logo Nine "the Goddess" Larue vs Lori "Lightning" Wilson

[ The screen comes back from commercial. The BRA arena is packed once again with screaming fans. This fledging Federation has attracted some of the Top talent in the Wrestling world and the fans know it. Sign's litter the arena.]


[ The camera image changes as it zooms in on the announcer's desk. Sandra is smiling, as usual. Garry however is unimpressed with his new outfit. BRA Owner Electra Van Driesal forced Garry to wear proper attire. His new suit in very nice, however he seems unhappy.]

Garry: This itches, my skin is very sensitive.

Sandra: You look good, which is something I never thought I would say.

Garry: Really, so ummm, What are you doing after the show?

Sandra: Not even in your dreams little man.

Garry: Hah, little that you know.

[ Sandra scowls at her compatriot and turns to the camera.]

Sandra: Folks, this next match up features one of the newest members of the BRA family and One of the undefeated wrestlers so far. Lori Wilson vs Nina Larue.

Garry: Ahem...Goddess, it's the Goddess Nina Larue.

Sandra: Excuse me? Goddess?

Garry: Shhhh...she might hear you. My sources tell me that she is a witch.

Sandra: You hardly know the girl, how could you call her a witch?

Garry: No No..I mean a witch as in Broomsticks and Black cats. Have you looked into her eyes? Creepy Central.

Sandra: Well, whatever Nina is or thinks she is. Her first match is against one tough opponent in Lori Wilson. Who defeated Rebecca Deiwart last week and Lightning the week before. Both times she was very impressive.

Garry; [clapping his hands ever so lightly ] Good for her, but tonight she faces a Goddess and Nina is going to turn Lori into a worshipper tonight.

[The arena lights dim ]

["Hysteria" by Def Leppard kicks in over the speakers. Lori Wilson steps out from behind the curtain as the crowd cheers. She is dressed in her black singlet with thin white lightning bolts down the front, back, and sides. Lori also wears black kneepads and wrestling boots, and a black bandanna that reads "Lady Lightning" in yellow lettering. She stands just in front of the entrance way, pumps her right fist into the air, as white sparklers shoot up behind her on either side of the entrance. Lori then walks down the aisle, slapping hands with fans along the way to the ring. As she gets to the ring, she jumps onto the apron, then walks to the corner and vaults over the ropes, landing so she is standing on the second turnbuckle, and raises her arms in the air to the approval of the crowd. She then hops down from the turnbuckles, then climbs through the ropes and exits the ring. Lori then walks over to the railing, and she removes her bandanna.]

Garry: Where is she going? She's leaving already, she doesn't want to face the Goddess and who could blame her?

Sandra: Hardly.... Look!

Lori spots a young boy standing near the rail, and she reaches over and drapes the bandanna around the boy's neck, patting him on the shoulder and smiling at him, then turning back to the ring, where she climbs back in through the ropes.]

Sandra: That was nice gesture.

Garry: What an idiot! Doesn't she realize that she's taking away from our merchandising? Those Bandannas sell for $10 bucks each. She can't just give them away!

[ Lori backs up into her corner and looks towards the entrance way, as the lights dim again]

[Pyro pots explode and fire works soar through the air as "Sexy MF" by Prince blares over the speakers. With an arrogant smirk, "The Goddess" Nina Larue confidently struts from behind the curtain, flanked by a group of photographers that eagerly snap the young goddess's picture. She sashays down the aisle, careful not to let the cat calling and whistling fans touch her. Nina wears a black, floor-length mink coat, her long, black hair falling down her back in a cascade of curls. As she approaches the ring, she motions for the Referee to hold the ropes open for her. He looks at her with a bit of hesitation, their eyes meet. A moment later the referee graciously holds the ropes open for "The Goddess" and her entourage. Nina stands in the middle of the ring, the photographers forming a circle around her, and playfully tugging on her coat before finally flinging the heavy garment aside, revealing her wrestling attire. Nina is greeted with massive catcalls and whistles drowning out the few boos as they take in her sexy attire. Nina wears a silver, thong bikini that both shows off her long, shapely legs and offers a seductive glance at her ample, pert cleavage. She finishes the ensemble with silver, knee-length boots, with a small heel. She raises her arms, allowing the photographers to take her photo, before shooing them out of the ring. ]

Sandra: Arrogant little thing, isn't she?

[Garry doesn't hear her words. He seems transfixed with the brown eyed goddess. Sandra gives him a smack to the back of the head and it breaks him out of his stupor ]

Garry: what...HEY!!!

