the air, nailing Gina in the back with a dropkick. Moore is sent flying through into the ropes and falls through them to the floor. Alex turns in surprise as Sam leaps up to her feet. Alex throws a punch that Sam blocks. Staffer then kicks her boot up, slamming into Parker�s midsection. Alex gasps, bending forwards. Sam quickly grabs her by the head and turns, dropping to her butt.)

Ken:: "Stunner!"

Cari: "Boo! Get her outta there! She�s not the legal wrestler!"

( The ref forces Samantha back as Alex lies on the mat clutching her chin. Peggy look up through her sweat soaked eyes and sees Alex lying on the mat in front of her. Reacting as quickly as she can, Peggy steps back, climbing up into the second turnbuckle.)

Cari: "oh no!! Wait a minute!"

Ken:: "Incoming!"

(The crowd rises to its feet as Peggy jumps off the turnbuckles. Alex looks up in horror as Peggy splashes down across her. Samantha is still being forced back to her corner and she quickly steps through the ropes and points across the ring. The ref turns and sees the pin and runs over. He quickly jumps to the mat, slapping his hand down once. As he lifts it for a second count, Miss Vanity reacts. She reaches into the ring and pulls Alex�s foot on the ropes. The ref slaps his hand down for the second time while Vanity waves her arms in the air, trying to get his attention. As the ref goes for the third count, he sees the foot on the ropes.)

Ken:: "Miss Vanity just saved the match for Alex!"

Cari: "Shannon does not look pleased with Alex�s valet."

( Rourke comes over and grabs Vanity by the hair. Shannon starts to pull the screaming valet away as Gina grabs a chair. Inside the ring, Peggy is looking around, wondering why the third count didn�t happen. She sees the foot on the ropes and curses herself for not hooking the leg.)

Ken:: "Look out!"


(Outside the ring, Gina slams the chair down across Shannon�s head, dropping her to the mat. Vanity scurries away as Gina smashes the chair down again, denting it across Shannon�s skull. Dropping the chair, Gina picks Shannon up and lifts her in a gorilla press position. In a show of pure cruelty, Gina steps towards the guardrail, before slamming Shannon down across hit. Rourke�s back arch�s violently on impact and she flops to the ground twitching.)

Ken:: "My GOD! There was no need for that! Shannon�s going to need medical attention!"

Cari: "She�s going to need a chiropractor after than blow."

(Gina spits on Shannon before walking away. Immediately some EMT�s rush to tend on Shannon.)

(Inside the ring, Peggy and Samantha are oblivious to what has happened to their manager. Peggy has pulled Alex up and dragged her over to Samantha. Tagging in, Staffer grabs Alex by the arm and whips her into the ropes. Parker rebounds in and Samantha grabs her, lifting and spinning her, before dropping to one knee.)

Ken:: "Twilt-O-Whirl backbreaker!"

(Alex screams on impact as Samantha drops down across her outstretched knee. Staffer shoves Alex off her knee and drops across her for the pin. Samantha hooks the leg, but Alex is able to kick out at the two count. Samantha looks at the ref and holds three fingers up, but he shakes his head and holds up two. Staffer lifts Alex up by her arm and steps behind her. Placing her leg around Alex�s Samantha pulls Alex to the side, before wrapping her arm around Alex�s shoulder.)

Ken:: "Abdominal stretch!"

(Alex yelps in pain, as Samantha locks in the submission hold. The ref asks Alex if she wants to give, but she shakes her head no. Miss Vanity goes to work and jumps up onto the ring apron. The ref ignores her, and asks Alex for her submission. Vanity is shocked and goes into overdrive. She leans her torso over the rope, shaking what modern science has given her. The boys of "I TAPPA KEGGA" scream and cheer, but the ref keeps his focus. Peggy however has seen enough and walks along the ring apron. Vanity sees her coming at the last moment and tries to run away. Peggy grabs a handful of hair and pulls the screaming woman off the apron. Peggy goes to shove Vanity into the guardrail but stops as she sees her downed friend Shannon being taKen: away by EMT�s.. She looks over at Gina who holds a dented chair in her hand and has a twisted smile on her face. Peggy�s blood hits the boiling point and she charges towards Gina. Moore turns as Peggy slams into her, both women tumble to the mat, screaming, punching and kicking.)

Ken:: "We�ve got a brawl on the outside!"

