logo Skye Soaring Hawk and Vanessa Corella vs. Yvette DeSade Malreaux and Kayla Vandergriff

( The camera opens on a shot of the empty BRA ring, it pans around the screaming audience. The thousands in attendance are cheering and waving signs , supporting their favorite grappler."$$SHE'S COMING$$ " "WHY JENNY? WHY?" "I"VE BEEN BAD KAYLA" and "PIN ME PAGE ME" are just a few of the hundreds of signs. Another camera shot appears, Sandra and Garry sit calmly at the announcer's table. )

Sandra: This has been a great card so far, with all the surprises and great action that BRA has become known for.

Garry: Yes, it has been quite exciting.

Sandra: Wait, I'm being told that Kayla and Yvette are back stage with our camera's right now...let's go to them.

( The image changes to outside the dressing rooms. The Sisterhood of seduction stands together facing the camera. Kayla stands with her arms crossed, glaring with cold hatred into the camera. Merci stands behind the group , holding a large bag that seems to contain some sticks and other devices. The Marquise DeSade, smiles and speaks softly and slowly with her French accent.

" Ahh Mes Amis, last week that peasant Sky got off easy. I was in a generous mood and showed her mercy. But tonight, there shall be no mercy as Kayla and I write the final chapter of the book Sky Soaring Hawk, a chapter full of pain and suffering.

Vanessa, I feel for you, pairing up with an imbecile like Sky, but perhaps you lack the mental ability to understand what is about to happen to you? Well, very soon you shall be graced with our presence, and we shall feel your pain."

( With that the Sisterhood walk toward the wrestlers entrance)

Garry: I think we just got a look at the BRA Tag Team Champions.

Sandra: Well, I don't know when the belts are going to be decided, there are many good tag team wrestlers in this federation.

Garry: Yes, a good portion of the singles roster is made up of tag team wrestlers.

Sandra: I'm glad you finally agree with me. And I am happy to see that you have been behaving yourself.

( Garry looks around, checking over his shoulder )

Garry: Umm ya, well. It's ok to be nice , once in a while.

Sandra: This change of attitude has nothing to do with Bianca, does it?

( At the mention of the Hellions name Garry fidgets uncomfortably. )

Garry: She's just lucky that I am a gentleman.

Sandra: yeah, that's right. I am sure that she was grateful for your sense of honor.

Garry: Yeah, she shouldn't push her luck though...if she was here right now I would...

Sandra: Oh hello Bianca..

( Garry immediately bails under the desk. Sandra smiles and looks into the camera.)

Sandra: Folks, tonight's last match is a tag-team contest. I can tell you that these two teams do not like each other. On the one side, decadence and darkness in Yvette and Kayla the other, Rage and Pride in Vanessa and Sky. This should be a hard fought match. Both these teams are relatively new, so it will be interesting to see if the timing and team work of Tag Team wrestling will shine through.

( The lights suddenly dim down. The first few bars of the French National Anthem plays, suddenly the music changes to 'Out Comes the Evil' by The Lords of Acid. The music plays for 30 seconds. The crowd begins to stir knowing who is coming out, but wondering why they are taking so long. A bright Blue, White and Red explosion illuminates the wrestlers entrance way. From behind the smoke steps the "Sisterhood of Seduction. The Marquise DeSade, steps out her hands raised high in victory. Behind her walks the dominating form of Kayla. The Gothic princess glares out at the audience, her piercing stare causing some of the closer fans to turn their eyes away. Behind them walk, The Goddess Nina Larue and Laura Parker. Noticeably absent is Merci, Yvette's personal chauffeur and assistant. The crowd boo's and chants of .....USA USA .....begin to echo around the arena. Yvette scowls at the ringside fans, swearing at them in French. Kayla ignores the crowd, her eyes have locked onto a ringside patron. A blonde women sitting in the front row. A snake tattoo runs down her shoulder. Kayla taps Yvette on the shoulder and points out the uninvited guest. Nina Larue scowls with cold hatred and the SisterHood walk up to the seated agitator.)

