
Kenny: Welcome back ladies and gentle men. This next match up promises to be a great one. A tag team match featuring Nina Larue and Jessica Estrella against Viper and Lindsey Locke.

Cari: I think our commissioner, Johnny Angel, has really outdone himself for this match.

Kenny: All four of the wrestlers are good.

Cari: Not that they are good. It's the teams he has made up. Not one of the partners likes the other.

Kenny: I have to admit these are not the teams I would have made.

Cari: I think our commissioner's elevator doesn't go all the way to the top floor.

Kenny: What do you mean? I just took the elevator to the top floor of the BRA headquarters and it worked just fine. His office is on the top floor too.

Cari: No! You idiot! I mean he is one fry short of a happy meal.

Kenny: I don't think McDonald ever counts the fries in happy meal.

Cari: What I mean is that he is ready to have the men in white coats take him to the funny farm.

Kenny: OH! You mean that he is mentally unstable.

Cari: Dawn comes to Marblehead.

(Kenny and Cari are interrupted by the Fifties love song "Johnny Angel" playing over the loud speaker. The crowd begins to boo as the curtains part and Johnny Angel begins to walk to the ring. He takes a mic from the ring attendant and waits for the boos to quiet down.)

Johnny: It pleases me to see how happy you all are to see me.

(The crowd reacts with another loud chorus of boos.)

Johnny: Last week at the PPV some circus clown in a grade B movie costume, that I think was stolen from "Plan from Outer space", Decided to interrupt an eagerly anticipated match. He succeeded in ruining a lot of the fans fun by causes one of the matches to be canceled. I can just promise you that that insane lunatic has been returned to the Dentonville Clinic and Dr. McKinley is looking after him. He will not be interrupting any more matches in BRA.

(The fans cheer this news.)

Johnny: Now as for this match involving Viper and some others. I have decided that it is time that Viper learns who is boss in the BRA. As many of you know Viper came into my office a few weeks ago and tore it up. She was demanding some special privileges for her match against Janus for the Fallen Angel Title. I decided to grant her wish but this week it is time to show her what happens when the Commissioner of the great Battling Ring Angels is not treated with the respect he deserves.

Kenny: It was wrong of Viper to threaten Johnny and break up his office. That was very disrespectful.

Cari: What do you mean? Johnny is nerd that needs to be shown the error of his ways. I saw what Viper did and I think it was treating Johnny with exactly the respect he deserves.

Johnny: I know that Viper was injured in her match against Janus. She did win the Fallen Angel match but just barely. Viper thinks that she can come out here and fight a tag team match and have her partner do all the fighting while she rests and takes all the credit. NOT ON MY WATCH!

Cari: Viper would give it her all and Johnny knows that.

Johnny: So I am going to change this match. Instead of a tag team, it's going to be a singles match.

Cari: WHAT! This is an outrage!

Johnny: And I have chosen a special opponent for Viper.

Cari: He's changing the match and the opponents?

Johnny: I have hand picked the person you have to fight tonight. Your opponent will be SHEA LONDON.

Cari: Shea London? Viper didn't even train for Shea, this is so unfair. At least it will be a hardcore match. That at least will be the type that Viper is used to.

Kenny: Viper would have the upper hand in a hardcore match. I think Shea has only fought one in her career.

Johnny: Oh! And just so no one can say that I am putting to many stipulations in Vipers way, she won't have to defend her Fallen Angel Title. I am making this a regular match. Hardcore rules don't apply.

(Johnny hands the mic to a ring attendant and walks out of the arena.)

Cari: What? Not a hardcore match? I can't believe it. He is giving every advantage to Shea London. Viper is hurt she shouldn't even be fighting. He can't do this!

Kenny: Oh yes he can. He's the commissioner.

Cari: Not for long I hope. This Gabrielle character would run the fed the right way.

(The sound of hissing slowly fades up, filling the arena. On the Angeltron, the image of a pit viper, curled up against a wall, slowly shifts its head side to side ready to strike. In a flash it strikes, opening its gaping maw, showing two long fangs before engulfing the lens. At the same time, green and white pryo explode from the wrestler entrance as the sound of George Thorogood and the Destroyers blasts over the loudspeakers. )

I walked forty-seven miles of barbed wire, I got a cobra snake for a necktie
A brand new house on the road side, and it's a-made out of rattlesnake hide
Got a brand new chimney put on top, and it's a-made out of human skull
Come on take a little walk with me baby, and tell me who do you love?
Who do you love?
Who do you love?

