logo Lori Wilson vs A.J. Johnson

( The screen fades up from black. The Sounds of thousands of fans cheering echo's off the walls of the BRA arena. Another BRA Show is about to begin. A camera shot of behind the scenes of the Arena is shown. The camera moves down the back hallways as Wrestlers and referees mingle about. The camera approaches Lori Wilson who is speaking to one of the BRA reporters, just outside the dressing rooms.

Lori: I know the last time I may have let myself down, but tonight it's time for me to bounce back from that defeat, learn from it, and show the people out there that Lori Wilson isn't down and out yet. I'm not going to set my expectations too high...what I'm out to do is prove to the fans that I'm here to make a statement. A.J. Johnson, regardless of where she stands or whether she'll look past me or not, it's going to be one heck of a night, as I'm gonna be striking from all corners of the ring. It's time for me to get back on track, and not let what happened last time keep me down...because if I do that, I'm not gonna be making things any easier for myself. Hope the fans are ready, because Lori Wilson is prepared to strike...and strike hard...tonight!

(The lights are dimmed down and the fans quiet down in anticipation of the upcoming matches and events that makes BRA the most exciting Federation in the World today. Suddenly the arena explodes with the light of a thousand little fireworks.)



( The crowd cheers as more fireworks explode. The camera's pan around, showing close up of fans and the many signs that they have brought to the arena. )


( Another camera shot appears on the screen. Garry and Sandra are sitting at the announcer's desk. Garry is all smiles as the camera zooms in on both of them. )

Sandra: Well you seem very pleased tonight.

Garry: I have some fantastic news, earth shaking news. It will shake the very Foundations of BRA and all the wrestlers here will tremble in fear with the news that I have.

Sandra: Well?

Garry: Oh no...not yet. This is too good to speak about. I just want everyone to know, that when it happens...I knew about it first. She told me first.......

Sandra: Who told you?

Garry: Not telling. When it happens, you will know. The entire world will know.

Sandra: Well, whatever it is, I am sure that it is unimportant and insignificant. If you are the only one who knows, then it is irrelevant.

( Garry sticks his tongue out at Sandra as she grabs a sheet of paper from the desk. He quickly pulls it back in as she turns to look at him. )

Sandra: Tonight's first match up features the exciting...

Garry: You mean unexciting..

Sandra: No, I mean the electrifying Lori Wilson taking on AJ Johnson.

Garry: Hah!! Lori took a beating from the Goddess , I doubt she will even show up. And AJ? Who's AJ?

Sandra: AJ Johnson defeated Cyra Min on the 27th of September. She came into BRA with all guns blazing, but has been rather quiet as of late. And Lori looked ready to go in her pre-match interview.

Garry: Oh yes, I remember that one. Amy Jo Johnson cheated and beat the honest and good willed Cyra Min. It was a travesty of Justice.

Sandra:WHAT!!! You seem to have a memory problem. Anyways, this should be a great match. Both wrestlers are great competitors and clean fighters. This will be a display of wrestling skill and athleticism.

Garry: No eye gouging?

Sandra: No.

Garry: No low blows?

Sandra: No.

Garry: No hair pulling?

Sandra: No.

Garry: That's it, I'm outta here.

( Garry takes off his head set and starts to stand up. )

Sandra: That's fine Garry, I will tell Miss Van Driesal that you didn't work this match.

( Garry's grumbling can be heard as he sits back down and puts on his headset. )

Garry: I'm working....but uhh.. *cough *cough....my throat is feeling a little sore

Sandra: What's that Garry? I can hardly hear you?

( Sandra stops herself and smiles )

Sandra : What a shame, I won't have to listen to your whining, sniveling little voice all night.

Garry: grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

( Suddenly the arena lights dim down. The crowd cheers as the entrance music of Amy Jo Johnston starts to play. The attractive brunette walks down the ramp, slapping hands with some of the ringside fans. She climbs up into the ring and walks to her corner. The ref checks her for foreign objects. )

Sandra: Hey, is that....damm, what's her name?

Garry: Who?

( Sandra points to a woman sitting at a ringside seat.)