(Inside the ring, Alex has tears streaming down her face, her body in agony as Samantha maintains the hold. The ref asks again for Parker�s submission, but to her credit she refuses, her arm reaching for the ropes. Back outside the ring, Miss Vanity has crawled under the ring as Gina and Peggy are exchanging punches. Gina is getting the better of the fray, but Peggy is not giving up and continues to try to hurt her foe. Gina gains the advantage and drives her knee up between Peggy�s thighs. The older grappler yelps, bending forward at the waist. Gina moves in, trapping Peggy�s head between her thighs. Gina then wraps her arms around Peggy�s waist. Miss Vanity appears from under the ring, carrying a large mirror. Gina goes to lift Peggy up for a piledriver, she grunts, but then screams as Peggy lifts her up and over with a back drop. Gina hits the floor hard, clutching her back. Peggy turns and glares at Miss Vanity as she holds the infamous mirror that has ended many a match for Alex. Vanity yelps and runs away as Peggy chases after her. Gina rolls to her knee�s and pulls herself up. She scans the area and sees Vanity running away from Peggy. Gina looks up into the ring and sees Alex�s head slowly starting to nod off. )

Ken:: "Alex has been in that hold for a long time, she can�t hold out forever!"

Cari: "Sure she can , she�s Sisterhood, they never quit, never surrender, never wear white after Labor day."

(Gina slides under the ropes and charges across the ring. She nails Samantha in the back of the head, breaking the hold. Alex flops to the mat, clutching her midsection as Samantha holds the back of her head. Gina gets a few more kicks in on Staffer before the ref starts to force her back to the corner.)

Gina: "Come on Parker! Do I have to do everything!?"

(Samantha rises to her feet first. She glares across the ring at the taunting Moore before grabbing Alex by the arm. Sam whips Parker across the ring and waits. Alex hits the ropes and rebounds in. Samantha goes for a clothesline, but Alex leaps into the air, spinning her foot around. )

Cari: "Spinning Heel kick! Right to the chin!"

(Alex�s boot slams into Samantha�s head, knocking her to the mat. Alex pushes herself up and quickly grabs Samantha by the hair, she pulls Staffer up and wraps her arm around Samantha�s head and places her leg around Sam�s right leg. Alex then leans forward and then quickly falls backwards.)

Ken:: "Side Russian Legsweep! Nice move by Alex."

Cari: "Hummmpff! You sound surprised."

Ken:: "Alex is a tremendous wrestler, with amazing talent. Too bad she�s a cheat."

(Outside the ring, Peggy has given up chasing the faster Miss Vanity and returned to her corner. She watches as Alex goes for the pin, but Sam kicks out at the two count. Alex pulls Samantha up by the hair and whips her into the corner. Sam hits the turnbuckles and flops down to the mat. Alex smirks and raises her hands in the air.)

Cari: "Bronco Buster coming up!"

(Alex runs towards the corner and leaps into the air. The smirk on her face changes to shock and pain as Samantha lifts her leg up. Alex impales herself and then bounces back, flopping on the mat.)

Ken:: "Ewwwww, That�s gotta hurt!"

(Peggy cheers from the corner as Gina yells at her downed partner. Samantha forces herself up and runs over to tag Peggy into the match. Christian steps in and races over to the downed Alex. Peggy grabs Alex by the legs and flips her over into a Boston Crab. Alex screams in pain as the heavier Peggy squats on her back, pulling her body into a twisted U.)

Cari: "Ouch!"

Ken:: "Alex is in serious trouble here! The Crab is hard to break when you�re opponent is heavier."

Cari: "And nobody�s heavier than Piggy!"

(The ref asks Alex for her submission, but she just screams and reaches her arms towards the ropes. Alex�s hands are inches away from the strands as Peggy pulls back on her legs even more. Samantha watches Gina closely as Moore looks across the ring, deciding what to do. Miss Vanity places the mirror at ringside and jumps up onto the apron again. The ref looks at her but knows what she is trying to do. Vanity pouts and then the light bulb goes off.)

Ken:: "WhoaH!!! This is an all ages PPV!!!"

Cari: "It worked."

(The ref�s eyes nearly pop out of his head as Miss Vanity shows no scruples and all skin for a brief moment. The ref shakes his head and moves toward the ring apron. Gina springs into action and steps through the ropes. Samantha reacts as well and all four grapplers are in the ring. Gina goes to break up the crab hold, but Samantha cuts her off. Gina fires a solid punch at Samantha who dodges it and launches a kick of her own. The ref turns and moves towards Sam and Gina, yelling at them to get back to their corners. Vanity quickly steps between the ropes and with a bottle of L�Eau Du Parker, sprays the liquid into Peggy�s eyes. Christian screams in pain and releases the hold to clutch her face. Miss Vanity quickly ducks back under the ropes as Peggy stumbles around the ring.)

Ken:: "What a cheap move! Vanity just sprayed Peggy in the face with perfume!"

