logoBestest Buddies vs Simply Destructive

(The scene opens to The Battling Ring Angels Arena as a flurry of fire works shoot in the air. The camera pans the large crowd, catching glimpses of the usual fan signs, including: "I Came to See Laura Parker", "Samantha Staffer #1" and "Kenny is a Geek". After showcasing the screaming and cheering fans, the camera lands on the announce table. Seated are BRA's resident announce team, Kenny Harbor and Cari "The Brat" Trammell, both wearing matching headsets.)

Kenny: Welcome back to BRA, fans. We have a great match coming up next. The Bestest Buddies will take on the new BRATT champions, Simply Destructive, Gina Moore and Alexandria Parker, the titles on the line. Cari, what's your take on what should be a promising match-up?

Cari: Promising? (rolls her eyes) Don't make me laugh! This is going to be another cakewalk for the tag team champions. They made mincemeat out of Thirtysomething and they'll do the same to these goody-goody morons. The big question isn't whether Simply Destructive will win but rather how they will win.

Kenny: Well, I guess we're going to find out soon enough as The Bestest Buddies make their way to ringside.

(Oye Como Va' by Carlos Santana starts to play on the large arena speakers. Before people can get their bearings, Jessica Estrella and Mellisa Shared come charging out from behind the curtain and jog briskly to the ring. Jessica slaps hands with the fans and shows off her tanned and toned body. Mellisa follows her and smiled cutely for the fans. Jessica is dressed in a pair of black lycra shorts, adorned with flames, and a matching lycra top. Her boots are also black and have flames on them. She finishes her outfit with red knee pads. The shapely Puerto Rican beauty has her light brown hair loose and it waves in the breeze. She has a huge smile on her face for the benefit of her male fans. Mellisa wears orange and aqua lycra shorts and top, covered by a T shirt that says "California High School Swimming Champs". She wears orange boots and orange knee pads. Her blond hair is loose. Both slowly get into the ring, sliding between the second and top rope and wave for the fans. Jessica takes the mic.)

Jessica: Oye! It's time for Las Amigas to show what they can do en este ring!

(She hands the mic to Mellisa.)

Mellisa: Ok, ummm, we are totally like The Bestest Buddies and we totally are the coolest thing in wrestling. So, like, let's ummm, wrestle. Ok?

(They shift and stretche and wait for their opponents.)

Cari: Oh God! (mimicking Mellisa's speaking voice) Somebody like gag me those two are like such total morons and some junk.

Kenny: Be nice, Cari.

(Suddenly, the lights in the arena briefly turn off, and the music of Bruce Springsteen begins to sound from the speakers, "It's hard to be a saint in the city." All eyes turn to the entrance ramp. Built like granite, Gina Moore walks down the aisle with a sneer on her face, as the gruff singer from the New Jersey shore continues to spit out his poetic lyrics. A large contingent of fans continue to cheer Gina on, but she just walks past, inciting them to cheer her even louder. Solid and angular, Gina is wearing spandex shorts and sportbra, both solid crimson, and a bright yellow cloth belt cinches her waist. She wears black wrestling boots on her feet, and pads on her elbows and knees.)

Cari: Now, we're going to see some real competitors as the tag champs make tehir way to ringside!

Kenny: But why would they use seperate entrances? I guess the rumors are true that they can't stand one another.

Cari: Oh, shush! Quit trying to spread lies. Besides, Alexandria is one her way to the ring.

(Gina's music stops as The Angeltron comes to life, flashing in large silver letters, RICH BITCH.' Pictures of Alexandria Parker destroying opponents flash onto the screen, showing some of her greatest moves, concluding with a montage` of her scowling at 'fans', smashing the infamous mirror over the head of an opponent and finally winning the tag title. An explosion occurs from the back and fireworks are the next visual treat as Da Baddest B*tch by Trina blast over the arena speakers . Heat pours over the first few rows by the ramp as Alexandria and Miss. Vanity stand poised with the tag title held high in the air by Vanity. Miss. Vanity wears pumps and a form fitting mini dress. Alexandria's wrestling attire consists of a black, skintight cat suit with matching boots and kicking pads. Her fire red hair falls flat down her back.)

Cari: Now this is a woman that knows something about gold. After all, she is a three time BRATT champ! Alexandria is tag team excellence at it's best, able to adjust her style to fit any partner, from high flying Laura Parker to a power wrestler like Gina Moore.

Kenny: Well, it looks like she could learn a thing or two about unity.