Garry: I dunno, she kinda looks familiar, but hey, I can't tell unless she stands up and turns around.

Sandra: You PIG!!

( The arena lights dim down again."Hysteria" by Def Leppard kicks in over the speakers. Lori Wilson steps out from behind the curtain as the crowd cheers. She is dressed in her black singlet with thin white lightning bolts down the front, back, and sides. Lori also wears black kneepads and wrestling boots, and a black bandanna that reads "Lady Lightning" in yellow lettering. She stands just in front of the entrance, pumps her fist into the air, as white sparklers shoot up behind her on either side of the entrance. Lori then walks down the aisle, slapping hands with fans along the way to the ring. As she gets to the ring, she jumps onto the apron, then walks to the corner and vaults over the ropes, landing so she is standing on the second turnbuckle, and raises her arms in the air to the approval of the crowd. She then hops down the turnbuckles, then climbs through the ropes and exits the ring. Lori walks over to the railing, and she removes her bandanna. She spots a young girl standing near the rail, and she reaches over and drapes the bandanna around the girl's neck, giving her a kiss on the cheek. Then she turns back to the ring, where she climbs back in through the ropes, then once she gets into the ring, she turns to the crowd to work them up, then turns around and stares at her opponent.).

Garry: Didn't we go over this last week? She can't just give those bandannas away!!!

Sandra: If they are hers, then she can do what she wants with them.

Garry: Women just don't understand merchandizing.

Sandra: Oh I think we do, you just have capacity to understand kindness and appreciation. Lori gives back to her fans.

( The ref calls for the bell )


( Lori steps out from her corner as AJ approaches slowly. AJ sticks out her open hand in a friendly gesture )

Garry: Oh give me a break here!! What is this "SMURF CHANNEL WRESTLING!!"

Sandra: Garry, you are an ingrate, you have no concepts about fair play and sportsmanship.

( Lori steps forward cautiously and extends her hand )

Garry: That's it, hit her!! No No no!!

Sandra: Handshake in the middle!! Nice to see that with all the garbage that goes on here.

( Lori and AJ come together in a clinch, both wrestlers push and strain, testing their opponent's strength. Lori starts to take charge and backs AJ up into the corner. The ref calls for the break )

Garry: Now, one quick knee to the midsection.....

( Lori breaks the hold and backs off into the middle of the ring )

Garry: Nuts..

( AJ steps out from the corner and both women clinch up again. Lori quickly grabs AJ in a headlock. AJ puts her hands on the sides of Lori's back and starts to push her away. Lori maintains the grip as the head towards the ropes. AJ pushes free with a surge of strength, sending Lori into the ropes. Lori hits the ropes and rebounds in, AJ whips out her arm as Lori bounces back in. Lori ducks, barely missing the outstretched arm of her opponent. Lori keeps on running and rebounds off the other side of the ring. AJ turns and moves in as Lori leaps into the air, rotating her body )

Sandra: *** Spinning Heel Kick ***, beautiful move by Lori!!!

( Lori's heel catches AJ right in the chin, sending the brunette flying to the mat. Lori leaps to her feet and runs to the ropes, she jump up lands her feet on the second rope. She bounces back, performing a backflip and crashing on top of her opponent )

Sandra: ***SpringBoard Moonsault***!! Wow!!!! Here's the pin..

Garry: 1...Kickout by AJ. Rookie move , going for a pin this early.

Sandra: What? It's never to early for a pin.

( Lori grabs Amy by the arm and drags her up. Lori whips her opponent into the corner. Amy hits hard and slumps down, her arms hanging over the top rope. Lori moves to the opposite corner and then charges across the ring. Lori leaps into the air... )

Sandra: Big Splash!!!

Garry: NO!!! Amy moved at the last second!!!

( Amy bails out of the way as Lori crashes into the turnbuckles, Amy quickly grabs Lori in a headlock and runs across the ring. Half way across she leaps in the air, kicking her legs forward.)

Garry: **BULLDOG**, she really planted Lori with that one.

( Lori's face is driven into the mat with tremendous force. Amy quickly rolls her over and hooks the leg. )

Sandra: 1.....2....

Garry: Kickout by Lori!!!

