logoKayla Vandergriff vs. Samantha Page

[Fade in.] Garry: [frowning] I can't find my beer.

Sandra: We're on the air.

Garry: No beer, no work. Need beer! [looks under table]

Sandra: While Garry quests for the Holy Grail, we're ready for the next match. Kayla Vandergriff has been making quite a name for herself here at BRA. That name rhymes with "witch." This week, she faces off with Samantha Page. While new to BRA, Page is a seasoned wrestler. I think we're in for a treat. Let's go ringside!

Announcer: And now, ladies and gentlemen, I give you the final match of the evening. First, from parts unknown, standing at 5'6" and weighing in at 127 pounds - Kayla Vandrgriff, the Ab-Dominator!

[The Loud strains of Gothic Rock blare through the arena, and raise to an almost ear drum rupturing level and as the curtains are drawn back to reveal Kayla, the music suddenly stops. There is very little fanfare and no pyrotechnics. The rythmic sound of flesh slapping flesh sounds over the P.A. systerm until Kayle gets to the ring, It is obvious she is more than focused on the match, as she doesn't even seem to see or hear the fans cheering and jeering at her. Once to the ring, she rolls under the ropes and stands. She remaiins in her corner, but her hands never seems to stop moving or touching her skin as she stands there waiting for her opponant.]

Garry: Count Chocula's daughter is in the building!

Sandra: -Sssshhh!- She might here you.

Garry: Don't worry, I ate a lot of garlic during the commercial break.

Sandra: [wrinkles her nose] That's what that is?

Announcer: Her opponent for this event! From Los Angeles, standing at 5'11" and weighing in at 130 pounds - Samantha Page!

[Rage Against the Machine's "Know your enemy" blares as Samantha bursts into the arena, clad in a royal blue bikini and matching wrestling boots. She proudly struts down the aisle She bounds into the ring and begins to do her stretches.]

Sandra: Samantha Page - we should be honored to have her tonight.

Garry: Yeah, she had to postpone a lot of lap dances to be here.

[The bell rings.]

Sandra: The match starts, and Page it using her height/weight advantage in a lock up. She backs Kayla into the ropes - and punches Kayla in the stomach. Page backing off now, admiring her handiwork while Kayla composes herself.

Garry: Page would have brought a wooden stake to the match, if she was smart. The women are circling each other. Another lock up - Kayla must not be thinking today. Again, Page back her into the ropes and delivers a blow to the stomach. [yawns]

Sandra: Page executes a snapsmare! This looks to be a good match.

Garry: Right. Tell me if any clothing vanishes. [dozes off]

[Samantha sits behind Kayla and applies a bodyscissor hold. Kayla yelps as Samantha lifts the younger woman up and slams her against the mat over and over. Samantha is noticably enjoying herself.]

Samantha: Hey, little girl. Shouldn't you be home by now. Its getting late! [thumps Kayla against the mat again.]

Sandra: Page releases the hold and stands. Page takes Kayla's leg and drags her center ring and flips her over. Scorpion leglock! Kayla is frantically trying to claw her way out from under Page, but refusing to submit.

[Page smiles out the the cheering crowds, feeling Kayla struggle beneath her. For good measure, she twists Kayla's foot clockwise as far as it will go, and then yanks again for good measure. Kayla bellows in anger and pain.]

Sandra: Kayla reaches back and grabs a handful of hair, but Page isn't letting go. The referee makes Kayla release Page's hair, and Page gives another twist to Kayla's foot. Kayla is in agony. Page is standing and picking Kayla up like a ragdoll. Page is headed towards the corner.

[Samantha drapes Kayla's arms over the two top ropes, despite the woman's struggling. Samantha meets Kayla's resistance with a series of left and right hooks across the face, treating Kayla's head like a punching bag. Samantha's smile grows wider and her fists fly faster and harder. The referee tries to get Samantha to back out of the corner. She looks at him, looks at Kayla and smiles. She delivers a forearm smash into Kayla's face and backs away. Kayla pours down into the mat, a little bloodied and very dazed.]

Sandra: Kayla seems momentarily out to lunch - not a good place to be in with Samantha Page! Page picks her up and bodyslams the Gothic princess into the mat. She goes for a pin!



Sandra: Kayla bridges her body up! Kayla won't be put away that easy, but Page doesn't seem to mind. Page drives her elbow into Kayla's ribs! She goes for ANOTHER pin!


Tw- Kick out!

Sandra: No! Kayla won't allow it this soon! The little girl has a lot of spirit. Page stands and brings Kayla's leg with her. Page applies a legbar - Kayla kicks her free leg up into Page's head before she can apply the hold! Page releases Kayla.

[The first real hit on her, Samantha drops Kayla's leg and backs off instinctively. Kayla yanks hold of the ropes and pulls herself up. Page, realizing what's happened, merely smiles again and advances on Kayla.]

Sandra: Round heel kick into Page's throat! Kayla's fighting to be in this match! [Page falters, coughing from the kick] Kayla dropkicks Page! Page is on her back for the first time! Kayla wasting no time in jumping onto Page and showing her how a figure-four leglock is done! Now Page is flailing! Page manages to grab a rope!

