logoSkye Soaring Hawk & Vanessa Corella vs Yvette DeSade Malreaux

[Fade in.]

[The camera fades from black to reveal the interior of the Battling Ring Angels arena. The sell out crowd is on their feet, appreciative thus far of the matches they have seen, and the night is still young. Many signs are being waved, including 'THE BEST OF THE SHOP', 'LET THE HAWK ROAM FREE', and 'MARQUIS ME'. The camera pans around to focus on the announcers at ringside]

Sexy Sandra: "Wow! This crowd is worked up for this next match, and let me tell you, I don't blame them! This is gonna be a great match, for sure!"

Gruesome Garry: "I'm looking forward to it...both of these ladies are vicious contenders, and won't stop at nothing to gain the win! Skye may have the edge in experience, but Yvette performed great last week against Viper...It's a tough one to choose!"

Sexy Sandra: "I'm surprised you like Skye...she does kind of carry herself as an honorable warrior..."

Gruesome Garry: "So she says...and then she blatently interferes in Lisa Dreams match! She's got the makings of a great wrestler, that girl does!"

[The first few bars of the French National Anthem blare over the arena's loudspeakers, which then changes to 'Out comes the Evil' by the Lords of Acid. Yvette emerges from the dressing room area to the jeers of the audience, and arrogantly makes her way to the ring, accompanied by Merci.]

Sexy Sandra: "Not a very nice crowd reaction to the Marquis....wow, who would have thought it?!?"

Gruesome Garry: "These peons don't know true talent if it sat on their face! I mean, they cheer for Sherry Ann, for god's sake! Uh oh...you better watch out, Yvette is coming this way!"

[Instead of entering the ring, Yvette walks over to the announcers table and addresses the announcers]

Yvette: "Sandra, I am most displeased at your feeble attempts at calling the matches. Garry, use any means necessary to keep that foul beast in line."

Gruesome Garry: "Yes, Ma'am!"

Sexy Sandra: "Well, I never..."

[Yvette then enters the ring as her music ends, and 'People of the Sun', by Rage against the Machine, begins to play. Blue pyrotechnics begins to spew from the stage, obscuring the entrance. When the dust clears, Skye Soaring Hawk is standing on the ramp. She is wearing a wide brimmed cowboy hat, holding a floor length leather duster and a bucket. She walks down to the ring with icy determination.]

Gruesome Garry: "She looks pretty focused on this match...with good reason. Yvette has asserted herself as a key player in this federation."

Sexy Sandra: "Yvette's tactics may leave something to be desired, but you are right, Garry! Skye is a great combatant as well, though...this is gonna be a good old fashioned barn burner!"

[Skye tosses her hat out to the crowd before entering the ring. She then tosses her coat to the outside and leans back against a corner, awaiting the bell]

Ding Ding Ding

Gruesome Garry: "And they're off! Skye comes out of the corner with her fists raised...Yvette cautiously approaches Skye, they circle...c'mon, let's see some action!"

Sexy Sandra: "Sometimes caution is the wisest plan, they both know how much damage they can do...OH! Spinning back heelkick catches Skye right in the belly!"

Gruesome Garry: "Didn't seem to do as much damage as Yvette wanted...a finger to the throat knocks Skye back into the corner, and then Yvette is on her with a series of jarring knees to the midsection! Wow!"

Sexy Sandra: "Skye looks winded, but I don't think that those knees are doing much to Skye..."

[Skye suddenly grabs Yvette around the neck and spins around, so that their positions are reversed. Skye signals to the crowd, and then begins to pummel Yvette with her fists, striking her in the belly and face multiple times. Yvette tries to defend herself, but cannot, and soon falls to her knees. Skye stops the assualt...pulls Yvette to her feet by her hair, and, placing her hands around her throat, throws her out of the corner with authority.]

Gruesome Garry: "Wow! What strength displayed on Skye's behalf...she nearly threw Yvette clear across the ring!"