( Amy grabs Lori by the arm and hauls her up. Amy steps back and fires a European uppercut that staggers Lori, Amy repeats the move, driving Lori back into the corner. Amy leaps up into the air and wraps her legs around Lori's head. She then twists her body and flips Lori over. )

Sandra: Wow!! Flying headscissor takedown.

( Lori lands hard on her back and rolls into a ball. Amy quickly rises to her feet and grabs Lori by the arm. She hauls her up again and whips her into the ropes. Amy goes to dropkick her but Lori holds on to the ropes. Amy hits nothing but air and falls to the mat. Lori quickly charges over and grabs Amy by the legs. She lifts her up and then falls backwards. )

Sandra: Slingshot!!!!

(Amy is sent flying across the ring. Lori leaps up to her feet and charges over. She lifts her opponent up and wraps her arms around her waist. With a grunt Lori lifts Amy up and over )

Garry: Belly to Belly Suplex!!! That move takes a lot of strength, I'm amazed she pulled it off.

( Amy hits the mat hard, Lori bridges up, pinning Amy to the mat. )

Sandra: 1....2...Kickout by Amy. Both wrestlers are working at a very fast pace here. ( Lori gets to her feet and pulls Amy up. She scoops her up and slams her down to the mat. Amy bounces once and winces in pain clutching her back. Lori quickly runs to the corner and scales the turnbuckles. She stands on the top rope waiting for her opponent to rise. Amy pushes herself up and slowly rises to her feet. Lori leaps off the tope rope extending her arm )

Sandra: Flying Elbow Smash!!!!!

( Amy is nailed in the side of the head with the elbow smash, she goes flying across the ring and falls between the ropes and to the outside.)

Garry; Wow!! Lori nailed her with that one, she sent her clear across the ring and out to the floor. Wait a min..what the hell!!!??

( The crowd gasps as Lori quickly gets to her feet and runs to the other corner, she leaps up onto the top turnbuckle and stands up. Amy is pushing herself up with the help of the side of the ring.)

Sandra: Big risk move coming up!!!

( Lori leaps off the top rope as Amy stands. She crashes down on top of her, sending them both into hard mats along ringside)


Sandra: Lori is slow to get up here, and I doubt if Amy is going to get up any time soon.

( The camera pans the ringside crowd , who are sitting stunned by the aerial display. Only one person remains on her seat. The woman that Garry and Sandra pointed out earlier )

Sandra: I know her now..that's Jennifer Rowe, Lori's ex-partner.

Garry; mmmmmmm..ex-partner.

Sandra: NOT LIKE THAT!!!!! Tag team partner you sicko!!!!!

(The ref starts to count both women out of the ring. Lori gets to her feet and rolls into the ring. Amy remains on the outside, clutching her head. Lori rises to her feet and watches as the ref counts. Lori shakes her head and jumps out of the ring. The ref yells at her to get back in )

Garry: What is she doing? She had won the match!! Amy wouldn't have beat the count.

Sandra: Lori doesn't want to win by count out, she wants to pin her opponent.

( Lori lifts Amy up and goes to lift her into the ring. Amy suddenly comes alive and rams her fist up into Lori's midsection. Lori gasps and stumbles away as Amy rises. Johnson grabs Lori by the arm and whips her into the guardrail. Lori crashes into the metal bars and slumps down. )

Sandra: I thought Amy was out of it, but she's coming back with a vengeance.

Garry: Probably playing Possum, waiting for her moment.

( Amy grabs Lori by the hair and hauls her up. She runs towards the ring and shoves Lori up and under the bottom rope. Amy jumps up onto the ring apron and then climbs up to the top turnbuckle. As Lori starts to rise Amy leaps off extending her arm )

Sandra: **Flying Lariat** from the top rope!!! Here's the pin!!!!

Garry: 1...2...3.NO!!! Kickout!!!

( Lori kicks out at the last second. Amy slams her hands on the mat in frustration. She grabs Lori by the hair and hauls her up. She picks Lori up and slams her back to the mat. Lori bounces and clutches her back. Amy moves above her and then drops a knee into her opponent's midsection. Lori cries out as Amy's knee drives into her gut. Amy rises back to her feet and grabs Lori by the arm. She picks her up and puts her in a side head lock. Amy raises her other arm in the air and twirls it around )

Sandra: DDT coming up!!!