Sandra: Viper is sitting at ringside and the SisterHood is none to pleased. Viper is in the bad books of Amanda Strike for her flagrant violations of the rules and procedures of BRA. She is not scheduled to wrestle tonight and Amanda Strike had told her to stay away from ringside.

(Garry peers out from underneath the desk, )

Garry: Is she gone?

Sandra: Who?

Garry: Bianca?

Sandra: She was never here....

Garry: What!!?

( Garry immediately pulls himself up and puts his headset back on. )

Garry: Lucky for her, I was going to give her a piece of my mind. Wow!! What's with the security?

( A group of BRA security have approached Viper. Yvette screams at them to eject her. Kayla keeps her cold stare locked on her following weeks opponent. Viper stares back at her with uncaring eyes. )

Sandra: Viper said earlier this week that she would be around to make sure the "SisterHood" didn't interfere or cheat in this match.

Garry: Well, she's one to talk. She has cheated in every match she has been in. Kick her outta here!!!

( The security guards go to escort Viper. She calmly pulls out a ticket and shows it to one of them. )

Sandra: Looks like Viper paid for a ticket. They can't kick her out, unless she breaks the rules.

Garry: Well that will take about 30 seconds.

( Yvette screams in protest as the security guards tell her that they can't remove her. Nina and Laura walk around to the opposite side of the ring, whispering into each other's ear. Yvette gives one last dirty look and then climbs into the ring. Kayla smirks at Viper and then rubs her belly with a .."this is for you look." Before turning and climbing into the ring. The referee is asking Yvette to show him her gloves. The Marquis refuses, claiming to be above such an accusation. The ref stands firm and Yvette scowls as he checks her gloves and then glares at her. Her removes her gloves to reveal a small set of Brass knuckles.)

Sandra: Of all the dirty...

Garry: Yes, how dare that peon ref search the Marquise!

( Yvette claims her innocence as the ref removes the illegal objects and then thoroughly checks Yvette and Kayla over.)

Sandra: Well, things are going to get mighty interesting in a few seconds, I can't believe that Yvette thought she could get away with that.

Garry: I am shocked, she must have forgot she had them on.

("Bombtrack", by Rage Against the Machine, begins blaring over the speakers. Suddenly, green pyrotechnics, shooting in the form of a V, and red pyrotechnics shoot from the stage. )

Garry: Here comes trouble.....

( Sky and Vanessa come charging out from behind the curtain of sparks and run towards the ring. Both of them slide into the ring and charge at their opponents. Sky heads for Kayla while Vanessa goes after Yvette. Kayla stands her ground and begins to exchange blows with Sky. Yvette quickly bails out of the ring with Vanessa in hot pursuit.)

Sandra: Well, no waiting here. I told you there was bad blood between these teams.

Garry: Sky and Kayla are hammering away at each other, Yvette has decided to take a different tactic and analyze the situation.

Sandra: You mean run away...

Garry: Hummpfff...

( The ref calls for the bell )


Sandra: Well, It seems Kayla and Sky are going to start this off, since they are in the ring.

( Yvette has ducked behind her comrades. Nina and Laura turn to face Vanessa. She stops in mid step and sneers at the sisterhood. Yvette screams at her opponent to go to her corner. The Extreme Vanessa grabs a chair and advances on all three of them. The ref slides out of the ring and stands in between the two parties. He warns Vanessa about the chair and threatens her with a DQ.)

Garry: Hah, that won't scare her. Vanessa is a nut, she loves the hardcore stuff.

Sandra: Yes she does, but this isn't a Hardcore match. It will be over if she doesn't listen to the ref.

( Inside the ring, the power of Kayla has shown through. She has shoved Sky into a corner and is hammering away with knee lifts and forearm smashes to the chest and gut. Kayla grabs Sky by the hair and pulls her out of the corner and scoops her up. The Gothic warrior slams her down hard in a brutal Body Slam. Sky bounces and rolls onto her side, clutching her back. Kayla smirks, her tongue rolls around the outside of her painted black lips.)

