logoRookie Four Way

( The lights shine and the crowd screams as the Angeltron roars to life. The signal that the first match is about to begin. Hundreds of signs wave back in forth in a frantic display, hoping to see themselves on the big screen. "LOCKE ME UP" , "I SNUCK IN" , "JUST SAY NO NINA!" and "HELLO NURSE" are just a few of the lucky ones caught on camera.)

Ken: "Welcome to Monday Night at the Battling Ring Angels Arena! What a fantastic card we have for you tonight!"

Cari: "Should be a good one. First up, the newbies! Rookie-4-way-dance!"

Ken: "This is a big match for these ladies. Winning this match is often a quick jump to the BRA elite!"

Cari: "I can't wait to see Nurse Becca Blush in action, signifying the return of Dr. Cosmo McKinley."

Ken: "The DR. returns with a new prot�g� and is taking on Samantha Staffer, who had recently decided to make a run at a singles title, after losing the tag team title."

Cari: "Woah! Samantha didn't lose anything, she was teamed with Peggy and we all know what that can do for you chances of winning."

Ken: "Well, call me sentimental, but I think Peggy has great talent and has yet to put on her best performance."

Cari: "Suuuure. Also up is the mystery match, where Viper has to fight against an unknown opponent in a unknown match."

Ken: "You bet, she crossed the boss and now she's going to pay for it. But Viper has a way of evening the odds, and you don't back a snake into a corner."

Cari: "Also up the -dare I say it. "Strip the manager match" My god, what a choice of beef to look at. Willie Weinersnitchzal or the New York Poet. 200 pound of flab or 100 pounds of stick. We need some real men around here."

Ken: "HEY! Well, the smart money's on Laura Parker. She's a master at getting men out of their clothes."

Cari: "Hummmph, Staffer should be in this match."

Ken: "And the new featherweight champion takes on Patricia Flex in a non-title bout."

Cari: "Jennifer is at the top of her game. Laura is still a bit upset about losing her title, but being the generous human being that she is, she's happy to see her Sisterhood associate with the title."

Ken: "And last but certainly not least, another non-title bout with two of BRA's most talented, athletic and fair wrestlers. Not to mention, best of friends. Sakura Ito Vs Celestial Champion Lindsey Locke. What a match that'' going to be.""

Cari: "Snooze fest! They won't even try to hurt each other. Lindsey lost to Sakura in one of these types of matches a few months back, I wonder if the Champ is going to just lay down on the mat for her buddy."

Ken: "Lindsey is true champion! If Sakura is going to beat her, she's going to have to have the match of her life. Lindsey has proved to everyone that she is the best of the best in this league.

Cari: "Hummpff, let's see if she can keep it in her first title defense. Which she hasn't had yet! I smell a conspiracy here."

Ken: "That's just your breath."

Cari: "grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr"

( The house lights dim down as all eyes turn to the wrestler entranceway. A woman dressed in a sea green sportsbra and denim shorts walks out from the back. She's got a serious look on her face as she makes her way down to the ring.)

Ken: "Claire Maynard from Sheffield England, she's got some wrestling experience and is looking to make her name in Battling Ring Angels."

Cari: "Well to make a name, she's got to get herself some entrance music."

Ken: "Hold a minute, I'm getting a message from the director. It seems Moonspell is backstage with Jenna Jamestown. Let's hear what she's got to say."

(The image changes to backstage where Moonspell is standing in the locker room area along with interviewer Jenna Jamestown.)

Jenna: Moonspell, how do you feel about your Battling Ring Angels debut tonight?

Moonspell: Well, Jenna, most folks would say how nervous they are, with butterflies in their stomach and all that. Not me. I'm simply going to go out to the ring, give the fans their money's worth, take on 3 foes at once and hopefully come out on top. I definitely won't underestimate these three, however I know I am much better than the three of them put together. Some say that's cocky talk, I say it's the truth. I guess we'll see who exactly IS right before the night is over. One thing you're guaranteed tonight is me putting my heart and soul on the line to win this matchup. So excuse me, Jenna, but I must be going.

