logoSakura Ito vs. Lisa Dream

(The camera pans the Battling Ring Angels arena, catching a glimpse of the throng of screaming, excited, wrestling fans. We also catch sight of a few of the more colorful signs, including "Marry Me Viper", "Peggy is BRA's Franchise", and "Loser Lindsey Locke". The camera finally lands on Kenny Harbor and Kari Trammell, BRA's announce team. The duo is seated at a small table, both wearing matching headsets.)

Kenny: Fans, we have an outstanding match for you. We will have former Celestial champion Lisa Dream facing, in my opinion, BRA's rookie of the year, Sakura Ito. This match should be a classic.

Cari: It should be interesting to see if "The Goddess" Nina Larue makes her appearance. After all, it is a well known fact that she has no love for either woman.

Kenny: Indeed. (tapping on his key board) Sources indicate that there is a 89.3% chance that Nina will interfere in this match. Also, fans seem to be split about who they think should win this match, Lisa and Sakura both sharing 50% of the vote. Your thoughts, Kari?

Cari: Sakura's okay but she doesn't have what it takes to beat The Dream. Lisa is BRA's first Celestial champion and held that title for some time, defeating some of the best and brightest in the federation. I think Lisa definitely has the advantage in this match.

Kenny: Well, here comes Sakura Ito now.

(The lights in the arena dim slightly, as, over the speakers, Queen's 'Don't Stop Me Now' begins to play. As the first slow stanza ends, and the music picks up, a burst of pyrotechnics brightens the ramp. Out of the fireworks jogs Sakura Ito, known also as 'Chibiyama' or the Little Mountain, Janus and Lightning Lindsey Locke, the other members of the Threesome. John Nanakami, Sakura's manager and mentor, is very conspicuously absent from his place at her side. Sakura appears in prime shape, her thickly muscled body dressed in her standard ring garb, which consists of a strapless one-piece suit, with panels removed over the six-pack abdominals and chiseled muscles of the small of the back. The suit is coloured a bright white at the top and gradually shades off into a deep cherry-blossom pink by the bottom. Her well-muscled arms are bare, while her legs have pink kneesavers and short pink wrestling boots. Sakura bears an intense and focused look in her brown eyes as the trio walk to ringside, though she still cracks a smile at the fans, taking a few moments to touch hands and nod to them before the group makes it to the ring. At the ring, the Threesome split to drop into the now famous Threesome Pose, with Sakura on one knee, flexing her impressive biceps, Lindsey Locke just behind with her arms up in a V-fashion, and Janus taking the rear. As the crowd pops, the trio split, Janus and Lindsey heading out of the ring while Sakura turns towards her corner, stretching out her powerful muscles against the ropes, a stern expression returning to her face.)

Kenny: Well, looks like Sakura is ready for a fight, with The Threesome at her side. She looks intense, no sign of the woman that was defeated by Sasha and Patricia Flex at the last PPV.

Cari: Ha! You want intensity? Check out the next wrestler!

(All of the lights in the arena dim as the sounds of twinkling stars and awe music fill the stadium. The blood red letters "THE DREAM" spin and solidify on the large jumbotron monitor located above the exit from the dressing room area, as smoke fills the entrance ramp. Then, there is a burst of pyrotechnics, the music shifts to the opening cords of "NOOKIE", by Limp Bizkit, and Lisa Dream exits the dressing room area. She arrogantly stands on the entrance ramp, surveying the sell out crowd as they show their appreciation for the concieted woman. Wearing her black leather halter top and black leather pants combination, Lisa blows a kiss to her adoring fans, and then arrogantly struts down to the ring like a supermodel walking on a runway. She sweeps into the ring with an arrogant smirk, and struts around the perimeter of the squared circle for the benefit of her adoring fans. Lisa then orders someone at ringside to hand her a microphone, which she quickly gets, and, when the crowd finally quietens down, she raises it to her black painted lips. "Get ready, all you lucky little DREAM-o-phobics, because your All American Sweetheart has just chosen to grace you all with her ever so *perfect* presence! You can all now feel justified in the ridiculous amounts you spent on your tickets, because the single greatest force ever to exist in BRA has just stepped through the curtain! So feast your eyes and fantasize, because your Greatest Dream never fails to dissapoint!" "However, I must say that even I am impressed by some women in this league! Oh yes, most are pitiful peons hardly worthy of my attention, but every once in a while, there comes a new girl that catches my eye! Sakura, you are one of these such women…I admire your tenacity, your strength, your courage! You are a great woman, a truly remarkable example of humankind, and don"t let anyone else ever tell you different!"

Lisa enters the ring, and, putting on a smile, she extends her hand. "It would be an honor to call you a friend."

Kenny: What's this all about?

Cari: Isn't it obvious? Lisa wants to make friends with Sakura.