Cari: "And she�s never smelt better."

(Alex crawls to the ropes to help her up as Peggy staggers blindly around the ring. Samantha screams for Peggy to tag her, but the crowd noise makes it impossible to Peg to hear her. Alex pulls herself up and stumbles over to tag in Gina. Moore steps between the ropes and is all smiles as Peggy is still trying to wipe the expensive mist from her face. Gina steps in front of Peggy and kicks her boot up into Peg�s midsection. Peggy doubles over and Gina quickly steps forward. She wraps her arms around Pegs belly and with a grunt lifts her opponent into the air. Gina hoists Peggy up all the way, before slamming her back down to the mat.)

Cari: "Huge Powerbomb!"

(Peggy is smashed into the mat, she bounces up and lies spread-eagled on the mat. Gina holds her arms high in the air and screams out.)

Gina: "One Moore time!"

(Some of the crowd cheer, other�s boo as Gina hoists Peggy into position for another Powerbomb. As she lifts Peggy up, Christian reaches her hands forwards, grabbing Gina around the head, the sudden shift in weight causes Gina to stumble backwards, she falls with Peggy sitting across her chest.)

Cari: "Oh no! She�s been pancake�s!�

Ken:: "Great reversal by Peggy! She could have her here!"

(The ref drops for the count, his hand slaps down once. Alex vaults over the ropes and charges over to break the hold. Samantha steps between the ropes and goes to stop her. Alex arrives first, kicking Peggy in the back of the head with a roundhouse kick. Samantha charges into Alex, knocking her down with a dropkick. Alex goes tumbling across the ring as Samantha pulls Peggy up by her arm and leads the partially blinded wrestler to her corner. Alex jumps to her feet and goes to attack Samantha but the ref blocks her and starts to force her back to her corner. Gina starts to rise and looks up to see Miss Vanity passing her the mirror. A twisted smile comes over Gina�s face as she grabs the mirror. The ref looks over his shoulder to see Peggy stepping through the ropes as Samantha becomes the legal man. Alex sees Gina with the mirror and yells at the ref, getting his attention. Gina raises the mirror high as Samantha turns. Alex grabs the ref and pulls him into her ample cleavage as she glass shatters across Samantha�s head. Staffer remains standing for a moment, blood tickling down her forehead, before falling over like a felled tree.)

Ken:: "Oh my GOD!!! Samantha is split like a melon!"

Cari: "And the ref didn�t see a thing!"

( Gina grabs Samantha by her blood soaked hair and drags her away from the broKen: glass.)

Ken:: "Samantha is dead weight in Gina�s hands!"

Cari: "And Peggy still can�t see properly!"

(Gina lifts Samantha across her shoulders in a torture rack. The ref pulls himself free of Alex�s orbs and yells at her to get out of the ring. Alex complies with a twisted smirk on her face. The ref turns to see Gina holding Samantha in a Torture Rack, blood pouring down the pretty red heads face. As the ref goes to check on Samantha, Gina cruelly delivers the coup de grace. Jumping up and falling to her side, Gina drives Samantha�s unconscious head into the mat.)

Cari: "Demolisher! That�s it baby!"

Ken:: "What a disgrace!"

(Gina doesn�t ever bother hooking the leg as the ref counts the three count. Peggy squints her eyes, finally getting some clear vision back as she hears the bell.)


( Gina rises to her feet, and places one foot across Samantha�s bloodied head. Moore raises her arms in the air as the belts are handed to the ref. Alex steps through the ropes and grabs one of the belts and then slides out of the ring. She seems a bit upset she didn�t get to use the mirror herself, but then winces as the pain in her back reminds her of what might have been. Miss Vanity assist�s her employer as Gina holds her belt high in the air. Peggy runs into the ring to check on her partner as Gina scoffs at her.)

Gina: "You are pathetic Christian! I�m a champion and you are a loser!"

(Gina walks away to the boo�s of the crowd as the EMT�s rush into the ring. Peggy glares with cold hatred at Gina and then tends to her fallen partner.)

Ken:: "That was an outrage!"

Cari: "Yeah, Alex swings a much better mirror."

Ken:: "Samantha and Peggy were robbed! They had that match on a number of occasions. If it wasn�t for the underhanded tactics of Gina and the interference of Miss Vanity, they would have won this match."

Cari: "Shoulda, woulda , coulda, didn�t! Simply Destructive are the BRATT Champions. End of story!"

Ken:: "I don�t think Peggy�s going to take this very well. Gina crossed the line and somebody�s going to make her pay for it."

Cari: "Not today, today Alex and Gina are the champions."

Winners: *By cheat, crook, breasts and glass - Simply Destructive.*
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