(Moonspell smiles as she walks towards the ring entrance area.)

Cari: "Arrogant little thing. And who the hell does she think she is, doing the Gothic thing, that schtick it taken."

Ken: "Some strong words they're from the rookie. It remains to be seen if she can back them up."

(The lights dim down once more as "Juke Joint Jezebel" by KMFDM, blasts over the arena speakers. Moonspell steps through the curtain and walks slowly down the aisle at first, nodding her head at the fan approval all around her. She then full out sprints towards the ring and under the ropes. She then stands on the turnbuckle and makes the sign of the Celtic Cross with her arms. She then jumps off the turnbuckle, tests out the rope tension and does some brief pre match stretching as the ref talks things over with her.)

Cari: "You know, she's lucky Lisa is taking some time off. Perfection would not tolerate this copycat."

(All eyes turn to the entranceway as pyro sets off just after the opening sounds of "She Bop" by Cyndi Lauper. From the backstage area strides the beautiful, buxom, blonde known as Malibu. She's dressed in her traditional wrestling attire � a red, slightly low cut, one-piece bathing suit with racer-back straps as well as a "brazil" cut back. She is also wearing red wrestling boots with white laces. She stops just at the entrance area to place her hands on her hips and smile as a lot of the fans simply cheer her for her looks. Then, fluffing her hair a bit with one hand, she moves towards the ring. Using the steps to gain entry, Malibu steps between the top and middle rope, moving to her corner to jump onto the second rope. There, she raises her arms, fists clenched, high in to the air with an excited yell just before she smiles. Then, with a smile still gracing her face, she adjusts the back of her suit with her index fingers before jumping down from the ropes. Then, she turns, leaning in the corner, awaiting the opening bell.)

Ken: "Malibu looks pumped up for this fight. The boys of "I TAPPA KEGGA" are giving her a round of cheers. I think the Sisterhood has some competition in the looks department. Meowrrrrrrrrrrrrr."

Cari: "Idiot! Malibu is just another in a long line of airheads. The Sisterhood members are all intelligent, cunning and established wrestlers. It's going to take a miracle for this air head to even be mentioned in the same sentence as them again."

Ken: "Geez, put the claws back in Cari. You don't have to be jealous of every beautiful woman who steps into the ring."

Cari: "Jealous ..BAH!"

Ken: "Alright, we're just waiting on Goldie Knox, and then this match can get started."

("Pleasurized" by Girls Against Boys blasts through the arean as Goldie Knox walks down the ramp. She shakes some hands and smiles for a few photo's before climbing up into the ring.)

( The ref stands in the middle of the ring and points at each of the corners in succession. Each grappler acknowledges him. Finally he steps to the side and points at the timekeeper)


Ken: "And we're off."

(Malibu steps out of her corner first, heading towards Claire. Goldie heads in the same direction, keeping her eyes on Moonspell. The young Goth smiles and stays in her corner for a moment ,watching to see what happens. Claire turns to face Malibu and both women come together in a clinch. Goldie keeps moving towards the action as Moonspell starts to walk along the edge of the ropes. Malibu forces Claire back into the corner as Goldie walks up behind her.)

Goldie: "I can smell the peroxide from here sweetie."

(Malibu turns as Goldie fires a big forearm into her chest. The beach blonde staggers back, surprised by the blow. Claire pushes herself out of the corner, only to have Goldie plant her boot into her belly and shove her back.)

Ken: "Well, Goldie seems to be focussing on her tag partner for next week."

Cari: "She's testing to see if Malibu has got the right stuff, I suppose."

(Malibu leans against the ropes as Goldie moves in on her. Suddenly she jumps forward, lashing her arm out and knocking Goldie to the mat with a clothesline. Claire shoves herself out of the corner and goes to get some distance from the two bigger wrestlers. She turns as Moonspell's boot's slam into her chest.)

