logo Lightnin vs. Tina Dream

{The camera returns after a commercial break, and pans over the sell out crowd in the BRA Arena. It then zooms in on Garry and Sandra. }

Sandra: Welocme back everyone. The producers tell us we are way behind here, so let's get to the action in the ring.

Garry: Yes, and exciting entrance by Lightnin, as she just walks to the ring, and hops in. Wow that was freaking exciting.....NOT!

Sandra: This Lightnin has really become a drag, what a dead beat!

Garry: No doubt, I hope Tina Dream who's coming out soon in her debut, puts this bum out for a while, I'm sick of looking at her.

Sandra: This is Tina's debut here, but she's been in this sport a long time, and always puts on a great show.

{ Tina's music 'Sweet Virginia Breeze' begins to play over the PA. Two muscular bodyguards appear dressed as Lifeguards, on their shoulder is a surfboard with Tina laying on her side waving at the fans. As they clear the entranceway Tina throws off her coverup, stripping down to a leopardskin thong bikini. she stands up on the surfboard riding it like she is surfing down the aisle to the ring. As they reach the ring Tina performs a forward vault off the board over the top rope into the ring. }

Garry: Now that was an entrance! Take notes Lightnin, ya jabroni!

Sandra: Now be nice. Ok, the ref is giving his instructions to Tina and Lightnin, and it looks like we're about to get started here.


Garry: Here we go!

{ Lightnin grabs Tina's arm, and whips her into the ropes. Tina bounces off, and heads towards Lightnin, who is waiting to nail Tina with a clothesline, Tina sees this though, and ducks it, she then lets her momentum take her to the far ropes. She bounces off the ropes, and heads back towards Lightnin. Tina then handsprings into double mule kick,jawbreaker. }

Garry: WOW!!! What a move!!!

Sandra: Very impressive indeed!

{ Tina gets to her feet now, and nails Lightnin, with a legdrop to the knee. Tina gets up quickly, and then nails Lightnin with a fistdrop, to the midsection. }

Garry: Umm does Lightnin have a pulse?

Sandra: I don't think so.

{ Tina parades around the ring, playing to the crowd. }

Garry: Oh geez, knock it off Dream, just finish off this fool, please. Shesh!! Am I actually supporting a Shopper?

Sandra: Sounds like it.


{ Tina now heads back to Lightnin, who is trying to get to her feet. Tina lets her get up, then knocks her back down, with a missle drop kick, that sends her flying through the ropes. }

Sandra: Oh my gawd! I think Lightnin is hurt bad, she landed on her head.

Garry: Dang, this is serious, she isn't moving at all. I think she broke her freakin neck!!

Sandra: Oh my, this isn't good at all. Tina was going out after her, but seen that Lightnin was hurt bad, and is now with the E.M.T.'s that are attending to Lightnin.

Garry: Here comes Electra and Amanda out now. Electra is talking to someone on her two way, perhaps it's the E.M.T.'s, I really don't know, but she and Amanda both look very concerned.

Sandra: As well they should be. These women put themselves through a lot, but it's easy to forget they're not invincible.

{ The emergency technicians rush into the area, one pushing a gurney. One of them stoops to Lightnin's side and chechs her eyes, and examines her neck. He frowns. Immediately, a brace is put on Lightnin's neck and she is hoisted onto the gurney, then rushed from the arena. }

Sandra: Oh no! I think Lightnin's neck is broken! She could have died!

Garry: It would've been indicative of her style in the ring.

Sandra: This is serious! We have to go to a commercial, but we'll be back soon - hopefully with updates.

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