logo Samantha Page vs. Tiffany Lane

( The screen comes up from back. The camera quickly pans the arena. Hundreds of fans are cheering in anticipation of the next match. Another Camera shot appears, Sandra and Garry are sitting at ringside. Sandra is sipping from her coffee as Garry seems a bit tense in his chair.)

Sandra: Problem?

Garry: No, I am just....have you noticed that there is no security here?

( Sandra looks around the ring area, not a single BRA security guard is present )

Sandra: Hmmm, maybe Captain Danish and her squad are chasing after Bianca


( Garry immediately crouches down, scanning the audience for any sign of the Hellion )

Sandra: Well folks, while Garry looks for his spine, I'll tell you about next match up. Samantha Page is in for one heck of a match. She is facing not only one member of the Sisterhood of Seduction, but two. Nina Larue is the assigned referee for this match. Also Samantha has no idea what the rules are for this match, since it's a "Tif's Rules" Match.

( Suddenly, the lights dim down "Sexy MF" by Prince starts as "The Goddess" Nina Larue arrogantly sashays to ringside. The busty beauty wears a black and white, striped shirt, tied in the front to reveal her taut, toned stomach, and black, ultra short, shorts. She finishes the attire with black and white, tennis shoes. Her long black hair tied in a ponytail, falls to the small of her back. She sexily slithers into the ring as the fans greet her with catcalls and whistles, definitely agreeing with her decidedly sexy version of the traditional referee's uniform. She snatches the microphone from the announcer and eyes the fans with a smirk as the music begins to die.)

Nina: "It is my pleasure to introduce "First Lady" Tiffany Lane!"

(The catcalls and whistles already begin as "Miss World" by Hole blares over the speakers. The cheers, with a smattering of boos, soon start as pyro pots explode and fire works shoot off in the air. "First Lady" Tiffany Lane steps from behind the curtain clad in a skimpy, pink, thong bikini. The top barely contains her ample cleavage while the bottom is barely legal! She also wears matching, pink, knee-length boots. She strolls down the aisle with a confident smile gracing her flawless features, careful not to let any of the hawking fans touch her. Her long, blonde hair falls straight down her back, perfectly clipped bangs resting above her sensuous, green eyes. She gracefully steps into the ring before high-fiving Nina. The music dies as Nina hands Tiffany the microphone.)

Tiffany: "Well, looks like we have ourselves a Tiff's Terms match. That means that I, Tiffany Lane-the-oh-so-sexiest-woman-to-ever-grace-BRA, get to choose tonight's conditions against that cheap slut, Samantha Page. (she grins as she arches seductively, getting a huge amount of wolf whistles from the crowd) Hmmmm. Let's see. How about, an evening gown match? (The crowd cheers loudly at the thought of the two women ripping and tearing at each other's clothes. Tiffany smiles) Naaah. Too easy. (the crowd groans) How about a cat fight! (The crowd cheers again.) Heh. Now that would be waaaay to easy. We all know that Tiffany Lane is the Queen of Cat fights! How about an exploding, barb wire, death match in a pit of rattlesnakes? Hmmmm. I don't Samantha would understand a match with a title that long! (the crowd laughs) Okay, I've got it! I'm going to make this easy on ol' Sammy. Since she wanted a submission's match, we'll make tonight's match a submissions and K.O. only match. The only way to win is to make your opponent submit or knock her out! (The crowd roars their approval) So come on out, Samantha, so I can knock you on your fat, eating-eight-meals-a-day ass!"

(The crowd cheers loudly as Tiffany tosses the mic aside with a wicked grin. The Sisters of Seduction pose on the ropes and flirt with some of the male fans as they await the arrival of Samantha Page.)

Garry: Samantha is toast, dead, this game is over folks, stick a fork in her, she's done!!!

Sandra: Tiffany has certainly tipped the scales in her favor. Her tag partner is the ref, the match is Submissions or K.O's only. And you can bet that Nina will get her own shots in, whenever she feels like it.

Garry: That's an OUTRAGE!! The Goddess is a model of fair play and sportsmanship, she will call this match right down the middle.

Sandra: Sure.....

("Know your enemy" by Rage Against the Machine starts to play. The crowd cheers as Samantha Page appears through the wrestler entrance. She wears a white shirt, which just covers her firm stomach, black spandex shorts and black boots. Her face is expressionless as she walks down the aisle. Her gaze fixed on the two women standing in the ring. )

Garry: Geez, what flew up her butt and died?

Sandra: Samantha looks focussed folk's , she's burning a hole right through Tiffany with that stare.

( Samantha leaps up onto the ring edge and is immediately stopped by Nina. The Goddess demands that Samantha be checked for foreign objects. Samantha scowls and steps into the ring. The Goddess turns and winks at her team mate before performing her scan of Samantha. Page growls as Nina slaps her in the butt.)