Cari: "Smart move by Moonie, waiting to see what's going to happen and then taking advantage."

(Malibu has hauled Goldie up and whipped her into the ropes. The brunette rebounds off the strands and Malibu nails her with a dropkick, sending the buxom brawler to the canvas. Moonspell has leaped back to her feet and is lifting Claire up. She whips her into the turnbuckles and follows her in. Claire hits the corner and Moonspell is right there, slamming her knee up into Maynard's belly. Malibu grabs Goldie by the leg and twists her into a step-over-toe hold. Knox yelps as Malibu wrenches on her ankle. The brunette brings her free leg to her chest and then kicks it forwards against Malibu's thigh. The beach blonde stumbles backwards, rubbing her leg as Goldie rolls to her knees.)

Ken: "They've paired off quickly here. Moonspell is doing a number on Claire with a series of quick kicks and punches. Maynards, got to get out of that corner or she's in big trouble."

(Claire takes another blow to the belly as Moonspell fires a snap kick. Claire doubles over and Moon quickly wraps her in a headlock, before jumping backwards and planting her with a DDT. Goldie and Malibu start to circle, glaring into each other's eyes. They come together in a clinch, straining and pushing against each other. Goldie seems to gain the advantage and starts to push Malibu back. Suddenly Aimee drops backwards, kicking her legs forwards into Goldie's belly. Knox is pulled forward and flipped over onto her back as Malibu follows the roll and straddles herself across Goldie's chest.)

Ken : "WoW! Nice move Malibu, Monkey flip into a pin."

( The ref jumps down to count the pin, but Goldie powers out before he even gets a one count. Moonspell yells across the ring as she is lying across Claire. The ref looks up and heads over, but Claire kicks out before he gets there.)

Cari: "Moonspell might have snuck a win in there, if the ref hadn't been checking on Malibu and Goldie."

Ken: "He has his hands full in there."

(Moonspell hauls Claire up and whips her into the ropes. The Goth then runs to the opposite side and rebounds off the ropes. As Claire bounces back in, Moonspell leaps into the air, spinning her body around and nailing Claire in the forehead with Spinning Heel Kick. Claire's body nearly spins 360 in the air before she slumps to the canvas. Across the ring, Malibu is about to whip Goldie into the corner, but the brunette reverses it, sending Malibu crashing into the buckles. The beach blonde hits the corner and bounces out as Goldie grabs her, lifting and spinning ,before falling to the mat.)

Cari: "Huge Powerslam! Wow! They both bounced up in impact."

(Goldie jumps up to her feet and looks across the ring as Moonspell hooks the leg on Claire. The ref is counting. Goldie takes off running towards the pin as the ref counts two. He never gets to three as Knox drops an elbow across Moonspell's back, breaking the pin. Goldie rises to her feet, grabbing Moonspell by the arm. She pulls her lighter opponent up and whips her across the ring. Unfortunately for Moon, Malibu had just pushed herself up and nails her with a clothesline. Goldie bends down and grabs Claire by the hair and pulls the dazed Brit up. Goldie scoops her up and then slams her into the mat. Malibu is lifting Moonspell back up and lifts her into a fireman's carry. Malibu then takes a few steps and jumps forwards, hurling Moon off her shoulder and down to the mat in a vicious slam.)

Ken: "The bigger girls are taking advantage here."

(Goldie pulls Claire up off the mat and lifts her into bearhug. Claire groans as Goldie puts on the pressure. Malibu lifts Moonspell off the mat and lifts her into a cradle, before dropping to one knee. Moon's back is dropped across Malibu's thigh, causing her to scream out in pain.)

Cari: "Nasty backbreaker! That should slow Moon down a bit."

(Goldie suddenly drops to down to one knee herself, impaling Claire across her thigh)

Ken: "Ouch!! Atomic Drop!"

(Claire bounces up off Knox's knee, clutching her groin, before falling to the mat. Malibu shoves Moon off her knee and rises to her feet. She looks across the ring as Goldie smiles at her. Malibu stares back, as Knox starts to move towards her.)