(On entering the ring, Alex and Gina begin to argue about who should start off. Alexandria starts to shout, and Gina stares at the mat for a moment, her dirty-blonde hair covering her face. Then her head snaps upward and she gives Alex a hard glare, as if a different person had emerged, pointing Alex toward the corner.)

Kenny: With all of this arguing, I predict that we'll see new BRATT champs tonight.

Cari: (snorts) Never! Even if they aren't exactly united, they are still too much for these two rookie losers to handle!

(The two continue to argue, until finally the referee, Moira Young, steps in and insists that one of them step outside. Even then, Gina and Alex continue to jostle with each other, Alexandria finally entering first. Young nods and calls for the ringing of the bell.)

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Kenny: Well, looks like Alex is going to start and she is immediately greeted with a drop kick from Jessica!

(Alex shoots Gina one last withering look only to turn and get caught with a drop kick to the chest from Jessica. Alex falls to the mat as Gina looks on in disgust.)

Gina: "Why don't you carry your share for a change, instead of just getting your butt kicked! With your ineptitude it's a miracle we beat those fat old hags for the titles!"

(Jessica brings Alex to her feet before sending her head crashing into the mat with a DDT. She rolls The Rich Bitch on her back and drops a leg across her throat. Moving with a quickness, Jessica follows the move with an elbow drop across Alexandria's chest. She immediately hooks the leg as Young counts the pin.)


(Alex enthusiastically powers out of the pin attempt, sending Jessica flying across the ring.)

Cari: Ha! Jessica's got to do better than that if she plans on taking down The Rich Bitch! After all, Alexandria is Sisterhood!

(Jessica hops to her feet and charges Alexandria only to be caught with a thrust kick to the throat. The smaller woman's eyes bug out as she slumps to the mat, clutching her throat. Grabbing a handful of Jessica's hair, Alexandria roughly yanks her to her feet, dragging her towards the corner. Miss Vanity promptly hops on the ring apron, drawing the ref's attention. With Jessica's hair still tangled in her fingers, Gina hands Alex one of the tag titles.)

Alex: (yanking on Jessica's hair, she shoves the belt in front of Jessica's face) Do you see this little girl? This is for Alexandria Parker, not you!

(With that, Alexandria smashes the belt in Jessica's face, the fans booing their protest. The Puerto Rican beauty screams and falls to the mat, clutching her face. Alex tosses the belt back to Gina as the ref returns her attention to the match.)

Kenny: That was uncalled for!

Cari: (laughs) But you gotta admit that it was funny as hell! I love that Alexandria!

(With a sneer, Alex gives Jessica a short-arm clothesline, the smaller woman's head impacting with the hard canvas. Alex adds a few kicks and stomps before tagging in Gina.)

Kenny: Uh oh! Here comes trouble!

(As Jessica slowly rises to her feet, she is met with another clothesline, Gina sending the small woman spinning in the air. Jessica finally lands on her neck, Mellisa looking on in worry.)

Cari: It's demolition time! Woo Hoo!

(Gina whips Jessica to the ropes only to be surprised as the rebounding woman surprises her with a hurricanrana. Jessica jumps to her feet as a dazed Gina shakes the cobwebs. Jessica races to her corner and tags in a waiting Mellisa. Mellisa races in and immediately attacks Gina with a flurry of forearm smashes to the chest, backing the woman into the ropes.)

Alexandria: Come on, Gina! Are you going to let that little tramp beat you?

(Mellisa whips Gina to the ropes only to have Gina reverse the whip, greeting a returning Jessica with a big boot to the face. Mellisa lays on the mat prone as Gina lifts her with a handful of hair. With all of her strength, Gina power bombs Mellisa, her back hitting the mat. Mellisa's eyes glaze over as Gina covers her for the pin. Young counts.)



Kenny: What is Gina doing?

(Before Young can reach the 3 count, Gina lifts Mellisa's shoulders from the mat, grinning sadistically.)

Cari: Looks like Gina wants to add more punishment to little Mellisa! Good!

(Gina rolls the limp Mellisa on her stomach and pounces on her, locking in an STF. Mellisa flails wildly to no avail as Gina cinches in the hold. Sensing another opportunity, Miss Vanity again hops on the ring apron, drawing Moira Young's attention. With a sly smile, Alexandria quickly enters the ring, kicking the trapped Mellisa in the face, the fans showing their outrage with jeers. Alex sneers at the fans.)

Alexandria: (to the fans) Go to hell, you low-life losers!

(Her comments only serve to cause the crowd to become even more riled. Alex quickly exits the ring as Young returns her attention to the match. Gina releases a prone Mellisa and whips her to the ropes, executing a flawless tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Mellisa screeches in pain as she finds her back crashing onto Gina's knee. With a look of disgust, Gina rolls her off of her knee.)