[Kayla releases the hold before the referee can say anything. She stands and pulls Samantha from the ropes, then yanks and hurls Page into the center of the ring by the leg. In the process, Page's knee bends the wrong way. Samantha clutches her knee and rolls on the mat.]

Sandra: Page's knee! Kayla's careless toss might have injured it! The referee is trying to see to Page, but Kayla shoves him aside! What a horrible disrespect for another wrestler's well-being! Kayla takes the injured leg and kicks the back of the knee! Another kick! Kayla is taking advantage of this!

[With each kick to her knee, sending jolts up and down Page's leg. Samantha reaches towards Kayla, but each time, the sadistic Ab-Dominator kicks the knee one more time, and Samantha falls back on her back.]

Sandra: The referee is trying to get between Page and Kayla so to see the seriousness of the injury. Kayla drags Page up and puts her in a headlock. [Unseen to all, Kayla is also gouging and raking Samantha's eyes] Kayla goes for a bulldog, but Page's knee gives out and she falls to the mat! [During the fall, Samantha slips from the headlock and slams face first into the mat.] Kayla looks shocked and a bit angered by Page's inability to stand! Kayla again going for a headlock! [Again, accompanied with eye gouges] She starts to run, but Page falls again! [This time, Samantha catches herself before hitting her face into the mat.] This is sick!

[The referee again tries to get closer to Samantha to see to her, but Kayla places herself between them. Kayla puts Samantha in a camel clutch, but as the ref tries to speak, Kayla pulls her back further, or jerks her head around, so she can't get an answer out.]

Sandra: I don't know how Kayla sleeps with herself at night! Kayla's bored of the camel clutch. She pulls Page up. [Kayla is careful to whip Samantha, by the hair, away from the referee.] Irish whip - uh... sort of?

[Kayla whips Samantha into the ropes, but Samantha merely falls into the ropes after a few steps - her knee wobbling. Trying to push herself from the ropes, Samantha takes a dropkick to her back, slamming her right back into the ropes. Kayla jumps up and kicks the back of the knee once, then puts a well placed kick into Samantha's crotch.]

Sandra: The referee is momentarily distracted by Kayla's low blow and pulls her aside to chew her out. Kayla sees Page trying to get up - Kayla rushes her!

[Samantha holds onto the top rope, her right leg still wobbling, as Kayla jumps onto her back. Kayla loops her arms around Samantha's neck and brings her feet up and into Samantha's back. Throwing her weight back, she falls backwards and kicks up. Samantha flies back and lands face down on the mat. She does not stir. Kayla quickly stands and runs to her.]

Sandra: Well, Kayla's definately not out of the match anymore - for better or worse. Kayla kicks Samantha over and sits on her face. Kayla's punching Samantha's stomach as hard and fast as she can. She's softening her up for the Ab-Dominator! [Kayla applies a stomach claw] A bit of life in Page as she struggles, but I think she's losing consciousness under Kayla. Kayla stands.

[Kayla lifts Samantha by her hair and puts her in a face-to-face bearhug.]

Kayla: [sadistically] Time to flatten you, Sammy.

Sandra: Kayla says something - and it sparked Page's ire! Page open-palmed smacks Kayla in the side of the head!

Garry: She shoulda pinned her arms in that bearhug. Rookies.

Sandra: [startled] You're awake?!

Garry: I never really slept. Thought I'd be quiet - give you an early birthday gift.

[Kayla releases the bearhug and Page stands, although still a bit wobbly. Kayla kicks Samantha in the stomach, then pushes herself against the rope. She lifts and kicks Samantha under the chin in a single graceful motion. Samantha stumbles and falls backwards. Kayla is obviously re-assessing the situation and goes for an immediately grapevine pin. As she does, she smiles, staring Page in the eyes.]

Kayla: [pushing close to Page during the pin] "Ohh,h am I making you HOT, Samantha?



Th- Bridge!

Garry: I have to give Page some credit. Most wrestlers would have been trying to get out of the ring by now, with an aching knee like that.

Sandra: Kayla is getting nasty with a claw hold to Page!

[As Kayla scoots down and applies the hold, Samantha screams angrilly. She thrusts her legs up, and Kayla releases the claw hold in surprise. Samantha wraps her legs around Kayla's neck an tightens them. Then, despite the pain in her right knee, Samantha rolls around and sits up, placing herself on top of a confused Kayla.]




[The bell rings.]

Sandra: WONDERFUL! Page reverses the entire match in the last minute, and Kayla is still to stunned to do anything!

[The referee helps Samantha up as she is announced to be the winner. Kayla sits on the mat, still astonished by the last minute's happening. Samantha slowly limps from the ring, met in the aisle by medics.]

Garry: Well, Page looks to be able to walk better now. I guess she'll be pole dancing again in no time.

Sandra: Damn it, Garry. You were actually being nice there.

Garry: Don't worry. It won't happen next week. Next week, I'll be sure to be full of liquor.

Sandra: [frowns] You're full of something. Well, fans, that's all for tonight. Tune in next week for more action and fun right here on Battling Ring Angels!

[Camera fades to credits.]

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