
(The camera pans the crowd as the theme Music blasts over the speakers. The fans are on their feet and the only thing the camera shows is a sea of hand painted signs. "Sisterhood Rules", "Lindsey has a Locke on my heart", "Marry Me Nina" "Vipers kill Babies" are just a few of them. The camera stops at the anouncers' table. Kenny is playing with his computer as Cari smiles at the camera.)

Cari: Good evening ladies and gentlemen. Tonight, BRA has put together a great card. To lead it off we have a rookie four way match. Goldie Knox vs. Moonspell vs. Malibu vs. Claire Maynard.

Kenny: This promises to be a great showcase for the new talent BRA has attracted. According to my statistics, the winner of this type of match has gone on to big careers in BRA. The next match features Nurse Becca Blush against Cathouse leader Samantha Stafford.

Cari: Is she still around? From what I have seen of this "nurse" She won't be around after tonight.

Kenny: Don't be so quick to count Samantha out. She has really come alive recently.

Cari: Well onto the more entertaining matches.

Kenny: After that we have Laura Parker vs. "The Ninja" Missy Jones in Strip the Manager Match.

Cari: I don't know how entertaining that will be. I don't' know if there is anyone in the world that wants to see Willie or Josh naked.

Kenny: According to my stats, either one is capable of causing our TV ratings to drop by 87.3%

Cari: That will do a lot for BRA's bottom line.

Kenny: After that we have the big event of the night. The wedding of "The Goddess" Nina Larue and Troy.

Cari: I am looking forward to that. I just hope that no lowlife like the women in the Threesome do anything tasteless to spoil the happy moment.

Kenny: The arena is filled with Nina and Troy's Hollywood friends.

Cari: This is the first time that the front row of a BRA match has a combined IQ over 100.

Kenny: According to my computer, the average IQ of a wrestling fan is . . .

(Kenny is interrupted by the song "Johnny Angel" Playing over the sound system.)

Cari: I knew it! The card was just too good not to be interrupted by this moron.

Kenny: HE is the boss.

Cari: For the time being. If the wrestlers vote Gabrielle in, it will be the end of nerd boy.

(Johnny walks out of the gates of heaven to the shouts of "NERD" by the crowd. He smiles shyly and waves to the crowd. Johnny climbs into the ring and sis given a mic by a ring attendant.)

Johnny: Hey! How is everyone tonight?

(The crowd reacts with boos and jeers to this question.)

Johnny: Glad to hear it. I have a special message for one of the wrestlers here. VIPER! I know you can hear me. Did you think that you had a night off this week? I am sure that the fans would like to see you in a match tonight.

(The crowd cheers wildly at the thought of a match involving Viper.)

Cari: I noticed that Viper was left off the card and was surprised by that.

Kenny: Most of the fans hate Viper. They just hope that she will lose.

Cari: Most of the fans are idiots.

Johnny: Viper. I have prepared a special match for you tonight. Would the fans rather see Viper in a hardcore match or a tag team match?

(The fans yell out their favorite match, most yelling for a hardcore match.)

Johnny: I can't tell which you people want to have more. So I will compromise. I will put Viper in hardcore tag team match. Now who should Viper fight?

Cari: I don't know but one of the other team should be Janus or Sasha or both.

Johnny: I know the perfect team to fight Viper. Lindsey Locke and Sakura Ito.

Cari: Now those two wrestlers are two I would like to see Viper tear to pieces.

Kenny: They aren't hardcore wrestlers, but according to my computer they would make a great team.

Johnny: So Viper, you now have your match for tonight. Good luck.

Cari: Wait a minute. Is he making it a handicap match? He didn't say who Viper's partner is.

Johnny: Oh dear me! Now I have to come up with a partner for Viper. Hmmmm. Let me see. Who would be a good partner for Viper? She really doesn't have any friends. But I am sure there is someone that would be willing to help Viper win.

(The crowd yells out various names for Johnny to choose.)