(Sakura looks at Lisa and shakes her head.)

Sakura - Aku wa, yurushimasen! (trans. Evil cannot be forgiven!) Dream-san, your empty words and boasts show you as hollow as a bronze shell and as easily defeated! Let us begin!

(Lisa merely shrugs, and takes up a reclining position on the turnbuckle, waiting for the match to start.)

Cari: Did you see that!?! Hmph! That Sakura is so ungrateful!

Kenny: Looks like Sakura has smartened up after dealing with some of BRA's undesirables!

(The referee, Moira Young, signals for the bell and Lisa Dream charges Sakura, connecting with a drop kick to the woman's face.)

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Kenny: (winces) Ouch! That's gotta smart! Lisa starting things off quickly with a great drop kick.

Cari: (with a smug smile) Lisa is going to teach Sakura a lesson for her rudeness.

(Lisa grabs a handful of Sakura's hair and drags her to her feet, immediately choking the bigger woman against the top turnbuckle. Young admonishes Lisa and the Gothic Princess releases the choke, slapping Sakura across the face. Dream then snap mares Sakura, The Little Mountain landing on her bottom. As Sakura massages her throat, Lisa follows with a quick drop kick to the back of Sakura's head. Sakura falls to the mat and Lisa attempts a quick cover as Young begins the count.)


(Sakura makes a strong kick out before the two count, sending Dream flying across the ring. As Lisa rises to her feet, she is rocked by a huge clothesline from Sakura, knocking Dream against the ropes. Sakura grabs Lisa by the throat and administers a choke slam, sending Lisa's lithe form crashing to the mat.)

Kenny: Thunderous choke slam by Sakura. I think she's a bit angry at Lisa for the sneak attack.

(Sakura yanks Lisa to her feet and lifts her in bodyslam position before falling to the mat, on her side, driving Lisa's head into the canvas.)

Kenny: Holy cow! Northern Lights Bomb! Lisa has to be out of it.

Cari: I have more faith in Lisa than that. She's just setting Sakura up for the kill.

(Sakura lifts a dazed Lisa and whips her to the ropes. On the rebound Sakura lifts Lisa and drops her across her knee with a punishing back breaker. Lisa winces in pain as she rolls to the mat, Sakura promptly covering her for the pin. Moira Young slips into position, slapping the mat.)



(Lisa manages to get her shoulder up before the three count. Sakura slaps the mat in frustration and again brings Lisa to her feet. Suddenly, Lisa strikes out with a low blow, bringing Sakura to her knees.)

Cari: See. What did I tell ya? Lisa is in control again. Oooh. She just slapped Sakura in the face again!

(Lisa drags Sakura to her feet and shoves her into the right corner. Suddenly, Lisa punches Sakura a couple of times in the face, blows a kiss to the audience, and then backhands The Little Mountain across the cheek with the hand she blew the kiss with. Sakura slumps to the mat as Lisa looks out at the crowd.)

Cari: (laughs) I love it! Lisa calls that move"Her Adoring Fans". Looks like Sakura is feeling anything but adored.

(Lisa moves to the center of the ring and does a bump and grind, eliciting a mix of catcalls and boos.)

Lisa: "Who"s your greatest Sweetheart?"

Crowd: Lisa Dream! Lisa Dream!

Lisa: (smirks) "Feast your eyes and fantasize, my little DREAM-o-Phobics!"

(She does a few more bumps and grinds before approaching a dazed Sakura. But Lisa is shocked as Sakura greets her with a boot to the stomach. Doubled over, Lisa is grabbed by Sakura and lifted overhead in an impressive Gorilla Press. With a grunt, Sakura drops Lisa, the pale beauty smashing face first into the canvas. With Lisa on her stomach, Sakura grabs her by the leg and administers a single leg Boston crab. Lisa cries out in pain as the bigger woman applies the lethal submission.)

Kenny: Good job by Sakura. The only way to counter Lisa's speed is to keep her grounded!

(Sakura attempts to cinch the hold but Lisa manages to wriggle free, placing a boot squarely in Sakura's midsection. As the big woman doubles over, Lisa quickly rises to her feet, grabs her by the head, and performs a perfect jumping DDT. With Sakura prone on the mat, Lisa mounts the top turnbuckle, awaiting a rising Sakura. As Sakura makes it to her feet, she is greeted with a flying Lisa. Lisa leaps from the turnbuckle and wraps her legs around Sakura's neck, bringing her to the mat with a hurricanrana. Lisa sits on Sakura's chest and hooks her legs for the pin.)

Cari: Beautiful move by Lisa! This match is over.