Sandra: You seem distracted, we have a job to do. Now why would one person need so many photographers. If you ask me...

Garry: Nobody asked you.


[ Nina steps out into the middle of the ring, Lori moves up to meet her. The Goddess smirks and launches a round house kick. It is well out of range as Lori backs off. ]

Sandra: Nina showing off her martial arts skills here. Lori had best be careful.

Garry: Lori had best just surrender and hope the Goddess is merciful.

[ Lori moves in again as Nina strides around the ring. Again she launches her leg up, but this time Lori is ready, she ducks under the kick and charges in, tackling her opponent and sending them both to the mat. Both women grapple for position, Lori grabs Nina in a headlock and keeps her down on the mat. Nina screams out in anger as her head is squeezed.]

Sandra: Both women have excellent mat and aerial skills. This is going to be very interesting.

Garry: Hardly, the Goddess has a strength and weight advantage, not to mention skill, looks....

Sandra: Well the Goddess is not doing so hot right now.

Garry: It's early...

[ Lori has risen to her feet, dragging Nina up with the headlock. Lori takes a run across the ring dragging Nina with her. The Goddess breaks free and shoves Lori into the corner. Wilson leaps up and bounces off the second turnbuckle, bouncing back into her shocked opponent ]

Sandra: Back Spring Elbow Smash!!!!!

[ Nina is sent to the mat as Lori slams her elbow into her chest. The pretty Luchadore quickly flips to her feet and jumps up extending her leg. Her thigh crashes down across Nina's chest ]

Sandra: Leg Drop!!!! She's going for the pin!!!

[ Nina kicks out before ref can even count to one ]

Garry: hummpfff...how stupid to go for a pin so early.

[ Lori quickly rises to her feet, grabbing Nina by the arm and hauling her up. Lori whips the Goddess into the ropes and takes off to the opposite side. Nina rebounds in as Lori also charges across. Both women leap into the air , attempting simultaneous drop kicks. They both slam into each other and crash to the mat. ]

Garry: WOW!!! Never seen that before.

[ Nina rolls herself out of the ring, much to the dismay of the ringside fans. Nina scowls at them and turns to face the ring. Lori rises to her feet and looks over at her opponent outside the ring. She takes off running.]

Sandra: BaseBall Slide out of the ring!!!!!!

[ Lori slides underneath the rope, her feet slam into Nina's chest sending her crashing into the guardrail. The Goddess slams into the metal bars and slumps down. Lori claps her hands in the air and jumps back on top of the ring apron. The Ref begins to count Nina out. ]

Garry: Of all the dirty , low down tricks? Did you see that, attacking her opponent when she was outside the ring!!

Sandra: Yes, it seems that Lori doesn't want to give the Goddess a chance to rest here...oh my god!!!

[ Lori leaps up onto the top rope. She holds her hands high in the air, clapping them together. The crowd cheers as she prepares to leap off. Nina starts to rise, she seems unaware of where her opponent is. Just as Lori leaps off, three of Nina's photographer's snap pictures of the leaping Lori. The flashes are intense,. Lori squeals as her vision is temporarily blinded. ]

Sandra: Oh no!!!

Garry: hehehe, it's like she's never had her picture taken before.

[ Lori slams onto the small mats that surround the ring, missing Nina by inches. She hits hard and curls up into a ball, gasping as the wind is knocked out of her. Nina glares down at her foe with a wicked snarl on her face. She grabs the winded Lori and hauls her up. The ref is still counting her out and Nina picks Lori up and rolls her into the ring. The ref stops his count at 9 as Nina climbs into the ring. She grabs Lori by the hair and drags her into the middle of the ring.]

Nina: Who's the Goddess!!!!

[ Some of the crowd chant, "NINA NINA NINA" ]

Garry: Nina!! Nina!!

Sandra: Oh shut up, at least try and remain unbiased.

[The goddess picks Lori up and then slams her back down to the mat. Lori bounces and flops onto her stomach. Nina steps above her and then drops to her knees, slamming them into Lori's back. Wilson lets out a whimper on impact and struggles to crawl away ]

Garry: That missed Top rope move has taken a lot out of Lori.

Sandra: Well DUH!!! Falling 12 feet to the outside is not a pleasant experience. Those photographers of Nina's blinded Lori as she jumped. They better have the proper press pass credentials.

[ Nina moves herself forward, she lifts Lori's arms and places them over her thighs. The Goddess then wraps her hands around Lori's chin and pulls back. Lori squeals in pain as Nina let's out a triumphant roar ]

Garry: Camel Clutch!!!! In the middle of the ring!!!