(The crowd rises to its feet as the "Viper" Lesley Magus steps out from behind the pyro. She is dressed in a green spandex sports bra and black martial arts pants, her hair tied tight behind her head in a ponytail. A nasty scar adorns her forehead, courtesy of Super Steel Silverware and Janus. Her hands are partially covered by black fingerless gloves. A tattoo of a Viper curls up her arm and around her shoulder, and as always, a long link of bike chain is wrapped around her neck and down her torso.. Jet black wrestling boots cover her feet as she stands glaring into the ring. Around her waist, the Fallen Angel Title. The crowd boo's and jeer's the new Hardcore Champion, her acts last week showing her true colors to the world. Lesley scowls at the yelling ringside fans, she spits at one fan, and swears at another before sliding into the ring.)

Kenny: Leslie Magnus shows her true colors after her victory in the PPV. She has taken the fallen in Fallen Angel to extreme.

Cari: She is an extreme wrestler. Viper is just getting back to what she does best.

Kenny: Which is spitting on fans?

Cari: Which is being the hardest of the hardcore wrestlers.

Kenny: I am surprised to see Viper back in the ring after the injuries she suffered at the PPV. She still has a bandage on her head and her ribs are taped.

Cari: Viper would never back down from a match. She'll do fine.

Kenny: Unless Shea takes advantage of those injuries.

Cari: And don't forget our crazy commissioner is forcing her to fight this match.

(The lights dim, as pyro displays along the walkway start to blast and "Made in England" begins to blare over the PA. After a few seconds, Shea London and Tara Sawyer appear side by side in the entranceway. Both walk briskly down to the ring, both slapping hands with the cheering fans. Shea's face bears her trademark cute grin. Tara seems in good spirits, despite the off camera beating she received just last week. As they reach the ring, Shea dives through the bottom rope, sliding into the ring, curling up into a ball before springing to her feet. Tara, meanwhile, stays at ringside, clapping and cheering for her friend and partner.)

Cari: I see that Shea seems to need help.

Kenny: She needs no help she is a great wrestler.

Cari: Than why did she bring her friend, Tara Sawyer?

Kenny: They are just friends. I'm sure Tara is there just to guarantee that there is no interference from any of Viper's friends.

Cari: I don't think Viper has any friends.

Kenny: She sure has made no attempts to make any recently.

Cari: I would normally consider Shea London to be a walk over type opponent for Viper, but with her injuries at the PPV last week, I don't think she will have an easy time of it.

Kenny: I don't think Viper would ever have an easy time with Shea, and I think that tonight will be Shea's chance to shine.

(The ref brings both wrestlers into the center of the ring to explain the rules. Viper sneers at London who maintains a steady stare into Viper's eyes. The bell rings and the match begins. Both wrestlers circle each other looking for an opening. Feints from one wrestler bring appropriate defensive measures from the other. Viper begins to goad London.)

Viper: Geez, Shea, I've heard that the British dental plan sucks, but man, you've been in America for months now ..see a dentist.

Kenny: There is nothing wrong with Shea's teeth.

Cari: You just haven't looked at them. They're a little north of where your eyes go when you look at London.

(The goad seems to work as London and Viper lock up in a test of strength. Viper gains an early advantage but Shea is able to fight her way back. Viper ends the test of strength with a kick to London's thigh. Shea backs away from Magnus. Leslie moves toward London but Shea runs to the ropes and springboards off the bottom one and nails Viper with a flying drop kick to her injured ribs. Viper groans as she falls to the mat, holding her ribs.)

Cari: HAH! London can't wait to take an unfair advantage of Viper's injured ribs.

Kenny: It's not an unfair advantage. Magnus was passed by the BRA doctors as being fit to fight so the injury can't be that bad.

Cari: Do you mean Dr. Ben Dover, that defrocked proctologies that Johnny Angle hired?

Kenny: I'm sure he is a licenced doctor.

