PJ Lawrence vrs Alexandria Parker
By: Tonedef

[ The camera fades from black to survey the Battling Ring Angels arena, where the sell out crowd is currently on their feet, screaming their appreciation for their favorites in a vain effort to be recognized, and waving their signs. A few of the more apparents signs say ‘I’D DO IT ALL FOR THE DREAM’, ‘BABE SQUAD FOR ALL’, and ‘YVETTE RULES BRA’. The camera pans around to focus on the announcers table located at ringside. ]

Sexy Sandra: “Welcome back from our commercial break, Ladies and Gentlemen! What a great opening match we have just had…and the night just keeps getting better! Our next match is going to be a great contest of wills, when PJ Lawrence…”

Gruesome Garry: “Now she’s a hot little number! And not too swift upstairs, that’s my type of woman!”

Sexy Sandra: “I must apologize for my co-hosts behaviour…while it is true that PJ is not well known for her intelligence, her ability in the ring is unquestioned.”

Gruesome Garry: “She faces Alexandria Parker, a top fashion CEO who has, for reasons unknown, chosen to pursue wrestling. No matter, though, she’s hot enough to compete here, by my books!”

Sexy Sandra: “This should be a high flying adventure, and I’m looking forward to it!”

[ The crowd cheers as PJ Lawrence exits the dressing room area, accompanied by her mentor, Lucy. PJ is wearing a flowery bikini and she merrily smiles and waves at the crowds as she makes her way to the ring. ]

Gruesome Garry: “After that last match, is she EVER a sight for sore eyes!”

Sexy Sandra: “What are you talking about? …PJ doesn’t look too focused on the match, which could be a problem…though Alexandria did just come off a loss, she should never be underestimated.”

[ PJ enters the ring and giggles, looking at the crowd and even doing a little dance for their benefit, which freaks the crowd out even more. Lucy goes to ringside as ‘She’s a bitch’ by Missy begins to play over the loudspeakers. The lights dim, and Alexandria exits the dressing room area amid an explosion of white fire works and pyrotechnics. She is wearing a platinum colored thong bikini, a matching bra top, and black boots with ‘RICH BITCH’ written across them. ]

Gruesome Garry: “I love the outfit…and she does look a bit more focused than PJ in this one. And look! Now that’s the way to make your way to the ring!”

[ The women in the crowd hiss as Alexandria lies down on a platform, which is carried to the ring by four muscular guys. Alexandria arrogantly surveys the crowd as she gets to the ring and is helped into it by one of the men. ]

Sexy Sandra: “What a spectacle…I don’t know who to cheer for, the simpleton or the rich bitch…”

Gruesome Garry: “It’s a win win situation! Either way, we get to see some T & A! This is gonna be great!”

Sexy Sandra: “Is that all you think of? This is a wrestling league, not some cheap dance club…Alexandria does have the weight advantage, but PJ is known for her speed, this should be a good fight!”

Ding Ding Ding

Gruesome Garry: “The two circle one another at first, PJ listening to Lucy for advice…the two then lock up in the center of the ring.”

Sexy Sandra: “Probably not the smartest move, Alexandria gets her in a quick headlock…PJ pushes her to the ropes, shoves her off, goes for the bodyblock…Alexandria knocks her to the ground, runs at the opposite ropes…PJ gets back up…”

Gruesome Garry: “All that running….*sigh*…Hurricanrana from PJ takes Alexandria down! That came right out of nowhere!”

Sexy Sandra: “Alexandria right back to her feet…PJ takes her down with a quick hiptoss, and then looks to Lucy for guidance!”

[ Lucy is motioning at the ropes, so PJ dashes at them as Alexandria stands, and delivers a picture perfect dropkick to Alexandria. She again looks to Lucy, who tells PJ to haul her to her feet…PJ does so, and is met with a low blow from Alexandria ]

Gruesome Garry: “Good counter! Is it just me, or does PJ seem awfully dependent on what Lucy has to say?”

Sexy Sandra: “Well, Lucy is her mentor…Alexandria rakes across PJ’s eyes, and then, getting her in a bear hug…lifts….belly to belly suplex takes down the high flyer!”

Gruesome Garry: “Good tactical sense from Parker….keep the high flyer grounded! Alexandria turns and yells at the crowd, who jeers and boos her, for some reason…”

Sexy Sandra: “I can’t fathom why they wouldn’t be cheering her…? Parker drops an elbow down onto PJ’s belly, then hauls her to her feet, gets her in a side headlock…running bulldog!”

Gruesome Garry: “I love that move!”

[ Alexandria goes for the cover, but PJ manages to kick out at the count of 2. Lucy is yelling stuff to PJ from ringside, and Alexandria yells at her for a moment before pulling PJ back to her feet and going to whip her into the ropes. ]

Sexy Sandra: “OH! Reversal…not too smart a move, letting someone as quick as PJ out of your grasp…but a jarring closeline from Alexandria takes PJ down again!”

Gruesome Garry: “Hey, I like it when they run into the ropes…Alexandria goes to pull PJ to her feet…PJ grabs her arm, puts a foot on Alexandria’s belly and flips her over her body with her feet.”

Sexy Sandra: “What a great counter! PJ woozily gets back to her feet, and whips herself at the ropes as Alex stands…flying spinkick takes down the self proclaimed Rich Bitch!”

