
As the commercial for official Sisterhood souvenirs fades out the scene once again shifts to the BRA arena and another packed house waving signs of allegiance such as "Come on over to the Cathouse", "Little Mountain, Big Heart" and "Official Babesquad Suntan Oil Application Specialist". Down below at the announcer's table the gruesome twosome, Kenny and Cari are ready for the next match.

Kenny: This one will be fascinating tonight! Samantha Staffer vs. Becca Blush!

Kenny: Staffer has established herself as a competent wrestler in singles matches so far, but I have a feeling she is in for a surprise in Becca Blush tonight!

Kenny: Anyone associated with Cosmo McKinley has got to be cause for concern! Little Alexandra was BRA's first featherweight champion and never lost the belt!

Kenny: She beat a young and inexperienced Jennifer Christian for it as well. I doubt she would have the same success today!

Kenny: Again when Cosmo McKinley is involved things can be unpredictable! But I think the teen may hold the belt for a long time now that she has it!

Kenny: Becca Blush may be a whole new card to throw into this pile! It's time to find out!

With a sudden and tense act, the lights black out and over the loudspeaker comes a seductive voice.

"I'm a superstar."

Explosions fire up, with flames shooting from the sides of the ramp. One more spark of intense fire erupts from the top of the ramp as the curtain parts, revealing Becca Blush, to the chagrin of the fans, their distaste for her evident. She stands for a moment, soaking it all in, wearing a white tube top, barely containing what it holds, white rubber shorts, clinging to her dangerous hips, and white PVC boots which come to directly beneath her knees, laced to the top, her high heels adding a few inches to her height. Apollo, symbol for doctors and nurses, is printed across her heavy chest and �Superstar' is printed on the backside of her tiny, tight shorts. She runs her hands through her long blonde hair and begins pointing at the ring. Suddenly, from the sound-system, her theme song, �Superstar' by the Lords of Acid belts out her arrogant entrance music. With a rapid pace in her step, she makes her way to the ring, growling and hissing at anyone bold enough to get in her way or gets too close while jeering her.

As she reaches the ring, she leaps up to the apron and turns, raising her arms as more explosions ignite, with her entrance song screaming out �Superstar.' Finally, she turns and enters the ring, staring daggers through anyone left inside.

Kenny: I like the attitude! Let's see if she can back it up!

Kenny: The crowds certainly don't seem to like her attitude! I doubt Samantha will either!

Kenny: Samantha is the bigger woman, but around here that doesn't always count for a lot! Jennifer Christian is the smallest wrestler in BRA and is a champion!

Kenny: I agree, desire is very important and Samantha Staffer has as much as anyone!

The lights go dim and Samantha struts out to Queens 'Another one Bites the Dust'. She is dressed in a skintight short suit in shiny black with tall black leather boots; her hair is braided in a single braid down the back to keep it out of the way. She wears a baseball cap with Thirtysomething on the front She looks cool and confident and greets the crowd with a wave and a smile. With her is Peggy Christian, they walk arm in arm, to the ring. After a quick hug, Samantha removes the baseball cap and hands it to Peggy. Peggy holds the ropes open for Samantha to slip through and then Peggy takes a seat up front. Behind her on the Angeltron are glimpses of her past fights, both with Peggy and solo fights. The crowd roars its approval.

Kenny: (whistling) She still looks great! Keep your blondes; I'll take the redhead!

Kenny: If Becca leaves anything for you!


Confidence graces the face of Samantha as she moves to the center to meet the pure contempt of her opponent. As the redhead attempts a lockup her face twists as a sharp boot between her legs sends waves of pain through her! Becca takes advantage and grabs Samantha's hair and slams her face to the mat. The redhead bounces off with a stunned look on her face and settles to the mat but is not left in peace as Becca starts to stomp her boots into the back of her stunned opponent's head!

Kenny: Well, she is living up to her attitude already! Blush knows how to take a larger woman down to size quite well!

Kenny: Glad referee Oni Malvolio is on the ball. She has pulled Nurse Blush away from those illegal maneuvers.

Kenny: Effective maneuvers, you mean!

As Samantha staggers to her feet Becca quickly grabs her hair and yanks her head to a corner, driving it hard into the turnbuckle! Pulling her away again Becca grabs an arm and slings Samantha into the ropes. The redhead, still reeling from blows to the head can only bounce off and into a high backdrop from her foe that sends her crashing back to the mat. Again Becca resorts to her feet and grinds a high heel into Samantha's face. The redhead kicks with pain, clawing at the boot.

Becca: How do you like being the stepping stone for success!

Again Malvolio counts as high as four before Becca removes her boot and backs away. Samantha rolls away to the ropes and starts to climb up as Becca takes a warning from the referee before brushing her aside and going after Samantha again. As she gets to the ropes she gasps in surprise as Samantha drives an elbow hard to her stomach, then another one that staggers the blonde!

Kenny: She may be a tough fighter but her ring inexperience is showing here.

Kenny: She just wants to hurt her opponent and the referee is making it hard for her to do it!

Kenny: She keeps taking warnings and Samantha gets a breather. It was enough for her to mount something offensive!

Samantha comes off the ropes bringing a knee thumping into the blonde's face that sends her staggering back. Samantha acts fast now as she takes a step forward and leaps up into the air. Her legs lock around Becca's neck and she twists, taking her down with a well-executed flying headscissors. However they were still too close to the ropes and Becca's feet drop over the bottom rope. The referee calls a break Samantha squeezes hard still until the four count and releases her opponents head.

