logoPatricia Flex vs. Nina Larue

We return to the Battling Ring Angels arena and the fans are on their feet. Row after row, all the way to the rafters, they stand and cheer. Many hold signs and placards. The camera pans across the arena to give a few glimpses of the signs. Some of the more catchy ones say: "Lindsay Locke is America's Sweetheart!", "Nina fears Sakura Ito!"; and "Viper is the True Snake!" The camera focuses on Cari and Kenny sitting at the announce position.

Kenny: Well fans, we're back to action and up next we have a wild one� Patricia Flex taking on Nina LaRue�

Cari: And again I need to correct you. That would be�The Goddess Nina LaRue.

Kenny: Sure, sure�and both of these women have some real problems with other people in the league.

Cari: Well, Patricia Flex has a problem�with one of my favorites�

Kenny: Sasha?

Cari: Yes. But for Nina, Sakura Ito and Lesley Magnus are no problem.

Kenny: And I'm told we have Patricia back stage right now�

Patricia: Nina, you are beautiful, but of course not quite up to my standards! My beauty is matchless, my wrestling skillis matchless, and tonight, in front of the world and The Hit Squad, I shall hand you a beating!

Kenny: It seems clear that Patricia feels a sense of urgency in this one.

Cari: Uh-huh. I'm unimpressed.

"Porcelain" by Moby starts to play. Leotard clad Patricia Flex comes to the ring. There are the usual wolf whistles which greet her everywhere she goes. Flex greets them with a bright smile, and a wave, though what she is really thinking is anyone's guess. Still, she looks utterly great tonight...

Kenny: She seems ready�

Cari: Uh-huh.

Kenny: Are we boring you?

Cari: I'm just waiting for Nina�

Suddenly, Sisqo's "The Thong Song" begins to play as the fans jump to their feet, awaiting the arrival of "The Goddess" Nina Larue. The curtains part and Nina stands before the crowd, clad in a black, lace, thong bikini, showing off her sleek, curvy figure. She completes the look with black boots, with a platform heel, and her long, black hair falls to the small of her back in a cascade of curls, framing her flawless face. The busty beauty poses for a moment, surveying the crowd, before sashaying to ringside. The bewitching brunette gracefully enters the ring, the crowd showering her in catcalls and wolf whistles. With a sly smirk across her gorgeous visage, she seductively leans over the top rope, blowing a kiss to the fans and offering them a view of her ample cleavage. Needless to say, the catcalls and whistles are now deafening. Nina does a few sexy stretches, arching her back in a tantalizing fashion, as she awaits the start of the match.

Cari: Radiant as usual.

Kenny: Both women are ready to start�and here we go.

Both wrestlers lock up in the center of the ring and Pat gets the early advantage with a burst of strength that gets Nina down to one knee. She turns it into an armbar. Nina is being held at arm's length and trying to get the pressure off her arm. She powers her way back to her feet, but Patricia sends her to the ropes and hits her with a clothesline.

Kenny: Patricia Flex taking charge of the match early.

Cari: Won't last.

Kenny: We'll see�

Nina struggles back to her feet. She is a bit wobbly and trying to get her balance. Patricia slingshots off the ropes and nails Nina with a flying cross body. She tries to get the cover, but Nina kicks out at one. Patricia hits the mat in frustration.

Kenny: Near fall!

Cari: Yeah right.

Nina gets up and gets her bearings. Flex gets to her feet and the two meet in the center of the ring. Flex tries to kick Nina, but misses. Nina responds with a barrage of martial arts style kicks that disorient and hurt Flex. Flex is doubled over, when Nina nails her in the head with a spinning heal kick that drops Flex to the mat.

Cari: See? Nina's taking over.

Nina pulls Flex to her feet and delivers a snap kick to Flex. After stunning her, Nina lifts Flex and delivers an Ocean Cyclone Suplex that leaves Flex down on the mat.

Kenny: Great move by Nina LaRue!

Cari: Showing some of the skill she picked up in the orient all those years ago.

Flex tries to sit up, but Nina kicks her right in the face and puts her back on the mat.

Nina: You are no match for The Goddess urchin!

Kenny: Nina attacking Flex both physically and verbally.

Cari: You are such a geek.

Nina goes in for the pin. The ref drops into position�



Flex is able to get her foot on the rope. The ref points it out to Nina and she gets off Flex. She stands and hauls Patricia to her feet. Nina holds the hurt Flex up by the hair.

Cari: Now that is a near fall.

Kenny: That was 9/10 closer to being a win�

Nina sends Patricia to the ropes, and attempts to hit her with a spinning heel kick on the return. But Flex ducks the kick and instead slingshots off the ropes. She grabs the disoriented Nina and uses a fast spinning neck breaker to put Nina down. Both women are on the mat, sucking wind.

Kenny: Where did Flex get the strength to do that? She was getting hammered out there.

Cari: Must be all the performance enhancing drugs she uses.

Kenny: Just stop.

Flex rolls over and pushes herself up. She goes around and tries to shake off the cobwebs. Nina is still down, trying to massage her neck. Flex pushes herself up. She grabs Nina's leg and signals to the crowd.

Kenny: What does she have in mind, here?

Cari: She's wasting way too much time.

Flex grabs a hold of Nina's legs and slaps on the dreaded figure four leg lock. Nina's long and shapely legs are being twisted and tortured. The Goddess slams the mat in pain and shakes her head no to the ref's questions of submission. Flex leans back and does all she can to put pressure behind the move.

Kenny: Nina in some real serious trouble here.

Cari: Come on Nina! Fight it!

Nina looks to be on the verge of tears. The ref is trying to check her. Flex is grabbing the bottom rope and using it for leverage on the leg lock, when suddenly�

Kenny: What's going on here?

Out of the crowd jumps Sasha. She runs to the ring and flips out an expandable baton. She nails Flex with it, knocking her for a loop.

Kenny: What just happened?

Cari: Flex should watch how she talks about the Hit Squad.

Flex breaks the hold. The ref never saw the attack. Nina shakes Flex's legs off and tries to massage the pain out of her knees. She slowly gets to her feet, using the ropes to help her. She pulls Flex up.

Kenny: Flex is out.

Cari: But Nina's not done yet.

Nina delivers a low blow that doubles Flex over. She follows that up with a DDT.

Cari: There it is�Nina's Knockout!

Nina goes for the pin on the out cold Flex�




Kenny: That's it! Nina gets the win�with a little help from Sasha.

Winner: Nina
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