Nina: "Hmmm, what is this Jello? Oh my mistake, it's your ass."

(Samantha ignores the insult and continues staring at her opponent. Tiffany is all smiles as Nina roughly continues her check. )

Nina: Well, clean isn't the right word, but she has no weapons......talent, or good hygiene.

(Tiffany laughs again. Nina backs up smiling as Samantha growls )

Samantha: "I don't know how you got the BRA to sanction this match, but your going down"

( Both Tiffany and Nina mockingly cover their faces in fear. Nina turns and motions for the time keeper to ring the bell. )

Garry: This should be great, Tiffany is a master of hundreds....no Thousands of Submission holds. Page is nothing but a cheap brawler, with as much wrestling talent as PJ has brains.

Sandra: Well, Page has a good point there, I don't know how she got roped into this match, but she is going to have to pull off the match of her life to win this.


( As the bell rings Samantha charges across the ring. Tiffany ducks underneath the ropes and Nina steps right in front of her. Nina forces Samantha back as Tiffany claps and cheers her teammates actions )

Garry: You see, Nina has already shown her great knowledge of the rules of Professional Wrestling. You cannot attack a wrestler outside the ring.

(Sandra seems a bit preoccupied with a BRA rulebook)

( Samantha backs off as Tiffany steps in. Nina moves to the corner and checks her nails as Tiffany and Samantha close in on each other. Both women come together in a clinch. Samantha starts to push Tiffany back towards the ropes. Tiffany quickly drops backward, kicking her legs into the air and slamming them into Sam's stomach. Page is sent crashing over in a Monkey Flip. Tiffany leaps to her feet and smiles as Nina gives her a high 5 for the move. Samantha hits the mat and scrambles quickly to her feet. She glares at Tiffany and moves in. Tiffany smirks and locks up with Samantha again. Page quickly grabs Tiffany in a headlock. Lane squeals as Samantha clamps on the pressure. Nina quickly runs over and screams at Sam to break.)

Nina: "CHOKE!!! Break the hold!!!!"

( Samantha glares at Nina as the Goddess starts to count for a break.)

Sandra: Looked like a perfectly good headlock to me.

Garry: Well, it was a choke, those Shoppers are always trying to sneak in a dirty hold or two.

( Samantha breaks the hold and glares at Nina, Tiffany quickly rams her elbow into Sam's midsection. The pretty blonde gasps on impact and staggers away. Tiffany runs after her and grabs her by the hair, she yanks on Page's hair, flipping her over in a hair whip.)

Sandra: HAIR!!!!

Garry: What? I don't see anything...

( Nina turns her back and smiles at some of the ringside fans as Tiffany give Sam another hair whip. Samantha slams into the mat again, her hair being used to drag her around the ring. Tiffany drops her hold and begins stomping down on her opponent. Samantha tries to cover up. Nina turns and smiles as Samantha grabs the ropes , Tiffany keeps on stomping down on her as Nina whistles calmly and walks around the ring.)

Sandra: This is totally unfair, Samantha is on the ropes, she should get a break.

Garry: If the ref doesn't see it, it never happened.

( Tiffany grabs Samantha's legs and pulls her back into the middle of the ring. Tiffany reaches down and grabs a good handful of Samantha's blonde locks and hauls her up. Tiffany scoops Samantha up and then drops her over the top rope, neck first. Samantha's head snaps back and her body slumps down to the canvas )

Sandra: This is despicable, Tiffany is a good wrestler, she doesn't need Nina to be the ref.

Garry: Hey, if Samantha was stupid enough to sign up to a "Tiff's Rules" Match ,then she deserves what she gets.

Sandra: That's just it, Sam never agreed to this match, it was just signed. I bet that moron Strike was paid off by the Sisterhood.

( Back in the ring, Tiffany has scooped Samantha up again and walks to the center of the ring. Tiffany smiles before dropping to one knee. She slams Samantha's back against her outstretched thigh. Page screams out in pain on impact. Tiffany smirks and clamps her hand around Samantha's throat, she then uses her other hand to push down on Samantha's thigh.)

Garry: Beautiful Back Breaker....I think Samantha wants to surrender.

Sandra: Hardly, it's too early in the match for that..

(Nina smiles and leans down, staring into Samantha's pain stricken face. She giggles and speaks)

Nina: "Ok Bitch, you want to give up? Come on....say Please Nina, make her stop"

( Samantha screams out her defiance. Nina rises to her feet and shrugs her shoulders. Tiffany releases her hold and pushes Samantha off her knee. Tiffany rises to her feet and puts her hands on her hips. She shakes her head in disgust. )

Tiffany: "Is this the best that The Body Shop has to offer?!"

