{ The camera comes back on after a commercial break, and pans around the crowd. They are all on their feet cheering, and waving. All in hopes that the camera will catch them, and they'll be seen on television. }

{ The camera then goes to the announcers table, where Sandra and Garry are seated. Garry is wearing a black tux, and Sandra, who is finishing primping her hair, is dressed in an elegant sequened blue gown. }

Garry: "Hello everyone."

Sandra: "Hi, and welcome back!"

{ Garry looks at Sandra, and snarls at her perkiness. }

Garry: "Uggg...must you always be so cheerfull?"

Sandra: "Yep, I sure do, deal with it fat boy."
"Anyways folks, it's just about time for another great Battling Ring Angels match. This one should really be an exciting matchup, as we have Sweet Misty, who's gonna be looking to get back on the winning track after a tough loss last week to Kayla Vandergriff, going against someone that is also out to get back on the winning track here, and that is Skye Soaring Hawk. This should be quite a scientific battle as well......"

Garry: In other words....B O R I N G !!!"

Sandra: I doubt that pigboy. This is gonna be great, both women wrestle similar styles, and it will be interesting to see who can counter who better."

Garry: Like I said boring, but let's try to make it interesting. I say we put a Franklin on this one."

Sandra: "No, that's to much, this is gonna be a close one, how about $20?"

Garry: "Alright, who do ya want?"

Sandra: "Hmmnn....this is a tough one, and you have been beating me at this lately.....Alright, I'll take Misty. I think she can pull this one off."

Garry: "Good, I want the indian girl. She's gonna come out and kick some Sweet ass I think. Both sure are cute though."

Sandra: "Do you ever see people past looks?"

Garry: "Hell no! Why would I do that?"

Sandra: "Nevermind, it's not worth trying to tell you."

{ "People of the Sun" begins blaring over the loudspeakers. Suddenly, red pyrotechnics shoot from the stage, obscuring the entrance. As the smoke clears, Skye, in a wide-brimmed cowboy hat and floor-length leather duster, slowly, and with anger written in her eyes, strides toward the ring. As she walks down the aisle, her gaze never wavers from her destination. She dives through the ropes before removing, and throwing her hat into the crowd and tossing her duster to the floor outside, after which she retires to the corner to await the bell. }

Sandra: Skye looks like she's ready for action!

Garry: Yes, she sure does, just look at those eyes, woooohoo look at her butt too! NICE!


Garry: OUCH!!!! What was that for?????

Sandra: For being a sexist pig as always, ya creep!!

{ Girls Just Wanna Have Fun begins to play, and the crowd cheers, knowing Sweet Misty is on her way out. }

Sandra: The fans sure love Misty.

Garry: Why I'll never know!

Sandra: Get real! What's not to like?

Garry: Well, she does have a great body, so I do like that!


Garry: OUCH!!! Knock it off!!!!

Sandra: No, you knock it off. Hey! Where is Misty at???

Garry: Probably waiting for the crowd to coax her out as always.

Sandra: No, this is taking way to long. Something's up.

{ The crowd begins chanting "Misty", but still no sign of the Sweet One at all. }

Sandra: I just got word something is up backstage, let's go to our camera back there.

{ The backstage camera opens, and finds Sherry Ann and Lisa Dream franticly searching everywhere for Sweet Misty. Sherry is beside herself, and is plowing anyone over that gets in her way while she searches. }

Garry: What kinda crap is this????

Sandra: I don't know, but Sherry is visibly upset.....

Garry: Of course she is, she can't find her side dish!

Sandra: Knock it off ya pig! Sherry is happily married, and doesn't cheat on Katie!!

Garry: Whatever....Anyways, Misty best get out here soon, or Skye is gonna be declared the winner!

Sandra: Yes, the ref is getting ready to call this one. I hope Sherry and Lisa find Misty soon!

Garry: Pfft....Sweetie Pie lost last week, and is just scared now.

Sandra: I don't know what is going on here. UT OH!! The ref has just declared Skye the winner.

Garry: Cool, that 20 bucks you owe me!!

Sandra: Now that sucks! Well I guess we'll go to a commercial break. This is just to weird!!! I hope they find Misty, and we get an explination about this soon. Your winner due to a no show, is Skye Soaring Hawk. I don't even think Skye is happy about this victory. She's a warrior, and doesn't wanna be handed a win like this.

Garry: Take the winners purse, and go home smiling Skye, and thanks for getting me 20 bucks!

Sandra: Grrrrrrrr....Anyways, stay tuned folks, we'll be right back with the Princess Peg, Sherry Ann match.....

Garry: Battle of the old hags!!!


{ fade to commercial. } 1

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