{ The camera reopens inside the Battling Ring Angels Arena, and pans over the standing room only croud. The fans leap to their feet holding up their homemade signs. }

"We cheer for the Cheerleader"
"I found Misty"
"Back to the pit Viper"
"Laura is my Beauty Queen"
"Shake it Sherry"

{ The camera then zooms in on the anouncers table, where Garry and Sandra are seated. Sandra primps her hair, and Garry takes a big gulp of his beer, as they prepare to get back to work. }

Sandra: Welcome back everyone! Things have sure been exciting so far, haven't they Garry?

Garry: BURP!!! Huh? What?

Sandra: Good grief, your such a slob!!! You gonna rip one next?

Garry: Umm, sorry bout that. Damn what is this crap I'm drinking??? Must be the Miller Monkey Piss, sure isn't good ole Budweiser!

Sandra: Oh poor baby, and that's your excuse for being a pig I suppose too eh?

Garry: Yea, this crap is tearing me up. Somebody get me a real beer out here, please!

Sandra: Reminds of a joke I heard. What do American beer and canoes have in common?

Garry: I dunno.

Sandra: They're both close to water.

Garry: haha real funny, nuttin beats a good ole Budweiser, and if you didn't know smartass, we picked them up as a sponser here. So I would advise not telling that sort of joke around here anymore, unless you want to deal with Electra and Amanda on that issue.

Sandra: Why don't people tell me these things??? Sheesh! Oh well, it's about time for more exciting action here at Battling Ring Angels. We have a very upset Lana Storm, going up against, this NEW Jenny "The Cheerleader" Anderson. I have no idea what's gotten into her lately, but she sure isn't the same Jenny the fans have loved over the years, and what she has done to her mother! My gosh, Sherry needs to put Jenny over her knee, and give her a spanking!

Garry: What? Oh I hope she does, that's child abuse.....

Sandra: No it isn't, Jenny is 18 now, so it's all legal, Sherry needs to straighten this girl out, and fast!

Garry: Pfft...talk about your unfit mothers, Sherry fits into that role perfectly!

Sandra: Are you insane? Sherry has done a great job bringing Jenny up. She's always been there for her, she's enrolled her in a great university, bought her anything she's ever needed, or wanted for that matter, and has her finacially secure for life. Now what does she do wrong?

Garry: Sherry's a lesbian, what kind of example is that to set for her daughter?

Sandra: Welocome to 1999 fatboy, that is perfectly acceptable in this day and age, so shut up. Damn a sexist pig, and a gay hater too, pretty disgusting Garry.

Garry: Whatever, mind your own buisness. So how about this Lana Storm? She seems to really be fired up for this match.

Sandra: Yes, sure sounds that way. She wasn't to happy with what Cyra Min did to her, and she's out to show she has what it takes to win here.

Garry: Should be interesting, this is the Cheerleaders first match back after she was injured in the first set of matches here.

Sandra: I think she injured her head, and lost her marbles!

Garry: I dunno, I like this new Jenny, she's really cool. Of course I love anyone that hates Sherry Ann.

Sandra: Alright folks, we're gonna go to a commercial, and we get back from that, we'll see what happens between Jenny, and Lana.

Garry: Somebody get me another beer, a real beer this time!

Sandra: We're still on dumbass.

Garry: Ooops see ya in 2 minutes folks. Hey wonder if this the commercial I did?

Sandra: Ewww hope not. Be right back.

{ Fade to commercial. }

Hello everyone, I'm Battling Ring Angels anouncer, Garry Grimmoire, and there's nothing I like better while calling the action there, than a frosty cold Budweiser. Made from the choicest hops, and barley from all over the world, it's no wonder it's the king of beers.
So while your kicked back, and enjoying the action on the mats, make sure you pour yourself one too. Hmmn in fact, I think I'll have one right now.

Ahhhhhh!!! There's nothing like it. Heck after 12 of these babies, even Sherry Ann looks worth dragging home for a romp in bed. So go grab yourself a case today, and if ya do drag something home as dreadfull looking as Sherry, kick her out before you lose your buzz. Nothing worse than a hangover, topped off with looking at some ugly chick laying next to you.

{ The camera returns from commercial break, and goes back to Garry and Sandra. }

Garry: Damn, I was great!


Sandra: You really hit an all time low with that one!

Garry: Pfft....I was great and you know it! WeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEELLLL where's Lana and Jenny? I'm ready for some action!!!

Sandra: Should be anysecond now.

