10-25-99: Lori Wilson vs. Cyra Min

logoLori Wilson vs. Cyra Min

Garry: Welcome back ladies and Gentlemen. Our last match of the night features one of my favorite wrestlers Cyra Min. Man is she hot. I can't wait to see her entrance.

Sandra: Well, you missed it because she is already in the ring.

Garry: How did she get in the ring without anybody noticing?

Sandra: I don't know but the fans see her now and they are showing her with boos and jeers.

Garry: What's the matter with these fans? How can they boo a great wrestler like Cyra? Not to mention one as hot as her. I'll shower her booze after tonight's match.

Sandra: Yeah, like any of the wrestlers here would go out with you.

Garry: Shows what you know. I've made it with every good-looking wrestler in this league.

Sandra: Made what? An ass out of yourself? Well here comes her opponent Lori "Lady Lightning" Wilson.

("Hysteria" by Def Leppard kicks in over the speakers. Lori Wilson steps out from behind the curtain as the crowd cheers. She is dressed in her black singlet with thin white lightning bolts down the front, back, and sides. Lori also wears black kneepads and wrestling boots, and a black bandanna which reads "Lady Lightning" in yellow lettering. She stands just in front of the entrance way, pumps her right fist into the air, as white sparklers shoot up behind her on either side of the entrance. Lori then walks down the aisle, slapping hands with fans along the way to the ring. As she gets to the ring, she jumps onto the apron, then walks to the corner and vaults over the ropes, landing so she is standing on the second turnbuckle, and raises her arms in the air to the approval of the crowd. She then hops down from the turnbuckles, then climbs through the ropes and exits the ring. Lori then walks over to the railing, and she removes her bandanna. She spots a young girl standing near the rail, and she reaches over and drapes the bandanna around the girl's neck, giving her a kiss on the cheek, then turning back to the ring, where she climbs back in through the ropes, then once she gets into the ring, she turns to the crowd to work them up.)

Sandra: The ref gives last minute instructions and signals for the bell.

( The wrestlers move to center of the ring. Lori grabs Min's arm and sends her to the mat with an armdrag takedown. Min gets to her feet only to be met by a hiptoss which sends her crashing to the mat again. Min springs back to her feet only to be sent flying by another hiptoss. Lori plays to the crowd as Min does a kip up. Lori turns and nails Min in the back with a standing drop kick. Min slides under the ropes to the safety of the arena floor. Lori climbs to the second rope and plays to the crowd. Raising her hands in a victory pose.)

Garry: I don't think Min was prepared for Lori's quickness.

Sandra: I don't think Min is prepared for anything. What is Lori doing? She seems to be looking at a woman seated in the front row. She's not paying any attention to Min.

Garry: I see that. Do you know who that woman is?

Sandra: I have no idea.

Garry: The way Lori is looking at that woman explains why she never wants to go out with me.


Garry: OOOWWW! Why did you do that?

Sandra: The reason she won't go out with you, is that she doesn't believe in dating outside of her species. Stop spreading lies about the women here. Just shut up and call the match.

Garry: It's one or the other. I can't do both.

Sandra: Go back to feeding your face. I'll call the match.

(While Lori was distracted by that woman in the front row, Min has slipped into the ring and grabbed Lori, throwing her to the mat with a big body slam. Lori hit's the mat and rolls into a siting position. Min gets behind Lori and begins to choke her. The ref calls for the break but Min ignores him. She does release the choke at the count of four but reapplies it.)

Garry: With those powerful hands of Min, she could kill somebody with a choke.

Sandra: Like she hasn't done that already?

Garry: There you go again, bringing up that unfortunate incident in her life when she killed her parents.

Sandra: I just don't think BRA should allow convicted murderers in the league.

Garry: She did her time for that. Don't you have any pity for Cyra?

Sandra: Why would I have pity for someone that killed both her parents?

Garry: She's an ORPHAN.

Sandra: You're sick. Really sick.

(Cyra has released her choke a fraction of a second before being Dqed. The ref is in her face, saying he won't tolerate any more of those. Lori takes the opportunity to get to the ropes and climb to her feet. Those chokes have taken a lot out of her. The ref moves away from Cyra and signals that the match should continue. Cyra moves in on Lori but is sent reeling back by a powerful knee lift. Lori follows it up clothes line that sends Cyra crashing to the mat. Lori runs to the ropes and leaps off ropes and nails the prone Cyra with an asai moonsualt. She roles up Cyra for the pin but Cyra kicks out after a two count.)

Garry: I hate to say this but Cyra doesn't seem to have any plan for this match. Even when she had the advantage she didn't follow it up well.

Sandra: I agree with that Garry. Lori is moving so fast that Cyra doesn't seem to know what to do.

(After Cyra's kick out Lori runs up to the top rope and nails Cyra with a flying elbow drop to the head. Crya's eyes roll back into her head. She seems out of it.)

Garry:Cyra should have seen that coming. Anybody who's seen Lori Wilson wrestle knows why they call her "Lady Lightening". Cyra should have planned her moves before she came into the ring. She should have developed a . . . a . . . What do you call them?

Sandra: A strategy?

Garry: That's it! Cyra doesn't seem to have developed a STRATEGY for this match. And it's really costing her.

(Cyra is on the mat barely moving. Lori climbs to the top rope and plays to the crowd. She pumps her arms up and down and does a victory pose. The crowd goes crazy, cheering her on. She runs her thumb across her throat, asking the crowd if she should do her finisher, the Strike Quick (somersault missile dropkick). The crowd roars it's approval. Min gats to her feet, but is barely able to stand. Lori leaps of the top rope and does a summersault in mid air. Her feet land squarely in Min's face. Sending Cyra careening into the ropes on the far side of the ring. Cyra bounces off the ropes and falls face first onto the mat. Lori rolls her over and goes for the pin. The ref slaps the mat.)




(The ref holds Lori's arm up in victory. Lori mounts the second turnbuckle and works the crowd for a bit. She leaves the ring and goes over to the unknown woman in the front row. Lori will approach the unknown woamn, who will look away for a second, but then stand up, shrug her shoulders, and then give her a small hug. She'll then turn and walk away from the ringside, as Lori will stand there watching her, not sure what to make of it. )

Garry: Not a good showing by Cyra Min at all.

Sandra: But a great fight from Lori "Lady Lightening" Wilson. Min made a big mistake in this match. She should have known that she'll never win a match in BRA unless she makes a plan and develops a strategy.

Winner, by pinfall: Lori "Lady Lightning" Wilson.

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