{ The camera reopens after a commercial break, and pans around the crowd. The fans jump from their seats, and hold up their homemade signs, in hope of being seen on TV. }

{ The shot then goes to Sandra and Garry, who are seated at the announcers table. Garry is looking a little wore down, after Bianca ran his ass ragged during the last match. }

Sandra: Hello again everyone, welcome back. Well the last match was certainly exciting, now we finally get to see who Princess Peg faces. Will it be Sweet Misty, the lovely shy women that pulled a no show last week, and hasn't been heard from since, or will it be the evil Amanda Strike, President of Battling Ring Angels? Guess we'll find out in just a few minutes, as that is the next match up.

Garry: Ya know damn well Misty is gonna show up. So it's gonna be Princess Pig facing Amanda, and the boss is gonna whoop some serious ass tonight, she ROCKS!!!!

Sandra: Come here Garry, you have something on your chin.


Garry: OUCH!!! What was that for?

Sandra: Her name is Peg, and I have the utmost respect for her, so never call her that again!!!
You really gotta respect Peg folks. She just wants to wrestle, and thinking Misty might not show up, she has asked Amanda Strike to take her place if that happens. Now that is quite a contrast in characters, considering Misty would give her a good clean match, and Amanda....well she'll do what ever it takes to win.

Garry: That's the only way to fight!

Sandra: Pfft...whatever.....

{ :The twangy guitar and thumping beat of Tom Jones "She's a Lady" mean only one thing, and the fans of Princess Peg cheer with anticipation! She walks down the aisle, her long floral silk kimono rustling as she moves.She flashes her normal nervous smile as she makes her way to the ring. She seems slower today, but her fans dont notice as she climbs the steps and enters the ring through the top two ropes. As she gets to her corner, she waves at the crowd and starts to remove her robe. The slight wince goes unnoticed as she stoops to hand the robe to the attendant. She is wearing a black one piece swimsuit with white trim, sheer tights and white soft leather wrestling boots. }

Sandra: Heeeeeerrrrrreeeee'ssss PEG!!!!

Garry: Whoopie!!!

Sandra: Sarcasm just doesn't become you fatty.

{ "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" begins to play, and the crowd begins to cheer again. }

Sandra: Come on Misty, be there hun!!

Garry: Yawn, get the boss out here.

{ The fans begin cheering louder and louder in hopes of luring Misty out from where ever she is. }


Sandra: Oh I hope these fans can coax her out so badly!!

Garry: Oh golly gee, me too!! This is crap, get out here Amanda, this wimp isn't showing again!

Sandra: Well, I guess she isn't coming out. I hope she's alright, and poor Sherry, this is killing her inside.

Garry: Now I do love seeing that!!

Sandra: You such an..............

{ The houselights dim, and "Brickhouse" by the Commadores begins to play. As it does, Amanda Strike comes strutting down the aisle, dressed in a red bikini, and she is wearing her famous 6 inch stack heels. }

Garry: She looks senstational!

Sandra: Quit kissing up. Listen to the crowd boo, they don't think much of her, and neither do I really.

Garry: Don't like your job much eh?

Sandra: Electra signs my paychecks, not Amanda.

{ Amanda climbe the steps, and enters the ring. The ref gives the two ladies his instrcutions. Peg then extends her hand to Amanda, in a nice display of sportswomenship, but Amanda just laughs in her face, and walks to her corner. Peg looks confused, and then looks over at Sandra, who gives her a reasuring wink that everything will be alright. }

{ The crowd erupts with cheers, and the camera finds Sherry Ann making her way down to ringside. She looks extremely sad though, and doesn't respond to the crowd at all. She just hops up on the ring apron, and wishes Peg luck. A mic zooms in on their conversation. "Good luck Peg, and I'll make sure this idiot doesn't hurt you." says Sherry. "Thanks Sherry, but I want to do this alone, I just have to do it that way." Replies Peg. "I will let you do it, I'm just not gonna let her hit you with chairs, or have people interfere, now go get her Peg!!!" Sherry hops down off the ring apron, and walks over to the announcers table. She points at Garry, and he quickly removes his headset, and gives up his seat. Garry gets himself a folding chair to sit in, while Sherry puts on the headset, and sits next to Sandra. Garry places his chair next to Sandra, opposite Sherry. }

Sandra: Welcome Sherry, you doing all right?

Sherry: Rather not say. How'd ya like my oldest daughter, Garry?

Garry: No comment. What in the hell are you doing out here anyways?