Sandra: Lori is in big trouble, Nina is really leaning back with that clutch.

[ Nina pulls back hard, forcing Lori's chin back and putting tremendous strain on her back. Lori squeals as the Ref asks if she wants to give. The crowd cheer's as Lori screams out.

Lori: NO!!!!

Garry: She should have given up, now she is just going to get hurt.

Sandra: You have no pride do you? Lori is a fighter, it's going to take more than a camel clutch to make her give up.

[ As if on cue with Sandra's words. Nina twists Lori's head to the side, pushing it to the limit that her opponent's neck muscles will allow. Lori screams once again. The ref ask for her surrender and again she refuses. Nina growls and whispers into her opponent's ear.]

Nina: "Lori, Lori, Lori. Don't you know that you can't win against the diva of the BRA?"

[ Lori reacts in a most unexpected manner, she begins to buck wildly, thrashing her legs up and down. Nina seems a bit agitated and tries to maintain the hold, but Lori's wild movement cause her arms to break free of the clutch and she slumps to the mat ]

Sandra: What guts!!! Whatever Nina said to her , got Lori fired up.

Garry: Hardly, Nina let her go, she has something more devastating lined up for her.

[ Nina rises to her feet and lift Lori into the air. She whips her lighter opponent into the ropes and waits for her in the center of the ring. Lori rebounds and as Nina lunges forward for an attempted clothesline, Lori ducks under and continues across the ring. She hits the other ropes and leaps in as Nina turns around. ]

Sandra: Spinning Heel Kick!!!!!!!

Garry: oh boo!!

[ Lori leaps into the air, rotating her body and slamming her heel into the top of Nina's head. The Goddess is sent crashing to the mat. Lori flips up to her feet and takes off running for the ropes. Nina starts to rise, but is sent crashing to the mat with a flying dropkick. Lori keeps the pace high as she runs towards the corner and quickly climbs on top. ]

Garry: Poor sportsmanship shown by Lori, attacking Nina when she was on the mat.

Sandra: What???

[ Nina rises to her feet and turns to find her opponent. Lori leaps off the ropes and extends her legs.]

Sandra; Missile Drop Kick!!!!! Lori got that one off before Nina's photographers could get in position!!!!

Garry: hah, she missed a good photo op.

[ Nina is sent sprawling to the mat. Lori quickly jumps up and leaps on top of her opponent, hooking her leg in the process ]

Sandra: 1...2...

Garry: Kick Out!!!

[ Lori shakes her head in disappointment and rises to her feet. She quickly falls back down, driving her elbow into Nina's gut. The Goddess gasps and curls into a ball. Lori smiles and rises to her feet. She holds her arms in the air again , clapping to the crowd. ]

Sandra: Stay focussed kid.

Garry: It's only a matter of time before the Goddess regains control.

[ Lori bends down and pulls Nina up by her arm. The Goddess suddenly reaches out with her free hand, raking Lori across the eyes. Wilson screams and stumbles away. ]

Garry: You see, what did I just tell ya?

Sandra: Eye gouge by Nina, what a crook.

[ The ref is chastising Nina for the infraction. He warns her about the rules and threatens to DQ her if she does it again. The Goddess smiles and claims her innocence. The ringside fans boo and jeer. Nina shoots them all a dirty look and then moves in on her opponent. Nina grabs Lori by the head and then charges into the corner. Lori's head is slammed into the turnbuckles. Nina keeps a good hold of her opponent's hair and repeats the slam over and over again. The crowd starts to pick up the count. ''4....5....6.....7....8.....9....10!!!!". Lori slumps to the mat as Nina releases her grip. The Goddess grabs Lori by the hair and picks her back up. She whips her into the ropes and waits. Lori rebounds and as she bounces back in, Nina scoops her up, turning her horizontal and them drops to one knee, slamming Lori's back against her outstretched thigh.]

Garry: Twilt-O-Whirl BackBreaker!!!

[ Nina shoves Lori off her knee and arrogantly pins her. The ref slaps his hand down to the mat two times before Lori kicks out ]

Sandra: Nina might have had the pin there, if she had pinned Lori properly.

Garry: Hah, the Goddess is just toying with her prey. She could pin her at any time.

[ Nina scowls at the ref and begins to argue with him. She moves herself over, so that her knee is placed a top Lori's throat. Nina screams at the ref about his incompetence. The ref screams back at her. Meanwhile, Lori is struggling for breath. The ref seems transfixed with arguing with Nina for a moment, then he notices the choke and calls for a break. Nina waits for the last instant before removing her knee. Lori gasps for air. ]

Sandra: Blatant choke by Nina, she is pushing the envelope here. The ref's have been given full authority to DQ here. We saw one last week.

