logoRebecca Diewart vrs Lovely Heather

By: Tonedef

(The camera cuts back to Garry and Sandra.)

[The camera fades from black to reveal the interior of the Battling Ring Angels arena. The sell out crowd is on their feet, waving their signs and screaming their appreciation for their favorite wrestlers. Some of the apparent signs are �I WANT A VIPER�, �SHOPPER RULZ� and �DESADE FOR BRA PRESIDENT�. The camera spins around to regard the announcers sitting at ringside.]

Sexy Sandra: �Welcome back, Ladies and Gentlemen! It has been a great night thus far, and the best is yet to come! Our next match features a woman who lost last week, to Lori Wilson��

Gruesome Garry: �Pure luck. The next time Lori and Rebecca meet, Rebecca will tear that excuse for a wrestler a new heart.�

Sexy Sandra: �Thank you, yet again, for that inspiring contribution, Garry. Anyways, Rebecca Diewart meets Lovely Heather this week, a woman who has been rather quiet as of late��

Gruesome Garry: �With good reason! Heather may be a hot chick and all, but she�s over her head by signing on against Rebecca!�

Sexy Sandra: �What is it with you and Rebecca�.?�

[The crowd cheers as Lovely Heather exits from the dressing room area and happily makes her way to the ring. She slaps the hands of the fans along the entrance ramp and smiles at all of them. No music plays at her arrival, and, when she gets into the ring, she just stands there, awaiting her opponent.]

Gruesome Garry: �Look at how happy and friendly she is�it just makes me sick!�

Sexy Sandra: �I like her attitude�I just hope that she can wrestle as well as reputed. Otherwise, she will be in trouble against such a great wrestler as Rebecca."

[�Don�t drink the Water� blares over the arena�s loudspeakers as Pyrotechnics go off to either side of the entrance into the arena. The crowd cheers as Rebecca enters the arena and makes her way to the ring calmly and intensely, ignoring the fans. She walks around the ring before entering it, checking for any hidden interferers, and then she enters the ring]

Gruesome Garry: �WOW! Rebecca looks even more focused than usual! I hope that the medical equipment at ringside is up to date, because Heather is going to need it!�

Ding ding Ding

Sexy Sandra: �And they�re off! They circle one another cautiously at first, then they lock up in the middle of the ring�probably not a smart move from Heather, considering Rebecca�s strength advantage��

Gruesome Garry: �Well, blonds aren�t well known for their intelligence��

Sexy Sandra: �A knee to the belly doubles over Heather, and a quick scoop and a bodyslam sends the blond to the mat. Heather quickly gets back to her feet�Rebecca goes to whip her into the ropes, a reversal��

Gruesome Garry: �What a fool! Heather goes for a back body drop, and gives it away a mile away! Rebecca stops in time, grabs a hold of Heathers head and viciously knee lifts her in the face! Yeah! Marr that pretty face all up!�

Rebecca: �I think it�s time to go back to being a majorette.�

Sexy Sandra: �Such arrogance�but Heather could be in trouble here if she can�t mount an offense.�

[Rebecca is on her back on the mat, and, grabbing a leg, Rebecca lifts it up. Rebecca begins to repeatedly kick and knee Heather in the back of the knee and the hamstring. Heather cries out with the strikes, but cannot escape the hold, her leg held up to prevent her from gathering the momentum needed to escape.]

Gruesome Garry: �Hmmm�.I think I like Heather�s position��

Sexy Sandra: �Do you ever get your mind out of the gutter? Heather is in trouble here, and Rebecca knows it. She releases the leg and smirks to the fans, holding her hands in the air as Heather just holds her aching leg.�

Gruesome Garry: �This isn�t a match..this is a massacre, and I love it!�

Sexy Sandra: �Rebecca pulls Heather to her feet�Heather doesn�t even look as if she can stand on that leg�Rebecca hooks her up�Kneebreaker right down onto the hurt leg! Heather cries out and collapses, holding that leg!�

Gruesome Garry: �Can you say permanent injury? Heather should never have signed on for this league, and now she�s being introduced to how the real women wrestle!�

Sexy Sandra: �Rebecca signals to the crowd, and drops an elbow down onto Heather�s belly! That had to hurt!�

Gruesome Garry: �This is great! Anybody got any popcorn?�

[Rebecca pulls Heather to her feet and running bulldogs the blond down onto the mat. Rebecca goes for the cover, the referee starts the count but Rebecca herself breaks the count at 2, pulling Heather�s shoulders up for her]

Sexy Sandra: �What is Rebecca doing? I think she had the match won there, but instead broke the count herself! How awful can you get?!?�

Gruesome Garry: �Rebecca is making an example of this little girl, teaching her that she better start training before she can even think of competing with the big girls! She�s sending a message out to all the fools in Battling Ring Angels!�

Sexy Sandra: �All I know is that she doesn�t have to further Heathers humbling defeat here�Rebecca pulls Heather to her feet and throws her into a corner�she moves to the opposite side of the ring and runs�.Stinger Splash!�

Gruesome Garry: �A great move that must have knocked Heather into the next zip code! Heather cries out and slumps on her front to the ground�she�s not so lovely now, is she?�

Sexy Sandra: �There is no need for this�Rebecca gloats for the crowd, and then drives a foot down onto the back of Heathers head, smashing her face into the ground.�

Gruesome Garry: �I hope someone is taping this, because I want to watch all of this over and over again!�

[Rebecca pulls a nearly unconcious Heather to her feet and hauls her over a shoulder, so both are facing the same direction. She then runs a little distance and powerslams the blond down onto the mat. Again she goes for the cover, and again she breaks it herself at the count of 2.]

Sexy Sandra: �Despicable�absolutely despicable.�

Gruesome Garry: �Heh heh heh�.I wonder how long Rebecca can keep on beating her until the referee stops the match on Heather�s behalf?�

Sexy Sandra: �I hope it�s soon, Heather should not have gotten in there tonight!�

Gruesome Garry: �Rebecca pulls a dazed Heather to her feet�signals to the crowd, and kicks Heather in the gut. She then dashes at the ropes behind Heather��

Sexy Sandra: �Here it comes, the Long Kiss Goodnight! Rebecca jumps into the air, onto Heather�s shoulders, driving her face into the mat. Rebecca rolls the blond over, goes for the cover�1..2..3.!�

Ding ding Ding

Gruesome Garry: �A victory�with authority!�

Sexy Sandra: �I have to agree with you there, Garry..Heather was not prepared for this match, and got beaten in the most one sided match I have ever seen in women�s wrestling.�

Gruesome Garry: �It wasn�t lack of preparation, Rebecca is just a great fighter, and Heather is a has been.�

[�Don�t drink the Water� blares over the arena�s loudspeakers as Rebecca scowls down at the blond�s crumpled form. She then exits the ring and makes her way up the entrance ramp, back towards the dressing room area.]

Sexy Sandra: �Ladies and Gentlemen, we have to take a short commercial break, but don�t change that dial, because we will be right back with some more great action!�

Gruesome Garry: �Let�s just hope the next match is as entertaining as that one!�

[Fade to Black]

[Winner of this match: Rebecca Diewart]

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