Kayla: Too Much for you little girl??

(Sky responds by extending her middle finger which gets a cheer from the crowd and a boot from Kayla )

Garry: Never, and I mean never do that to Kayla.

(Outside the ring, the ref has convinced Vanessa to put the chair down, for the moment. She scowls with contempt and heads for her corner. Yvette calmly steps up the ring steps and grabs a hold of the tag rope and smiles as she watches her partner go to work.)

Sandra: Kayla is certainly a powerhouse, she lifted Sky up with very little effort.

Garry: The AB-Dominator is not to be trifled with.

( Kayla stomps her large black boot down into Sky's midsection. She convulses and clutches her stomach. Kayla licks her lips and looks over to her partner. Yvette smiles back and extends her hand out. Kayla grabs Sky by the hair and drags her over to the awaiting Marquise. Kayla slaps her partners hand and stomps down on Sky once more before stepping through the ropes.)

Garry: Time for the Marquise to do some damage!!!

( Yvette grabs Sky by the hair and pulls her up and smirks )

Yvette: "Skank Boring Goose, I dealt with you last week and this week we shall have a replay, no?"

( With that comment, she whips Sky into the ropes. Sky rebounds and in meet square in the chest with a dropkick. The blow sends Sky crashing to the mat. Sky cries out in pain and rolls on the mat clutching her chest. )

Sandra: Yvette seems to get a lot of power out of her Dropkicks.

Garry: She is a master technician, she knows exactly where to strike and how.

( Yvette rises to her feet and smiles. She grabs Sky by the leg and drags her back to her corner. She tags Kayla back in and the two "sisters" begin stomping on their downed opponent. The ref calls for a break and begins to count for a break. Yvette stops and steps through the ropes. She looks down at her ringside companions who are all smiles. Kayla bends down and lifts Sky to her feet.)

Sandra: Sky needs to make a tag quick, she's been taking a pounding in there and she hasn't had a chance to mount any offense yet.

Garry: And she never will, the Sisterhood of Seduction will not allow her any opportunity to recover, this match is already over....NO!!!

( Kayla has thrown Sky into the ropes. As Sky comes rebounding in, Kayla whips out her arm, attempting to clothesline her opponent. Sky ducks it and keeps on running , rebounding off the opposite ropes. As Kayla turns Sky leaps into the air , turning her body and extending her leg. Her heel smashes into the top of Kayla's head, slamming her to the mat. )

Sandra: ***Spinning Heel Kick*** from out of nowhere!!!!

( Sky rises to her feet and staggers towards her partner. Yvette ducks underneath the ropes and grabs a hold of Sky's hair and pulls her off her feet. The ref screams at Yvette to get out of the ring. Vanessa jumps over the ropes and runs to her partner's aid. She is cut off by the ref and is told to go back to her corner. Vanessa is livid and screams foul play, but her words go unheeded as the ref pushes her back towards her corner. Kayla has risen to her feet and grabs Sky by the hair again and pulls her up....)

Garry: NO!!!

Sandra: **Small Package**!!!!!

( Sky surprises Kayla and rolls her over into a pinning position. The ref turns and jumps to the mat. His hand hit the mat and as it rises for a second count Kayla powers out. Sky tries to crawl across the ring to her partner. Vanessa leans over the ropes, extending her hand as far as possible. Kayla rolls to her knees and clutches Sky by her feet. She pulls her opponent away from her partner and rises slowly, still holding onto her opponent's legs. She then twists and steps over Sky's body, before squatting down, trapping Sky's legs under her arms )

Garry: ***BostonCrab***

( Sky screams out in pain as Kayla pulls back on her legs, forcing Sky's body into a twisted U. The Hawk howls in agony, the ref drops to his knee's and asks if she wants to quit. Sky shakes her head in defiance and struggles to break the hold. )

Sandra: A Crab is a hard hold to break, especially if your opponent is bigger. Kayla has it locked on tight.

Garry; HEY!!! She can't ....Look Out!!!