Sherry: I have interest in Peg, and I'm gonna make sure no low lifes come out here, and mess with her, and make sure Strike doesn't beat the hell out of her with chairs, or whatever else she can get her hands on.


Sandra: And here go folks!!

{ Amanda and Peg move to the center of the ring, and circle around looking for an opening on their opponent, they lock up, but not for long, as Amanda drags her long fingernails across Peg's face. Peg grabs her face in pain, and Amanda then drives her foot into Peg's stomach, and that drops her to her knees. Amanda stays on the attack, she grabs Peg by the hair with one hand, and tilts her head back, the with her other hand begins throwing punch after punch into Peg's face.
The ref yells at Amanda for using closed fist punches, and begins to count her ut, but she just keeps hammering away on Peg, and finally stops just before sh;s counted out.

Sherry: And people wonder why I hate that bitch so much.

Garry: The boss rules!! Peg shouldn't even be in there, she has no chance.

Sherry: It's early ya tub of crap, just wait, Peg's gonna light it up soon!

Garry: About all she's gonna be lighting up, is the oven in her kitchen, and that is where she should be right now.


Garry: OUCH!!!! Knock it off!!!!

Sandra: Oh shut up you jerk!!

{ Back in the ring, the ref and Amanda are exchanging words. Peg takes this time to get back to her feet, she goes over to the ropes, and holds on, and regains her bearings. Amanda moves in on her again, but Peg is ready for her, and they lock up once again. Amanda grabs Peg's arm, and sends her for a ride into the ropes, BUT Peg reverses the whip, and sends Amanda flying instead!!! Amanda bounces off the ropes, and Peg nails her with a shoulder block, that send Amanda crashing to the mat hard. Peg now follows that up beautifully with an elbow drop to the mid section. peg hooks a leg, and goes for a pin, but Amanda gets her foot on the ropes at the count of two, and the ref tells Peg to break, and she does cleanly as always. }

Sandra: Peg looks great!

Garry: Gimme a freaking break, that was luck, pure luck!

Sherry: No stupid, that was using your head. Peg is really focused here now, and looks great. Come on Peg, get right back on her!!

{ Amanda is back up on her feet now, and she looks pissed. "Alright Peg, playtime is over, time for me to kick your sorry ass bad!!" With that they tie up again, this time Amanda stikes fast with a knee to Peg's crotch, that drops her to her knees. The ref is furious, and repremands Amanda about her actions again. She ignores him, and goes back to Peg, and once again uses closed fist punches to Peg's face. Pe somehow though, finds the power to punch back, and she catches Amanda in the stomach, and Amanda backs away holding her gut. }

Sherry: Thata girl!

Garry: I think Peg cheated there, that looked like a closed fist!

Sandra: Shut up idiot, that was a forearm smash!

Garry: Suuuure it was!

Sherry and Sandra: SHUT UP GARRY!

Sandra: UT OH!! What's going on now?

{ The crowd begins to boo and hiss, and the camera catches Yvette DeSade Malreaux making her way to the ring. }

Sherry: She best not interfere!

Sandra: Stay calm Sherry.

{ Yvette hops up on the ring apron, and is talking...NO looks like she's flirting with the ref. Amanda takes advantage of this, and removes her big shoes. Now she moves over to Peg who is trying to get up, and nails her in the head with one of her shoes, and Peg drops like a rock. Amanda goes for the pin, and Yvette points to this, and he reacts, runs across the ring, and begins to count. Sherry jumps from her seat, and runs to the ring, she reaches in, and grabs Amanda's foot, and pulls her off Peg, just before the ref reaches the count of three. Yvette now runs around the ring, with her famous crop in hand, and now has a stare down with Sherry. }

Garry: Come on Yvette, beat her ass again!!!

{ In the ring, Amanda is furious, She stomps on Peg a couple times, then rolls herself out of the ring, and sneaks up on Sherry who has her back to Amanda. Amanda leaps in the air, and nails Sherry in the back with a drop kick, that sends her flying towards Yvette, Yvette then lays Sherry out with a clothesline, and jumps on top of her, and begins whipping Sherry with her crop. Amanda gets back in the ring after she gives Sherry a couple kicks. }

Sandra: This is crap!

Garry: No this is great!! Sherry is getting what she deserves!

