logoJennifer Christian vs. Angel Dust

(The thousands of fans in attendance are on they're feet, cheering and waving they're home made signs. The camera catches a glimpse of some, taking away some of the creator's 15 minutes of fame. "Where's the Arch Angel?" "SOS, I need mouth to mouth!" "The guy behind me can't see" are just a few of the many caught on tape. )

(Another camera shot pushes into the announcer's table where Ken and Cari are waiting to call the match.)

Cari: "Ok, ok. Let's get this match started. After all, the Sisterhood is about to win yet another title."

Ken: "I wouldn't be to sure, Angel Dust isn't just going to hand the title over to Jennifer Christian. The youngest member of the Sisterhood is going to have to earn it."

Cari: "Puhhhleassse. Everyone knows that Laura Parker just gave up the belt so that Jennifer could win it back."

Ken: "If I recall, Angel Dust forced Veronica to quit in that three-way match, becoming the champion. Laura was outside the ring."

Cari: "Bah! Stupid Johnny!"

(Cari takes a quick look around before continuing.)

Cari: "He intentionally made that match so that Laura would lose the belt."

Ken: "I thought you just said that Laura gave up the belt on purpose?"

Cari: �Ummm, yeah. She knew that Jennifer would get a shot at the title and didn't want to have Sisterhood vs Sisterhood for the belt, so being the wonderful and caring human being that she is, Laura allowed Angel Dust to win the title."

Ken: "Hmmmm, my computer horse crap meter is going into the red zone."

Cari: "Gimmie that!"

(Cari makes a grab for the laptop as Ken struggles to keep it. The crowd rises to its feet as the Featherweight Champion makes her way down to ringside. Angel Dust ignores the crowd and slides into the ring, chucking her belt at the ref. She scowls and turns to face the wrestler entranceway.)

Ken: "Well, Angel certainly seems to be in a foul mood."

Cari: "You would too if you knew you were about to get your ass kicked., gimme that damn thing!"

(The lights dip to black again as all eyes turn to the entranceway. Across the loudspeakers comes the haunting first few bars of the theme from "The Twilight Zone, then simultaneously with flash pots exploding Golden Earrings song of the same name belts loud out around the arena. The name "Jenn" flashes big on the screen in a way that starts her fans chanting the name in unison. Images of deep space and celestial oddities interspersed with the images of every member of the current Sisterhood of Seduction flash across the Angeltron. The curtain parts and Jennifer Christian sachet's out dressed in a black two piece swimsuit, black tights and black wrestling boots. Gone is the Yvette Malreaux leather jacket and S and M suit. She looks every bit a sweet innocent little girl, despite the frown that seems permanently affixed on her face these days. )

Ken: "Well, I must say that Jennifer is looking much better these days."

Cari: "Well, you'd look better too if Nina LaRue had just found you a luxury apartment."

Ken: "I guess she's dropped the LPM thing for good now. She stepped out of her mentor's shadow."

Cari: "Jennifer is Sisterhood now, through and through. Notice how she's come to the ring alone? Notice that the other members of Sisterhood know that she doesn't need any help against this dirtbag?"

Ken: "I'm always amazed that the Sisterhood members aren't around when there a sale at Sak's."

(Jennifer climbs into the ring as stares across the ring at her opponent. The young wrestler has a serious look on her face as she does some last minute stretches. The ref holds the Featherweight title high in the air, showing it to all four sides of the ring. He then hands it to a ring attendant and calls for the bell. )


( Jennifer immediately darts out from her corner as Angel Dust moves to the center of the ring. Jennifer quickly rushes to meet her, and both women come together in a clinch. It's obvious who the stronger wrestler is as Angel immediately starts to push Jennifer backwards. Christian struggles, trying to push back, but Angel continues to push her backwards. Jennifer quickly falls backwards, kicking her feet up into Angel's midsection. Angel is forced forwards and then flipped over onto her back.)

Cari: "Beautiful monkey flip!"

(Jennifer jumps up to her feet as Angel pounds the mat with her fist, angry at being caught with such a simple move. Jennifer rushes in to grab her opponent as Angel rises to her feet. Dust fires off a wicked punch that catches the oncoming Christian in the belly. Jenn gasps and staggers backwards, clutching her belly. She yelps as Angel grabs a handful of hair, before scooping her up and then slamming her down into the mat.)

Ken: "Ouch! Jen is giving up a lot in height and weight here. She is the smallest of the Featherweight wrestlers and Angel is right on the weight limit."

(Angel grabs a handful of Jennifer's hair and pulls the little blonde up. Jenn is then whipped into the rope as Angel chases after her. Christian hits the strands and bounces off, rebounding back into the ring. Angel lashes out her arm, trying to nail her opponent with a clothesline. Jennifer ducks and continues across the ring as Angel spins to face her. Hitting the opposite ropes, Jennifer gains more momentum before charging back into the middle of the ring. Angel snarls and heads towards her. Christian leaps up into the air, extending her feet forwards and planting them into Angel's chest.)

Ken: "Big time dropkick! Jenn can really get air!"