( The crowd cheer's as Vanessa scales the top rope and leaps off, slamming her feet into Kayla's back , sending her crashing through the ropes and to the outside. Yvette looks stunned as her partner goes flying through the ropes. The ref screams at Vanessa to get out of the ring. She ignores him and grabs her partner and pulls her over to their corner. Vanessa climbs out of the ring and then reaches in, tagging her partner. She then jumps off the ring apron and runs around to the other side.)

Garry: **Missile Drop Kick**!! To the back, Kayla never saw it coming!!

(Nina and Laura are helping Kayla to her feet when Vanessa crashes into all 3 of them. Yvette looks on from the ring edge as the Sisterhood goes tumbling to the floor. Vanessa jumps on top of Kayla and starts landing a flurry of fists and punches into her chest and head. The ref jumps out of the ring and forces Nina and Laura away. The two grapplers comply and back off. Yvette starts to move along the ring edge, preparing to jump off onto Vanessa. She suddenly screams in pain as her hair in yanked from behind and she is dragged into the ring. Sky jumps on top of her and begins to punch away with reckless abandon. )

Garry: The ref has lost total control here. This is a brawl!!

Sandra: Yes, unfortunately. He's trying to force Vanessa to get off of Kayla and inside the ring, Sky is dishing out some just desserts to the Marquise.

( The ref succeeds in separating Kayla and Vanessa. Sky continues to hammer away on Yvette, trying to land a blow on the Marquise nose. Yvette covers herself up well, and fends off the majority of blows. Vanessa slides quickly into the ring and joins in on the beating. Kayla slowly starts to rise as the ref climbs back into the ring. Sky and Vanessa haul Yvette up and lock her in a double headlock. Both women then lift her up and hold her high in the air before falling backwards, slamming her into the mat. )

Sandra: **Double Team Suplex**

( The ref tells Sky to leave the ring, she kicks Yvette once before heading to her corner. Vanessa grabs Yvette by the arm and pulls her up and onto her shoulder in a fireman's carry. Vanessa moves to the center of the ring before falling to one side. Yvette's head is driven into the mat with terrific force. )

Sandra: **Death Valley Driver**!!!

( Vanessa quickly hooks Yvette by the leg , the ref leaps to the mat )

Garry: 1....2...

Sandra: Save made by Kayla!!!!

( Kayla climbs into the ring and stomps on Vanessa's back stopping the count. The ref jumps to his feet and chastises Kayla for the infraction. The black haired woman smiles and walks back to her corner. Vanessa grabs Yvette by the hair and hauls her up. She whips Yvette into the corner and charges in after her. Yvette hits the turnbuckles and then is slammed into them again as Vanessa splashes into her. Yvette slumps down in the corner, Vanessa pulls her back up and then pins her against the turnbuckles as she climbs up to the second rope. Vanessa looks out to the crowd and holds her hand high in the air. The crowd chants in unison with the blows as Vanessa slams her fist down onto Yvette's head.)


( The crowd boo's as Yvette takes a step out of the corner holding Vanessa up before dropping to one knee, slamming her opponent's crotch down across it )

Sandra: **Atomic Drop**

Garry: ooohhh, that's gotta hurt!!

( Vanessa squeaks in pain and hobbles away. Yvette's face is flushed with rage as she chases after her prey. Yvette grabs Vanessa by the shoulder and spins her around, The Marquise slams her knee up into her opponent's midsection, causing Vanessa to double over. Yvette steps forward, trapping Vanessa's head between her thighs. Yvette then bends forward, wrapping her arms around her trapped opponent's waist. Yvette takes a moment and then with a howl she lifts Vanessa up into the air. Yvette changes her grip quickly, wrapping one arm around the upper thigh of Vanessa, while the other reaches up to clasp her hands together. As soon as her hands lock together, Yvette kicks her legs forward and falls to her butt )

Sandra: ** Cradle PileDriver **

Garry: Brutal version of an already deadly hold!

