The woman known as ‘Viper’ vrs Kayla Vandergriff

By: Tonedef

[We are currently inside of the middle of the Battling Ring Angels arena. We have just come back from a commercial break, and the sell out crowd is on their feet, hoping for a moment of glory as they scream for their favorites and wave their signs. A few of the noticable signs are ‘LAURA IS MY KIND OF SWEEHEART’, ‘SISTERHOOD OF SEDUCTION FAN CLUB’, and ‘3 STRIKES AND YOU’RE OUT, AMANDA’. The camera spins around to focus on the announcers table located at ringside.]

Sexy Sandra: "What a great night we have had already, and you know what they say, Ladies and Gentlemen…the best is yet to come! This next match is a sure barn burner, a great…"

Gruesome Garry: "It will be an out and out slugfest, let me tell you, and I, for one, can’t wait to see some blood!"

Sexy Sandra: "I must agree with you there, Garry, a true rarity…I don’t think that this next match is going to be too technical. We will just have 2 ladies who love to beat the crap out of whoever is in their path!"

Gruesome Garry: "Some bad blood between them as well…though Kayla Vandergriff has not done anything directly to the woman known as Viper, Kayla is a part of the Sisterhood of Seduction, who have crossed Viper on many occasions!"

Sexy Sandra: "Kayla has just come off a loss to Lisa Dream…something seems to be going on between the 2 of them, though I can’t tell what, and I wonder if it will pay a key factor in this matchup…Kayla will need to be on top of her game to take out Viper!"

Gruesome Garry: "Nah…Viper will probably just DQ herself again in the first 5 seconds of the match…"

[The crowd cheers as the lights dim and heavy drums coarse through the arena’s loudspeakers. Viper exits the dressing room area and does not pay any attention to the crowd as she makes her way to the ring. In her hand she holds a baseball bat.]

Sexy Sandra: "You may be right about the disqualification thing, Garry…I don’t think she would be bringing a bat to ringside unless she was planning on using it!"

Gruesome Garry: "Gosh, you’re pretty observant, you know that, Sandra? Viper looks very focused, though!"

[Viper gets into the ring and walks around its perimeter. She then exits the ring and leans the bat against the squared circle as her music is replaced with the sounds of slapping flesh. Black smoke fills the entrance from the dressing room area, and then Kayla Vandergriff enters the arena. She is dressed in her typically skimpy outfit, and with her is Merci.]

Sexy Sandra: "Acting as Kayla’s valet, it appears. Noticably absent are the rest of the sisters, however…"

Gruesome Garry: "I don’t think that Kayla needs their help to defeat such a washed up wrestler as Viper!"

[Kayla and Merci stride down to the ring, but Kayla stops at a fan standing next to the guard rail, a girl with a shirt that says ‘AB-DOMINATE ME BABY’. Like lightning, Kayla gets the girl in a brutal bear hug, holds her there for a few moments, and then releases her. The crowd boos as the girl slumps to the ground, holding her belly, but Kayla ignores them as she enters the ring.]

Sexy Sandra: "Disgusting…that was an atrocity! You do not attack the fans like that, I expect a heavy fine to be put on her for that little stunt!"

Gruesome Garry: "Eh, that girl was asking for it…I mean, she wouldn’t be wearing the shirt if it wasn’t what they wanted!"

Sexy Sandra (looks at Gruesome Garrys ‘I don’t like cats, but I’m always up for a little pussy’ T-shirt): "Yeah, you may be right there, Garry."

[The two women look at one another from across the ring…then, before the bell can sound, Kayla charges at Viper and goes for a punch to Viper’s belly. Viper goes to block, but the punch was a fake and Kayla slams a forearm into the bridge of Viper’s nose, knocking her down.]

Ding Ding Ding

Gruesome Garry: "A good fake, and already Kayla has the offensive…and, what is that? Do I already see some blood?"

Sexy Sandra: "Yeah, Viper’s nose is bleeding from that blatent cheap shot from the abdominator…her eyes are watering, too, that’s got to affect her vision!"