{ Back That Azz Up by Juvenile begins to play from the sound system, and Lana Storm comes walking down the aisle wearing a two piece leather bikini and shes barefoot. She's accompanied by her girlfriend Sherry. }

{ Lana begins shaking her booty, and that gets the male fans cheering for her, especially Garry, who looks like Jim Carey in Mask, when he turns into a wolf. }

Garry: Sha-Sha-Shake it bayybee!!!

Sandra: Oh please, this is a wrestling leauge, we're not at the Cheetah Club ya know?

Garry: Mmmnn...Cheetah club!

Sandra: Well folks, Lana is in the ring, and we're waiting for the arrival of the Cheerleader, Jenny Anderson. Lord knows what she's gonna do when she comes out, she's like such a different person now, it's sooooo weird!

Garry: Hey, look at these, we have a live feed from Sherry's hospital room. This will be fun to see how she reacts during this.

Sandra: Hi Sherry, hope your feeling better hun, we sure miss you here tonight.

{ The shot goes to Sherry in her hospital room, where she is laying in bed, recovering from the brutal beating she took from Yvette and her posse. }

Sherry: Thanks Sandra, I sure wish I could be there tonight. I'll be out of here soon though, VERY soon!

Garry: Thanks for the warning, we'll be sure to lock all the doors here when you get out.

Sherry: Eat *Bleep* Garry!!! Do it Sandra!


Garry: OUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

{ Back in the ring, Sherry is helping Lana stretch out. }

{ The lights in the stadium slowly dim, the spotlights around the stadium starts blinking red and white colors, and the new version of the Ohio state fighting song (Techno Version) sounds through the arena sound system. The crowd turns to the entrance and Jenny comes out from the back holding two pom poms at chest heigth. }

{ She smiles brightly and starts waving her arms starting to do a pom pom routine at the entrance ramp. Jenny ends it with doing a split on the ramp leading down from the entrance. Jenny then bounces to her feet and starts making her way towards the ring throwing her pom poms into the crowd as she moves towards the ring. As she gets halfway, Jenny picks up speed, and starts doing servel cartwheels and ends it with a sommersault a few feet from the ring, she then waves her arms to her fans, who react with mixed emotions to her. Jenny then turns and climbs into the ring jumping over the top rope, and sits down on the top turnbuckle and start loosening her pony tail and makes a couple of pig tails instead. }

Garry: Now that kid knows how to enter a room!!

Sandra: Jenny sure can fire up the audience, that's for sure, but some of her fans really don't know how to react to her, after her current actions.

Garry: Well the ref has given his instructions to Lana, and is now TRYING to give them to Jenny, but she seems more interested in her hair, than him. Hmmn Bad parenting I guess there, to make her act so snotty.

Sherry: Sandra.....


Garry: Knock it off!!!!

Sandra: You know damn well that Sherry is an excellent mother to bot her daughters, they just have some serious attitude problems is all. Sorry Sher, but they're both just to spoiled.

Garry: As I said, bad parenting.

Sandra: Shut up! Looks like Jenny is FINALLY ready to wrestle.

{ The ref signals for the bell...


and Lana and Jenny move to the center of the ring. Lana goes for a kick to Jenny's midsection, but she quickly side steps it. Now Jenny goes into some erotic cheer routine, and is just ignoring Lana. }

Sandra: What is she doing?!?!

Garry: I dunno, but it looks great!

Sandra: I've known Jenny a long time now, and I've never seen her act like this. What's up with this Sherry?

Sherry: I have no idea, but I assure you, she was not brought up to act like this at all! Damn I wish I could be there!

{ Jenny ends her routine by doing a cartwheel into a split on the mat. Lana isn't impressed, and moves in for the kill, as she aproaches Jenny, Jenny fires a punch that hits really low. }

Sandra: She did that on purpose!!!

Garry: Smart move, really takes the steam out of your opponent.

{ The camera shows Sherry just shaking her head on the monitor. }

{ Back in the ring Jenny rolls backwards, and quickly gets to her feet while Lana is down on her knees holding her crotch. Jenny cartwheels forward at Lana, and then wraps her legs around Lana's head with a flying head scissors. }

Sandra: Now that's the Jenny I know there.

Garry: Nice move!

{ Jenny clamps down tight on Lana's head. Now she plays it up to the crowd, and they cheer for her, well most do, some of the loyal Cheerleader fans still don't know what to think of this new Jenny. }

Sandra: Jenny seems confused that some of her fans aren't cheering for her.