( Vanessa's head hits the mat hard and she slumps to her side. Yvette stands up above her opponent and raises her hands in the air , before placing one foot across Vanessa's chest. The ref counts, but Vanessa easily kicks out of the arrogant pin. )

Sandra: Yvette might have had the win there, if she had hooked a leg or something.

Garry: Yvette can win this match at any time, she is just giving the fans more of a show.

( Yvette grabs Vanessa by the hair and pulls her up, Vanessa suddenly wraps her hands around Yvette's head and falls to her knees. Yvette's chin in slammed down into the top of Vanessa's head. )

Sandra: ** JAW BREAKER **!!!

( Yvette yelps and stumbles away clutching her injured mouth. Vanessa rises and moves in on her opponent. Yvette ducks underneath the ropes waving her arms to the ref. Before he can stop Vanessa from moving, she leaps into the air and dropkicks the Marquise out of the ring. )

Garry: No fair!!! She was in the ropes!!!

Sandra: Looks like Vanessa wants to take this to the outside.

( Vanessa climbs out of the ring and grabs Yvette by her hair, violently pulling her up. Vanessa then whips her hard into the metal guardrail. Yvette slams into the unforgiving barricade and slumps down. Some of the ringside fans pat her on the pat, causing her to recoil instantly from their touch )

Garry: Security!!! How dare those wage slave peons touch the Marquise!!!

( Vanessa begins to move on her downed opponent. The ref has begun to count the pair out of the ring. Nina and Laura stand close to the action but make no motion to interfere. The camera pans across the ringside seats. An empty chair now sits where Viper sat before. )

Sandra: Yvette needs to get back in the ring, the outside is Vanessa's domain.

( Kayla jumps off the ring apron and moves in to help her partner, Sky runs along the ring edge towards the action. )

Garry: What is she ....OH MY GOD!!!!!

( The crowd gasps as Sky leaps up onto the top turnbuckle and then leaps off in a Suicide Plancha into the unsuspecting Kayla. Both wrestlers tumble to the ground as the crowd cheers the risky move. Inside the ring the ref has counted up to 15, as he gets closer to 20, he feels a tap on his shoulder.)

Sandra: Oh no...don't do it kid....

( Viper has climbed into the ring and she has a twisted smile on her face. The ref turns and yells at her to get out of the ring. She holds her hand in a tight fist and pulls it back. The ref bails out of the ring as Security members jump into the ring. Viper calmly slides out of the ring and then smirks as she ducks underneath the ring. The security guards chase after her. Another camera shot appears, a close up of Nina and Laura as Viper dives underneath the ring. Both of them seem very distressed with Viper's move.)

Garry: Viper is crawling back to the gutter where she belongs.

Sandra: Well, wherever she is going, she stopped this match from being counted out.

( A few seconds later, Merci comes bolting from underneath the ring with a large sack. Viper chases after her a moment later. Merci drops the sack , spilling its contents onto the floor. Baton's, Brass Knuckles, a plastic bottle filled with some kind of liquid. Merci keeps on running as Viper chases after her. Following Viper are the rest of the BRA security detail. )

Sandra: What was Merci doing underneath the ring? And with all those weapons?

Garry: Ummm, er, I am shocked!!!

(The cameras turn their attention back to the carnage outside the ring. Vanessa has placed Yvette on top of a table and is heading for the top rope. Sky and Kayla are brawling on the outside, as the ref climbs back in the ring, Vanessa leaps off the ring edge extending legs out to legdrop onto Yvette. At the last second the Marquise rolls off the table. Vanessa slams into wood structure, shattering and splintering it as she falls through. )

Sandra: Big time Mis-cue there by Vanessa, Yvette was able to bail at the last second.

Garry: Pure genius on her part, she suckered Vanessa into maiming herself.

Sandra: Which two are the legal pair?

Garry: ummmm....I dunno.