(Sakura surprises the fans by kicking out at the two mark. Lisa bounces to her feet and stands behind Sakura, waiting for the Little Mountain to rise. As Sakura rises to her feet and turns, Lisa surprises her with a Flash Kick. Lisa does a back handspring, catching Sakura under her chin with her feet. Lisa lands on her feet while Sakura falls to the mat again.)

Cari: Ha! Ha! Ha! Lisa is just too much for that fat old Sakura.

Kenny: I wouldn't be too sure of that. (looking at his computer) There's still a 54.5% chance that Sakura can win this match.

(Lisa gouges the eyes of a rising Sakura before delivering another low blow. Lisa mounts the turnbuckles again and this time flies off with a drop kick, nailing Sakura in the chest. Lisa does another bump and grind before attempting to whip Sakura into the ropes. Sakura manages to reverse the whip and sends Lisa instead. On the rebound, Lisa performs a leap frog, jumping over a charging Sakura's head. Lisa looks out to the audience and taps her head, showing that she is a smart woman. She turns and is greeted by a bear hug from Sakura, Ito's strong arms crushing the small, Gothic beauty. Just as Lisa feels the air leave her lungs, Sakura brings her crashing to the mat with a spine buster, Lisa's back impacting with hard canvas. As Lisa moans in pain, Sakura grabs her legs and traps her in another Boston crab, flipping The Dream onto her stomach.)

Kenny: Great series of chain moves by Sakura! She truly is a technical genius!

Cari: Yeah...whatever.

(Lisa howls in pain as her back is assaulted once more. Sakura almost bends the woman in half as Moira Young checks for a submission. Lindsey and Janus look on, at ringside, cheering on their stablemate. As painful as the hold is, Lisa refuses to submit, instead trying her best to tag the ropes. With all of her strength, Lisa manages to drag herself towards the ropes and clutches them, forcing Sakura to break the hold. Lisa clutches her back as Sakura lifts her to her feet and tosses her into the nearby corner.)

Kenny: Uh oh! Looks like Lisa is going to get a little of her own medicine. Sakura is attacking with lefts and rights, showing off her new boxing training.

(Sakura assaults Lisa with a right body shot, left body shot, right uppercut and then left cross, knocking the Gothic princess to her knees.)

Cari: That's The Mack Truck Rush, made famous by Mack "Mack truck" Fontaine! Hmmm...Maybe Sakura isn't too bad, after all, if she knows some of Mack's moves!

(A seething, pained Lisa unleashes a kick to Sakura's stomach only to have Sakura catch her leg and toss The Dream to the mat with a lightning fast, Dragon screw leg whip. Lisa screams as she impacts with the mat again. Sakura drags Lisa to her feet and whips her to the ropes. Lisa rebounds and attempts a clothesline only to have Sakura duck and grab her arm. Sakura grabs Lisa's other arm and criss crosses them in front of Lisa, while holding Lisa from behind. She then places Lisa on her shoulders and falls backward. Sakura bridges while holding Lisa's arms crossed, pinning Lisa to the mat.)

Kenny: Wow! Ocean Cyclone Suplex! A move made famous by Manami Toyota! We don't see that often in BRA!

(Moira young slaps the mat.)



(Lisa manages to kick out of the pinning combination. Lisa stumbles to her feet only to be grabbed from behind, Sakura placing her in a full nelson, and promptly Dragon suplexed to the mat. Moira again makes the count, Sakura pinning Lisa with another impressive bridge.)



(Lisa again manages to kick out.)

Cari: Ha! Sakura can do all of the fancy moves that she wants but she can't beat Lisa Dream!

(Sakura brings Lisa to her feet again and whips her to the ropes only to have Lisa rebound and surprise her with a spinning heel kick to the chest. Sakura falls to the mat as Lisa mounts the top rope. Lisa measures a rising Sakura and leaps off with a cross body block.)

Kenny: Sakura ducked! Sakura ducked!

Cari: Damn! Lisa missed that cross body block!

(Lisa Dream impacts with hard canvas, Sakura ducking out of the way of her flying form. Sakura signals to the crowd before grabbing Lisa by the waist and power bombing her.)

Kenny: Wow! What a power bomb! And Sakura does it again! Two power bombs!

Cari: And a third as Sakura slams Lisa's back into the mat once again.

Kenny: That's Sakura's 123 Mountain Drop! Everytime I see it, I am more and more impressed.

(On the third power bomb, Sakura holds Lisa's shoulders down, Moira Young counting the one, two, and three. The bell rings and Sakura's hand is raised as the winner. She bows to a slowly rising Lisa Dream before celebrating with Janus and Lindsey Locke.)

Kenny: Great match by Sakura! Everyday, we see why she is one of BRA's brightest stars!

Cari: Whatever. Let's move on, shall we.

(The scene fades to a commercial for Princess Peg's Toll House Cookies.)

The Winner of the match: Sakura Ito
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