logoLaura Parker vs. Veronica Millions vs. Angel Dust

(The tv is showing recent highlights of matches by Laura, Veronica and Angel Dust. Each look impressive during their recent matches. The camera switches to the ring where we see Veronica Millions already in it.)

Kenny: This next match promises to be a thriller. A three-way match for the featherweight title.

Cari: Laura Parker will win this without breaking into a sweat.

Kenny: I don't know about that Her two Veronica Millions and Angel Dust are good wrestlers.

Cari: Hah! Angel Dust has yet to win a match and Laura already beat Millions to win the title the last time.

Kenny: Well, that may be true but Laura hasn't looked too impressive in her last few matches. She has lost all of them including a title belt defense to Shea London and the Charity match to Lindsey Locke.

Cari: Both those matches were tainted. Laura was Dqed against Shea London so she kept the belt. She shouldn't have been Dqed at all. She had the match with Lindsey Locke won until Alexandria Parker accidentally tapped the mat.

Kenny: Excuses, excuses.

Cari: Here comes Laura now.

(The lights go down on the arena. Duran Duran's "Girls on film" begins to play through the speakers. A spot light picks up Laura Parker. She wears a strapless floor length, Alexandria Parker original, gown. Her hair is worn up in a twist with a tiara in it. She is accompanied by her agent William Wienersnitzel. Laura smiles to the crowd with that perfect beauty queen smile of hers, the spotlight reflects in little gleams off her teeth. She bounces along with the time of the music to the ring. She walks up to the ring and enters it alone. She walks around the ring posing and waving to the fans very much the Beauty Queen. Willie removes the tiara from Laura's hair. Willie unzips her dress and removes it to reveal her wrestling costume. She wears a white bikini top with matching white spandex pants. The white of her costume shows off her perfectly tanned body. She completes the ensemble with white knee high wrestling boots and white elbow pads. There are silver threads in each so that they reflect the lights of the arena. )

Cari: Now that is the way to make an entrance.

Kenny: I have to admit that she does look good in the ring. Now lets see if she can wrestle well. Here comes Angel Dust.

(Angel comes to the ring all depressed looking, she then slides in the ring then sits in the corner waiting for the match to begin )

Kenny: Angel looks all depressed. I wonder what's bothering her.

Cari: Probably the thought of losing badly to Laura Parker.

(The ref brings all three wrestlers into the center of the ring. As he is explaining the rules to the wrestlers, Angel grabs Laura's right arm as Veronica grabs her left. They whip Laura into the ropes and on the rebound they send Laura high into the air with a double back drop. Laura hits the mat hard on her back. The ref signals for the bell to start the match.)

Kenny: Angel and Veronica didn't' wait long to get things started.

Cari: That was before the bell. I call that cheating.

(Veronica goes to high five Angel Dust but is met by a kick to the stomach that brings a groan from Veronica as she doubles over. Angel forces Veronica's head between her thighs and lifts her up for a power bomb. Veronica's legs are on Angel's shoulders as Angel moves a few steps dropping Veronica in a power bomb that lands right on top of Laura. Angel gets to her feet quickly and dives on top of Laura and Veronica. The ref drops to the mat and slaps it once before Laura and Veronica both power out of it.)

Cari: A rookie mistake there. It is way too early in the match to go for a pin.

Kenny: Angel is dominating this early part of the match. She might have been able to sneak a pin in there.

Cari: She also needs to only pin one of her opponents.

(Angel is first on her feet followed by Veronica. Laura rolls to the ropes and grabs them. Angel goes to Laura and grabs her by the feet. Laura holds onto the ropes and Angel pulls, forcing Laura into the air as she holds onto the ropes. With a mighty tug, Angel gets Laura to release the ropes and Laura hits the mat hard. Angel smiles and Begins to wrap Laura into a figure four leg lock. Veronica leaps into the air and sends Angel crashing to the mat with a drop kick. Laura takes the opportunity to roll out of the ring.)