(Some of the ringside crowd boo's, others cheer. Nina scowls at some of the jeering fans. Tiffany picks Samantha up. As she does, Samantha slams her fist into her midsection, Tiffany doubles over from the surprise blow. Samantha quickly places her in a side headlock and jumps backwards. )

Sandra: DDT!!!, Sam planted Tiff with that one!!!

Garry: Nina!!! Turn around!!!

( Unfortunately, the Goddess has focussed her attention on some of the ringside fans, She is threatening to remove them from the building if they jeer her again.. Samantha rises to her feet and picks Tiffany up. She drags her dazed opponent and backs her into a corner. Sam wraps her arm around Tiffany's head and charges across the ring. Nina turns and looks on in horror as Samantha leaps into the air )

Sandra ** BULLDOG **!!!!!

( Samantha slams Tiffany's face into the mat. Page stands up and grabs Tiffany by the legs. Samantha turns her over and squats down )

Sandra: Boston Crab!!! Tiffany is screaming in pain.

Garry: Nina!!! Do something!!!!

( Almost on cue, Nina takes a step forward. Sam glares at her and demands she asks Tiffany for her surrender. Nina responds by snap kicking Samantha in the face. )

Sandra: Oh my God!!!!

Garry: hehehe...ummm I mean what?

( Page's head snaps back and she falls forward clutching her face. Nina helps her partner to her feet. Tiffany rubs her back and turns with a scowl on her face. Nina gives Tiffany a quick massage as Samantha checks her mouth to see if all her teeth are still there. )

Sandra: That was disgraceful, Tiffany might have given up there!!!

Garry: I don't know what you are talking about...

( Tiffany grabs Samantha by the hair and scoops her up for a bodyslam. Suddenly she falls backwards, slamming Page straight down to the mat )

Garry: Mitchinoku Driver!!!!!

( Samantha's head and neck are driven into the mat. Tiffany rises to her feet with a look of total disgust on her face. She bends down and grabs Samantha by the hair, she pulls her up. Nina grabs Samantha by the arms as Tiffany holds her by her chin. )

Tiffany: "Samantha, I'm going to make you regret ever challenging "The First Lady"!"

Garry: Uh oh, now Sam is really in trouble, Tiff is pissed.

( Tiffany slaps Samantha across the face, Page's head snaps to the side. Again Tiffany slaps her. Nina laughs as Sam feebly struggles to break free. Tiffany takes a step back and slams her boot into her opponents gut. Nina let's go and Samantha slumps forward. Tiffany grabs her and in a surprising display of strength, lifts her up and over in a Belly to Belly Suplex )

Garry: Beautiful Suplex by Tiffany.

( Samantha hits the mat and rolls to her side, clutching her back. Tiffany doesn't let her rest though and hauls her up again. Nina has taken a perch in one of the corners and claps as Tiffany places Samantha in a Full Nelson, Tiffany then bends her knee's and with a grunt lifts Samantha up and over. )

Garry: German Suplex!!!!

( Samantha's head is again driven into the mat. Tiffany rolls to her knee's and raises her hands in the air. She rises to her feet and drags her finger across her throat. )

Tiffany: "Time to finish this."

(Nina smiles and hops off the turnbuckles. Tiffany drags Samantha so she is closer to the one of the corners. Tiffany then grabs Samantha by the legs and twists her into a figure four leglock. Tiffany falls backwards to the mat. Samantha screams out in pain. Nina just stands there smiling. Tiffany reaches back and grabs a hold of the second rope and pulls herself up. The added pressure causes Samantha to scream out in agony. )

( The crowd explodes in a cheer )

Garry: You see, even the fans know that Tiffany is the best

Sandra; They aren't cheering for her...LOOK!!!!

( Walking down the aisle is an attractive blonde , holding a folding chair against her chest and a nasty snarl on her face.)

Garry: Security!!! Get Security!!! Some idiot fan is coming towards the ring.

Sandra: That's no fan....hehehe

( Nina turns and looks down the aisle. She shakes her head and slides out of the ring to confront the individual )

Garry: Wait a minute...I know who that is!!!!!

Sandra: Nina doesn't...heheheh

( Nina approaches the "fan" and points to the back. The woman smiles and moves the chair away from her chest. The word "Slayer" in bright red is written across her black T-Shirt. Nina pauses for a moment , and then an immediate look of recognition hits her. She turns quickly and raises her hand towards the timekeeper.....CLANG!!!!! )

Garry: Oh no!!!!!

Sandra: Say hello to Buffy!!! Samantha's ex-tag partner.

( The chair slams into the back on Nina's head. The Goddess slumps to the floor. Buffy holds the chair high in the air. The crowd starts chanting "BUFFY, BUFFY" In the ring Samantha is screaming in pain., Tiffany is looking around for her partner , but can't see directly behind her. She maintains her grip on the ropes. )

Sandra: Buffy was Samantha's Tag partner in the IFWF, she has also signed up for BRA.

