{ The camera returns afeter a commercial break, and goes straight to Garry and Sandra. The crowd is cheering still from the first match of the evening. }

Sandra: Welcome back everyone.

Garry: Yea whatever, bring on the babes!

Sandra: Umm....Anyways, we're just about set for our next match here at Battling Ring Angels, and it should prove to be a great battle as always. We have Lisa Dream putting her perfect record on the line against a new comer to the league, Laura Parker.

Garry: Mmmmnn...Laura. I saw her earlier tonight, and she is h-ho-ho-HOT!!!

Sandra: Umm pig boy, can she wrestle is the question? That is what these ladies are here for, not your viewing pleasure, or for that crud that races through your feable little mind when they come here.

Garry: Hell, I don't know if she can wrestle, but I'm sure she'll win. Dream has screwed herself, as she is now a member of the Body Flop. So Laura should have a cakewalk tonight.

Sandra: Uggg, you really are an idiot Garry....

{ The lights dim as the words 'the DREAM', written in gold letters, show up on the jumbtron above the exit from the dressing room area. The sounds of twinking stars and awe music fill the arena (Note: Very reminiscent of Golddusts opening theme music). Smoke fills the entrance ramp. Then, there is a burst of light, the music changes to 'Nookie', by Limp Bizkit, and Lisa Dream exits the dressing room area. She is wearing a black blazer and skirt combination, and she arrogantly surveys the crowd. She then makes her way down towards the ring, walking like a supermodel on the entrance ramp. Once she gets into the ring, she will do a little bump and grind dance for the audience, removing the skirt and blazer in the process, revealing her skimpy white bikini fighting attire. }

Garry: WOOOHOOO she looks great, even if she is a pathetic Shop member. I just hope her stupid leader stays in the back!

Sandra: Yea, you best pray Sherry doesn't come out here Garry.............

{ The lights go down on the arena. Donna Summers "She works Hard for the Money" begins to play through the speakers. A spot light picks up Laura Parker. She wears a strapless floor length, Christian Dior original, strapless gown. Her hair is worn up in a twist with a tiara in it. She is accompanied by her agent William Wienersnitzel. Laura smiles to the crowd with that perfect beauty queen smile of hers, the spotlight reflect's in little gleams off her teeth. She stops after a bout ten feet. The smile leaves her face and she seems to be saying something to Willie. Willie gestures toward the crowd. The smile comes back but she still seems to be saying something to Willie even though she is still smiling. She walks up to the ring and enters it alone. She walks around the ring posing and waving to the fans very much the Beauty Queen. She stands with her back to Willie. Willie removes the tiara from Laura's hair. Willie unzips her dress and removes it to reveal her wrestling costume. She wears a white bikini top with matching white shorts. The white of her costume shows off her perfectly tanned body. She completes the ensemble with white knee high wrestling boots and white knee and elbow pads. There are silver threads in each so that they reflect the lights of the arena. }

{ She takes the mic and says: "I am so happy to be here tonight in my first match in Battling Ring Angels. I am honored to be wrestling one of the truly great wrestlers of our time and a fabulously beautiful woman also, Lisa Dream. I know that no matter who get's pinned tonight, the winner will be you people, the fabulous audience of the Battling Ring Angels." }

{ Laura hands the mic to the referee and begins gushing. She start to walk to her corner but then rushes to Lisa and gives her a big hug. This is not an attack, it really is a hug. While hugging Lisa, Laura takes the opportunity to loosen the straps of Lisa's bikini top. The top doesn't fall off, it is just lose enough to distract Lisa during the match. }

Sandra: Did you see that!!!!!

Garry: Wha? She just hugged her.

Sandra: Yea right, well I saw what she did.

{ Lisa smirks arrogantly at Laura, then holds her head high. "Who do you think you are challenging *perfection* in such a manner?" }

Sandra: Ok, who's gonna win Garry?

Garry: I've got 20 that says Laura wins it. Damn she's hot. Mmmm Mmmm!!

Sandra: Your on! I'll take the Dream!

{ The ref gives his final instructions to the two combatants, then signals for the bell. }


Sandra: Here we go folks!!!

{ Laura and Lisa move to the center of the ring. Laura goes for a tie, up, but Dream backs away, a cockily points to her own head. Laura looks at Lisa like she is nuts, and as she does, Lisa lunges forward, and rakes Laura's eyes.
Laura bends over holding her eyes, and Lisa yells at her. "On your knees rodent, to pay homage to me as I so rightly deserve" With that, Lisa nails Laura across the back with a double axehandle bow, that puts Laura down to her knees.

Sandra: Hmmn Lisa is exactly playing by the rules here.

Garry: Nope, your girl is a cheater...CHEATER CHEATER CHEATER!! Sandra likes cheaters!!!

Sandra: Shut up you tub of goo. I don't condone such actions, and you know it. Hmmn Lisa needs to stay focused on her opponent, look at her!

{ Lisa is arrogantly parading around the ring doing a bump and grind dance for the fans. }

Garry: Oh I like this, she has good moves!

Sandra: Ugggggg just what I thought you'd say. UT OH Lisa watch out!