Cari: Smart move by Laura, she needs to get her strategy down.

Kenny: The ref is calling for Laura to get back into the ring but he is not counting her out.

Cari: That is one of the strange things about three-way matches there must be a pin or submission by one of the wrestlers but I don't know if any of them can be Dqed.

Kenny: I'm not sure either, The ref has turned hisattention back to the ring where Veronica and Angel are both on their feet exchanging punches.

Cari: Even the cruiser weights in BRA have a lot of strength as each wrestler is hammering away on the other.

Kenny: Neither one is going down. But they are both being rocked by these hard rights.

(Veronica scores with an uppercut that catches Angel on the jaw. Angel is staggered by the blow. Veronica continues to rain punches on Angel as Angel drops her arms to her side and falls into the corner. Angel slides down the roes and is sitting in the corner. Veronica moves in to deliver a few kicks. Veronica staggers backward, her mouth forming a perfect O as her hands got to her crotch.)

Kenny: Low blow by Angel Dust!

Cari: Are you sure? I think Veronica is faking it.

(The ref gives Angel a stern warning as Veronica slumps to her knees in the middle of the ring. Laura takes the opportunity to pull her self through the ropes and run across the ring, driving Veronica's head into the mat with a drop kick. Veronica's head bounces from the impact with the mat. Laura rolls her over and pins Veronica's shoulders to the mat with a school boy pin. Laura yells to the ref who turns and sees Veronica pinned to the mat. The ref drops to the mat and slaps it twice before Angel knocks Laura off Veronica with a shoulder block. Angel runs to the ropes springing off the second rope with a frog splash toward Veronica. Veronica sees it coming and at the last possible moment raise her knees. Angel's belly impacts on Veronica's knees. Angel remains impaled for a minute before rolling off. Laura brings Angel to her feet and puts Angel's head between her thighs. With a grunt Laura lifts Angel up and then brings her head crashing to the mat with a spike pile driver. Angel flops to the mat, unmoving. Laura rolls Angel over and pins her to the mat. Before the ref can even count to one, Veronica has forced Laura off Angel by means of a boot to the ribs. Laura lies on her side clutching her wounded ribs.)

Kenny: I think Angel is the more injured of her opponents but Veronica seems to be more interested in going after Laura.

Cari: Not a smart move by Veronica as she forces Laura to her feet.

Kenny: It may not be so dumb. Veronica has got Laura in a bear hug and it seems to be hurting the ribs that Veronica just kicked.

(Laura struggles to break the iron grip of Veronica's bearhug. Veronica grunts and lifts Laura off the mat keeping her in a bear hug. Veronica brings Laura's crotch down on her knee with an inverted atomic drop. Laura shrieks as she slowly slides off Veronica's knee. The ref cautions Veronica but she ignores him. She grabs Angel by the hair and slides her close to Laura. She grabs Laura's hair with her other hand and bangs their heads together. The heads meet with a sickening THUNK!!!. Veronica pulls the heads apart and brings them together again. Both Laura and Angel plead with Veronica to stop but their heads collide again, bringing cries from both of them. Veronica pulls the two heads apart again and looks to the crowd. Both wrestlers again plead with her not to do it again but the crowd is cheering her on. Veronica smiles at the crowd and jerks both heads. The crowd yells for another headbutt. Veronica's smile suddenly turns into a look of pain as she releases her two hostages. She slumps to her knees.)

Kenny: A low blow by Laura causes Veronica to break the hold.

Cari: Veronica shouldn't have been playing to the crowd. Both Laura and Angel are too dangerous to take your eyes off of them.

