{ A ten second countdown is shown on the Jumbotron, when the countdown reaches zero the lights go out. "What's my age again" by Blink182 begin's to blast over the arena speakers. Purple strobe lights fill the arena and as purple laser lights shoot out Lovily Heather walks to the ring followed by her manager Anne. }

Sandra: Oh that was a great entrance, let's see if it can be topped.

{ All light's in the arena are shut off as a spotlight shows Betty walking through the door. Behind Betty is a coffin with Michelle's name on it. Six people covered in black coats, hiding their faces are carrying the coffin to the ring. Betty enters the ring as the fans continue to watch on. The coffin is set down on the floor. The spotlight then moves back to the center of the ring where Betty is standing with the mic on her hand. }

Betty: The old Michelle The Great has pasted away. She has won titles when she was a rookie but never given the chance to get another title shot later in her career. She even weared her one piece black bikini with the MillenniuM logo in the front. Now they all died but she enters a new world. Ladies and gentlemen, the new and improved Michelle "The Great" Anderson!!!!

{ The crowd deliver's a mild pop as Triumph by Wu Tang Clan play's around the arena. The spotlight shows the coffin to the millions of wrestling fans. The door slowly opens as smoke flows out and on to the floor. Once the door is completly open Michelle raises out in her blue 2 piece bikini. The fans roar for Michelle as some with signs that says, "Welcome back Great ONE" Michelle waves to her fans as she climbs out the coffin and into the ring. Betty hands the mic to her sister and leaves the ring and stays in rignside. }

Michelle: I'm bbbbaaaacccckkkk. I am here to kick ass in this fed and I will start with the little girl called Lovely Heather. The Great One will be known in this fed and I will get my title shot dam it! Oh and Sherry Ann, if you're still back there and listening, since you adopted my sister Jenny, this will not change my feelings......."

{ Heather grabs her majorette baton, Anne distractes the ref and Heather quickly hits her opponent in between the legs and throws the baton out of the ring. }

Sandra: Ooh exclaims Sandra as Heather slams the head of Michelle onto the mat. Michelle counters the hold by rolling on top and begin's to hit Heather with a series of close fist's to her neck, head, and chest. The ref scold's Michelle for her action's as he pulls the two apart.


Garry: And the match finally offically get's under way.

Sandra: Michelle quickly runs toward Heather only to recieve a drop toe hold and then an elbow to the back of her head for her trouble. With a hand full of hair Heather picks up the Great one and throw's her opponent to the ropes, Michelle bounces off only to get a belly to belly suplex.

Garry: A cover and a pin. One! Because of that sloppy cover she only got a one cover.

Heather tries the hold again but this time Michelle does a baseball slide between her legs, kick's her in the midsection, hoist her into the air and drop's her on her back with a vicious powerbomb.

Sandra: Heather rolls onto her back into pain and the crowd deliver's a mild pop as Michelle goes to the top rope. The Great one gracefully leap's off and lands a elbow into the lower back of Heather.

Garry: A cover, One.....Two...Thr...

{ The count is broken a Heather somehow manages to lift her right shoulder slightly off the mat. Michelle grab's a handful of hair and lifts Heather to her feet }

. Sandra: Michelle is quickly slowed down as Heather despirately rakes the eyes of The Great one. As Michelle hold's her eyes she is stomped to the mat by a tired Heather. Heather climbs the ropes and leaps off but her face comes in contact with the boot's of Michelle hit's a drop kick to her flying adversary. A cover and a pin.

Garry: One.....Two.......Three! And your winner by pin fall is Michelle the Great.

{ Fade to a commercial break }


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