( The camera focuses in on Kayla as she has placed Sky in a brutal over the knee Back Breaker / Stomach claw. The ref is screaming at the combatants to enter the ring. Yvette turns to hear his warning and looks down into the pile of twisted wood and her opponent's bleeding body. Yvette grabs a handful of Vanessa's hair and drags her out of the broken table. She scoops her up and rolls her into the ring. Vanessa has a nasty gash on her leg. The ref asks if she wants to submit, she refuses, clutching her wound. Yvettte climbs into the ring and grabs Vanessa pulling her into the middle of the ring. She flips her over onto her stomach and then drives her knee into the small of Vanessa's back, Yvette then grabs her opponents arms and pulls back )

Garry: Vive La France...Viva La Bastille!!!

Sandra: Yvette's finishing move, a brutal surfboard variant.

( Vanessa screams as her spine is stretched to the limit, but she refuses to surrender.)

Sandra: That's gotta hurt folks, but Vanessa is holding on.

( Outside the ring, Kayla has picked Sky up and goes to whips her into the steel steps. As she does, Sky reverses the whip sending the gothic beauty crashing into the metal object. A loud clang is heard as Kayla slams into the steps. Yvette's pulls back as hard as she can, causing Vanessa's screams to echo above the noise of the crowd. But she still refuses to surrender, much to the displeasure of the Marquise.)

Yvette: Every previous ounce of pain that you have ever received will seem like a distant memory of Heaven when I am finished with you!"

( Sky looks up into the ring and see's her partner in trouble. She quickly slides under the bottom rope and into the ring. Yvette releases the hold as Sky charges into the ring. The Marquise stands up and gets into a fighting stance , leaving Vanessa to flop to the mat, clutching her back.)

Garry: Now, we shall see the Savate!

Sandra: Yvette is a skilled fighter, but Sky wants her pound of flesh.

( Yvette dances side to side, daring Sky to come within reach. Sky watches carefully, looking for an opening. Yvette lashes out her foot, barely missing Sky's nose. She laughs as Sky backs off, remembering the punishment she took last week,)

Yvette: "Not even the spirit ancestors of your warrior race will save you now, you trollop!"

Sandra: Not very smart to insult Sky's heritage. It's just going to make her....

( Sky suddenly charges in, much to the horror of Yvette. Both wrestlers tumble to the mat, in a mad display of fury.)

Sandra: ....mad.

( Sky quickly gets on top of Yvette and begins landing punches into her upper torso. Yvette covers up again and screams for mercy, she twists and turns, but Sky's attack is relentless. The Apache warrior lands a nasty blow to the side of Yvette's head that causes her to go limp. )

Garry: What...oh no...

Sandra: Sky may have knocked Yvette out.

( Sky looks down at her opponent for a moment and then look up into the crowd. She shakes her finger in the air and then pinches Yvette's nose, causing the Marquise to squeal out in pain. )

Sandra: HA!! Yvette pulled that trick on Sky last week, silly of her to think it would work again.

Garry: Yes, didn't fool me.

( Sky grabs Yvette by the hair and pulls her up. She puts her in a side head lock and then jumps backwards, slamming Yvette head first into the mat.)

Sandra: **DDT**!!, this could be it....

Garry: Incoming....!!

( As Sky gets up from performing her move, she turns and is met with the vice like grip of Kayla around her throat. The Hawk is lifted into the air and then slammed down into the mat with a sickening thud )

Garry: **HUGE CHOKESLAM** Sky wasn't ready for that...

Sandra: You're never ready for one of those...

( Kayla reaches down and grabs Vanessa by the hair, she lifts her up then scoops her up in a short carry before dropping to one knee, slamming Vanessa's gut across her outstretched thigh, )

Sandra: ** GourdBuster **!!!!

( Vanessa falls off Kayla's leg and lies in a ball on the mat. The ref stands in the corner shaking his head. He seems to be trying to remember which are the legal two wrestlers in the ring. Yvette slowly rises clutching her head, Kayla growls at her partner, barking some kind of instructions. Yvette nods and heads for the corner. Kayla picks Vanessa up off the mat and lifts her high in the air before slamming her down to the canvas. Yvette has scaled the ropes and is standing on the top turnbuckle. Kayla turns her attention to Sky and rolls her out of the ring. Yvette suddenly leaps off the top rope...........)