Garry: Ref's?! Hah! Who needs them. Stupid Zebra's.

[ Nina rises to her feet and grabs a handful of Lori's hair. She scoops her opponent up into a fireman's carry and then backs up into the corner. The Goddess waits a moment and then runs out into the middle of the ring. She leaps into the air....]

Sandra: POWERSLAM!!!!

[ Lori bounce on impact and lies still. Nina grabs her opponent and hauls her back to her feet. ]

Nina: On you knee's peasant and worship at the feet of the goddess.

[ Nina punches Lori in the stomach causing her to fall to her knees. Nina maintains her hold on Lori's hair and raises her other hand up in triumph. Lori yelps as Nina steps forward, trapping her head between her thighs. Nina then bends down and wraps her arms around Lori's waist. With a grunt she hauls her lighter opponent into the air and then slams her back first to the mat. ]

Garry: POWERBOMB!!! What a display of strength by the Goddess!!!

[ Nina places her foot on Lori's chest and holds her hands in the air. The ref starts to count. ]

Sandra: 2...Kickout by Lori, another sloppy cover by Nina.

Garry: She did that on purpose, don't you see? The Goddess is just playing.

[ Nina scowls at the ref and bends down to pick Lori up. She grabs Lori by the arm and hauls her up. Nina whips her into the ropes again. Lori rebounds in with tremendous speed. Nina tries to grab her, but she misses. Lori ducks under the reaching arms and then stops on a dime. Nina turns....]

Sandra: **SUPERKICK**!!!!!!

Garry: Where the hell did that come from!!!!?

[ Lori steps back and launches her foot in the air. It catches Nina square on the chin. The Goddess slumps down to the mat. Lori quickly falls on top of her. The ref drops to the mat to count. ]


.Garry: No No.... 2

[ Nina reaches her foot over and places it on the ropes ]

Sandra: No!!!

Garry: yes...whew!!!

[ The ref stops the count and taps Lori on the shoulder, pointing at Nina's foot. Lori slaps the mat in frustration and drags Nina to her feet. Lori quickly moves behind her in a bearhug, wrapping her arms around Nina's waist. With a primal scream Lori lifts Nina up and falls backwards, slamming the back of Nina's head and neck into the mat ]

Sandra: Perfect German Suplex!!!!

[ Lori leaps to her feet and grabs Nina up again, She puts her in a side headlock and hooks her other arm in Nina's waistband. Lori grunts again and lifts Nina high into the air, before letting her fall and crash to the mat ]

Sandra: Another Suplex!!!! Lori is taking charge!!!

Garry: Time out !! Time out!!!!

[ Lori hauls Nina back up and shoves her head between her thighs. Lori hooks both of Nina's arms and then looks out into the crowd. The cheering fans are on their feet. Nina's photographers desperately try and snap photo's, their bulbs flashing. But Lori keeps her eyes' on her prey. She lifts Nina up and over, slamming her to the mat ]

Sandra: Double Under Hook Suplex!!! Three Suplex's in a row!!!!

Garry: oh no...my goddess...

[ Lori rises to her feet and points at a corner. The crowd cheer's as she drags her opponent over in front of the turnbuckles. Lori begins to climb up the ropes. She stops and makes circles with her hands. The crowd cheers as she reaches the top rope. ]

Sandra: Some kind of Moonsault coming up here...

[ As Lori turns her back to her mat. Nina reaches out her hands and in clutched by on her photographers. As Lori leaps off in the air, the photographer grabs Nina and pulls her out of the ring. Lori completes her flip and then squeals as her intended victim is not there. She slams into the hard canvas.]

Garry: What a move by Nina!

Sandra: What?! This match should be over.

Garry: Hardly, Nina's photographers just wanted to get a good shot of her. He just positioned her in a better spot for ummm...lighting...ya.

Sandra: BulLSh**, Nina was saved by her entourage.

[ Nina takes a moment to catch her breath before climbing back into the ring. Lori is rolling around on the mat. Nina takes a few steps towards her and begins stomping on her. The Goddess's feet slam into Lori's chest and gut. ]

Garry: It' the old Garvin Foot Stomp!!! I love it!!!!

[ Lori curls up into a ball as Nina stops her assault. The Goddess hauls Lori towards one of the corners and then grabs her by the legs. Nina quickly twists Lori into a Figure-Four Leglock and falls backwards to the mat. ]

Sandra: Figure Four, this could be it for Lori.