(Angel is sent crashing to the mat as Jenn bounces back up to her feet. She quickly runs towards her downed opponent and grabs a leg, pulling it up and twisting Angel's ankle. The champ winces in pain as Jenn leaps forwards, pulling her leg with her and landing both knee's against her lower leg. Christian repeats the move, lifting Angel's leg and then dropping down across it.)

Cari: "Smart tactic's by Jennifer, if she can keep her bigger opponent on the mat, or slow her down, or heck, just break that damn leg, she'll have a better chance at winning."

(Jennifer rises to her feet and goes to put Angel into a figure-four leg lock. As she bends to grab the other leg, Angel kicks it forward, planting her boot straight into Jenn's face. Christian squeals and stumbles away, clutching her nose and mouth as Angel rolls to her feet. Angel shakes her sore leg out a bit, glaring at her opponent. Jennifer pats her lip, feeling the tenderness and the blood as Angel charges towards her. The champ fires a roundhouse punch that Jenn barely dodges. Angel continues her attack, firing a series of punches and kicks that Christian attempts to block. Angel fires a blow towards Jenn's face and Christian raises her arms to block it. Angel quickly steps forwards and rams her knee up into her opponent's belly. Jennifer gasps and doubles over. Angel steps forwards, trapping Jenn's head between her thighs. She quickly grabs Jenn around the waist and pulls her up into the air.)

Ken: "uh oh! This doesn't look good for Jennifer!"

(Angel turns and drops to her butt, planting Jenn's head into the mat. Christian's body bounces up like a pogo stick, before flopping over. Angel rolls Jenn onto her back and hooks the leg for the pin. )

Ken: "Devastating Piledriver! I don't know if Jenn's going to get up after that!?"

Cari: "She will, it's going to take more than ..."

Ref: "One...."

Cari: "eeep!!"

Ref: "Two..."

Cari: "Come on Jenn!"

(As the ref goes for the third count, Jennifer lifts her shoulder off the mat. The Sisterhood faithful cheer as Angel snarls and glares at the ref. Angel pulls Jenn up to her feet and whips her into the turnbuckles. Christian hits hard and leans in the corner, clutching her back. Angel charges in, attempting to splash into her lighter opponent. As she does, Jennifer places her arms on the top rope and pushes herself up. Extending her legs, Jennifer wraps them around Angel's head as she comes in. Jennifer then pushes off the ropes, spinning her body down to the mat and flipping Angel over, sending her crashing to the mat.)

Ken: "WOW! Head scissors takedown!"

(Jennifer rises to her feet as Angel pushes herself to her knee's. Jenn wastes not time and leaps towards Angel, dropkicking her the side of the head, knocking her back down on the mat.)

Cari: "That's my girl! No mercy, never stop until you've won. *sniff *sniff, I'm so proud."

(Jennifer grabs Angel by the hair and pulls her up. In a surprising show of strength, Jennifer lifts Angel up and slams her down to the mat. Christian then leaps up and drops her leg across Angel's chest. )

Ken: "Jen's going for the pin here!"

(The ref slaps his hand down twice, before Angel kicks out. Jennifer reacts quickly and wraps her arms around Angels for a sleeper. Jenn then wraps her legs around Angel's waist and puts on the squeeze.)

Cari: "Bodyscissors/Sleeper combo!"

Ken: "It's still early in the match, I don't know if Jenn's going to put the champ away with this hold."

(Angel tries to pry away Jenn's arms from her neck, but Christian has a good grip. With each breath that Angel takes, Jenn tightens her legs, constricting her opponent. Angel rolls onto her side and Jenn rolls with her, keeping the sleeper on tight. Angel reaches out her foot and places it on the ropes, saving herself from the loss.)

Cari: "Boo!"

Ken: "Smart move by Angel, she saved herself there."

( The ref forces Jenn to break the holds and she does. Christian rolls to her feet and watches as Angel rolls closer to the ropes. Jenn paces waiting for Angel to rise to her feet. The champ is in no rush and catches her breath. Christian decides to move in and goes to grab Angel. As she does, she feels Angel's arm come flying up between her legs.)

Ken: "Ouch!"

Cari: "Foul! FOUL!"

(Jenn staggers away, clutching her lower, lower abdomen as the crowd boo's the infraction. The ref gives Angel a warning, but she ignores him. Angel quickly rises to her feet and walks up to her wounded opponent and wraps her in a side headlock. Angel then drops backwards, planting the top of Jenn's head into the mat.)

Ken: "DDT! This could be it!"

(Angel falls across Jenn's body and hooks the leg. The crowd watches as the ref's hand hits the mat twice, and the way down for the third count. Jennifer kicks out.)

Cari: "Whew!'

(Angel grabs Jenn by the hair and pulls her up. She lifts Jenn into a cradle and then drops to one knee, snapping Jenn's back across her thigh. Christian lets out a scream as her spine ignites in pain. Angel shoves down on Jenn's chin and thigh, pushing her body into a twisted upside down U. The ref asks for Jenn's submission, but the little blonde shakes her head in defiance. Angel places her hand around Jenn's throat and starts to squeeze.)