Sandra: No...BRUTAL MOVE!!!!!

Garry: hehehe...that's gotta tickle...a French Tickler I believe.

( Yvette lands with both feet impacting onto Vanessa's gut. A collective gasps is heard from the crowd as all the air is forced from Vanessa's body. Yvette smiles as her opponent rolls on the mat, clutching her gut. Kayla has pushed Sky out of the ring and turns to head to her corner. Yvette smiles and walks over and waits. The ref seems a bit confused as Yvette allows Kayla to tag in. The Gothic beauty smiles and rubs her hands over her exposed belly. The crowd rises to it's feet in anticipation of the upcoming hold. Vanessa is lifted up by her hair and placed in a face to face bearhug. Her feet are lifted off the ground as Kayla wraps her strong arms around her waist. Vanessa moans fill Kayla with joy as she squeezes any and all of the remaining oxygen from her opponent. )

Garry: AB-Dominator coming up!!!

( Sky reaches up and grabs the ring ropes to pull herself into in. Yvette quickly leaps off the edge of the ring and runs around to prevent Sky from entering. Kayla laughs out loud before she lurches forward, slamming Vanessa to the mat with all of Kayla's weight on top of her. Kayla begins to slam her belly down onto Vanessa, denying her the chance to draw a breath. The ref jumps down and begins to count, slapping his hand against the mat. Kayla watches and when his hand is about to come down for the third time, she pulls Vanessa's shoulders off the mat. The ref scowls as Kayla slams her belly down again, Vanessa begins to convulse, choking, unable to catch a breath.)

Sandra: This is insane!!! Kayla had the win there, she pulled Vanessa up...

Garry: Kayla wants her opponent to submit or pass out, she wants them totally defeated. Any idiot can get a lucky pin, only the pure talents can make their opponents surrender or knock them unconscious.

( Outside the ring, Yvette has pulled Sky off the ring, unfortunately for her, Sky is very pissed off and is pulling Yvette around by her hair. Sky kicks a chair over, knocking it to the ground. She then slams her fist to Yvette's midsection causing her to double over, Sky wraps her arm around Yvette's head and leaps into the air. She falls down, driving Yvette into the steel chair. The Marquise hits and lies still.)

( Inside the ring, the ref is raising Vanessa's arm. It falls limp to the mat, he lifts it again as Sky turns. She sees what's happening and moves towards the ring. Vanessa's arm hits the mat a second time as Sky pulls herself up into the ring. The ref grabs the lifeless limb a last time as Sky charges into the ring. It falls to the ground as the Hawk plows into Kayla sending them rolling across the ring. )

Garry: Is it over....

Sandra: I don't know...did Sky make the save in time?


Garry: NO!!!! The ref is calling for the bell!!!!!

Sandra: It was close , I think the ref could have gone either way, but I wouldn't want to stay in that ring any longer than I had to either.

( Security guards pour into the ring as Kayla and Sky flail into each other. On the outside, Nina and Laura are assisting the Marquise to her feet. She has a cut on her head, that stains her blonde locks. She looks around the ring and then look underneath the ring for her servant )

Sandra: Yvette doesn't know what happened to Merci, I guess she was expecting her valet to be more involved in the match, unfortunately Viper interrupted those plans.

Garry: Yes, Yvette is being told about what happened by Nina and Laura, she is not happy at all.

( Inside the ring, Kayla and Sky have been separated by security. The ref raises Kayla's arm and them bails out of the ring)

Sandra: What a way to end the night..........

Garry: Yes, I can't think of a better way that seeing the SisterHood of Seduction victorious in another match.

Announcer: Ladies and Gentlemen, the winners of this match...The Sisterhood of Seduction!!!!!!

Sandra: Join us next week folks, for another great show from the BRA arena.

( Another camera shot appears on the jumbo tron. Viper has trapped Merci in the women's bathrooms. Merci begs for mercy, she receives none as Viper shoves her head into the toilet and flushes. The gurgling , squealing sound of Yvette's servant is heard as the screen fades to black )
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