{ Yvette continues to pound away on Sherry outside the ring. Back inside the ring Amanda is preparing to go back to work on Peg, who has no idea what has happened outside the ring, and is seeing stars still fron getting hit in the head with Amanda's shoe. Amanda reaches down, and once again rakes Peg's eyes with her long nails. The ref is very upset with Amanda's action, and moves her away from Peg, and repremands her once again. }

Sandra: Sheesh, poor Peg and Sherry. I really wanna help Sherry out now.

Garry: Go for it, I dare ya.

Sandra: You know I can't do that. Oh good security is now pulling Yvette off of Sherry. They help Sherry to her feet, and she leans against the announcers table in serious pain. }

Garry: Hiya Sherry, having fun?

{ Sherry grabs Garry's beer, and throws it in his face. }

Sherry: GO TO HELL!!

Sandra: Way ta go Sher.

{ Sherry goes over and talks to Peg in the corner, where she is propped up resting. Sherry whispers something in her ear, then returns to the announcers table. Security is dragging Yvette to the back, and she desperately wants back at Sherry again. The ref and Amanda are really going at it, yelling at one another still. }

Sandra: Welcome back Sher, sorry I couldn't help ya there.

Sherry: No problem hun, I understand, that bitch Yvette will get hers soon! Come on now Peg, just do what I told ya hun.

Garry: ha, look at her, I doubt she heard a word you said.

Sherry: We'll see.

{ Amanda has had enough of the ref, and storms away from him, she takes off running at Peg, and leaps in the air with a dropkick, aimed at Peg's head, but Peg was playing oppossum, and rolls out of the way just in time, and Amanda goes crashing into the corner hard, and her legs are tangled up in the ropes. }

Sherry: Gee Garry, guess she did hear me after all. Look at your poor boss, her black ass is all tangled up now, what a pitty.

Sandra: Way ta go Peg!!!

Garry: Blah!

{ Peg now up on her feet, puts her boots to work, and she stomps away at Amanda's stomach, but the ref asks her to break, and as always, Peg does as he says, and backs away. }


{ Peg hears Sherry, and thinks for a second, then decides to go for it. She grabs Amanda, and pulls her out to the center of the ring. Now she grabs her left leg, and rolls forward with a leg snap. Amanda howls out in pain, and Peg gets back to her feet. She grabs Amanda's sore leg again, and now applies a figure-4 leg lock on her. Amanda is dead center in the middle of the ring, screaming in pain. She leans forward, and trys to scratch Peg's face again, but Peg just leans back applying more pressure to the hold, and Amanda just lays back in pain. }

Sherry: She's got her, this is great!!

Sandra: Peg just seems to learn more and more each week. What a perfect figure-4!!

Garry: This really sucks.

Sandra: I think Amanda just gave up!

{ The ref is signaling for the bell, Amanda has given up. Peg releases the hold, and slowly gets to her feet. A smiling Sherry gets up from her seat, and climbs into the ring, she takes Peg's hand from the ref, who was about to raise it in victory, and does it herself. The crowd erupts with cheers for Peg, who is all smiles after getting a big victory. Sherry then gives Peg a hug, and congratulates her on her win. Amanda has rolled herself out of the ring, and is being helped up the aisle. Peg goes to leave the ring, but Sherry brings her back in, and has the crowd cheer for her some more. Sherry then grabs a mic. }

Sherry: Kudos to you Peg, well done!! I just want you to know, my offer still stands. No pressure, you just think about it hun. Alright people, one more time, give it up for Princess Peg!!!

{ Peg just doesn't know how to handle the crowds reaction, she smiles and waves to the fans, then Sherry holds the ropes open for her, and Peg exits the ring, and heads to the back. }

Sandra: That was to cool. I'm so happy for Peg, she hung in there through outside interference and all of Amanda's underhanded tactics, kept her head, and got the win. What a trooper!!

Garry: I demand rematch! The boss was robbed!!

Sandra: Oh give it a rest. We gotta go to a commercial folks, we'll be right back with Nina Larue vs Leslie Magnus.

{ The shot goes to a commercial }

Hello everyone, I'm Sherry Ann. Most of you know me, some hate me, some love me, but I'm here to make a plea to everyone. A friend of mine...a VERY close friend of mine is missing, and I need everyones help to get her back.

If anyone has seen Sweet Misty, please let me know. Myself, her friend, and even the league has launched an exstensive search for her. The league I'm sure wants her back for the drawing power she brings to the the ticket window. My friends and I just want our good friend back with us.

So please, if you know anything about her where abouts please contact us. We are even offering a reward for imformation.

Thanks you for your time.

This commercial was funded by Body Shop Inc. and Battling Ring Angels. 1

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