logoPrincess Peg vs. Sherry Ann

[Fade in.]

Garry: Welcome back, friends! I know you're all expecting another exciting match!

Sandra: They sure are!

Garry: [annoyed] Too bad they won't get one this time.

Sandra: What?

Announcer: Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen. Our next match begins now! First, from Edmonton, Canada, standing 5'4" and weighing in at 155 pounds - Princess Peg!

[As the sound of Tom Jones belting out "She's a Lady" plays in the background, the Princess emerges from the locker room and makes her way down the aisle, a nervous smile on her face. She walks past the crowd and up to the apron, where she turns to wave to the audience before stepping in through the ropes. Once in, she removes her full length floral kimono and hands it to the ring attendant. She is dressed for this match in a zebra print, low back one piece swimsuit, black tights and black soft leather wrestling boots. Peg turns to the corner, the butterflies in her stomach playing up more than ever as she begins to stretch]

Announcer: And her opponent this evening! From St. Lois, Missouri, standing at 5'10" and weighing 135 pounds - Sherry Ann!

[The house lights go out, and "Run Like Hell" By the Pink Floyd (music only, no lyrics) begins to play over the sound system. The Angeltron then comes to life, and shows video clips of Sherry Ann in various matches throughout her career, and in between them it shows Sherry posing in various outfits.]

[The crowd erupts with cheers as they watch the video, and begin to chant for Sherry.]


[The screen then appears to become ingulfed in flames, and fire balls shoot up from the ringposts, and all over the stage area.]

[A cascading waterfall of sparks flows down over the wresters entranceway. The original music stops, and a concusion grenade explodes, letting out a deafening sound. "Thunderstruck" by AC/DC then pounds over the sound system. Sherry Ann then emerges from the sparks on her custom Heritage Softtail Classic, Harley Davidson. She has on her famous thigh high black leather boots, and her long black oilskin drovers coat.
The crowd jumps from their seats, and cheers Sherry on as she rides down to ringside. She smiles, and waves to her fans as she makes her way down to the ring.
Sherry parks her steel horse, and dismounts it, then grabs a mic, and enters the ring.

Sherry Ann: OK Peg, you asked for this match, and I repect your courage. Now let's give the crowd their money's worth by having a great match."

[Sherry throws down the mic, and then removes her coat, and reveals her muscular body, which is covered by a black bikini. She walks over to the corner, and does some stretching, as she awaits the match's start.]

Garry: This match is going to suck.

Sandra: How can you say that?

Garry: Do-gooders. Two do-gooders.

Sandra: Sherry's hardly been a do-gooder.

Garry: She'll be one tonight. She's not the heart to really wrestle Peg.

[The bell rings.]

Garry: I'm going to get a beer. Have a good match. [stands and leaves]

Sandra: Can't complain about that. The women are circling and lock up. Sherry Ann overpowers Peg and takes Peg's arm - Sherry's twisting Peg's arm. Peg drops to a knee. Sherry Ann drives her shoulder into Peg's shoulder but backs off, letting the rookie get back up. Surprisingly good sportsmanship tonight. The women are circling the mat again. Another lock up - no, Peg rolls back and flips Sherry over! Peg puts Sherry in a painful armbar!

[Peg proudly twists on Sherry's arm as hard as she can. Sherry looks surprised by how strong Peg really can be, but forces a smile.]

Sherry Ann: ......Wooohoo, nice move hun, now you just need to worry about counter moves to that, LIKE THIS!

Sandra: Sherry Ann rolls back over Peg and pins her!



Sandra: Sherry lifts Peg and bodysla- no! Peg pulls Sherry Ann down and rolls on top of her! Peg tries to pin her.

One -

Sandra: No dice! Sherry's foot hits the rope. Peg pulls Sherry up and whips her to the ropes! Sherry ducks a clothes line. Sherry bounces off the ropes again - right into a dropkick by Peg! Sherry lands on her back, but leg sweeps Peg! Sherry jumps on top of Peg!


Two - Bridge out!

Sandra: Sherry starts to get up - Peg grabs her in a headlock and thrusts her weight onto her before the can stand. Peg is standing, and tighting the headlock. Sherry Ann lifts and tries to give her a drop - Peg keeps hold of Sherry's head and flips her over! Peg lifts Sherry's leg for a pin!

One - kick out!

Sandra: Peg grabs Sherry's legs - Sherry sits up and grabs Peg under her armpits!

[Sherry pulls Peg's torso towards her. Sherry plants her feet under Peg's ribs and kicks up, holding the princess in place as she flips her over.]

Sandra: What a flip! Sherry is strattling Peg's throat and shoulders! She lifts Peg's legs - Peg's not going anywhere!




[The bell sounds.]

Sandra: What a quick but fast moving match! Sherry's helping Peg up and shaking her hand. The two seem quite friendly towards each other, and the crowd definately appreciates it!

Garry: [returning; seeing the display, spits out his beer] What the hell is that?!

Sandra: Well, most of the crowd. We'll be right back.

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