logoSamantha Staffer vs. Angel Dust

Scanning the globe it's Main Card on Battling Ring Angels! We return you to your announcers Cari Trammel and Kenny Watshisname!

Kenny: I really hate when they do that! Why is it always me!

Cari: Did you even read your contract before you signed it?

Kenny: What for? I have a computer program do it for me!

Cari groans.

Kenny: Anyway, the new featherweight champion Angel Dust gets a chance to strut her belt tonight without fear of losing it!

Cari: She gives a lot of height and weight up to Samantha Staffer but she is a belt holder. Having gold around your waist can be quite a motivator!

Kenny: Well, it's good vs. bad..

Cari: ..Or Madam vs. porn star!

The lights go dim and Samantha struts out to Queens �Another one Bites the Dust'. She is dressed in a skintight short suit in shiny black with tall black leather boots; her hair is braided in a single braid down the back to keep it out of the way. She wears a baseball cap with Thirtysomething on the front and is accompanied by friend and tag partner Peggy Christian. She looks cool and confident and greets the crowd with a wave and a smile. Behind her on the jumbotron are glimpses of her past fights, both with Peggy and solo fights. The crowd roars its approval. As they get to the ring Peggy splits the ropes and takes Samantha's hat before returning to the floor.

Cari: Enter the madam! I wonder if Peggy is one of her�

Kenny: Don't even suggest it!

Cari: hehe!

Kenny: If gold is a motivator then that accounts for Angel's attitude! Let's here what she has to say before the match!

Interviewer: I'm here in the back with the new featherweight champion Angel Dust, Angel, how does it feel to not only wear some gold but to have a win under your belt, so to speak?

Angel: Win under my belt, ha, that's funny. But you see, fun time is over, I told everyone that Angel Dust became a new person, that she wouldn't take any crap from any one. Back when I finally got my hands on that Cow Janus, I beat her ass to a pulp, She may of won the match up, but the war is not over, then I nearly brake Millions leg to win this belt that's over my shoulder. They sent her home in a stretcher.

Interviewer: Laura Parker says that you never beat her.

Angel: She knew what she was getting into when she got in this match. As for beating her? I beat her, Veronica Millions beat her, Hell, She beat herself. Did I pin her or make her give up, no, but read the contract, it states and I quote "If a champion is involved in the match up, they do not have to be pinned or give submission to lose the title". Now Parker, you want another piece of me, Fine, since I'm busy on the October 16th card, let's make it Me and You the week after?

Interviewer: But you have to get through Samantha Staffer tonight and Jennifer Christian next week, and Next week is a title match.

Angel: I pretty much know the outcome of the Staffer match, and as for La Petite whatsherface, Well, I haven't spoken to my friend Yvette in awhile, so this should be fun.

Interviewer: Any other comments you'd like to make?

Angel: For weeks now, I been trying to get a hold of Lindsey Locke and I haven't caught her attention, well, next week Linds, I'll strike where you least expects it.

Interviewer: Well, We'll just have to wait and see, Thank you Angel, and good luck in your match up tonight.

Once again the lights dim and the sound of Brackish by Kitty echoes around the arena. The curtains part and BRA's featherweight champion Angel Dust splits the curtains and strides toward the ring. She wears torn jeans, T-shirt, combat boots and black fingerless gloves. Around her waist is the Featherweight title belt. She enters the ring and holds it above her head, parading it around the ring.

Cari: She is looking pretty cocky, sort of a pre requisite for champions around here.

Kenny: She had a couple of tough competitors to deal with. Laura Parker is no slouch!

Cari: We'll see what she does with a larger woman tonight.

As the bell rings Angel still parades her belt and as she passes Samantha suddenly turns and slams it heavily to the side of Samantha's head! The Cathouse leader crashes to the mat groaning as Angel starts to rain a flurry of stomps to her downed competitor!

Kenny: I am surprised that Samantha let that happen! She sure got caught out there!

Cari: Just shows it takes more to succeed here than being a good wrestler. Angel seems to have that edge!

Angel tosses the belt over the side and grabs Samantha's hair, dragging her up. She drags her foe to the ropes and drags the redhead's eyes along the top rope. Samantha screams as the rope digs into her eyes. As they get to a corner Angel slams Samantha's face into the turnbuckle, then repeats it several times as the larger woman's knees buckle. Staffer gets no respite though as she is dragged into a side headlock. All she can do is follow as the featherweight runs to the center of the ring and thrusts her legs out, slamming her opponent's face to the mat with a brutal bulldog!

Kenny: Angel has rolled her over!

Cari: She's going for the pin! This could be over!




