logoTiffany Lane vs. Lindsey Locke

(The camera pans across the arena, the crowd already at a fever pitch from the series of events that have already brought this PPV to life. Mobs of fans are screaming, yelling, and cheering at the top of their lungs, especially two rather vocal contingents . . . on one side of the ring is the throng of fraternity brothers from I Tappa Keg, and on the other side of the ring is a large group of children from Linds' Kids and their chaperones. The camera finally pans back to Kenny Harbour and Cari "The Brat" Trammel, who have to speak up over the din surrounding this main event match.)

Kenny: What an amazing reaction from the crowd to our main event match! They are about to break over the railings and into the aisles with excitement!

Cari: What was that? Speak up! I can barely hear you!

Kenny: I said . . . oh, never mind! This is going to be a tremendous match . . . not only is it the first Celestial title defense we have seen in some time, it is also Tiffany Lane's first title defense ever!

Cari: Miss BRA will have no trouble with the ten-time loser Lindsey Locke. I mean, she's Sisterhood after all. We should expect to see some fine wrestling tonight!

Kenny: You mean some fine interference.

Cari: Same thing.

(Suddenly, the curtains part, revealing a large stage, decorated in pink. Standing atop the stage is the reigning "Miss BRA", Tiffany Lane. The busty seductress wears a skimpy, pink, lace, thong bikini, showing off every curve of her sleek figure. She also wears a pair of pink, knee-high, vinyl boots, with a platform heel, and her long, luxurious hair falls to the small of her back, framing her beautiful face. The Blonde Bombshell poses atop the stage, flanked by The Babe Squad Dancers, four women dressed in matching, pink swimsuits. Behind the five women is a large structure, featuring Tiffany's name in pink, flashing lights. Tiffany looks out at the crowd when "Oops! I Did It Again!" by Britney Spears, begins to blare across the arena's speakers, the fans jumping to their feet.)

# yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah #
# Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah #

(Tiffany stares out at the crowd as the males in the audience shower her in catcalls and wolf whistles, drowning out the few boos.)

# I think I did it again #
# I made you believe we're more than just friends #
# Oh baby #
# It might seem like a crush #
# But it doesn't mean that I'm serious #
# 'Cause to lose all my senses #
# That is just so typically me #
# Oh baby, baby #

(Tiffany and The Babe Squad Dancers proceed to perform a sensual, dance routine to the delight of the male fans. With Tiffany in the lead, the five women drive the crowd wild with each seductive motion.)

# Oops!...I did it again #
# I played with your heart, got lost in the game #
# Oh baby, baby #
# Oops!...You think I'm in love #
# That I'm sent from above #
# I'm not that innocent #

(Tiffany does a few more bumps and grinds before gracefully leaving the stage as the dancers continue to move to the beat. An attendant rushes to greet Tiffany as she reaches the bottom of the stage's stairs. He hands her the shiny, Celestial Title as Tiffany flashes a dazzling smile. Draping the precious gold over her arm, Tiffany sashays to ringside, with her head held high and back straight, the walk of a true supermodel. The fans reach out to touch the blonde beauty but she remains out of their reach. As she enters the ring, Tiffany smiles out at the fans before raising her belt aloft, performing a sexy shimmy and shake. The males in the crowd begin to chant her name, especially those from the I Tappa Keg fraternity. Tiffany merely smirks as she stretches seductively, awaiting the start of the match.)

Kenny: And here's the champion! What a reaction from the crowd . . . I may not like the Sisterhood, but you can't deny the . . . er . . . charisma that Tiffany Lane has . . .

Cari: I can tell you how she gets that reaction, but you're too young to hear it.

Kenny: Er . . . yes . . . ahem . . . here comes Lindsey Locke right now!