Cari: "Goldie seems intent on going at it with Malibu. She had Claire in a bad position, she should have finished her off."

(Malibu and Goldie come together in the middle of the ring. The clinch up, pushing against each other. Moonspell takes the moment to roll away, clutching her back. Malibu quickly breaks the clinch, getting Goldie in a headlock. She clamps down, putting on the squeeze as Knox moves her arms around Malibu's waist. With a grunt Goldie lifts Malibu up and then falls backwards.)

Ken: "Great counter! Belly to back suplex! That caught Malibu off guard!"

(Malibu hits the mat and rolls to her side, clutching her back of her head. Goldie rises to her feet and looks down at her foe, contemplating her next move. Suddenly she feels two feet slam into her back, hurling her forwards and through the ropes.)

Cari: "Blindside dropkick by Moonspell!"

(Knox falls through the ropes and lands hard on the outside. Moonspell grabs Malibu by the legs and lifts her up.)

Ken: "Boston crab -NO! She just launched Malibu out of the ring!"

(Moonspell fell backwards, forcing Malibu's body to rise up and be shot forward. Being close to the ropes, she is sent sprawling through them, landing partially on the rising Goldie. Both women tumble to the floor as Moonspell rises to her feet. Moon turns and gasps as Claire fires a punch into her belly. Maynard grabs Moonspell by the hair and quickly wraps on headlock. Claire deviously uses her hand to choke Moonspell, keeping it hidden from the ref.)

Ken: "Come on ref! Choke!"

Cari: "He can't call, what he can't see."

(Moon gasps, trying to pull Claire's arm off her throat. The ref is busy, yelling at Goldie and Malibu to get back into the ring. But both women seem intent on fighting on the outside. Goldie whips Malibu into the guardrail. The blonde impacts and groans, holding her back as Knox charges in. Malibu suddenly ducks as Goldie comes in, she then stands up, flipping Knox over the guardrail and into the front row. The buxom brawler lands on a few surprised fans as Malibu jumps over the guardrail to continue the fight.)

Cari: "HEY! That guy just copped a feel!"

Ken: "I think that was an accident, Goldie is rather ..ummm -.big up there."

(Inside the ring, Claire has flipped Moonspell over and has her in a Dragon Sleeper position. Claire's knee is shoved into Moon's back, bending her body backwards. Maynard still has the headlock/choke on and is really putting on the squeeze. Moonspell's arms as waving in the air, desperately trying to break the hold. The ref asks if she wants to quit, but she refuses. In a show of flexibility, Moonspell pushes herself up onto her feet. Her back is brutally arched as she pushes her legs up into the air. Claire look on in shock as Moonspell's legs rises up and then fall backwards, wrapping themselves around Claire's head. Moon's head pops free of the headlock as Claire falls to the mat, her head trapped between Moonspell's' thighs.)

Ken: "My god! What a move! Moonspell just flipped herself over and countered the Dragon Sleeper!. The crowd loved it!"

Cari: "She's lucky she didn't try that against a veteran. An experienced grappler would have turned that silly counter into a piledriver or brainbuster."

Ken: "Give the girl credit, will ya?"

(Outside the ring, Goldie and Malibu are exchanging shots. Goldie slams her forearm up into Malibu's chin in a wicked European Uppercut. Malibu's head snaps back as Goldie reaches forward and stuffs Malibu's head between her thighs. Security has formed a semi circle, keeping the crowd back as the two wrestlers fight near the guardrail. Goldie tries to lift Malibu into a piledriver, by the beach blonde blocks it, wrapping her leg around Goldie's.)

(Inside the ropes, Moonspell has stopped the headscissor and lifted Claire up onto her shoulders. Moon, begins to spin around and then shoves Claire off her shoulders. Maynard spins one more time, before falling to the mat. Moonspell looks around the ring to see where the others are and spots Malibu lifting the wailing Goldie up for a back body drop. Goldie hits the hard floor and clutches her back as Malibu grabs a handful of hair and begins to pull her up. Moonspell takes a step back and then runs towards the turnbuckles.)