Kenny: Good display of actual wrestling from the Cathouse leader!

Kenny: But she let Becca get a break. So much for experience.

Becca seems not much worse for wear as she gets back to her feet. Samantha locks up fast forcing the smaller woman against the ropes. The redhead frees an arm and winds up, driving a forearm into Becca's ample bosom. She follows up with two more before dragging Becca off the ropes and sending her flying across the ring. Blush hits the ropes and can only gasp quickly before Samantha levels her with a dropkick to the chin. The pro Cathouse crowd cheered hard as Samantha dragged Becca back to her feet and scooped her up before slamming her back hard to the mat. Backing quickly to the ropes Samantha bounces off and leaps up, extending her leg and bringing it crashing down on�nothing! Becca rolls clear as Samantha's leg hits the mat causing her to land awkwardly. Becca rolls to her feet and quickly drives a boot again to Samantha's head before the redhead can recover from the miscue.

Kenny: Becca Blush is showing she is capable of taking some punishment as well as dishing it out!

Kenny: I think Samantha is learning that the hard way!

Becca pulls Samantha up by the hair and doubles her over with a knee hard to the stomach. Wrapping her head in a reverse headlock, Becca then drops back, driving it into the mat!

Kenny: DDT! That got Samantha's bells ringing again!

Kenny: And again! Another DDT by Becca Blush! Samantha could be in deep now! That would take a lot out of most wrestlers!

Kenny: Samantha was in deep before she stepped in the ring against this fighter!

Becca drags her stunned opponent up and pulls her back first to the ropes. Laying Samantha's arms over the top rope she brings the center one up and over, locking the redhead's arms in the ropes!

Becca: (with a sinister sneer) Sorry honey! That's show business!

With a smile Blush sends a hard open handed chop to Samantha's chest that makes a loud smack! Another and another follow this in quick succession as she tries to batter her opponent before the referee can stop it. Becca gets a few more in before the count again reaches four. As she backs away she offers up another insult or two as she surveys her handiwork. Malvolio finally succeeds in unwrapping a slumped down Samantha's arms from the ropes and watches as the Cathouse leader slumps to the mat. Becca moves in again fast and drags Samantha to her feet by the hair before wrapping a side headlock on her. She takes a few steps to the center of the ring dragging her foe along with her. She turns it into a run and goes to lift her legs.

Kenny: Bulldog attempt by Becca!

Kenny: No! Samantha's blocked it!

In the ring Samantha digs deep and as she feels Becca leaving her feet pushes up with her arms and drops to one knee. She then pulls Becca down hard, bringing the nurse's spine crashing into her extended knee. Blush drops in agony to the mat grabbing the back of her spine. Samantha stays on one knee, shaking the cobwebs out. As Becca finally gets to her feet Samantha springs forward and drives her shoulder into Becca's stomach causing her to fall gasping to the mat. Samantha quickly rolls on top and gets a one count before Becca kicks out. Samantha is first up again and grabs the blonde's head as she gets up. She then spins it around delivers a spinning neckbreaker to the nurse. Becca rolls to the ropes but Samantha is there to help her up by the hair but this time the blonde balls up a fist and brings it sharply up between Samantha's legs! As the Cathouse leader groans Becca gets up and grabbing Samantha by the hair throws her through the ropes to the floor below.

Kenny: This match is getting rough now! Malvolio has started to count Samantha out! She's not moving much right now!

Kenny: But Becca isn't done with her yet! Here she comes!

Blush steps out onto the apron and as Samantha slowly pulls herself up leaps off with both arms in the air and delivers a double axe handle to Samantha's back that sends her crashing painfully to the floor!

Kenny: Ouch! Becca is not giving Samantha a chance to recover now!

Kenny: Smart move too. The ref has restarted the count now that both are out. This gives Becca a little more playtime!

Becca starts to work driving her high heels into Samantha's back. Again and again she drives her foot down, hurling insults at her opponent the whole time. She finally stops and with an effort, forces the nearly dead weight of Samantha to her feet. Sneering, she drags the helpless redhead right in front of the announcer's table, pulling her into a front facelock.

Kenny: Think Becca is trying to pass a message across!

Kenny: If she is she had better do it soon! The count is already past ten! She has Samantha at her mercy now!

Kenny: I do think it's time to move that computer of yours again!

Kenny: What? Why?

Kenny: Just a feeling!

Becca faces the announcer's, sneering. She raises a fist in the air, yelling at the crowd.

Kenny: DDT to the concrete floor! This will put Samantha out.

Just as Becca lowers her arm her face takes on a surprised look and she starts to rise in the air as Samantha, will a finally burst lifts the nurse up and over! The announcer's dive out of the way as Becca comes crashing down on the table, crushing the laptop and causing Becca to squeal in agony! Samantha drops to the floor gasping as Becca writhes on the tabletop.


Kenny: (recovering) Last gasp move by Samantha Staffer!


Kenny: She can't make it back to the ring though!


Kenny: But neither can Becca!



The referee waves and the bell sounds as both wrestlers still lay in their last positions. Attendants rush up to check on both and remove them from ringside.

Kenny: Well that was disappointing! Still, Becca Blush looks like a force to be reckoned with!

Kenny: Tough match, no winner. We'll be right back, as soon as I get another computer.

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