Gina: "Like, get ready to get your ass totally kicked!"

(Mellisa slowly tries to crawl to her corner only to be stopped by a stiff boot to the back by Gina. Gina drags Mellisa to her feet and roughly shoves her into her corner, where a waiting Alexandria grabs a handful of Mellisa's hair, holding her in place. Gina unleashes a flurry of chops to the chest, a pained expression crossing Mellisa's face.)

Crowd: Whoo! Whoo! Whoo! Whoo! Whoo! Whoo! Whoo! Whoo!

Kenny: Looks like the fans are really getting into this match, chanting with each of Gina's chops.

(Mellisa's eyes roll in the back of her head as she falls face first to the mat, Gina tagging a waiting Alex. With a look of glee, Alexandria grabs Mellisa from behind, executing a lighting fast, release, German suplex. With a grunt, Mellisa again lands on the mat, her back and neck absorbing the pain. Jessica looks on in despair as her partner is continually bruised and beaten. Alex looks to Jessica and points to her.)

Alex: You're next, bitch!

(Alex shoves a limp Mellisa into her corner, allowing the battered girl to tag her partner. Jessica makes the tag and enters the ring, glaring at Alexandria.)

Alex: Bring it on, slut!

(With a look of anger, Jessica charges Alexandria only to have the Rich Bitch side step her opponent's charge. As Jessica turns to face Alex again, Miss Parker unleashes a series of kicks to Jessica's midsection. Jessica grabs Alex's leg only to be caught in the back of the head with Alex's other leg.)

Kenny: Beautiful enzugiri by Parker!

(Yanking Jessica to her feet, Parker whips her to the ropes only to be surprised, on the rebound, with a missile drop kick. The fans cheer loudly as the redhead crashes to the mat. With a head of steam, Jessica scoops and slams parker violently to the mat. Jessica quickly mounts the top turnbuckle and leaps off with a moonsault, her body crashing into that of The Rich Bitch. Jessica hooks the leg as the ref again counts.)



(Alexandria manages to get her shoulder up before the three count. Jessica drags Alex to her feet and drops her back to the mat with a DDT. Jessica signals to the crowd and leaps towards the ropes, jumping in the air and landing on the prone Parker with a lionsault. She again hooks the leg, the fans cheering for Jessica's display of athleticism.)



(Again parker kicks out before the three count. As Alexandria slowly rises to her feet, Jessica mounts the top turnbuckle. Measuring Alexandria, Jessica leaps off with a missile drop kick, catching Alex square in the chest.)

Gina: Come on, Parker! Get the lead out! You gonna let this rookie make a fool of you?

(Alex slowly rises, clutching her chest. She turns only to be grabbed by the head and roughly slammed to the mat with a swinging neckbreaker by Jessica. Jessica races to her corner and tags in a fresh Mellisa Shared. Mellisa races towards Alex and drags her to her feet, rocking her body with a series of kicks and punches. She whips Alex to the ropes and attempts a clothesline. On the rebound, Alexandria ducks the clothesline and grabs Mellisa by the waist, sending her to the mat with a German suplex! Alex holds the bridge as the ref counts.)



(Suddenly, Alex releases the move and drags Mellisa to her corner by the hair, tagging in Gina.)

Kenny: Now, why did Alexandria do that? She could have pinned Mellisa.

Cari: You don't get it do you? This isn't about the titles. Simply Destructive is here to teach these two little girls a lesson!

(With a handful of hair, Gina lifts Mellisa slamming her to the mat with a power slam. She rolls Mellisa on her stomach and applies a quick camel clutch. Mellisa screams as Gina yanks on her chin, threatening to break her neck. Suddenly, the sly Miss Vanity leaps on the apron again. Moira Young charges over to her, ordering her to step down, as Alexandria slips into the ring. While Gina has Mellisa trapped in the camel clutch, Alexandria unleashes a series of stiff kicks to Mellisa's face, the fans showing their outrage with thunderous boos.)

Kenny: Why must Alexandria and Gina use these type of tactics? They're great wrestlers and don't need to cheat.

Cari: Duh! Maybe they do it because they like to, Monkey boy!

(With one last brutal kick, Alex again slips from the ring as Miss Vanity leaps from the apron. The valet and wrestler exchange a quick knowing smile as Moira Young returns her attention to the ring. Gina grabs a dazed Mellisa and tosses her into a nearby corner. She charges Mellisa only to be caught with a superkick to the face.)