{ Laura positions Lisa for a side suplex. She gets Lisa's back parallel to the mat and appears to stumble. While still holding her opponent up she stumbles toward the ropes, the ones on the same side as her opponent. She will then drop Lisa forward instead of backward for a suplex. She then positions Lisa's legs and Lisa lands straddling the ropes. Laura will look truly shocked at what happened, and says "Oh my! I am so sorry. Here let me help you." She then attempts to help her opponent but in reality she is sliding her opponent along the rope giving her opponent a nasty rope burn in a painful spot. She then throws her hands to her mouth and says: " Oh dear! I'm not helping at all am I? That had to hurt. I just seem to be all thumbs." She will then reaches down and grabs Lisa's foot and lifts. "Here this should help. I am so sorry about that. Can you ever forgive me?" She then lifts the foot quickly and high enough for her Lisa to be thrown out of the ring. She will then climb the ropes and say. "Oh! I am so sorry. Are you all right? I can't believe how stupid I am." Laura then appears to fall of the top rope but this is actually a suicide dive onto Lisa. }

Sandra: Who is this joker trying to fool? She did all of that on purpose!

Garry: No NO NO, she is just a little clumbsy is all. Laura is a sweety, and would mean to do things like that. Her bikini sure is nice, isn't it?

Sandra: It's a tad small.

{ Lisa slowly gets up to her feet, and appears to be really dazed. She looks at Laura who is standing in front of her, and notices Laura then running at her with a clothesline. Lisa quickly ducks it, then nails Laura in the back with a spinning heel kick, that puts Laura down. Lisa now grabs a chair, and goes to nail Laura across the back with it, but the ref has made his way onto the floor, and grabs the chair, as Lisa was in midswing with it. Lisa is furious about this, and gives the ref a piece of her mind, but the ref ignores her gripes, and demands that both women get back into the ring. He then jumps in, and starts his count. Lisa thinking wisely, takes his advise, and starts to get back in, but is stopped, as Laura nails Lisa with a kidney punch, that drops Lisa to the ground. Laura then innocently climbs back into the ring. }

Garry: Killer!! I think I'm gonna have another 20 bucks of your money soon.

Sandra: Lisa's still in this, shut up fatty.

{ The ref is scolding Laura for the kidney punch, and as Laura's back is turned to Lisa, Lisa reaches through the ropes, and grabs Laura's ankles, and yanks her down to the mat. This causes Laura to slam into the ref on her way down, and knocks him to the canvas. Lisa then drags laura out of the ring, and onto the floor. She picks Laura up, and then whips her into the ringpost. }

Garry: Your girl is just a cheater, plain and simple. Oh crap! Here comes trouble now..!!!

{ Sherry Ann comes walking down to ringside. She watches Lisa pound away on Laura, and just smiles approvingly at her. Lisa sees Sherry, and says "Stay out of this, she's mine!" Sherry holds out her hands, and says "Whoa hun, I'm just here to watch." Sherry then just pulls up a chair, and takes a seat at ringside. }

Garry: She has no right to be out here!!!

Sandra: Wanna bet? Go ask her for her mangers license, she has one now.

Garry: Bitch probably typed it up herself. I know Amanda sure as hell didn't sign it.

Sandra: Nope she didn't, but it's an official BRA managers license, I assure you.
Well the ref is back up now, and is yelling at Lisa to get back into the ring or he'll D.Q. her. Lisa lashes out with a few more punches, then gets back into the ring. Laura is pretty dazed, and is trying to find her way back into the ring, and she finally gets her bearings straight, and grabs hold of the ring apron, and pulls herself back in. Lisa charges at laura, but the ref holds her back. This really has Lisa mad, and she gives the ref a piece of her mind.

Garry: Dream best watch it, that ref has had about enough of her lip already. WOOHOO So has Laura!!!

{ Laura grabs Lisa's arm, and Irish Whips her right through the ropes, and onto the floor. }

Sandra: UT OH!!! Look out Lisa!!!

{ Skye Soaring Hawk comes running down to the ring area, and nails Lisa in the back with a tomahawk chop, that drops Lisa to the floor. Now she stomps away on Lisa. }

Garry: Oh crap, this WAS great, but here comes the bitch to break up the fun.

{ Sherry comes walking over. She taps Skye on the shoulder, and when Skye turns around, Sherry punches her in the face. Skye staggers back a few steps, then charges at Sherry, and nails her with a chop to the throat. }

Garry: YES!!!!

Sandra: There's no love lost between those two at all.

{ Laura now taking advantage of all the kaos, goes out and grabs Lisa, and throws her back into the ring, and quickly follows her in. Sherry and Skye continue to exchange blows outside the ring. Lisa gets to her feet, but laura sends her back to the mat with a hip toss. She then follows that up with an elbow drop, that catches Lisa is her midsection. }

Garry: This is quite a battle!! and looks like I'm getting closer and closer to my 20 bucks. Just wish Skye would lay that bitch Sherry out. Those two are really going at it over there.

Sandra: They sure are. They're just trading punches, and chops, something has to give soon. How many can they take?