Ken: "What is Moonspell-..OH MY GOD!"

(The crowd gasps and Malibu looks up in horror and Moonspell leaps up onto the top turnbuckle before vaulting off and launching herself into the air. She flies through the air, smashing down into Goldie and Malibu in a suicida plancha.)

Cari: "Cool"

Ken: "That was insane! I've only seen one other wrestler get that much distance and air and he's the whole F***** show!"

(All three wrestlers are on the ground, rubbing various wounded areas. Moonspell is the first to rise and she jumps back over the guardrail and heads back into the ring. As she does, Claire stomps down on her head, pushing her face into the mat. Maynard grabs Moonspell and lifts her up, before slamming her down into the mat. Goldie rises to her feet and heads back towards the ring, Malibu takes a moment to adjust her swimsuit before heading towards the ring. Maynard has Moonspell on the mat and jump up into the air, dropping her thigh across Moon's chest. Claire goes for the cover, but yelps as Goldie grabs her from behind. Knox lifts Claire up from the mat and grabs her in a belly to belly bearhug. Goldie lifts up and spins, dropping down to the mat, slamming herself down into her smaller opponent.)

Ken: "Belly to belly suplex by Goldie! She knows how to use her strength advantage against her lighter opponents."

(Malibu slides into the ring as Moonspell is rising to her feet. Aimee grabs Moon in a side headlock and drags her into a corner. Goldie is hauling Claire back to her feet as Malibu takes off across the ring, dragging Moonspell along with her. Malibu leaps forward, launching her body and Moon's up into the air, before driving down to the mat. Moonspell's face is driven down into the mat with terrific force.)

Cari: Brutal bulldog! Malibu and Goldie are pulling off some big time moves here."

(Malibu rolls Moonspell onto her back and hooks the leg. The ref jumps down to count, but Moonspell kicks out at two. Goldie has lifted Claire across her shoulders in a torture rack. She pulls down on Maynards head and thigh, bending the poor grappler's back. The ref turns to head over, to check for a submission, but Malibu rushes by him. Goldie sees Malibu coming and dumps Claire off her shoulders. She turns to face Malibu, but the blonde leaps forwards, planting her shoulder into Knox's belly, forcing her backwards and down to the mat.)

Ken: "What a spear!"

(Moonspell pushes herself up and looks to see Malibu on top of Goldie, giving Knox a few shots to the head. Moonspell sees Claire lying on her back and heads for the corner. She quickly jumps up to the top rope and while facing the crowd. She jumps backwards, flipping her body in the air.)

Ken: "WowoW! 360 Swanton Bomb! She calls that the Big Bang Attack!"

Cari: "She'd better get the pin quick!"

( Malibu looks up as the ring bounces a bit. She sees Moonspell slam into Claire before slowly back to lay across her. The blonde quickly gets up off of Goldie and heads towards the pin. Moonspell hooks Claire by the leg and waits for the pin. The ref slaps his hand down twice. Malibu grabs Moon by the legs and pulls her off the stunned Maynard. Malibu then picks Moonspell up by her arm and whips the lighter girl into the corner. Malibu chases after Moonspell, spinning her body the process and slamming her butt into Moon's belly. Malibu grabs the ropes and lifts her hips forwards before slamming her butt back into her opponent. Putting on a bit off a show, she smiles for the camera and wiggles her barely covered posterior back and forth across Moonspell's pale white belly. Malibu's smile suddenly changes to a gasp as Goldie comes charging across the ring. Malibu bails out of the way as Goldie leaps into the air, landing a flying body splash against the already winded Moonspell.)

Ken: "Ouch!"

Cari: "Wrong place, wrong time."

(Goldie steps back from the corner, allowing Moonspell to flop down to the mat. She turns to see where Malibu went and gets a boot in the belly. Malibu then grabs Goldie around the neck, twisting her until they are back to back. The beach blonde then pulls Goldie's head across her shoulder and falls to her butt.)