Johnny: I've got it! The perfect partner for Viper. Viper, just for you. Because you have treated me with respect and showed such great respect for Italy and Italians world wide by what you did last week. I am going to give a special tag team partner . . . JANUS!

Cari: JANUS? Is he insane? That is totally unfair! Viper doesn't have a chance in that match!

Ken: "I agree, Johnny seems to have a personal grudge with Viper. She shouldn't have burned that flag, attacked the ref's and been an all around pain in the ass. I know for a fact that Janus would love nothing more than to get her hands on Lesley. That goes for Sakura and Lindsey as well. What Viper did to get the belt was . . . "

Cari:" Pure genius! She knew that Janus cared for that brat and she knew that Janus would never surrender. Why is everyone so mad at Viper? She did it within the rules of the match."

Ken: "There are no rules in a Hardcore match!"

Cari: "Exactly."

Ken: "Well, Viper now knows what her mystery match is going to be. She's not going to be happy."

Cari: "Duhhh, she's going to be pissed, and that's bad news for everyone in the back. A Hardcore Tag match against Sakura and the Celestial Champion? With Janus as her partner? Janus will just pummel Viper along with her buddies."

Ken: "Well, Lesley has done some despicable things lately and all Three members of Threesome want a piece of her, I guess they all get it at once."

( As Johnny is getting ready to exit the ring. The lights dim down as the sound of a snake hissing fills the arena.)

Cari: "Uh oh!"

( The speakers then blast out "WHO DO YOU LOVE" by George Thorogood and the Deleware Destroyers. The lights slowly come up as an angry looking Hardcore champion stands at the entranceway, glaring into the ring. As always Lesley has her chain wrapped around her body. Johnny's entourage immediately form a wall in front of the ring, denying Viper any chance of getting at the Commissioner.)

Ken: "Viper is steamed! That's never a good thing to do, she's heartless and angry enough and now Johnny has really pissed her off!"

( Viper glares into the ring, seething daggers of hate seem to fly from her eyes and into the heart of booker.)

Viper: "This you're revenge Johnny? This you're way of getting back at me? You think I'm going to get into that ring and fight against the Freak, the Fool and the Chump? No way. I'm not your pawn Angel, I do what I want, when I want, to who I want and there's no way."

(Johnny cracks a grin, happy to see Viper so enraged.)

Johnny: "No way? What you want? Lesley, you don't get it. You do what I want, when I want, how I want. And I say, you and Janus are a tag team in a Hardcore rules match against Sakura and Lindsey. I say when you fight, how you fight and who you fight. It's about time you learned your place and tonight, the Threesome is going to teach it to you."

( Viper is seething with rage, she stars to walk down the ramp, pulling the chain from around her neck and wrapping it around her fist. )

Johnny: "Just stop right there Viper! You haven't heard all the stipulations yet. Hardcore rules, anything goes. Except! You touch a BRA Official and you are stripped of your title! Anyone with a title that doesn't show up for this match, will have her belt stripped off of her and placed at the bottom of the rankings. You touch me, or anyone of my staff and I will have you suspended!"

Ken: "I don't know if Viper cares, she just wants to wrap that chain upside Johnny's head!"

Cari: "He's drunk with power! He can't do that to her! She's the Fallen Angel Title holder!"

( Viper stops at the line of bodyguards. She glares at each of them, sizing them up. She then stares into the ring.)

Viper: "Fine Johnny, I'll come to that match, I've never run from a fight in my life and I'm not going to ruin that record for you.

But remember you're words Johnny, remember them well, cause I'm going to hold you to them. You've back me into a corner, fine. You want to teach me a lesson? Fine. Nothing's more dangerous than a cornered animal and as far as lesson's go, yours is just beginning."

( Lesley then turns and walks back up the ramp. The crowd boo's and jeers her, but she ignores them. A twisted smile is on her lips as she slips through the curtain and heads to the back.)
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