Samantha kicks out at the last possible second! Angel gets upset and slams a double fist right into the struggling Samantha. Getting up she pulls the redhead up by the arm and whips her into the ropes. Samantha can just bounce back right into the waiting dropkick from Angel. Samantha rolls groggily to her elbow, shaking her head. Angel raises a fist in the air and drops behind the larger woman before wrapping her arms around her head.

Kenny: Sleeper! Can she hold it!

Cari: Samantha is struggling! She's a larger woman and Angel left her too near the ropes!

Kenny: Angel has done a good job wearing her down, but you may be right!

Samantha reaches for the ropes as the ref watches closely. Peggy Christian is just outside the ropes urging her friend on! Angel struggles to hold the heavier woman as she gains ground, reaching for the ropes that are a scant few inches away. As the ref checks again for a choke Peggy quickly pushes a rope out and Samantha's fingers wrap themselves around it. Peggy backs off before the ref raises his head. When he does he immediately waves the hold off. Angel however saw it and protests to the ref while still holding the sleeper, but finally releases it and gets up angrily! Peggy pounds at the apron now to help her friend.

Cari: Ya know, I may have had Piggy all wrong! That was pretty smooth!

Kenny: I'm torn! I loathe cheating but from Peggy Christian how can you call it cheating! She was just helping a friend!

Cari: Whatever you call it, Angel is not too happy!

As Samantha tries to pull herself up an angry featherweight lashes out and drives a combat boot at an unsuspecting Peggy Christian! Her head rocks and slumps to the apron prompting Angel to continue the assault! The referee tries to intervene as Angel continues to stomp Peggy mercilessly. Peggy finally slides off the apron to the floor in a heap with Angel glaring fiercely at her. As she turns she is in turn rocked by a brutal forearm that sends her flying back into the ropes as Samantha lashes out! Recovering fast the redhead holds her tormentor against the ropes and brings several knees up to Angel's stomach, making her gasp for air! A quick whip to the far ropes sends a stunned Angel springing back into the waiting boot of Samantha! She crumples to the mat holding her chin but Samantha is now on fire. Dragging Angel up Samantha bends and scoops before powerslamming her hard to the mat.

Cari: Once again Samantha shows some amazing recuperative powers, but Angel only has herself to blame! She let herself get too distracted stomping the life from someone other than her opponent!

Kenny: Cost her dear too! Peggy is still down but Samantha has control of this match now and I think only a miracle can stop her winning!

As Samantha drags Angel to her feet her mouth suddenly forms a perfect �O� and her eyes widen as she suddenly drops to her knees, victim of a fist between her legs! Angel takes a moment to get up and shake off the cobwebs before stepping in front of Samantha and driving a boot up hard to her chin! Samantha crumples to the mat on her back. Angel drags her up again and spins her so they are back to back before dropping her in a spinning neckbreaker! Samantha rolls around the ring holding her neck and back in pain! The featherweight champion leaps up and drops a thigh hard across Samantha's throat that stills the big redhead!

Cari: There's your miracle, it's called savvy!

Kenny: It's called cheating you mean! That was a foul low blow!

Cari: Angel just did what she had to do!

Kenny: Angel is leaving the ring! What's she doing?

Angel grabs her belt from the table and before getting back in the ring walks over to where Peggy is just getting up and slams the belt into the side of her head! As Peggy drops again to the floor Angel slides the belt under the ropes and starts to climb up but Samantha has again recovered and grabs Angels hair and pulls the featherweight over the top rope and into the ring on her back! As Angel writhes Samantha's face goes red with rage! She drags Angel up and whips her into the ropes. Leaping up she meets her by sending a vicious dropkick into her chest! Samantha again hoists her up and sends her crashing back first into a corner! As a groggy Angel slumps in the corner Samantha takes a run and leaps up smashing an elbow hard to her dazed opponent! Angel hangs in the corner rocked! Samantha easily bends her over and hooks her foes arms, then with a show of power hoists Angel up and over in a chicken wing suplex!

Kenny: What power! Angel must have bounced a foot off the mat then!

Cari: Samantha's across, she has the leg hooked!





Kenny: Got her! Samantha Staffer has won this one! What a show!

Cari: Angel should have won this one twice! She pretty much beat herself!

Kenny: Take nothing away from Samantha Staffer! She had to work hard but she beats the featherweight champion!

Samantha quickly leaves the ring to check on her friend, helping her up as the crowd cheers loud! Angel stirs slowly in the ring beside her belt.

Cari: If she can keep focussed I think Angel should have no trouble defending her title against Jennifer Christian next week! I like the kid, but she is small and Angel has shown she can handle herself against much larger women!

Kenny: We'll be right back!

WINNER: Samantha Staffer by pinfall.
Hosted by www.Geocities.ws