Ken: "Neckbreaker by Malibu! Perfectly executed!"

Cari: "Executed is right! Vicious move by Malibu, that girl has some potential!"

(Goldie rolls on the mat, clutching her neck as Malibu jumps across her, hooking the leg for the pin. The ref slaps his hand down once, before Claire stops the count, by dropping her knee across Malibu's head. The beach blonde yelps, clutching her head as Claire rises to her feet and pulls Malibu away. Moonspell is using the ropes to pull herself up as Knox is on her knee's, still holding her neck. Moon pulls herself up onto the second rope and jumps off, nailing Goldie in the back of the head with a drop kick. Knox slams forwards, her head bouncing off the mat. Claire drags Malibu up by her hair and goes to lift her. Aimee growls and launches her knee up, surprising Claire and doubling her over. Malibu quickly stuffs Maynards head between her thighs and hooks both her arms. Jumping up, Malibu slams Claire back down to the mat, face first.)

Ken: "Pedigree! Clair is out!"

(Moonspell pushes herself up and sees Malibu hit a pedigree on Claire. She quickly runs over as Malibu flips Claire onto her back. Moonspell grabs Malibu from behind in a reverse headlock. Aimee is forced up, her body bending awkwardly. Moon then drops to the mat, crashing the back of Malibu's head into the mat.)

Cari: "Reverse DDT. These rookies are showing some pretty experienced moves here."

Ken: "Well, all these ladies, except Goldie have competed in other Federations. But in BRA there still considered rookies."

(Moonspell quickly steps across Malibu's chest and grabs her leg, hooking her into a matchbook pin. She looks to the ref, but instead sees a gold boot slam into her face. Goldie kicks Moonspell in the head, knocking her off the dazed Malibu.)

Goldie: "Sorry Moonie, just business."

Ken: "You know, that sorry would go further if she didn't have that smile across her face."

(Knox grabs Moonspell by the hair and pulls her up. She grabs Moonspell and lifts her up onto her shoulders before falling backwards to the mat.)

Cari: "Samoan Drop!"

(Goldie lies across Moonspells body for the pin. The ref jumps down to make the count, but Moon kicks out at two. Goldie frowns as pushes herself up, lifting Moonspell in the process, she whips the Goth into the ropes and waits for her to rebound. Moons hits the strands and bounces in. She sees Goldie waiting for her and as Knox goes to hit her with a clothesline, Moonspell grabs the arm and kicks her legs up around Goldie's neck. The momentum causes her to spin, forcing Goldie to spin as well. Moon falls to the mat, keeping her hold on Goldie' arm and her legs around Knox's throat. They land on the mat, Goldie's arm stretched out between Moonspell's thighs, which are also across her throat. Moon falls backwards, pulling on Knox's arm.)

Ken: "Another flying counter by Moonspell, she's got Goldie in a cross armbreaker hold, or Code Red Armbreaker! Goldie is in pain!"

(Knox screams out in agony as her limb is nearly pulled from its socket. Fortunately, she isn't in pain for very long as Malibu does a leg drop across Moonspell's throat. Moon releases the armbreaker as the wind is knocked out of her. Goldie rolls away, shaking out her arm as Malibu picks Moonspell up. She places her arm around Moon's head and grabs a hold of her bottoms. Malibu then lifts Moonspell up into the air, before falling backwards, dropping her to the mat.)

Cari: "Big vertical suplex! Moon hit pretty hard on that one."

(Malibu quickly jumps up to her feet and goes to grab Moonspell. She is suddenly sent flying across the ring as Claire nails her with a dropkick. Maynard pushes herself up and goes to continue her attack. She stops however as Goldie grabs her from behind. Knox spins Claire around and slams her knee up into the Brit's belly. Goldie then grabs Claire around the head and waist and lifts her up-)

Cari: "Looks like another-.WOAH!"