(As strobe lights go off around the arena, simulating lightning, Lindsay walks to the entry. She stands with her arms out in a "T", palms down. As pyrotechnics go off, she raises her hands to a "V", palms up. Lindsay stands in a way that is both defiant and cute, with a smile on her face. "Immigrant Song" by Led Zepplin hits as Lindsay, accompanied by Janus, Sakura Ito and Angela Downey, makes her way to the ring. Lindsay wears her outfit of blue spandex shorts with silver lightning bolts on it. On the back it says "Lightning" in silver letters. She wears a blue spandex top with silver bolts on it and blue boots with silver bolts on them. She also has silver knee pads. Her blond hair is in pigtails. The crowd cheers wildly as the fan favorite walks to the ring, smiling and slapping hands with fans. All four women enter the ring and the members of the Threesome hit the now well known "Threesome Pose". Sakura drops to one knee and flexes her two powerful arms. Lindsay stands right behind her, holding three fingers up. Janus stands behind both of them and holds her arms aloft, still showing the scars of her previous match. Angela Downey points at them. The crowd is cheering like mad for their favorites. They split up and Lindsay gets hugs, first from Sakura and then from Angela. Finally, she walks over to Janus and gets some last minute advice. The ref clears the other members of the Threesome out of the ring and Lindsay stretches in preparation for the match. Janus, Sakura and Angela patrol the outside of the ring, making sure that no outside interference will take place.)

Kenny: It's been a rough night for the Threesome already, with both Janus and Sakura having some particular nasty incidents in their matches.

Cari: Janus should have been ready for the rough-and-tumble the moment she heard about the 'I-quit' match . . . being with these two losers has made her soft enough to quit over a kid.

Kenny: You should be quiet . . . she might hear you . . .

Cari: I guess I should be light on her tonight . . . I wouldn't want to smash her ego more by beating her in front of her friends if she started some trouble . . .

(As the announcers banter, head refree Karen Trask calls the two wrestlers foward, taking possession of the Celestial title as she checks both Tiffany and Lindsey for foreign objects. Nodding to both of them, Trask holds the title aloft, eliciting a cheer from the crowds before handing it to ringside.)

Trask: Alright, ladies, go to your corners and may the best wrestler win!

Cari: I wish that old dinosaur would just shut up . . .

(With that, the bell is rung and the match is underway. The two ladies circle for only a brief moment before the two hurtle into each other, both apparently taking an offensive tack to the match. Lindsay and Tiffany strugle in the collar-and-elbow tie up for a few moments, see-sawing for control, before Locke manages to pull around into an Irish Whip, which is promptly reversed by Lane, sending Lindsay careening towards the ropes, spinning into a rolling savate kick, which catches Locke square in the gut.)

Cari: Fast start to the action and as expected, the champion takes the lead . . .

Kenny: But this is far from over . . . look . . .

(Tiffany swiftly goes to follow up the kick with a standing dropkick to down the reeling blonde, but Locke's lightning speed shows through as she suddenly drops to her hands and knees, Miss BRA's kick sailing high, leaving her tumbling to the mat. Before Lane is even done falling, Lindsay again richochets back to the ropes, running back towards the fallen champion, giving a quick stomp to the abdomen before scooting past.)

Kenny: Odd! I expected Lindsay Locke to follow up with a high flying move . . . with a 87.4% probability!

Cari: Hah! I bet you she's scared . . . in the ring with such magnificance. She knows she'll get beaten so she's running away to prevent the inevitable.

(True to Cari's words, Locke seems to be dodging and ducking away from Lane, who quickly snapped to her feet and made to go on the offensive again. Tiffany lunges foward to try and connect with a snap kick to the gut, but Lindsay ducks off to the side, slipping away from Lane at the last moment. The champ's eyes narrow and again she darts in, attempting to drive Lindsay to the corner. This time, Lindsay seems to meet up for the grapple . . . then slips down and off behind Tiffany at the last moment. Sakura and Janus seem to be waiting patiently for something to happen, Janus mostly keeping her eyes to the aisles, as if expecting trouble.)

Cari: See? Too much of a coward to fight! And to think, little kids look up to her.

Kenny: I don't know about that . . . look!

(The crowd pops as Locke, having moved behind Lane, snags her by the neck and performs a reverse Hip Toss, sending the champion sharply onto her stomache. Instantly, Lindsay hops up to deliver an elbow drop to Tiffany's head, but . . . )

Cari: The champ rolls out of the way, making Locke eat nothing but canvas!

Kenny: Great skill and ring presence shown by Lane here!