Sherry: Good! Maybe they can make her realize she's acting stupid! Her fans mean everything to her, I wish they'd all boo her, that would wake her up, I sure as hell can't get through to her!

Garry: GA WHAH!!

Sandra: Shut up fat boy.

{ Lana gets her foot on the rope, and the ref makes Jenny break the hold. Jenny let's go of the hold, then yells at Lana "Oh come on Lana, I thought you said you where going to crush me." Jenny then slaps her in the face. The ref pushes Jenny off of Lana, and makes her go to a neutral corner. Lana isn't happy at all, she gets to her feet, and yells at Jenny, "Your nothing but a skinny little girl." }

Garry: Meow!

Sandra: Oh shut up.

{ Jenny and Lana move towards each other once again, this time Lana nails Jenny with a kick to the stomach. Jenny doubles over holding her stomach, Lana moves in and grabs Jenny, and hoists her up in the air, and POWERBOMBS her to the mat. Lana covers Jenny, and goes for the pin.


Jenny kicks out just in time, beating the pin. Now Lana returns the favor of that face slap earlier, and she begings slapping away at Jenny's face relentlesly.

Garry: WOW!!! This girl is pissed now!!!

Sandra: Yep, Lana is on fire now.

{ Lana gets up, then grabs a handfull of Jenny's hair, and brings her to her feet. She throws Jenny right out of the ring, and onto the concrete floor. Jenny seems unhurt, and begins to get to her feet. Lana takes off running to the opposite side of the ring, she bounces of the ropes, and heads back towards Jenny. Lana leaps in the air, and NAILS Jenny with a suicide dive. }

Garry: WOW!!! That was nuts!!!!

Sandra: She really got some air on that one. Your sure quiet Sher.

Sherry: Sorry, the pain killers are kicking in, and I really don't know how to react to this match at all. Part of is wanting Lana to kick some sense into Jen, the other half just doesn't like seeing my baby get hurt at all.

Sandra: I understand completely Sher.

Garry: Screw this Hallmark moment, we have a match going on.

Sandra: Insensitive bastard!

Garry: I'm here to do my job, do yours and get me another beer!

Sandra: OH, OK! (Sandra reaches behind her, and a fan hands her a beer. She then pours it on Garry's head.) There ya go, I got you a beer.

Garry: You bitch!

Sandra: I just did as I was told, you said get you a beer, and I did. You didn't say how to give it to you. ANYWAYS! Back to the action.

{ Lana brings a dazed Jenny to her feet, and stands her up. Sherry (Lana's friend) then nails Jenny from behind with a clothesline. Now both women begin stomping away at Jenny. }

Sherry Ann: MY BABY!!!!!!!!!!

Sandra: Please Sher, stay calm hun.

{ The ref hops out of the ring, and makes Sherry get away from Jenny. Lana picks Jenny up, and drops her, throat first over the guard rail. }

Garry: That'll shut her up for a while.

Sandra: That was brutal! Now look!

{ Sandra points at Lana, who is going up to the top rope, She gets up there, then does a RVD flip off the ropes, and sails down at Jenny. Jenny however sees it coming, and rolls out of the way, and Lana lands hard on the floor. Jenny is still hurting, and she slowly gets up to her feet. She leans against the ring, trying to catch her breath. }

Garry: She should be thankful that she got out of the way there. If she hadn't this would of been over now.

Sandra: The high risk move by Lana just didn't pay off tonight. She was sure going all out there too, what a shame. Let's see if she can bounce back, Jenny is still kinda groggy, so she has a chance still.

Garry: We'll see. You know this is a falls count anywehere match, we may of seen the last of these two in the ring.

Sandra: That's true, but that ring is like a stage for Jenny....though she isn't her normal self tonight, so who knows? Good lord, now what is Jenny doing?

Garry: Oh crap, looks like her mom has rubbed off on her...

{ Jenny has walked over to Sherry (Lana's friend) and apears to be flirting with her. }

Sandra: Um Sherry Ann...Sherry....SHERRY!! Crap, looks like her medicine kicked in, and she's sleeping.

Garry: You mean her Geritol did NOT kick in and she's sleeping.....


Garry: I really wish you'd quit doing that!!!

Sandra: I REALLY wish you'd act human!

{ Back to the action.....Jenny turns around after flirting with Sherry, and Lana charges at her, and lays her out with a clothesline. Now she begins stomping away at Jenny's midsection. }

Sandra: Jenny...Jenny, never take your eyes off your opponent!