(Goldie lifts Claire up into the air for a suplex, instead of falling backwards, Knox falls straight down, driving Claire's head into the mat with sickening force.)

Ken: "Brainbuster suplex! This match is over!"

(Goldie quickly lies across Claire and hooks the leg. The ref slams his hand down twice, on the way down for the third, Moonspell jumps on top of Goldie breaking the count.)

Cari: "Close! Moonspell just made the save there. Goldie was just inches away from winning this."

(Goldie rolls to her knees and slams the mat, frustrated with how close she came. Moonspell is rising to her feet, but she yelps and Malibu grabs her from behind and lifts her into a full nelson. Malibu then drops backwards, kicking her legs out. Moonspells butt is driven down into the mat.)

Ken: "Keister bounce! That'll rearrange your spine."

(Malibu shoves Moonspell aside and rises to her feet as Goldie does the same. The two women look at each other and for a moment there's a glimmer of recognition between the two. It lasts only a second as Knox makes a run at Malibu. They collide with each other, sprawling down the mat, each trying to get the advantage. Moonspell slowly rises to her feet and sees the downed Maynard. She looks across the ring to see Goldie and Malibu, now on they're feet, brawling near the ropes. Moonspell takes off in the opposite direction, bouncing off the ropes before charging across the ring. Malibu and Goldie are nailing each other with blows as Moon comes flying in. She jumps into the air, spreading her legs apart, nailing both Malibu and Knox with a dropkick. The two women go tumbling out of the ring again, and onto the floor.)

Cari: "Smart move by Moon, Claire is still down from the Brainbuster, she's an easy target now that Goldie and Malibu are out of the ring."

(Moonspell wastes no time and grabs Maynard's legs. She begins to twist them into a Sharpshooter position.)

Ken: "She's going for her finisher here! Moon's got a submission hold she calls the "Spine Twister" I haven't seen it, but I've heards its devastating."

(Moonspell locks in the sharpshooter, then reaches back and hook her Claires chin and pulls violently upward, raising Maynard completely off the mat. Claire starts screaming immediately.)

Cari: "Brutal hold, Claire's spine is being snapped in half, not to mention her legs are bent, she's got nowhere to go!"

(Outside the ring, Malibu and Goldie are on their feet. They both look into the ring as see what is happening. Together they slide under the ropes and head towards the screaming Claire. The ref is asking for Maynards submission. Goldie and Malibu slam into Moonspell just as Claire screams out her surrender.)

Ken: "Did they break it in time?!"

Cari: "I don't know, did Claire hold out long enough!?


Ken: "NO! They didn't get there in time! Moonspell wins the match via submission!"

(The pile of wrestlers slowly separate as the crowd rises to its feet, cheering the display. Moonspell has her arm raises by the ref and she takes the moment to suck in some needed air. Goldie and Malibu stand up, shaking their heads and looking at the downed Claire. Moonspell walks up to Goldie and offers her hand out. Knox smiles and takes it, shaking and congratulating the winner. Moonspell then offers it to Malibu who takes it, lifting Moonspell's arm into the air, acknowledging the winner. Goldie does the same and all three woman stand with their arms raised in the ring.)

Cari: "I'm going to be sick."

Ken: "What a display by these rookies. Although Claire seemed a little out of her league. Perhaps it was just rookie jitters. But take nothing away from Goldie and Malibu, those two put on a great display and it could have gone either way. But Moonspell came out the winner, and with some of the moves she put on, I'd say she's a definite threat to Jennifer Christian's Featherweight title, or any title in this Federation."

Cari: "Ok, let's not get ahead of ourselves. It was a good match, a good rookie match. But to say that the Lisa Dream wanna-be can take on Jennifer Christian? She has a long way to go before that happens."

Ken: "Well, next week Malibu and Goldie tag together. It's an interesting pair, since they both have similar styles and use the same finisher. But that's next week, and we still have plenty of action to go here tonight. Stay tuned for more great wrasslin action after these important messages."

**Winner by Submission: Moonspell**
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