Sexy Sandra: "Skye is a strong one, let me tell you. She walks over...legdrop to Yvette stuns the french lady! Skye then pulls Yvette to her feet by her hair."

Skye: "You know what you do with Euro-Trash? You beat the hell out of it!"

Gruesome Garry: "Skye goes for a punch...Yvette drops to her knees, and hits Skye with a low blow! Skye doubles over...DDT from Yvette drops the indestructible machine to the mat!"

Sexy Sandra: "She shouldn't have spoken there, it is too dangerous to give Yvette a moment to think!"

[Yvette arrogantly regards the audience, and then drops an elbow down onto Skye's face. She then seats herself on Skye and begins to throw a barrage of punches at her face, specifically her nose. Skye manages to block more than a few attempts, but a couple of shots do make it through her defenses, and soon her nose is bleeding]

Gruesome Garry: "All-right! Now we're seeing some blood! Now we just need some clothes to get ripped off..."

Sexy Sandra: "You are a sick little man, now, aren't you, Garry? Yvette pulls Skye to her feet...Side Russian Legsweep takes down the native american, and Yvette goes for an arrogant cover!"

Gruesome Garry: "Kickout at 2 with authority! That kickout sent Yvette practically clear across the ring!"

Sexy Sandra: "Another display of Skye's great strength...Yvette comes back over and axe-handles Skye in the back...Skye sluffs it off and punches Yvette in the belly! The Marquis doubles over!"

Gruesome Garry: "Skye shoves Yvette's head between her legs...a position I wouldn't mind being in...hauls her up...powerbomb! Oh! I could feel that connection from here!"

Sexy Sandra: "A sound technical move, and one that Yvette certainly didn't expect! She has her hands full with Skye this week!"

[Skye quickly goes for the cover, but Yvette manages to kick out at 2 and a half, much to the dissapointment of the crowd. Skye slowly gets to her feet, whips Yvette into the ropes, and spinebusters her.]

Gruesome Garry: "Yvette is getting her back worked this week, for sure! She's gonna need surgery once this match is done!"

Sexy Sandra: "Yvette is a tough competitor, Garry, I wouldn't be counting her out...yet. Devestating blows, yes, but Yvette can take it as good as she gives!"

Gruesome Garry: "Another cover by Skye...and another kickout at 2! And Merci is getting up onto the ring apron! Yvette's personal valet!"

Sexy Sandra: "What is she doing there? This is supposed to be a one on one battle...get off of there, Merci!"

Gruesome Garry: "She's just offering her mentor some support...the referee walks over to order her off the ring apron..."

[Yvette removes what appears to be a perfume spray bottle from her fighting attire and suddenly sprays some of it into Skye's eyes. Skye cries out, Yvette ditches the bottle and spinning back heelkick's Skye in the face as Merci leaves the ring apron. The referee comes back to the fight.]

Sexy Sandra: "What a despicable sneak attack! Blinding Skye like that! I thought this was going to be a fair fight!"

Gruesome Garry: "I guess this is the Marquis version of fair, and I love it! A surprise a minute with this girl! A jarring closeline from Yvette!"

Yvette: "You pathetic creature, I gave you a chance to submit to me earlier in the week but you foolishly denied. Now there shall be no mercy."

Sexy Sandra: "I've lost what little respect I had for Yvette...she stomps on Skye, then hauls her to her feet....double arm backbreaker!"

Gruesome Garry: "Even you have to admit that that was a beautifully executed move!"

Sexy Sandra: "I don't contest that Yvette is a very talented wrestler...what I do contest is her cheating tactics! I mean, look....Skye is still struggling to see right now!"

[Yvette arrogantly regards the jeering crowd, and then nonchalantly covers Skye. The referee goes for the count. 1...2....Skye manages to throw Yvette halfway across the ring in her kickout. The crowd cheers as Skye gets to her feet and leans against the ropes, shaking her head and wiping at her eyes as Yvette gets to her feet, stunned.]