Garry Could be? This is it!!

[The ref asks if Lori wishes to surrender, she shakes her head, fighting back the pain. As the ref asks Lori, Nina reaches her hands up and grabs the second rope, pulling herself up and adding even more pressure to the hold. ]

Sandra: Of all the dirty....

Garry: It's not cheating, unless you get caught.

[ Lori screams in pain, the ref glances back towards Nina, who as let go of the ropes. As he turns his attention back to Lori, Nina again grabs the ropes for extra leverage. Lori screams echo throughout the arena. She is shaking her head in defiance, but she is moments away from submitting. The ref turns his head quickly, catching Nina's arms in the ropes. He glares at her and calls for the break. She lets go of the ropes and proclaims her innocence once again. ]

Sandra: Caught!!!

Garry: bummer...

[ The ref counts for the break, Nina holds her hands up in the air as he untangles the tied up legs. Lori gasps and clutches her wounded limb as Nina rises to her feet. The Goddess scowls at the striped shirted man and grabs her opponent by the hair and hauls her up. Lori hobbles on her one leg as Nina drags her to the center of the ring. Nina shoves Lori's head between her thighs and then closes them around her head. The Goddess then leans forward and wraps her arms around Lori's firm waist. Nina hauls Lori up..]

Garry: Piledriver coming up!!!!

Sandra: This should be it, if she....NO!!!!!!

[As Nina hauls Lori up, she pops free of the head scissors and uses the momentum to bring her torso up. Lori wraps her arms around the back of Nina's head and then kicks her legs out behind her. The weight forces Nina to fall forward, her face is slammed into the mat with tremendous force ]

Sandra: ***FACE BUSTER SLAM!!***

Garry: Oh no!!!!!

Sandra: Here's the pin..1....2.....

Garry: Kickout!! Last second kick out by the Goddess.

[ Lori slams her hand on the mat , She gets up to her feet slowly, still feeling the effects of the figure four. Lori grabs Nina by the hair and picks her up. She goes to kick her in the stomach. ]

Garry:NO!! Nina blocked it, she's got a hold of Lori's foot.

[ Nina smiles as she catches Lori's foot. Lori smiles back at her and leaps in the air ]

Sandra: Enzuguri!!!!!!

[ Lori brings her other foot around and slam's it into the back of the Goddess's head. Nina slumps to the mat. Lori quickly rises to her feet and jumps on top of Nina, hooking her leg. ]

Sandra: 1......2....That' it!!!!

Garry: NO!!!! NO!!! the ref says no!!!

[ Lori looks up in frustration as the ref holds two fingers in the air. Nina's shoulder came up off the mat at the last possible instant.]

Sandra: Nina can't keep kicking out of these moves. It's only a matter of time now.

Garry: Oh shut up.

[ Lori grabs Nina by the hair and hauls her up again. Suddenly on of Nina's Photographers jumps up onto the edge of the ring. The ref immediately goes over to force him off. The flash of the bulb snaps off, The ref clutches his eyes for a moment. It is enough, Nina slams her forearm up in between Lori's thighs. The crowd boo's the flagrant foul. Lori doubles over and starts to fall. But Nina grabs her in a standing side headlock, keeping her on her feet. ]

Sandra: Brutal Low Blow!!

[Garry is wincing in shared pain ]

Garry: I felt that one...owwowow.

[Nina smirks at the jeering crowd and then leaps into the air. She puts her legs up and over onto Lori's back as she falls backwards. Lori's face is driven into the mat with at least half of Nina's weight on her back. ]

Garry: Nina's Knockout!! The most Brutal DDT in professional Wrestling today!!

Sandra: Yeah, cause she sets it up with a low blow.

[ The ref turns towards the ring rubbing his eyes. He see's the bodies on the mat, Nina rolls Lori onto her back and hooks the leg. The ref slaps his hand down.]

Garry: 1...2....

Sandra: Come on Lori!!!

Garry: 3...It's over!!!!!!


[ Nina rolls off her opponent and slowly rises to her feet as the ref raises her hand in the air. Her photographers rush into the ring to snap pictures of her and her defeated foe. ]

Sandra: You know, Nina could have possibly won that match without cheating.

Garry: Cheating? Did she get DQ'd?

Sandra: No.

Garry: Then she didn't cheat.

Sandra: Whatever...

Announcer: Ladies and Gentlemen, the winner at the 26 minute mark...The Goddess Nina Larue!!!!!!!!!

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