(Locke grunts as she hits the mat. The Blonde Bombshell is up on her feet in an instant and snatches Lindsay up off the mat in a front headlock, almost instantly firing off a big rising Knee Lift to her jaw. The frat bots of I Tappa Keg break into cheers for their heroine, as she charges after Lindsay, who reels towards the ropes, dropping into a Baseball Slide that collides into Locke's shins, sending her tumbling to the mat with an oof.)

Kenny: Tiffany Lane is really taking the fight to Lindsay now.

Cari: Just as I suspected. She is the cream of the Sisterhood crop, while Locke just feel off the cabbage truck.

Kenny: Speaking of the Sisterhood, I wonder where they are . . .

(Tiffany quickly gets to her feet, snatching Lindsay's right leg, stepping over it with her own leg to start a spinning toe hold.)

Tiffany: Come on, Lindsay! You can do better than t . . .

(Lindsay catches her wits and suddenly kicks back at the Bombshell, catching her in the rear just as she spins for the toehold, breaking the attempt. Lightning Locke spins on her back, expertly coming around with a leg sweep, bringing both ladies to the mat.)

Kenny: Locke turns it around again! The fans are almost out of their seats at this back and forth action . . . the reaction is about equal for both ladies tonight!

Cari: I have to admit, they both are showing off alot of skill tonight . . . not as much as me, but . . . who can?

(Determined not to let up, Locke goes to return the favour to Lane, grabbing her left leg and dropping down into a straight leg-lock, trying to cut down on the champion's speed. Tiffany slaps the mat in pain, then begins to drag the pair of them towards the nearest ropes. Trask does a quick check on Lane, but a quick shake of the head confirms that she is not going to submit so easily. With a burst of strength and the cheers of the crowd, especially the frat boys, Lane grabs the ropes. Trask calls for a break and Locke immediately complies, stepping back as Tiffany rises, faintly rubbing her ankle.)

Kenny: Nice clean break . . . this is the kind of technical match I like to see! Fitting for a championship event!

Cari: (grumble)

(Barely a moment passes before the two wrestlers meet again in the center of the ring, grappling for advantage. With a quick move, Tiffany tosses Lindsay over her shoulder with a hard Snap Mare, then quickly repeats the process, disorienting her opponent. Pressing her advantage, the champion picks Locke up and swiftly sends her towards the ropes, hopping up to send a low Drop Kick into Lindsay's shins, trying to neutralize the one shared advantage of the fighters, raw speed . . . which is shown as . . . )

Cari: Locke hops right over that kick! I can't believe it!

Kenny: Ring movement is the specialty of both of these wrestlers and this is just another example of it!

(Tiffany quickly gets to her feet as Lindsay rushes over her, rebounding off the opposite ropes. Before the veteran can reorient, the Lightning is back up on her, hopping up and grabbing Lane by the head, planting her with a solid Tornado DDT!)

Kenny: The crowd is on their feet now! Looks like Lindsay's going for a standing Moonsault to put her away . . .

(True enough, Locke performs a neat backflip to land the moonsault, but . . .)

Cari: Lane pulled up the knees! Locke is folded like a cheap card table over the champ's legs!

(Tiffany pushes Locke off of her knees, all of the air blasted out of the challenger's lungs. A bit slower now, Lane stands, leaps up high and stretches out her legs, smashing a Leg Drop across Locke's windpipe, then goes for a cover, grapevining the legs.)


Kenny: This isn't over yet, as Lindsay manages to power out at the 2 count!

Cari: Lane isn't going to let her rest . . . Irish Whip to the corner and . . .

(As Lindsay's head snaps back against the turnbuckle, Tiffany is already in motion, leaping up with tremendous momentum with a hard-hitting Stinger Splash, sending more air rushing out of Locke's lungs. Sakura and Janus start calling out, trying to stir some life back into their stablemate.)

Tiffany: I've got beauty, sex appeal, and style, all in one combination. Lindsey, you will never compare!

(With that, Lane sends the battered contender on a ride into the other ringpost, immediately charging after to repeat the splash. However, as if in response to her friends' urgings . . . )

Kenny: Oh my God! Locke managed to drop down . . . the reigning Miss BRA has smashed herself against the ringpost!

Cari: I just have to wonder . . . where is the rest of the Sisterhood??