(The ref didn't see the low blow. He begins to berate Laura but she points at Angel. The ref goes to Angel and she points at Laura. The ref is not certain who to yell at. Both Laura and Angel sit on the mat holding their heads. Veronica lies on the mat ion the fetal position. Laura is the first to her feet and she begins to kick Veronica on the head and body. Veronica begins to roll on the mat in an attempt to avoid the booted feet of Laura. Angel gets to her feet and starts kicking Veronica. Veronica manages to roll to the ropes and grab the bottom one. Laura and Angel continue to assault Veronica with their feet. The ref manages to get between the two standing wrestlers and Veronica and force them away from her. Stepping back, Laura takes Angel to the mat with a Russian leg sweep. Laura is quickly on her feet and puts Angel in an arm lock. Laura forces Angel to her feet and then toward one of the corners. Laura climbs the turnbuckle to the top rope, She begins to do a tight rope walk along the top rope.)

Kenny: Oh ohh. This is one of Laura's signature moves, the Falling Star.

(Laura releases the armlock as she leaps off the rope, driving an elbow into the shoulder of Angel. Angel staggers back from the impact her right arm hanging painfully at her side. Laura grabs that arm and wrenches it around in a hammerlock. Angel screams and stomps on the mat from the pain of the hold. Laura increases the pressure by pulling up ward on the arm.)

Cari: Smart move by Laura, taking away the use of Angel's right arm.

(Veronica gets slowly to her feet and shakes the cobwebs out of her head. Laura sees Veronica standing near the ropes. She changes her hammerlock and whips Angel into Veronica. Both Angel and Veronica fall outside the ring and land on the concrete floor in a heap. Laura runs across the ring and gabs the top rope before springing over it in a suicide planca. She lands hard on both the wrestlers, Veronica on the bottom getting the worst of it. The ref yells for al the wrestlers to get into the ring.)

Kenny: What a move. I don't know if any of the wrestlers will be getting up after that.

Cari: Those high risk maneuvers don't always work out best for the person performing them.

Kenny: All three wrestlers are still on the concrete floor. The ref started counting but now he stopped.

Cari: We can't have al the wrestlers Dqed, although that would mean that Laura would keep the belt.

Kenny: I'm sure that has occurred to her.

(Laura gets slowly to her feet. She staggers around for a few steps trying to massage the pain from her limbs. She grabs Angel and throws her into the barricade. Angel hits hard and falls to the floor. Laura next grabs Veronica by the head and brings her to her feet. Laura places her in aside headlock and runs toward the steel steps.)


Kenny: OH MY! Laura has just rammed Veronica into those steel steps. I don't think Veronica can take much more of this.

Cari: Laura attempts it again!

Kenny: No! Veronica sticks a foot out and blocks it.

Cari: Laura tries it again and again Veronica blocks it.

Kenny: Veronica manages to reverse the hold and rams Laura into the steel steps, knocking the top step off the other two.

Cari:Veronica grabs Laura and rams her head into the ring apron.

Kenny: Veronica does it three more times before Laura is able to elbow Veronica in the stomach and get her to release the hold. Laura drives an elbow into Veronica's head which causes Veronica to stumble backward.

(Mean while Angel has gotten to her feet. She sees the two woozy wrestlers and runs toward them delivering a drop kick with one foot to the back of each wrestler. Laura and Veronica are driven hard into the steel barricade surrounding the ring side area. Laura hits hard with her head and lies still on the floor. Veronica hits it with her shoulder and manages to grab the barricade and keep from falling down. Angel grabs and whips her across the floor.)


Kenny: Watch out!

(Veronica hits the announcer's table and bounces off it. Kenny and Cari scramble out of the way of the wrestlers. Angel grabs Veronica by the head on climbs onto the table. She lifts Veronica up so that she is standing on the table. A kick t the gut doubles Veronica over. Angel farces Veronica's head between her thighs and then picks her up. The crowd goes crazy.)

Kenny: NO! She is trying to powerbomb Veronica through the table.

Cari: Something the crowd really wants to see.

Kenny: But this is not a hardcore match. Somebody should stop this.

Cari: Too late.

