logoLisa Dream Vs. Kayla "The Abdominator" Vandergriff

Written By: Nick Man

Sexy Sandra: Welcome back fans! Right now we have a very exciting match for you, Kayla "The Abdominator" Vandergriff Vs. Lisa Dream!

Gruesome Gary: Yeah, I can't wait to see *Perfection* in action. Boy, how I'd like to...

Sexy Sandra: Ok lose that thought right there! Maybe we can get through this match without any of your coments!

The sound of twinkling stars and awe start up as smoke begins to fill up the entrance ramp. The letters D-R-E-A-M scrolls across the humongous BRA Jumbotron as a large bang is heard throughout the arena....


the pyro goes off as "Nookie" by Limb Bizkit blasts on the PA system. Out walks Lisa Dream onto the entrance ramp, in a stunning skirt and black blazer combo. She struts arrogantly down to the ring, her hair covering her face completely. The music continues as Lisa leaps up onto the apron and into the ring. She begins to do a little bump and grind dance as the crowd cheers her on.

Gruesome Gary (almost hypnotized by Lisa's dancing): And there she is, Lis.....what the hell?!

Lisa suddenly rips off her hair and blazer, then her skirt. The music is replaced by the sounds of flesh slapping against flesh as another woman looks around in a black micro bikini.

Gruesome Gary: It's Kayla Vanergriff!

Sexy Sandra: The Gothic Princess has seemed to have fooled all of us! She came out dressed up like Lisa Dream!

Kayla looks around, smiling proudly as the sound of twinkling stars and awe fill the arena again. Kayla looks down the entrance ramp and sees the smoke yet again filling it. All of a sudden.....

the pyro goes off again as the letters D-R-E-A-M scroll across the BRA Jumbotron. The real Lisa Dream walks out onto the entrance ramp, looking down to the ring at Kayla, walking arrogantly every step. Lisa slides under the ropes into the ring in a black blazer and skirt combo. She stands up and begins doing a little bum and grind dance, to the crowds approval. Lisa then takes off her skirt and blazer, revealing a skimpy white bikini and a chest protector!

Sexy Sandra: Looks like Lisa came prepared for Kayla's usualy tactics. And there they go!

Kayla runs out as Lisa is still dancing and grabs the back of the chest protector she swings Lisa around and tosses her into the ropes. Kayla runs in and attacks Lisa as she bounces off the ropes with a knee lift to the belly. Kayla backs off, a small limp in her step.

Gruesome Gary: Looks like Kayla forgot about that chest protector! She may have an extremely strong belly, but I don't know how that knee will fare against the chest protector.

Lisa runs in and dropkicks Kayla, sending her to the ground. Lisa capitalizes, grabbing both of Kayla's legs. She looks to the crowd menacingly before slamming a knee down to Kayla's crotch. Kayla sits up, moaning in pain as her hands shoot to her crotch.

Sexy Sandra: Looks like Kayla is hurting from that shot!

Lisa smiles and turns around, then begins dancing as Kayla lies on the ground. Kayla slowly starts to get to her feet and turns around. Lisa is still dancing, and Kayla plants a kick to the back of her head. Lisa staggers forward, against the ropes. Kayla grabs her arm and tosses her against the ropes, but it's reversed, and Kayla is slingshotted off the ropes. Lisa bends over for a back drop, but Kayla catches her and sets her up for a powerbomb she lifts Lisa up, and....reversed!! Lisa nails a hurrincanrana rollup. The ref counts


Kayla rolls lisa over into a sunset flip style pin....


Lisa kicks out and Kayla falls back. Lisa grabs her legs and flips over, nailing a pin.


Kayla kicks out and the two get to their feet. Lisa goes for a clothesline, ducked by Kayla, catching Lisa's arms and hitting a backslide pin.....


Lisa kicks out and flips over Kayla, pinning her......


Lisa kicks out, and Kayla falls back, Lisa gets up and Kayla does the same, but stumbles forward. Lisa sets her up, and nails a sit-down poerbomb! The crowd goes absolutely nuts at the athletic display they just saw, and Lisa holds the powerbomb for the pin.


Kick out by Kayla! Kayla slowly rises to her feet, same with Lisa. Kayla bounces off the ropes and runs at Lisa. Lisa ducks the clothesline and turns to Kayla, she leaps up onto Kayla's shoulders and attempts a hurricanrana, but Kayla runs acruss the ring, launching Lisa onto the turnbuckle. Lisa tries, and keeps her balanca as Kayla hits the turnbuckle, falling back. Lisa stands up and signals to the crowd, then looks back to the dazed Kayla and yells: "Gothic Princess? How amusing! You can bow to me now insignificant!" as she leaps to the rope next to the turnbuckle, moonsaulting off into the *Perfect* Splash the crowd goes nuts as Lisa gets up and does another little bump and grind dance. She signals to the crowd and turns back to Kayla, lifting her up.

Gruesome Gary: Looks like Lisa's gonna end it!

Lisa tosses Kayla off the ropes, and bounces off the other way. Lisa runs in and jumps up onto Kayla shoulders. She signals to the crowd and then drops down, DDTing Kayla head first to the mat. Lisa stands up and smiles as she places a foot on Kayla's belly. THe ref counts......


Lisa smiles and looks around as the crowd cheers.Lisa stands over Kayla and then sits across her face, in a reverse face sit. She gyrates her hips and waves the crowd, a proud smile on her face. Kayla's kicks are weak already, and she soon passes out. Lisa gets up and brushes herelf off. She then steps out of the ring and walks to the back. After a few minutes, Kayla slowly begins to get up. The lights suddenly go off as she stands, and a large blue spark is seen in the ring. The lights stay out for a few more moments, then they come back on. Kayla lies unconciesse in the ring, with the letters J T C spray painted on her back.

Winner: Lisa Dream

Hosted by www.Geocities.ws