Gruesome Garry: “Sandra, this is a prime time show…could you please refrain from using such language? My poor ears…”

[ PJ aids Alexandria to her feet and, whipping her into the ropes, performs a flying kick that knocks Alexandria right back to the ground. PJ looks to Lucy, and then, running at the ropes, performs a springboard summersault splash down onto Alexandria. She then hooks the leg, and goes for the cover. ]

Sexy Sandra: “Kickout at 2 and a half! Alexandria isn’t out of this one yet! PJ looks at Lucy again for guidance…”

Gruesome Garry: “She sits on Alexandria’s back, and hauls her legs back in a Boston Crab! I didn’t know that PJ knew how to do any submission holds, aren’t they a little out of her intelligence range?”

Sexy Sandra: “Apparently Lucy has been teaching her well! Alexandria cries out in pain, but shakes her head when asked if she submits! She reaches for the ropes…just out of reach!”

Gruesome Garry: “I hope Alexandria doesn’t submit for a while, just seeing these 2 ladies in this position brings back some fond memories…”

[ Sandra rolls her eyes as Alexandria grabs the mat and slowly pulls both herself and PJ towards the ropes, all the while ignoring the referee’s hails if she wants to give up. She soon reaches the ropes, and grabs a hold of them. The referee orders a break…PJ looks at Lucy, who nods, and PJ releases the hold. ]

Sexy Sandra: “Good strength displayed by Alexandria…she is quite a bit bigger than PJ, however, I almost expected that.”

Gruesome Garry: “You are just too smart, you know that? Alex and PJ get to their feet, and square off in the ring…oh! Quick series of kicks to the belly drops PJ to her knees!”

Sexy Sandra: “Followed up with a stiff kick to the head! PJ falls to the mat, she must be seeing stars!”

Gruesome Garry: “Alexandria drops an elbow down onto PJ’s belly, then turns to the crowd, and once again yells at them, causing them all to jeer and boo!”

Sexy Sandra: “Love her or hate her, though, you MUST attest to her ability in the ring! Alexandria pulls PJ to her feet…bodyslam sends her right back down to the mat!”

[ Alexandria arrogantly makes her way over to the top rope turnbuckle and gets onto it, waiting for PJ to stand, which she does. Lucy yells her warnings, but PJ doesn’t seem to understand her as she finally spins around to see Alexandria, who jumps off of the turnbuckle. She does a great flying closeline that spins PJ in mid air to slam on her belly on the mat. ]

Gruesome Garry: “WOW! High impact manuever that pays off! That must have knocked that fool into the next zip code!”

Sexy Sandra: “Alexandria rolls PJ onto her back and goes for an arrogant cover…kickout at 2 and a half! She probably would have had it had she decided to hook the leg…”

Gruesome Garry: “Does it matter? It’s practically over now!!!”

Sexy Sandra: “I wouldn’t count PJ out just yet, she’s proven her durability in previous matches! Lucy is screaming at ringside, screaming her encouragement to PJ as Alexandria hauls PJ to her feet…”

Gruesome Garry: “Here it comes! The Bitch Bomb! Alexandria shoves PJ’s head between her legs and signals to the crowd…”

[ Alexandria wraps her arms around PJ’s belly and is about to haul her up for the Death Valley Driver when PJ suddenly lifts, flipping Alexandria over her body. She then slumps on her front to the ground, trying to get some much needed recuperation time. ]

Sexy Sandra: “Nice counter! But PJ can’t capitalize, as Alexandria gets back to her feet, and walks over to PJ, pulling her to her feet…”

Gruesome Garry: “Punch to the midsection doubles over Alexandria…and followed up with a DDT! They both fall to the ground, and the referee starts to count, giving one of them to the count of 10 to get to her feet!”

Sexy Sandra: “What a contest! I have to say that I am very impressed with both of these competitors, they are going all out in the pursuit of the win here!”

Gruesome Garry: “But neither will win if none move…wait, Alexandria gets to her feet, and hauls PJ to her feet, goes to whip her into a turnbuckle…PJ reverses the move! Alexandria slams into the turnbuckle with authority!”

Sexy Sandra: “PJ looks at Lucy, as if for guidance, and, walking over to Alexandria, grabs her, and aids her so that she is sitting on the top turnbuckle…she then mounts the second turnbuckle…”

Gruesome Garry: “What is she….DAMN! Spinning DDT from the top rope! PJ goes for the cover!


Ding Ding Ding

[ PJ gets to her feet and plays for the crowd as Lucy enters the ring to congratulate her on the hard fought victory. The crowd cheers at PJ’s win, but the cheer is short lived as Alexandria attacks PJ from behind, tackling her to the ground and assaulting her with punches to the face. ]

Sexy Sandra: “What unsportsmanlike conduct! This is disgusting! Alexandria should be the better woman and have just accepted the loss, instead of doing this!”

Gruesome Garry: “I like it! Alexandria is venting her rage, proving to PJ who is truly the better competitor…the referees eventually break it up, however..unfortunately…”

Sexy Sandra: “What a great match! And the night will just keep getting better! We have to take a short commercial break, but we’ll be right back!”

[Fade to Black]

[Winner: PJ Lawrence]


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