Garry: Sherry's Geritol will give out soon, and she'll be on her big ass!

Sandra: Well we're not gonna get to find out. BRA officials are now pulling them apart. Sherry breaks free though, and while Skye is in the grasp of the officials, Sherry nails her with a big uppercut. "NEVER MESS WITH MY GIRLS YOU WENCH!!!!" The officials finally restrain Sherry again, and then lead both women to the back. Just before they go to the back, Skye breaks free this time, and she begins pounding on Sherry's face with a flurry of punches. "You should of never interfered in my buisness Sherry!!! It's war between you and I now!!!" The officials grab hold of Skye, and lead her to the back. The other officials pick Sherry up, and take her to the back, but through another entrance. }

Garry: WOW!!! That was fun!!!

Sandra: Interesting, and I doubt we've seen the last of those two going at it.
Let's get back to the action in the ring.

{ The camera goes back to the ring, where Laura has Lisa in a seated position, and has a side headlock on her. Lisa's face is really turning red from the hold, as if she's being choked. Laura trys to keep the ref's view shielded, by positioning her body in front of him. He finally gets through, and noticed Laura's fingers on Lisa's windpipe, and makes her break the hold. Laura looks at the ref with an innocent look as she breaks the hold, and steps back from Lisa. "What did I do? That was a headlock!" The ref is having no part of this malarky, and tells Laura to go to her corner. She huffs, and stomps over to her corner. Lisa is very slow at getting to her feet, as this match has taken it's toll on her thus far. Lisa adjusts her now loose fitting top from Laura loosening the straps at the begining of this, as the ref asks her if she can continue. "Step aside rodent, I'm just getting warmed up" says Lisa. }

Garry: Give it up honey, your done!

Sandra: I doubt that Garry, she's still got a lot of fight left in her.

{ The ref signals for the two women to continue. Laura and Lisa walk to the center of the ring. Laura wants a test of strength, and surprisingly, the smaller Lisa appears to be taking her up on the challenge, but as Lisa reaches for Laura, she suddenly lunges at her, and once again rakes her eyes! Laura turns around holding her eyes, and Lisa runs up behind her, grabs her head, and Bulldogs her to the mat. Laura is now down on her stomach. Lisa wraps her legs around Laura's haed, and applies a standing head scissors on Laura. }

Sandra: I told ya she wasn't done yet.

Garry: Pfft, she cheated again.

Sandra: Oh little Miss America hasn't cheated yet?

Garry: Nope, not at all. By the way, you gonna eat those pork rinds? I'm getting hungry again.

Sandra: How can you be hungry? You just wolfed down a seven course meal!!!

Garry: Oh that was sooooo good too! Oh my, look at what Lisa is doing now!

{ Lisa is now spanking Laura's bottom. "I bet you are rethinking signing against me now child....You are nothing next to me." Lisa's gloating is short lived though, as Laura rolls over quickly, causing Lisa's legs to give out, and she falls to the mat. Laura rolls away from Lisa, and gets to her feet. She rubs her spanked fanny a few times, then move towards Lisa, who is getting to her feet. Laura helps her the rest of the way up, as she grabs Lisa's hair, and yanks her up. Laura then drives a knee into Lisa's stomach. }

Garry: Come on hun, put her arrogant ass away now!!

{ Laura lifts Lisa up, spins her around, and drops her back across her knee. }

Garry: Nice tilt-a-whirl backbreaker!!!!

Sandra: That was a nicely exacuted move there.

{ Once again, Laura picks Lisa up by her hair. Now she Irish whips her hard into the corner, and Lisa goes crashing into the turnbuckles back first. Laura goes to the opposite corner. Now she makes her way towards Lisa. She does 2 back flips in a row on the way, at the end of the second one, she nails Lisa with both her feet, hitting her in the stomach. The impact knocks Lisa back into the corner, she hits so hard she bounces off the turnbuckles. As she bounces out Laura nails Lisa in the chin with a spinning heel kick, and that drops Lisa like a rock to the mat. Laura now jumps on top of Lisa, and covers her with a matchbook pin. The ref jumps down, and starts to count. }




Garry: YES!!!!!!

Sandra: We have a winner folks! Laura Parker has won in her debut her at Battling Ring Angels.......

Garry: And Dreams record is no longer perfect!!! PLUS!!!! You owe me 20 bucks skank.

{ Back in the ring, Laura brings Lisa up to her feet. }

Garry: What the....? Laura is crying!

Sandra: Now she's hugging Lisa. What a nut!

{ Laura let's go of Lisa, who is looking at Laura like she's insane. Laura begins to strut around the ring in a fashion like beauty contest winners do after being crowned. }

Sandra: Oh geez, now she thinks she's on the runway. Dream has seen enough, and hops out of the ring, and heads to the back. Laura is blowing kisses to the crowd now.

Garry: She can do whatever she wants, she won!

Sandra: Yup, and I'm gonna do what I want now. Time for a commercial folks. After the break you'll see Princess Peg and Sweet Misty go at, so don't touch that dial!

{ The camera goes to a commercial for Childhood Onset Neuralgia. }


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