(Tiffany starts to wilt against the turnbuckle, only supported by her arms. The Lightning calls down deep into her reserves and spins the champion, hopping up and sending her tossing out of the corner with a neat Monkey Flip, then making a hop to the first turnbuckle for a Springboard Splash, this time hitting it right on the mark!)

Kenny: Vicky Trask is in for the count . . .

-3 . . .

Cari: No! Tiffany gets a shoulder up! Both wrestlers are looking spent, but I think the champ is still going to pull this out!

(Lindsay is first to her feet, resting and waiting as Tiffany rises. Just as she stands, Locke leaps up, attempting to fire a foot into the back of Lane's head with an Enziguri Dropkick . . . which fails to find it's mark as the veteran drops to her knees, sending Locke sprawling to the mat!)

Kenny: The crowd is on fire! This match takes yet another turn around!

Cari: Tiffany is the best in the sport right now! What did you expect?

(Catching a second wind, Tiffany stands, jumping up high to land a full Knee Drop right into Lindsay's gut, causing her to convulse in pain. Lane hauls her up, intent on finishing the match, sending Locke into the ropes. Showing off her agility, the Blonde Bombshell leaps up, catching Lindsay around the neck with her legs, pausing for a moment before hurtling Locke's head into the mat with a Spinning Hurricarana! Before the mat is done shaking, Lane snatches a leg for the pin.)

Cari: This is it! Locke's down for the count!

(Trask dives down for the count . . . )

-1- -2- -3 . . .

(Just before Trask slaps the mat a third time, Lindsay creeps a shoulder up. Lane looks shocked and slumps off, this last effort making her feel spent. Both wrestlers try to catch their breaths on the mat.)

Kenny: With all of this effort, I don't know how either of these ladies can go on . . .

Cari: Speak of the devil . . . Trask is starting to count them out . . .

(Before Vicki reaches the 5 count, both women start to stir. Looking ready to drop, they stare at each other for a moment before entangling into a collar-and-elbow tieup. For a few grueling moments, the pair struggle, Lindsay cheered on by Sakura and Janus, Tiffany encouraged by the frat boys of I Tappa Keg. First, Lindsay starts to buckle, Tiffany pushing with all of her might . . . then . . . suddenly . . . )

Kenny: Locke puts on a burst of strength . . . and . . .

Cari: I can't believe it! Big Spicoli Driver by Locke! I didn't think she had it in her!

Kenny: And now she's up on the top rope . . .

(Tiffany languishes on the mat, holding her head. Lindsay looks no better but manages to steady herself on the turnbuckle, then signals for the Lightning Strike.)

Cari: This is almost exactly like the four way at the PPV where Tiffany won the belt . . .

Kenny: . . . except there's no Sisterhood . . .

(Janus, as a matter of fact, is waiting by the aisle, expecting trouble . . . but finds none! At that exact moment, Lindsay sails through the air and . . . )

Kenny: Dead-on hit! Locke drops for the pin!

Cari: What?!? But where is Nina and . . .


Kenny: She did it!! She did it!! Lightning Lindsay Locke is our new Celestial Champion!!

(Sakura and Janus rush into the ring, Angela not far behind, hauling up the battered Lindsay into a group of hugs. At this moment, Nina Larue walks down the aisle, flanked by Jennifer Christian and Alexandria Parker. They solemnly enter the ring . . . Sakura and Janus step up to form a defensive barrier, Ito shooting a particuarly evil look at Larue. Tiffany gets to her feet and raises a hand.)

Tiffany: It looks like . . . *pant* . . . you pulled it off, Lindsay. *huff* You may have noticed . . . that my sisters did not interfere. *puff* I wanted to defend the title as it was meant to . . . as a real champion. It's yours now, Locke. There will not be a battle today . . . but . . . be watchful. Who knows how long you will hold onto that?

(As one, the Sisterhood turn to slowly exit the ring, eliciting a large round of applause from the crowd for such a show of true champion character . . . applause picked up by all the members of the Threesome, as Trask solemnly presents the belt to Lindsay.)

Kenny: I am impressed. Really impressed. A fantastic display of true sportsmanship by the Sisterhood and Tiffany Lane.

Cari: I'm about to cry . . . I just wonder how long it will be before the Blond Bombshell is wearing gold again . . .

WINNER, and New Celestial Champion: Lindsay Locke
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