Cari: Just like you are sure there is Santa Claus.

(London applies an arm bar on Viper and forces her to her feet. London twists the arm and jumps up and down increasing the pressure. Viper screams in rage at Shea. Viper steps under the armbar and reverses it on London. Now it is London who stomps the mat in pain. London attempts to reverse the armbar but Viper releases it before she can complete the move. Viper steps behind London and wraps her arms around Shea's waist. Leslie grunts and lifts London up and over with a belly to back suplex. Viper bridges, forcing London's shoulders to the mat. The ref drops to the mat and slaps it once before Shea is able to roll out of the pin.)

Kenny: Way too early in the match to try for a pin.

Cari: Viper is a crafty wrestler. She almost got London to fall for that move. I'm sure it surprised the hell out of her.

(Both wrestlers are quickly on their feet. Viper grabs Shea's arm and whips her into the ropes. On the rebound, Shea leaps into the air and wraps her legs around the head of a startled Viper. She swings quickly taken Viper to the mat with a hurricanrana. London rolls Viper over and pins her shoulders to the mat with a lateral press. Viper kicks out at the one count. Shea beats Lesley to her feet and runs to the ropes. She springboards off them with a flying cross body block. Lesley catches Shea and holds her for a moment before dropping her across Viper's knee with a back breaker.)

Cari: Amazing strength shown by Viper.

Kenny: She is adding to the pain of the backbreaker by pressing down on Shea's chin and leg bending Shea's already sore back across her knee.

(The ref checks and make sure there is no choking before asking Shea if she submits. London shakes her head no. Viper pushes Shea off her knee before rising to her feet. London rolls on the mat clutching at her back. Viper begins to kick Shea. Raining kicks on London as London curls into a ball to protect her self. Viper acknowledges the boos of the crowd with a one finger salute. Shea takes advantage of the distraction to roll to the ropes and grab them. Magnus goes to Shea and begins to kick her some more. The ref asks for the break but Viper ignores him. The ref begins to count and finally forces his way between the two wrestlers and shoves Viper to the center of the ring.)

Cari: HEY! The ref can't touch the wrestlers.

Kenny: He can to break up an illegal move like Viper was doing.

Cari: Kicks are legal in wrestling.

Kenny: Not when one of the wrestlers is in the ropes.

(The ref stands between the two wrestlers reading Viper the riot act. Viper sneers at the ref and pushes him out of the way as London gets to her feet.)

Viper: The British are only good for one thing, whining and crying for America to come and save they're worthless limey asses.

Cari: So true.

Kenny: This attack on the British is totally uncalled for.

(Viper rushes Shea but London dodges out of the way. Shea moves to the center of the ring with Viper in hot pursuit. London spins and delivers a spinning heel kick to Viper's already sore ribs. Viper moans as she staggers backwards holding her ribs. Shea puts Viper in a front head lock and then falls backward driving Leslie's head into the mat with a DDT. Magnus lies stunned on the mat as Shea gets to her feet. She grabs Viper's legs and rolls her onto her back. London begins to put Viper into a figure four leg lock.)

Kenny: If Shea can get this figure four locked on it could be the end of Viper.

(Shea does get the figure four locked on and applies the pressure to Viper's knee. Viper screams and slaps the mat in agony but refuses to submit. Lesley stretches her hand out and finds she is about six inches from the ropes. Viper begins to claw the mat with her hands pulling inching herself closer to the ropes. Shea leans back putting even more pressure on Viper's knee. Pain is etched on Viper's face as she reaches once more for the ropes and finds that she is still a fraction of an inch from them. With a scream, Viper makes one mighty stretch for the ropes and barely manages to get a hold on them. The ref signals for the break and Shea complies.)

Cari: Viper did it she made it to the ropes.

Kenny: She may have broken the hold, but I don't know how much good her knee will be after that. Shea is back on her feet but Viper is still laying on the mat holding the rope.

Cari: It takes more than that to take Viper out of a match.

(Shea waits in the center of the ring as Viper uses the ropes to get slowly to her feet. Lesley flexes her knee and rubs it to take the pain out of it. Viper moves away from the roped favoring her knee. Shea leaps into the air and sends Viper to the mat with a drop kick. Viper rolls on the mat clutching her ribs.)

