
As the commercial for the next Battling Ring Angel�s mid card fades a view of the screaming crowd at the current main card venue bursts on to the screen.

Kenny: I have just been handed a note..

Cari: (taking the note from Kenny)

Kenny: I have just handed a note to Cari!

Cari: This is disappointing. Very disappointing indeed!

Kenny: The fans won�t like it! Let�s listen to the ring announcer.

Ring announcer: Ladies and Gentlemen! Due to the unfortunate withdrawal of Sasha AND Missy Jones, our next match for tonight has been cancelled!

As expected a loud chorus of booing broke with several chants of "we want our money back!" and other things that had to be rapidly bleeped out!

Cari: Possibly the most entertaining match of the night, too!

Kenny: I don�t call two of BRA�s biggest and talented wrestlers pounding on the smallest entertaining!

Cari: Jennifer Christian is Sisterhood! Need I say more?

Just at that moment the lights go right out and the clambering from the crowd ceases. As the noise dies right down the haunting opening bars of Rod Serling�s Twilight Zone break over the loudspeakers. As they realize something is afoot Golden Earing�s version of the song breaks in loud simultaneously with flashpots exploding! The lights come back on as Jennifer Christian, clad in black two piece suit, black tights and wrestling boots splits the curtains! A frown creases her childlike face as she heads straight for the ring. Stepping behind her are the remaining members of the Sisterhood of Seduction, Nina LaRue, Alex Parker, Tiffany Lane and Laura Parker!

Kenny: What are they doing here? The match has been cancelled, didn�t they hear?

Cari: Judging by the look on the youngster�s face, I would say she has!

Kenny: I would think she would be relieved!

Cari: It�s obvious she was ready for this match! I�m liking the little tyke more and more!

The remaining Sisterhood members stay down and let Jennifer enter the ring alone. She walks up to the announcer and he senses she wants to say something. He hands her the mike and beats a hasty retreat as the teen prepares to speak.

"I have to admit, I am very disappointed! I show up here tonight, ready to wrestle and give you people your monies worth, but what do I find?"

The crowd largely listens, a few voicing their doubts at the youngster�s sincerity.

"I find myself alone in the ring without an opponent in site, and I really have to ask myself why? Why did neither of my opponents show up? Could it be that they were indisposed enough not to honor their contracts? Maybe, but I doubt it! Could it be they were afraid of little old me?"

As the crowd booed Jennifer put her head in her hand and laughed aloud, showing she didn�t believe it either.

"Or could it be that the "mighty" Missy Jones and the vaunted head of the laughable Hit Squad Sasha realize that to mess with the Sisterhood is to mess with the most powerful force in women�s wrestling today! Bar none!!"

Cari: Got to give her credit! She was ready to face up to them!

Kenny: I have a feeling she is going to be hearing from them anywise!

"But, like I said, maybe they have reason, who knows, to give them credit, they have earned some measure of doubt�unlike others I can mention�"

Cari: Here it comes!

"Like the Cathouse!"

At the sound of the only face stable, and therefore a favorite stable, the crowd reacted strongly, booing the teen roundly. She took it all in with a smile.

"You may boo me, but at least I came to wrestle! Is they�re anyone out there woman enough to get in the ring and give the fans what they paid to see!"

Cari: Now that�s an interesting approach!

Kenny: I don�t know why she wants to fight so bad!

Cari: She�s a wrestler!

Security is hard pressed to keep the many women and few men bursting at the rails from getting through to the ring! It appears a lot of people want a piece of Jennifer Christian! Outside the ring the Sisterhood members are enjoying seeing their youngest member blossom! As security just manages to win the battle the sound of "She�s a Lady" suddenly starts to play over the loudspeakers and a figure breaks through the curtains and strides boldly towards the ring.

Kenny: It�s Peggy Christian! It looks like the little girl in the ring is going to get a spanking!

Cari: I�ve never seen Peggy this mad! That won�t help her!

Kenny: Are you kidding? These two have been in the ring twice before and Peggy has controlled the match 93.7% of the time!

Cari: Let�s see if she even makes it to the ring!

Peggy unzips her Cathouse jacket on the way to the ring and throws it to the ground! She is dressed in her leopard print wrestling gear from supporting her tag partner earlier and surprisingly the Sisterhood eagerly lets Peggy climb the stairs to the ring!

Cari: Looks like we are going to get our match after all!

Kenny: Good night Jenn! You�ve been a very bad girl and mommy is mad!

Peggy wastes no time and charges Jenn with a clothesline that the teen easily ducks. As the older woman turns she is met with a dropkick to her chin as Jenn reacts with speed! Peggy lands with a thud but has no respite as she is hauled dazed to her feet and doubled over with a knee to her soft stomach. As the crowd boos Jenn wraps her arms around her mother�s head and drops Peggy with a savage spinning neckbreaker! The dazed housewife has no time to recover as Jenn again drags her up by the hair and runs her head hard into the nearest turnbuckles! As Peggy slumps Jenn continues ramming�. five�six�seven times! Peggy is reeling as she hangs in the corner! Laura Parker can�t resist the urge and climbs the corner of the apron; grabbing Peggy�s hair and holding the dazed housewife�s head up with triumph before letting it fall again to the corner.

Kenny: This is bad enough without Laura Parker getting involved!

Cari: Just remember who started this!

Kenny: She didn�t start anything with Laura, just with her daughter!

Cari: Who is controlling about 100% of this match right now!

Jenn grabs Peggy by the arm and whips her staggering mother to the opposite corner where she slams into it with a jolt! Seconds later the crowd is awed as Jenn goes flying across the ring and lands an excellently placed springboard elbow into the suffering older woman�s chest!

Kenny: Wow, I have to admit that was impressive!

Cari: Absolutely no resistance there! I told you being mad was a bad thing!

Kenny: I never would have guessed!

Cari: I should have made a bet! Sheesh! When will I learn!

In the ring Jenn pulls the stunned Peggy out and bends down. With a mighty effort that belies the size difference Jenn scoops up the near dead weight of her mother and powerslams her near the corner!

Kenny: Wow! I�ve never seen Jennifer Christian lift that much weight before!

Cari: It took some effort for sure!

As Peggy lays on the mat motionless, her chest heaving, Jenn moves to the far corner. She pumps a fist in the air and runs toward the corner where her mother lay still. Just before reaching Peggy, Jenn vaults over in a half somersault to the top turnbuckle into a handstand. She stays there for a second before pushing herself off backwards into a reverse frog splash and comes crashing down across Peggy�s chest!

Cari: What a move! Oh, I am REALLY starting to like this girl!

The referee, who up to now has just watched with wonder looks around. He sees Nina LaRue pointing to the spot where Jennifer has her comatose mother pinned helplessly. He nods his head and drops to the mat where he counts an easy three count and Tiffany ensures the bell is sounded to end the "match."

Kenny: I guess, game, set and match!

Alex Parker rolls in the ring and as Jenn gets up raises her hand victoriously in the air! Laura grabs the mike and brings it over, giving the prostrate form of Peggy a kick on the way. Jenn wipes a small bead of sweat from her brow before speaking.

"The move you have just witnessed, is called the "Outer Limits"! I don�t doubt you will note its effectiveness! Cathouse! Is that the best you can do! Is that the challenge the Sisterhood is to expect! If it is, then pack your bags and leave wrestling now!"

With that she throws down the mike and the Sisterhood of Seduction leaves the ring and the still unmoving member of the Cathouse for wolves!

WINNER: No contest, but a definite message from the Sisterhood!
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