logoLeslie Magnus vs. Nina Larue

[Fade in.]

Sandra: Welcome back, fans. Now, we're about to see a showing from Leslie Magnus and newcomer Nina Larue.

Garry: That's right. It's the bad girl versus the spoiled girl. Viper's earned quite a temper for being a hothead lately.

Sandra: I must admit, she's a reason to be mad. She was DQed for rulebreaker against Princess Peg, but when she tried to follow the rules last week, it blew up in her face.

Garry: She just needs to learn how to conceal her rulebreaking better. That's her problem.

Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, we present to you, first, from Deadwood, South Dakota, standing at 5'8" and 130 pounds, Leslis Magnus - the Viper!

[No music or flashing gimmicks appear. Instead, Viper walks through the entrance and straight towards the ring. She is clad n cut-off jean shorts, her green sportsbra, black gloves and biker boots. A link of chain is wrapped around her hand. When she enters the ring, the referee reminds her she will have to give the chain to a ring attendant before the match start. Viper stares at him.]

Garry: My spider senses are tingling! I sense trouble ahead!

Sandra: What're you going on about?

Announcer: And her opponent, from Beverly Hills, California, 5'10" and weighing 130 pounds, Nina Larue - the Goddess!

[Suddenly, "Born to be Wild" plays over the speakers as the fans begin to boo. The revving of engines is heard and white and black, fire works shoot in the air. Just then a group of bikers ride towards the ring on Harley Davidson motorcycles. "The Goddess" Nina Larue is seated on the last bike behind a big, beefy, leather-clad biker. Nina wears a black, leather jacket and leather pants. Her long, black hair is styled in a ponytail that falls to the small of her back. As the bikers reach the ring, they help Nina from the bike and carry her, on their shoulders, into the ring. After she shoos them away, she strips off her attire to reveal a sleeveless, black, cat suit that hugs every inch of her sleek, curvaceous figure. She completes the look with thigh-high, black leather boots. The bikers leave the area as Nina poses, her arms folded across her ample cleavage. "The Goddess" is showered in catcalls and whistles, drowning out the few remaining jeers and boos.
All the while, Viper looks on in disintrest.

Sandra: I've a feeling we're about to - What the Hell?!

[As Nina enters the ring, Viper unwinds the chain and lashes out with it. The chain wraps around Nina's neck and Viper drags the woman into the ring with it. Nina falls to the mat and Viper pulls the chain back, moving in on her opponent. The referee protests as Viper beings lashing the chain up and down the back of Nina Larue. Suddenly, Viper spins about and lashes the chain out at the referee. Mercilessly, she beats down on him with the chain for half a minute before returning The referee turns to a group of officials outside the ring, blood dripping from his forehead. He motions for the bell.]

*Ding ding ding*

Announcer: The winner by disqualification, Nina Larue!

Sandra: [disgusted] Over before it began.

Garry: [laughing] This is far from over.]

[Nina is pushing herself up, rubbing her bruised back. She can feel where the old chain bit away pieces of her catsuit and, in other instances, pieces of her. She looks at the spatters of blood on her hand in disguat, then looks up in time to catch Viper's boot in the face.]

Meanwhile, up in the technical booth over the arena

[Amandra Strike looks down in disgust at the goings-on.]

Amanda: [glaring at monitors.] Okay, that's it. I've had more than enough of Viper. [picks up a phone receiver] Ms. Viper's about to have another visit with security - hopefully her las- OW!

[As Amandra reaches to dial the code to send out the security personnel, a gold tipped cane raps her knuckles. She turns, ready to yell, but stops. She is looking into the smiling face of Electra van Driesal.]

Electra: Now, Amanda, aren't we being a bit hasty? After all, the fans did come to see a fight. What fun would they have if we broke it up so soon?

Amanda: But, she's breaking the rules -

Electra: Yes, she is. And the fans are loving it.

Amanda: Yes, but -

Electra: And the fans pay.

Amanda: I know, but -

[Electra reaches out and grabs Amanda's chin, holding her head steady so she is looking Electra eye-to-eye.]

Electra: [stern] And you do not.

Amandra: [in a low growl] I'm the president of the league.

Electra: [smiling] And I pay you to be.

[A few moments pass as the women stare each other down.]

Back in the arena

Garry: Nina is standing - that was a hell of a kick in the face from Viper! The fans are eating this up!

Sandra: Where's security? They're usually here by now

Garry: Who cares? Viper has Nina cornered! She wraps the chain around Nina's neck and starts choking her with it. Nina's turning a lovely shade of blue - wait! Someone's rushing to ringside.

[An attractive blonde woman in a black mini-dress and shades rushes into the ring, wielding a chair. She brings the chair down on the back of Viper who releases the chain from Nina's neck. Nina's slumps to the mat, coughing and gagging. Viper spins around, lashing with the chain. She knocks the chair from the woman's hands.]

Garry: Viper kicks her assailant in the gut! A left hook followed by a chain slap across the face! There go the shades! It's Tiffany Lane! Viper kicks her legs out from under her and starts stomping in Tiffany's head! Owie!

Sandra: [disgusted] You must love this.

Garry: [excited] It's my bread and butter! Ow! Missile drop kick from behind sends Viper into the ropes! [the bell rings again] Nina's back in this, although Tiffany doesn't seem to be.

[Tiffany is clutching her head and rolling on the mat. Viper turns around in time to catch another missile dropkick to the face from Nina. Viper shakes it off, however, and pulls Nina to her feet by her hair, dropping her chain in the process. The referee, realizing he's completely useless and that security is not on its way, leaves the ring before someone decides to come for him again.]