Cari: "Hey! Hey! Choke!"

Ken: "Angel seems in a foul mood. She's really putting the hurt on Jennifer."

(The ref spots the choke and calls for a break, Angel ignores him, keeping choke on. He starts to count, but Angel still ignores him.)

Ken: "Angel had better watch out, she's going to get herself DQ'd."

Cari: "Yeah, and Jenn will win the match."

Ken: "But the title won't change hands."

Cari: "No DQ!"

(Realizing what Angel is doing, Jennifer uses all her strength to push herself off of Angel's thigh. Jenn falls to the mat, forcing Angel's grip to break. She glares at Jenn as the ref yells at her about the choke. Angel turns to face him and starts swearing at the zebra. As the two of them yell at each other. Jennifer rises to her knee's and with a nasty snarl on her lips, she fires a forearm up in between Angel's thighs.)

Ken: "Oww!"

Cari: "That's payback for earlier. Jenn doesn't need to cheat, but she will allow Angel's skullduggery to go unanswered!"

(Angel's mouth forms into a silent "O" as Jenn's arm impacts into her. Christian rises to her feet and grabs Angel in a side headlock. Dragging Angel into a corner, Jennifer then charges across the ring, pulling Angel along with her. At the halfway point, Jennifer leaps into the air, and then slams down to the mat, smashing Angel's face into the canvas.)

Ken: "Brutal Bulldog!"

Cari: "Look at Jenn! I know that look, all the Sisterhood members get it when they're in the zone!"

(Jennifer's face is twisted into a serious scowl as she pulls Angel up by her hair. Jennifer whips Angel into the ropes and takes off in the opposite direction. Angel rebounds off the ropes as Jenn races to meet her. Jumping into the air, Jenn rotates her body, snapping her heel around. It catches Angel Dust square in the forehead, knocking her to the mat. Jenn jumps to her feet and runs to the turnbuckles. Christian climbs to the top and waits as Angel slowly rolls to her knee's.)

Ken: "Angel doesn't know where Jenn is! Christian's planning a big move here."

(As Angel rises to her feet, Jenn leaps off the top rope. Angel turns just as Jenn's boots slam into her chest.)

Cari: "Missile Dropkick! What a move by Jennifer!"

(Angel Dust is sent flying and crashes to the canvas. Jennifer pushes herself up and takes a moment to catch her breath.)

Ken: "Jenn is firing on all cylinders! Angel has really underestimated BRA's smallest grappler."

Cari: "It's never smart tactics to underestimate the Sisterhood."

(Jenn walks over to Angel and pulls her up. Jenn bends her knee's while wrapping her arms around Angel's waist. Jenn then rises up, lifting and spinning Angel in the process. Christina shifts Angel until her head in upside down, between her knee's. Jenn then takes a step towards the corner and kicks her legs back.)

Ken: "What do you want on your Tombstone?"

(Angels head is viciously driven into the mat. She flops over onto her back as Jenn admires her handiwork.)

Cari: "Jenn's training has really paid off. Two months ago, she wouldn't have been able to lift Angel, now she just tombstoned the champ into the mat!"

(Jenn rises to her feet and grabs Angel by the legs, pulling her closer to the corner. Jenn then drops the legs and runs to the opposite side of the ring.)

Ken: "What's Jenn up to?:

Cari: "She's got a new finisher, something she and Nina have been working on. If she hits this, we've got a new champ!"

(Jennifer starts running across the ring, as she gets close to the corner, she leaps forwards, over Angels body and grabs a hold of the top rope. Jenn lifts her body up into the air, pushing herself straight up. She holds there for a moment as the audience watch the athletic display. Jenn then pushes off with her arms as she lets her legs fall back towards the ring.)

Ken: "Outstanding display! Jumping handstand into a reverse frog splash!"

Cari: "She calls that the "Outer Limits"

(Jenn slams down across Angel's chest, before hooking the leg. The ref slaps his hand down three times. Jennifer keeps the pin on for a second longer, reminding Angel of who won the match.)


Cari: "New champ! Like there was any doubt."

Ken: "Not one of Angels better days. She's got to take her opponents a little more seriously than that. Beating up on Zantara's plaything is one thing, defending her title is another. But take nothing away from Jennifer, she was not going to be denied."

Cari: "And what a wonderful gift to give Nina for her wedding. Another title for the Sisterhood."

( The ref hands the belt to Jenn as tears run down her face. She is thrilled and jumps up onto the turnbuckles, raising the belt in the air.)

Ken: "Jenn put on a tremendous display of skill and athleticism. She's just informed the world that she's a force to be reckoned with. And since Johnny Angel's talking about raises the weight limit of the Featherweight division, I think Jenn's going to need all her skills to keep that belt."

Cari: "I feel that she's going to keep that title for a long time. Remember, when she's healthy, she's beat some of the best in the business."

Ken: "There's no doubt about that. Folks, stay tuned, more great action after these important messages."

Winner: Jennifer Christian by pinfall...amongst other things
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