Gruesome Garry: "A good move from Kayla then….make it so that Viper can’t see! …and Kayla follows up the move with a knee drop to Viper’s crotch! Now that HAD to hurt!"

Kayla Vandergriff: "Go back to the garage you came from, you trailer park trash."

Sexy Sandra: "And immediately gets Viper in a stomach claw! Look at that smile on Kayla’s face, she loves this!"

[An uncontainable moan of anguish escapes Vipers lips, but she scowls up at Kayla and quickly pokes her in the eye. Kayla gets off of Viper, and walks a little distance away, holding her eye. Viper stands…Kayla goes for a running closeline, but Viper ducks under the move and punches Kayla in the face as she spins back around to face her.]

Gruesome Garry: "With authority! You do NOT want to get into a one on one slugfest with Viper!"

Sexy Sandra: "Viper begins to attack Kayla with brutal rights and lefts…Kayla is driven back into the corner, attempting to defend herself with her hands, but Viper plows right through her defenses!"

Gruesome Garry: "Kayla is driven down by the fury of the attack, and Viper begins to do a barrage of kicks to her!"

Sexy Sandra: "Not going for the stomach, though…Kayla broadcasts all over the place how strong her belly is, so it is no wonder that even Viper is smart enough not to focus there…"

Gruesome Garry: "Did you just insult someone, Sandra? I could swear that I heard you…"

Sexy Sandra: "What is this? Viper breaks it off suddenly…and slides out of the ring!"

Gruesome Garry: "She’s going for the baseball bat! Disqualify her now, ref!"

[Instead of going for the baseball bat, Viper goes to one of the fans at ringside and grabs a beer from his grubby little hands. She downs it to the cheers of the fans at ringside, and then slides back into the ring to meet up with Kayla, who is just struggling to her feet.]

Sexy Sandra: "Just had to get her beer fix, it looks like. Not a smart move, letting Kayla recuperate like that, but hey…this is Viper we’re talking about!"

Gruesome Garry: "Kayla goes to throw a punch…Viper ducks under the fist, scoops Kayla up…a bodyslam with authority!"

Sexy Sandra: "An elbowdrop to the face for the follow up…then, a quick pull to her feet, and a DDT! Kayla could be in trouble!"

Gruesome Garry: "A cover attempt…a power out at the 2 count! Wow! She shoved Viper nearly clear across the ring!"

Sexy Sandra: "She is a strong girl, all right…Viper walks back over, goes to pull Kayla to her feet…palm thrust to the bridge of her nose from Kayla!"

Gruesome Garry: "Kayla sure is attending to the nose an awful lot here, isn’t she?"

Sexy Sandra: "Making Viper’s eyes water, clouding her vision…it could be the only way to take care of the monster!"

[Kayla spinning backfists Viper in the nose again, which drives her back against the ropes….Kayla whips Viper into the ropes and flying elbows Viper to the ground. She then gets Viper in a headscissors.]

Gruesome Garry: "Now that’s a position you don’t want to be in…Kayla main strength is in her belly, but her legs are very powerful…look at Viper twitch!"

Sexy Sandra: "I don’t think that Viper expected these submission tactics from Kayla, I think she expected an out and out slugfest, and that lack of preparation is affecting her now! But wait…what…?"

Gruesome Garry: "Hah hah hah…Now THAT is my kind of counter! Viper bites into the leg, and Kayla pulls free! Viper tries to get to her feet, and is met with a series of quick punches to the face!"

Kayla Vandergriff: "God, this must feel like one of those motorcycle gang jump ins…so I guess you’re used to this by now!"

Sexy Sandra: "Viper scowls at Kayla…grabs the ab-dominator, throws her into the corner and once again begins to work her over with punches and kicks, to the cheers of the audience!"

Gruesome Garry: "But Kayla isn’t stupid! She quickly drops to the mat and rolls out of the ring, and Merci attends to her!"