Garry: I liked it when she was flirting with that girl.

Sandra: And that has to do with the match in what way?

Garry: Hell I don't know. Shut up for a while you old prude!

{ Lana reaches down to grab Jenny by the hair, but Jenny grabs her, and rolls her into a small package pin. The ref hops down to the floor, and begins to count. }



NO!!! Reversal by Jenny!



Kickout by Lana!!

Garry: Wow that was really close!

Sandra: I thought it was over there. There still a fire burning in Jenny it seems, let's see if she can get some offense going now.

{ Jenny gets to her feet, and then drops an elbow to Lana's chest. }

Garry: That'll knock the wind out of ya!

Sandra: Sure will, she'll caught Lana pretty good with that blow.

{ Jenny gets to her feet, then reaches down, grabbing a handfull of Lana's hair, and brings her to hers. Jenny then throws Lana into the ring, then follows her in. }

Sandra: Finally I can see the action, and don't have to watch the monitor.

Garry: Yea this is much better.

{ Jenny grabs Lana's foot, and then puts her in a step over toe hold. Lana screams out in pain, as Jenny really yanks back hard on Lana's foot, bending her ankle back in a direction it isn't meant to go. Jenny begins taunting Lana, "Know what Lana? When I get done beating you, I'm gonna go have some fun with your girlfriend!" Jenny then looks over at Sherry, and winks at her as she really yanks back on Lana's foot, causing her to scream out in pain once again. }

Garry: Lana's in trouble, but she's been inching herself to the ropes, and Jenny hasn't noticed this.

Sandra: Yes, she's almost there, and the ref is watching this closely.

{ Lana reaches out, and grabs the ropes, and the ref makes Jenny break the hold. Jenny does so, and gets up off of Lana. She then prances around the ring, playing to the fans, who once again greet her with mixed emotions. }

Sandra: Jenny really seems a bit confused by some of the boos she's receiving. This is something she's never experianced before.

Garry: Who cares what these maggots think? Get back on her Jenny!

{ Jenny is still parading around the ring, and Lana gets to her feet. Lana shakes her aching foot a few times, trying to get the flow of blood back in it. Jenny then out of nowhere nails Lana with a mislle dropkick, that sends her flying into ropes, she bounces off, and Jenny is standing there waiting for her. Jenny then scoop slams Lana to the mat, she hops on top of her, and face sits her. Jenny hooks a leg as the ref goes down for the count. }

Garry: What a pinning predicament! Here we go......




Sandra: She did it!!

{ The ref signals for the bell. }


Garry: Hmmn, Jenny seems to like this position, and she isn't getting up.

Sandra: Good thing her mother is sleeping, she'd be furious about this, big time!!

Garry: Well the referee has had enough of it, and is making Jenny get up off of Lana.

{ Jenny isn't happy about having to get up at all. She storms out of the ring. Now she's reaching under the ring for something. Jenny then pulls out a pair of handcuffs, and smiles msichieviously as she looks out at the crowd, then climbs back into the ring. }

Sandra: Oh lord, what in the world is she up to now? Umm Sherry, you may wanna wake up hun.

Garry: Don't be a snitch, and let that old bat sleep, she needs all the beauty sleep she can get.


Garry: Wench!

{ Jenny now back in the ring, grabs Lana's hand, and locks a cuff onto her wrist. Now she stands Lana up, and moves her to the ropes. She then locks the other cuff to the top rope......... }

Sandra: Oh dear, Sherry wake up hun!!

{ Jenny has Lana locked to the rope, she now takes a step, back, then forward again, nailing Lana with a short armed clothesline, that sends Lana over the top rope, and Lana just hangs helplessly there. Jenny hops out of the ring, and moves towards Sherry winking at her. Sherry seems a bit confused by the Cheerleaders flirtings, and takes a few steps back. }

{ The ref is tending to Lana, with the aid of some BRA Oficials trying to get the cuffs off of Lana. They have her back up on the ring apron so she isn't hanging anymore, but still are attempting to remove the handcuffs. }

Sandra: What has gotten into Jenny? She's insane!

Garry: I dunno, I sorta like it.

Sandra: Gee imagine that. Anyway, we gotta go to a commercial break folks, hopefully when we get back, they'll have Lana freed from those cuffs, and also, hopefully Jenny has taken her sexual escapades to the back.

Garry: Nah, I wanna see this.

Sandra: Your sick! Anyways, your winner by pinfall, Jenny "The Cheerleader" Anderson. We'll be right back. 1

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