Garry: Amy uses this as a finisher as she's very goo....WOW!!!!

( As Amy goes to perform the DDT. Lori wraps her arms around her waist and picks her up. Lori falls backward suplexing Amy to the mat. )

Sandra: Great reversal!!!

( Lori gets to her feet as Amy also rises. Both women turn to face each other. Lori shoot her leg up to kick Amy in the mid-section. Amy blocks the blow and grabs a hold of Lori's leg. Lori suddenly pushes up on her other leg, snapping it around and crashing her foot into the back of Amy's head )

Garry: **Enzuguri**!!!!

( Amy's head is snapped forward and she slumps to the mat. Lori pushes herself up and grabs Amy by the arm and pulls her up. Lori quickly puts her opponent in a side head lock and grabs a hand hold of Amy's trunks. Lori then bends her knees and lifts Amy high into the air.)

Sandra: Big Vertical Suplex!!! Lori is holding her up there...WHAM!!!!

( Lori falls backwards, Amy is slammed into the mat. The whole ring shakes on impact with the devastating move. Lori quickly rolls to her feet and grabs her opponent by the arms. She hauls her up and puts her in a full nelson. Lori then grunts and hauls her opponent up into the air. Lori falls backwards while lifting Amy over. Johnson's head and neck are driven into the mat )

Sandra: Perfect German Suplex!!!!!

Garry: Brutal move, Amy seems out of it.

( Lori bridges herself up and holds onto Amy's arms. The ref jumps to the mat and slaps his hand down. 1.....2.....He stops when he notices that Amy's feet are on the ropes. He calls for the break and Lori complies )

Sandra: Lucky break for Amy, her feet fell into the ropes during that Suplex.

Garry: Really? I don't think she's so lucky. Lori is going to put another move on her.

( Lori hauls Amy up and whips her into the ropes. Amy stumbles across the ring and bounces back in. Lori waits in the middle and as Amy rebounds in, she takes a step forward and shoot out her foot. It slams into Amy's face, sending her to the mat. )

Sandra" ***SuperKick***!!!!

Garry: Right in the kisser..say goodnight Amy!!

( Lori looks down at her opponent and then moves over to the turnbuckles. She climbs up and crouches, waiting for her prey to rise. Amy lies moaning on the mat. She slowly starts to stir and rolls onto her belly. )

Sandra; Amy has no idea where her opponent is.

Garry: She'd be better staying on the mat, if she gets up Lori is going to ....


( Amy slowly pushes herself up and turns to find her opponent. Lori leaps off the turnbuckle, completing a somersault and extending her feet so they smash into the side of Amy's head. Johnson crashes into the mat and lies still. Lori quickly rolls her over and hooks the leg. )

Garry: no need to hook the leg, this match is over!!

Sandra: 1...2........3.!!!!!!!!!!!


( Lori rises to her feet and smiles as the ref hold her arm up in victory. The crowd cheers as Lori waves to her fans. Two EMT's climb into the ring to check on Amy. Lori looks on with a bit of concern on her face. )

Sandra: Lori was on fire that match, Amy just wasn't up to the challenge.

Garry: Yes, Lori definitely had the better game plan. Amy was lucky she had a " sportsman " like opponent or she could have really been hurt.

Sandra: Well , Lori is checking to see if her opponent is ok.

( One of the medics gives Lori a thumbs up and she smiles and leaves the ring. As she waves to her fans. Her eyes come into contact with her ex-partners. The two women just stare at each other for a moment , before Lori turns and waves to the other side of the crowd before moving up the ramp to the dressing rooms. )

Garry: geez, you'd think she'd be glad to see her ex-partner.

Sandra: I dunno, I don't want to speculate on anything. But Lori definitely proved she is a force to be reckoned with. She was very dominating in that match. If I was a wrestler in the back, I would be looking out for Lightning Strikes. Folks, stay tuned, more great wrestling action after this commercial break.

*** Winner of the match**** Lori Wilson by Pinfall.
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