Cari: She did it again.

Kenny: Did what?

Cari: That London attacked Viper's already damaged ribs. That is underhanded.

Kenny: What do you mean underhanded? It is a perfectly legal move. If Viper's ribs are hurting her too much she can always say she is too injured to keep fighting.

Cari: Viper would never say that. This whole match should never have taken place. It's just that nerd, Johnny Angel, trying to make people think that he is a real man.

(Shea forces Viper to her feet with an armlock. London drags Viper to the corner and lifts her so that she is seated on the top turnbuckle. London climbs the turnbuckle and begins to punch Viper on the head. She puts Viper's head under her arm pit and stands on the top turnbuckle.)

Cari: Oh OH! What is London trying now?

Kenny: I would say it is a DDT from the top rope or possibly a superplex.

(Viper stuns Shea with a punch to the gut. Viper follows it up with three more that cause London to lose her grip on Viper. Viper stands and picks London up body slamming her from the top rope. The ring shakes from the force of the body slam.)

Cari: I DON'T BELIEVE THIS! Viper has reversed her predicament and body slammed Shea London through the mat!

Kenny: Shea didn't go through the mat.

Cari: Well close enough! I don't think London will survive that.

(Viper jumps from the top turnbuckle and covers London with a lateral press. The ref drops to the mat)


Cari: Stick a fork in her she's done.


Kenny: Shea impressed me with her moves but I am afraid that it is over. No one can survive a body slam from the top turnbuckle.

THR . . .

Kenny: I DON'T BELIEVE THIS! Somehow, Shea got her shoulder up just before the count of the three!

Cari: Are you sure she got it up in time?

Kenny: The ref is waiving off the pin.

(The crowd cheers the game wrestler from England as Viper stares at her in disbelief. Leslie yells at the ref for what she considers a slow count. She looks at Shea who is just laying on the mat. Viper drops a knee to Shea's head. Viper gets to her feet and drops an elbow to London's head but somehow at the last minute Shea manages to roll out of the way. Viper's elbow hits nothing but mat. Shea keeps rolling until she is out of the ring. She stands on the floor of the arena but needs the ring apron to keep herself upright. Viper gets to her feet massaging her elbow.)

Viper: Welcome to America Bitch! Bout time you got a real welcome!

(Viper runs across the ring and baseball slides out of it driving her feet into Shea's chest. Shea is pushed back all the way to the barricade which she hits with a resounding thud. The ref begins to count both wrestlers out. Viper pulls London to her feet by means of a handful of hair. London sends an elbow to Viper's midsection but it has little effect on her.)

Cari: Not much strength left in London. That Elbow didn't even phase Viper.

Kenny: She still has a lot of fight in her, even though she has taken a lot of punishment.

(London sends another elbow to Viper's midsection, this time with more energy behind it. This one causes Viper to double over a release Shea's hair. Shea grabs Viper by the head and rams it into the barricade. She tries to do it again but Viper blocks it. A third attempt is again blocked by Viper who manages to reverse positions and drive Shea's head into the barricade. The ref is still counting and is nearing the double count out. Viper realizes this and drags Shea into the ring. Leslie follows her in. Shea lies face down on the mat. Lesley hooks her legs down around Shea's ankles and them quickly falls forward, grabbing London's right arm and pulling it back while hooking her free arm around the opponent's neck.)

Cari: The Coil! This is Leslie's finisher.

Kenny: Shea is struggling against it but the match has taken too much out of her. I don't know how much longer she can hold out.

Cari: This move is like the crippler cross face but it is also a sleeper. IF she doesn't submit, London will be out anyway.

(The ref asks if Shea submits. She refuses but her struggles have grown noticeably weaker. Shea's struggles stop altogether. The ref raises her hand and flops to the mat. He raises it two more times and each time it flops lifelessly to the mat. He signals for the bell. Viper reluctantly lets go of London as Tara Sawyer runs to the aid of her friend. Viper shakes off the ref's attempt to raise her hand. She grabs her Fallen Angel belt and stomps out of the arena ignoring the boos of the fans.)

The winner: Leslie "Viper" Magnus, by submission.
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