Garry: Viper's playing for keeps today! Viper with a long eye gouge!

Sandra: [covering eyes] Oh, God, I remember those.

Garry: Viper slams Nina face first into the turnbuckle. Again! One more time! [laughing] Oh, yes! Viper is going to town on Nina! Viper throws Nina out of the ring!

Sandra: [sneering] I guess it's too confining.

Garry: That would be my bet. Viper rolls out of the ring, taking her chain with her - OW! Nina brings a chair across Viper's head! Viper felt that one! I think the machine is slowing down. Nina rams that chair's back into Viper's belly! Nina executes a German suplex! Elbow smash into Viper's face!

[Viper immediately rolls away, clutching her mouth. Streams of crimson flow between her fingers. As she stands, she realizes she doesn't have her chain. A second later, the chain is wrapped around her neck and choking her. All the while, the fans are cheering on. Nina puts her back to Viper's, pulls hard on the chain and bends over, flipping her opponent over and on her face. Viper's head slams into the floor with a sick thud.]

Garry: Sweet Lord, that hurt! I don't care who you are! Nina's keeping that chain tight around Viper's neck and dragging her. Viper's choking and spitting up blood!

Sandra: I don't envy the janitors tonight.

Garry: No kidding! Nina's about to put on a figure four - no! She doesn't! Viper kicks Nina off! Nina's lost hold of the chain. Viper jumps onto the woman and starts beating her in the face with it! Nina tries to fend off the attacks, but she's going to need more than her arms. Viper pulls Nina up and slams her into the guardrails. Nina tries to kick Viper's legs out from under her, but she's not enough strength left. Viper tosses her over the rail and jumps after her! Viper's picking up chairs and slamming her with them!

[Viper begins a pattern of hitting Nina with a chair a few times, then tossing her back, quickly working her way to the entrance of the arena. [A young fan holds up her chair to Viper. Viper smiles and takes it, petting her on the head.]

Garry: [heartwarmed] Now that was cute! Viper does a little audience participation and uses that chair on Nina's head.

Sandra: This is sick. That was a child asking Viper to use a chair against someone.

Garry: Yup. Gotta love the children. Nina's struggling less now. Viper tosses Nina through the entrance and both disappear.

[A camera runs after Viper, its view shown up on the Jumbotron above the arena and the television for the viewing audience at home. The vans split down the middle, half chanting for Nina, but another group booming for Viper.]

Garry: [watching his monitor] This is amazing! Viper slams Nina's pretty head into the brick wall in the hallway. Again! Again! Again! Are the walls white in this building.

Sandra: Yes.

Garry: That one isn't anymore! Nina's bleeding badly from a gash across her forehead. Viper slaps the chain across Nina's face - got her in the eye! That's gonna show in the morning. That girl is in trouble!

Sandra: Nina might not be for much longer. Tiffany's finally stirring in the ring.

[Tiffany, finally shaking off her daze, remembers where she is and what's going on. She looks frantically for Nina, then sees the Jumbotron and gasps. Viper is piledriving Nina on the tile floor. Tiffany leaps from ring and rushes to the entrance.]

Garry: Viper dumps Nina's limp body into a trash can - ow! Missile dropkick from behind by Tiffany Lane! Viper's getting that a lot today. Viper's down.

Sandra: Yes, but those hard floors aren't as forgiving to Viper or Tiffany as a mat is. Both took something from that tactic.

Garry: Tiffany helps Nina out of the trash can, checking Nina's wound. Nina's more concerned about getting Viper. Viper's rolling around on the floor. She must have slammed her head hard. Nina and Tiffany lift Viper by the arms.

[The two women smile evilly at each other as the deliver simultaneous kicks into Viper's gut. Viper bellows and lurches over. As she does, she catches two knees in her face. Nina and Tiffany drop her to the floor. Outside, Viper's fans begin chanting for her again. Slowly, Viper gets up.]

Nina: [standing in front of Viper] It's time to learn who your superiors are, urchin!

Garry: Viper gets halfway up - roundheel kick across the face drops her to her knees. She's definately in a lot of pain.

Meanwhile, up in the technical booth over the arena

Electra: [watching the monitor] Okay, now.

Amanda: Now what?

Electra: Security. Break it up.

Amanda: [laughing] Why do you care? It's just Viper they're beating on.

Electra: [smiles] I think we got the point across. Besides, I said we needed to give the audience their money's worth. We've got to save something for next time, don't we?

[For the first time, Amanda smiles back.]

Meanwhile, up in the technical booth over the arena

[Viper breathes hard, trying to muster up strength to lash out. Tiffany grabs her from behind, holding Viper's arms in place. Nina rains kicks and knees to Viper's chest and stomach.]

Garry: They are working that woman over! [Listens to fans] But, some people still have hope for the girl.

Sandra: [concerned] Wait! What's Nina got there? Is that Viper's chain?

Garry: Yup. Looks like she wants to pay back the kindness.

[Nina smiles, holding the chain. She rubs the bruises and cuts on her own face from the chain, then hauls back. Viper's mind flashes back to the previous week, when Yvette assaulted her with her barbed whip. Viper clenches her teeth.]

Security guard: [snatching chain] I'll take that.

Garry: And here come the mounties! Nina's stunned and disarmed. Security is flooding that hall, pulling the women apart. I guess it's all over, huh?

Sandra: Finally! That was -

Garry: Great! And the fans seem to agree!

Sandra: Well... unfortunately, they do seem to like it. Stay tuned, folks. Lisa Dream meets up with Kayla Vandergriff after these words.


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