Kenny: I don't believe it! that came from out of nowhere! That's Mellisa's finisher, The Shared Experience!

(As Gina stumbles to the mat, Mellisa attempts a quick cover, hooking the leg as Moira Young counts.)



(Gina manages to lift her shoulder before the three count. As Miss Moore slowly rises to her feet, Mellisa tags in Jessica. Jessica races towards Gina and drop kicks her in the back, sending her face first to the mat. Jessica lifts Gina and sends her crashing to the mat with a spinebuster.)

Kenny: Wow! What a spinebuster! An incredible display of strength by Jessica Estrella!

(As Gina writhes in pain, Jessica again leaps to the top turnbuckle. She comes off with a diving headbutt, catching Gina on the shoulder. Gina clutches her shoulder in pain as Jessica grabs her again and performs an atomic drop. Gina slumps to the mat as Jessica again mounts the top rope. She signals to the crowd and leaps off with The Super Estrella.)

Kenny: Jessica is leaping off with that top rope frog splash!

Cari: But there's nobody home!

(Jessica's eyes grow wide as she meets empty canvas, Gina rolling out of the way of the frog splash. Jessica clutches her stomach as Gina smirks.)

Gina: "Preparate por Demolition!"

(Gina grabs Jessica and mounts her on her shoulders in a torture rack. She suddenly drops Jessica to the mat with an inverted death valley driver, the crowd groaning their sympathy for Jessica.)

Kenny: Holy cow! That's the Demolisher, the same move that Gina used to help her and Alex win the BRATT. This match is over!

(Jessica lays on the mat prone as Gina hooks the leg for the cover.)



(Mellisa breaks up the count as she rushes into the ring and shoves Gina off of her partner. Mellisa shouts at Jessica to get up as Gina shoots her an annoyed look. Gina grabs Mellisa by the hair and roughly clotheslines her, sending Shared stumbling through the ring ropes and to the arena floor. As Mellisa attempts to rise to her feet, Miss Vanity races towards her, attacking with a flurry of kicks and stomps. Gina drags Jessica to her corner and tags in Alexandria. With a pleased grin, Alexandria grabs Jessica and performs a jumping tombstone piledriver, sending the woman's head colliding into the mat. Instead of a pin, Alex drags the weakened woman to her feet and whips her to the ropes. The crowd stands to their feet as Jessica rebounds off catching Alexandria with a flying headscissors, sending the redhead to the mat.)

Kenny: Wow! Great move! I didn't know Estrella had it in her!

(Clutching the ropes, Jessica uses them to drag herself to her feet. She shakes her head from side to side, hoping to shake the cob webs. She charges towards a slumped Alexandria only to be caught with a low blow. Jessica's eyes grow wide and she falls to the mat as the ref admonishes Alexandria.)

Alexandria: (grabbing a handful of Jessica's hair) I'm not done with you yet, bitch!

(Alexandria lifts Jessica on her shoulders and drops to her side, driving Jessica's head into the mat with a Death Valley Driver.)

Cari: Yes! The Bitch Bomb, Alex's patented finisher! This match is over!

(Alexandria lazily covers Jessica not even bothering to hook the leg as the ref counts.)




Ding! Ding! Ding!

(Alexandria rises to her feet and raises her arms in victory as Young's hand slaps the mat a third time. Gina enters the ring, eyeing her partner with a grudging respect, nodding her approval. Mellisa stumbles into the ring, immediately racing to her partner's side. Alexandria sees Mellisa and shoots her a warm smile.)

Alexandria: I must admit that you two put up quite a fight. (she extends her hand) You have earned my respect.

(Mellisa rises to her feet and shakes Alex's hand as Miss Vanity sneaks behind her, brandishing the infamous mirror.)

Kenny: Oh no! Mellisa look out!

(Kenny's warning falls on deaf ears as Miss Vanity sends the mirror crashing atop Shared's head. Blood pours down Mellisa's face as she slumps to the mat in a sea of broken glass. The fans boo loudly as Miss Vanity and Alexandria exchange high-fives.)

Cari: Yesssss! I just love that mirror!

Kenny: That was reprehensible and totally repulsive!

Cari: (with a blank look) You say that like that's a bad thing.

(To a chorus of boos, Miss Vanity, Gina, and Alexandria leave ringside, "Da Baddest Bitch" blaring over the speakers. A team of paramedics arrive to help a bleeding Mellisa as Jessica slowly stumbles to her feet, the camera fading to black.)

Winners and Still BRATT holders: Simply Destructive
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