(The crowd goes wild as Angel and Veronica crash through the announcer's table, leaving it a pile of scrap wood and splinters. Both wrestlers lay in the wreckage of the table for a few minutes. There is a trickle of blood from Veronica's lip, whether from this or something earlier in the match no one is certain. Laura manages to get to her feet. She is glassy eyed and it doesn't seem that she knows where she is. Angel pushes Veronica out of the way and slowly gets to her feet. Veronica continues to lie on the floor.)

Kenny: I think Veronica is hurt! Someone call the EMTs.

Cari: The match is still going on.

(Angel takes a few minutes as Laura still stumbles around not knowing where she is. Angel goes to Laura and spins her around. Sending a punch to her belly that drives the air from Laura's lungs with an audible OOOFFF! Angel then drives a European uppercut into Laura's chin with sends her sprawling against the ring apron. The dark angel sends a kick into Laura's stomach which causes her to double over. She then positions Laura so that she is able to pile drive her onto the concrete floor. Laura hits hard and lies on the floor, unmoving.)

Cari: It looks like Angel Dust is really cleaning house.

Kenny: I don't think Laura will be getting up from that soon.

Cari: Angel tries to lift Laura and throw her into the ring. But the exertions of the match have really taken their toll on Angel.

Kenny: Well she has finally gotten to her feet. WHAT"S THIS?

Cari: Veronica has somehow survived the powerbomb through the table and has lunged at Angel.

Kenny: I can't believe the strength and resilience of Veronica.

Cari: Something happened. Veronica's knee buckled and she was only able to hit Angel with a weak punch to the kidneys.

Kenny: It is enough to cause her to let go of Laura, who falls to the ground like a rag doll.

Cari: Angel sees there is something wrong with Veronica's knee. She kicks her heel into it which causes Veronica to scream in agony.

Kenny: This is horrible! Angel continues to grind her heel into the injured knee of Veronica!

(Angel stops grinding her heel into Veronica's knee long enough to throw Veronica into the ring. The dark angel follows her in. Veronica attempts to stand but her knee gives out on her again and she kneels on the mat with one knee. Angel gets behind Veronica and nails her in the back of the head with a spinning heel kick that sends Veronica's head bouncing off the mat. She then grabs Veronica's legs and twists them so that Veronica is on her back. Angel smiles cruelly at Veronica as she wraps her legs in a figure four leg lock.)

Kenny: This is unbelievably cruel! Angel knows Veronica has a seriously injured knee and now she is hurting it more with this leg lock.

Cari: It is called playing to win. The wrestling ring is no place for mercy. If you know your opponent has an injury you take advantage of it.

(Angel locks in the figure four leg lock. Veronica struggles valiantly against it. When the ref first asks if she submits, she refuses. Soon tears of pain roll down her face as she taps out, Laura Parker has gotten to her feet and still doesn't look like she knows where she is.)

Ring Announcer: Ladies and Gentlemen! The winner and new BRA featherweight champion, ANGEL DUST.

(Now Laura knows where she is. She shrieks in anger and charges into the ring. Angel has raised the belt over her head and turns in time to get a kick to the belly from Laura. Laura places her in a front headlock and falls backward driving Angel's head into the mat with DDT. She then gets on top of the prone Angel and delivers a series of punches to her face while pulling her hair. The ref signals for the bell and tries to pry Laura off Angel. More referees come into the ring and separate Laura from Angel. Angel blows Laura a kiss as she leaves the ring. Laura is held by three refs as she screams at Angel.)

Laura: You didn't beat me! I'm still the champ. You have to pin me to get the title belt.

Kenny: Laura can't change the rules at the end of a match.

Cari: She does have a point though. Angel made Veronica submit, not Laura.

Kenny: The rules state that whoever gets the pin wins the belt.

(Laura is escorted from the arena by a ring of refs and security guards. Veronica attempts to get to her feet but her knee buckles again causing her to scream in agony. The EMTs help Veronica from the ring on a stretcher.)

The Winner and new Featherweight Champion: ANGEL DUST.

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