Gruesome Garry: "Yvette doesn't look too happy that Skye managed to escape her pin! Yvette walks over to punch Skye...Skye blocks the blow and punches Yvette in the face!"

Sexy Sandra: "Unbelievable! Skye is doing this practically blind! Skye begins to assault Yvette with a barrage of blows to the belly and face, which slowly drives Yvette back...and down to the canvas she goes!"

Gruesome Garry: "I...I just don't know what to say! The crowd cheers as Skye hauls Yvette to her feet....backbreaker! Yvette rolls onto her front, holding her back."

Sexy Sandra: "Skye seats herself on the Marquis back, grabs her legs...Boston Crab! Good submission hold, especially considering all the focus that Skye put on Yvette's back throughout the match!"

Gruesome Garry: "Mmmm..love that position..."

[The referee asks if Yvette submits...Yvette spits at the referee in defiance and reaches for the ropes. She is a bare inch away from grasping it, but, when the referee is looking away from the ropes Merci pushes the ropes forward, so that Yvette can grasp it. The referee forces a break, and Skye gets to her feet.]

Sexy Sandra: "Yvette looks pretty out of it...she tries to get to her feet, cannot, falls to the mat and begins to crawl towards the ropes. Skye looks down at her, signals to the crowd...here it comes, the Bird of Prey!"

Gruesome Garry: "Skye goes to pull Yvette to her feet...Yvette suddenly comes up with a small package! The referee is right in position 1...2....3!!!!"

Ding Ding Ding

Sexy Sandra: "I don't believe it! She pretended to be more hurt than she actually was, and it costed Skye! She thought Yvette an easy victory there at the end!"

Gruesome Garry: "A deserving win for the BRA elite, for sure! Yvette has proven herself one of the best with this win tonight!"

[The crowd boos as 'Out comes the Evil', by Lords of Acid once again blares over the loudspeakers. Yvette kicks Skye out of the ring and arrogantly struts around its perimeter, gloating her victory when suddenly there is a stir in the crowd, and 2 individuals jump over the railing behind Yvette.]

Sexy Sandra: "I...It's Lisa Dream and Sherry Anne, and they don't look too happy at all! It's retribution for that horrid attack upon Sherry's person earlier in the night!"

Gruesome Garry: "Pffft...that body shop fool deserved what she got. Its just like her to attack someone from behind!"

Sexy Sandra: "We all saw what Yvette did to Sherry, and now it's time for a little payback! Sherry enters the ring, as does Lisa, taps Yvette on the shoulder...Yvette turns around, and is met with a series of punches!"

Gruesome Garry: "*Perfection* grabs Merci and tosses her out of the ring as Sherry kicks Yvette in the belly....Sherry stunner! Yvette goes down!"

[Nina Larue suddenly exits the dressing room area and dashes down to the ring to aid her fallen associate. Lisa sees her coming, and prepares for her when Merci suddenly hits Lisa with a low blow, doubling over the arrogant Vixen. Nina slides into the ring and DDT's Lisa to the mat as Kayla Vandergriff makes her way down to the ring as well.]

Sexy Sandra: "Looks like the Shop may be a little outnumbered here...though Sherry goes up to Nina as well, and Sherry Stunners her! Down goes the arrogant model!"

Gruesome Garry: "The shop is gonna get what they deserve here!"

Sexy Sandra: "No! Sherry sees the odds are against her...Lisa rolls out of the ring, as does Sherry, and they escape through the crowd!"

Gruesome Garry: "What a couple of chickens..."

Sexy Sandra: "Discretion is the wisest part of valour...One thing is for sure, the Shop and Yvette's little Motley Crue have NOT seen the last of one another! But we are now out of time, so, regretably, we must end this telecast. So, I'm Sexy Sandra, and this is the ever Gruesome one, saying so long, everybody!"

[Fade to Black]

[Winner: Yvette Malroux]
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