Garry; Why didn't you tell me this!!!!?

Sandra: What? And miss that look on your face?

( Buffy runs down the aisle and slides into the ring. Tiffany looks up in horror and surprise as this stranger enters the ring. Tiffany immediately lets go of the ropes and holds her hands up, pleading not to be hit with the chair. Buffy smiles and looks out into the crowd. A large "YES" emanates from the audience. Buffy turns and grins down at Tiffany. Lane desperately tries to looses her legs from the figure four)

Sandra: Too Late!!!


Garry; DQ!!!! DQ!!! This match is over!!!!

Sandra: Oh geez, there is no ref to make the call.

( Tiffany lies still on the mat, courtesy of a chair shot. Buffy bends down to help her partner up. Samantha rises on very wobbly legs. She clutches her right knee and winces in pain. She then hugs her partner as the crowd cheers again.)

Garry : This is an outrage!!!

Sandra: It's not over yet!!! LOOK!!!

Garry: What does that idiot want?!!

( Tina Dream comes rushing down the aisle. She is wearing a sleeveless referee's shirt and black shorts. She kicks Nina as she runs by and slides into the ring. )

Garry: Dream isn't a ref...

Sandra: Actually, she is. She's a registered Official.

Garry: But ...but...but....

( Suddenly up on the JumboTron is a an image of backstage. Members of the Shop and SisterHood are brawling. Security is trying to break up the fight. )

Sandra: There, that's where all the guards are.

Garry: grrrrrrrrrrrr..

( Tina smiles and looks at Samantha and then points at Tiffany. Buffy and picks Tiffany up and upends her in the corner. Tiffany's legs tangle over the top rope, her hair bounces against the mat. Samantha smiles and stumbles back into the opposite corner. Buffy places the chair against Tiffany's face and slides out of the ring )

Garry: Oh no!!!! Time!! TIME!!!!!

( Samantha hobbles across the ring as fast as she can. It is obvious that her leg is hurting from the extended period in the Figure Four. She leaps into the air, slamming her feet against the chair. **CRUNCH** It impacts into Tiffany's face and she slumps to the mat, the force of the blow ,freeing her from the ropes. Samantha cries out in pain, but the look on her face shows that it was worth it. )

Sandra: Oh my, it looks like Tiffany is sleeping.

Garry: You are cruel..

( Tina lifts Tiffany's arm and it falls limp to the mat. She lifts it again and it falls lifeless. As she lifts it a third time, it again falls lifeless to the mat.)


Sandra: It's over...Samantha wins!!!

Garry: NO!! Look!!!!

( Over at the timekeepers table, Nina is ringing the bell, She is waving her arms in the air, screaming about DQ'ing Page. The crowd boo's and jeer's as she stumbles about, clutching her head. Tina Dream slides out of the ring and confronts Nina. The two referee's start yelling at each other )

Garry : Winner by DQ, Tiffany Lane!!!

Sandra: Nope, Tina called the match and it's a KO win for Samantha..

( Finally BRA security comes running down the ramp, just as Tina and Nina start tearing into each other. Tiffany is lying out cold in the ring. Buffy is helping her partner out of the ring and assisting her to the back )

Sandra: Well, either way, Sam's leg can't be doing that good, she was in that leglock for a long time.

Garry: And she would have been there forever, if it weren't for the cheating shop and their dirty tricks. Where the hell was security!!!?

Sandra: I think Sherry Ann arranged for them to be elsewhere during this contest...

Garry: Ya, probably taking care of all of ....

( Sandra covers Garry's mouth with her hand and glares at him )

Sandra: Well, folks , we're going to have to wait and see what Head Referee " Earnest Able " has to say about this match.

Garry: humppfff...Tiffany won.

Sandra: Well, folks. Stayed tuned for the next match, we'll be right back after these commercial announcements from "FOLD A WAY" your local Family or Office or Ringside Chair Manufacturer.

( Later on that night, as the press surround Earnest Able for his decision )

Earnest: Due to the fact that Nina Larue was the assigned Official for the match, her call for a DQ against Samantha Page stands. However, due to the fact that Nina is not an Official Referee, This match has no standing according to the BRA constitution. Which States:

    Paragraph 4: Subsection 6:

    " For a match to be sanctioned, it must be officiated by a member of "UPURA" (United Professional Umpire and Referee Association) Local 353. "
Since this match was not referee'd by a member of our Union, my position is that this match never happened. And I would like to add , that I am very disappointed that Management did not assign a member of our Union to this match. And we will grieve this action at our next meeting.

Thank you for your time.

( Earnest leaves the press room as the reporters wait for the next arrival )

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