[Viper slides out of the ring as well, and, grabbing the baseball bat, she points it at Merci. Merci yelps and dashes away as Viper chases after her, around the ring. Merci finally slides under the ring, and Viper walks back over to Kayla, still holding the baseball bat, but the referee stands between Viper and Kayla, ordering Viper to put down the weapon.]

Sexy Sandra: "I don’t believe it! Viper looks to the fans, and puts down the baseball bat! She then walks over to Kayla, who still looks hurt, leaning on the ring apron…"

Gruesome Garry: "No! Kayla hits Viper with a low blow! She wasn’t hurt at all…what a feint! She then picks Viper up…and bodyslams her down onto the spanish announcers table!"

Sexy Sandra: "The referee is ordering the 2 of them back into the ring…Kayla ignores him, pulls Viper off the table, goes to whip her into a ringpost….reversal, and Kayla hits the metal with a loud clank!"

Gruesome Garry: "What a match!"

Sexy Sandra: "Both competitors look a little hurt…Kayla crawls back into the ring and rolls on her back, holding her head."

[Viper slides into the ring, looking in need of some recuperation time as well, but she grabs a handful of Kayla’s hair and, pulling her to her feet, slams a knee into Kayla’s belly. No sound comes from Kayla…and it almost looks as if she smiles at Viper’s attempt.]

Gruesome Garry: "Viper rakes across Kayla’s eyes, blinding the gothic princess…neckbreaker takes her all the way down! A quick cover attempt…..1….2…"

Sexy Sandra: "And a kickout…I swear, I think that you’d have to have a steamroller to get Kayla to stay down for the count of 3…"

Gruesome Garry: "Well, Viper sure is trying! She drops an elbow onto Kayla’s face…then a legdrop across her chest…this woman is on fire!"

Sexy Sandra: "Viper flips Kayla onto her back, grabs her legs….Boston Crab! But she hasn’t got good ring position…Kayla manages to get a hold of the ropes in a matter of seconds, and the referee orders a break."

Gruesome Garry: "Viper holds it on for the 4 count, then, releasing it, pulls Kayla to her feet."

[Viper does a couple of quick martial arts punches to Kayla’s face, then goes to whip her into the ropes…Kayla reverses the move, and, when Viper hits the ropes, her own baseball bat is suddenly seen coming from behind and hitting her in the back of the head. Viper cries out, is propelled forward into Kayla’s waiting arms.]

Kayla Vandergriff: "Nice tattoo on your arm…time for me to make one on your belly."

Sexy Sandra: "Here it comes! The ab-dominator! Kayla gets Viper in a bear hug, lifts, spins around, driving her to the ground beneath her…a grapevine pin…and Kayla begins to slam her belly down onto Viper’s!"

Gruesome Garry: "The referee checks on the situation…Viper is barely concious from that shot to the head, the referee orders the bell to be rung!"

Ding Ding Ding

Sexy Sandra: "A despicable end to a great match up to that point. Only through some cheap manuevers did Kayla manage to pull of the win."

Gruesome Garry: "What are you talking about, Sandra! Viper just….um…hit the ropes wrong."

Sexy Sandra: "Yeah, that happens when you have a baseball bat aimed at your head…"

[Kayla’s music blares over the arenas loudspeakers as Merci enters the ring to the boos of the audience, and facesit’s the unconcious Viper. As Merci does this, Kayla lies down across Viper’s body, in a cross body ab-dominator.]

Sexy Sandra: "First time I’ve seen that move done! A cross body Ab-dominator…but this disgusts me, let Viper have a little dignity!"

Gruesome Garry: "She shouldn’t have crossed the Sisterhood of Seduction, now she’s paying for it! She’ll think twice before EVER messing with Merci again!"

Sexy Sandra: "Well, as we try to bring control back to this stomach turning scene, we’ve got to take a short commercial break…"

Gruesome Garry: "WHAT? Now! But the fans at home WANT to see this!"

Sexy Sandra: "But we’ll be right back, so stay with us!"

[Fade to a promotional piece for the Yvette Malreaux-Sherry Anne match slated to occur at the upcoming Pay Per View.]

[Winner with the aid of an interfering valet: Kayla Vandergriff]

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