Tiffany Epitaphine Vs Rebecca Deiwert

{ The camera fades back in from the break and quickly pans across the audience. A teeming sea of spectators clamors for the cameraman's attention brandishing homemade signs, T-shirts, unmentionables and even body parts in an attempt to impress the millions watching at home. }

{ Suddenly the house lights dim eliciting a raucous cheer from the crowd. A red spotlight circles the arena as the eerie strains of Madonna's "Frozen" slink from the speakers. The shrill whistle of a firecracker echoes through the air and as it explodes at the top of arena stairs just above the first upper row of fans, the spotlight settles on the form of Tiffany Epitaphine dashing down the stair towards the ring. }

{ The sharp illumination of the explosion slickens her reddish-brown hair in a wash of white light and as the glare dies, the red spotlight catches only a fluttering shape as she descends quickly, clad in a black longcoat. }

SEXY SANDRA: Well fans welcome back! Whoah, this is one hell of an entrance!

GARRY: Whatever.

SEXY SANDRA: Aw, c'mon have to admit, this is great showmanship!

GARRY: Please.a firework and some funky lighting? I've seen grade school plays with better special effects. I don't get this chick. All of a sudden she wants to play hard. Oh, boo-hoo, all my little friends left me so now I'm going to.

SANDRA: she comes!

{ Swathed in fluttering black, Tiffany leaps atop the announcer's table. Garry scrambles out of the way, spilling out of his chair. Tiffany grins slightly and then whips her coat from her body revealing a form flattering black bikini. With the grin still on her face she jumps down from her perch and rolls into the ring. She circles the ring staring at the crowd and then perches atop the corner turnbuckle awaiting her opponent. }

{ As Tiffany's music slowly begins to fade, a shower of pyrotechnic sparks erupt from the entrance ramp and "Don't Drink the Water" belts out from the arena's sound system and Rebecca Deiwert charges from the back, her lips drawn back in a snarl. Tiffany smirks and beckons her to the ring. }


{ Rebecca slides under the lower ropes only to collide with Tiffany's foot. The young girl drives her heel into the back of Rebecca's head and the brunette's face rebounds off the canvas with a wet smack. A small grunt escapes from Rebecca as she weakly rolls the rest of the way into the ring. }

{ Tiffany snags a handful of Rebecca's chestnut locks, yanking her to her feet. Rebecca reluctantly staggers upward. Suddenly, Rebecca lashes out, driving her fist into Tiffany's belly. The youngster barks out an anguished yelp as the blow careens into her and she loses her grip on Rebecca's hair. }

{ Sensing an opening, the brunette powerhouse goes to work on her stunned opponent. A quick jab to the chin followed by two quick shots to the nose sends Tiffany reeling. Holding her face, Tiffany stumbles away from Rebecca who quickly pursues. }

{ With a toothy grin, Rebecca scoops Tiffany up and slams her into the canvas. Tiffany crashes to the mat with a bone-jarring THUD! Rebecca stalks over to her prone adversary and drives her boot into Tiffany's stomach repeatedly until the girl is curled up in a ball writhing, her face contorted in a harsh grimace. }

{ Rebecca circles Tiffany and then reaches down to grab a handful of hair. With a weary cry, Tiffany is pulled to her feet and then hurled into the corner where she careens into the turnbuckle and limply slides to the mat once more. }

{ Rebecca strolls over to Tiffany shaking her head. She drags the girl to her feet once more, shoving her into the corner. Trapping Tiffany in the corner, Rebecca hammers away at Tiffany's head and chest, finally letting the girl flop to the mat. } { With a smile, Rebecca signals for her finisher and pulling Tiffany to her feet, drives her boot into Tiffany's sore tummy and then rebounds off the rope behind Tiffany. Rebecca leaps on Tiffany's shoulders, but with a screech of anger, Tiffany propels herself backwards, driving Rebecca and herself to the canvas. }

{ Tiffany's body bounces limply off the canvas but Rebecca takes the brunt of the impact, her back and head careening into the canvas with a dull crunch.}

{ As the echoes of the impact die away, the two women lie sprawled on the mat. Rebecca crawls away from Tiffany, but collapses on the canvas holding the back of her head. Tiffany lies on her back, motionless save for the rise and fall of her chest. }

{ Suddenly, with a blood-chilling scream, Tiffany sits up and glares at Rebecca. With a low moan, Tiffany stands up, swaying gently as she stalks over to the floundering Rebecca. A weak smile slices across Tiffany's lips and with a screech, she drives her elbow into Rebecca's back. Rebecca cries out in pain causing Tiffany's smile to widen. With malicious glee, Tiffany drives her elbow into Rebecca's back twice more before stepping on the girl's injured back and, taking Rebecca's arms, executing a spine wrenching SurfBoard maneuver. Tiffany releases Rebecca and yanks her to her feet by her sweat-drenched brown locks. With a grunt, Tiffany picks up Rebecca and slams her to the mat. Rebecca shrieks and claws at her lower back. Once again, Tiffany smiles and once again she pulls Rebecca to her feet to dole out more punishment. }

{ "Your back is all mine!" Tiffany screams at Rebecca and then executes a vicious back breaker, draping the brunette over her knee. Rebecca slides from Tiffany's grasp and the cruel blonde allows her to simply collapse on the mat. With a growl, Tiffany stalks away from her fallen foe, going to the corner and removing the protective padding from the top turnbuckle. The crowd howls in approval as the girl turns back to Rebecca. Rebecca tries to stand, but a kick to her ribs cows her with a whimper. Tiffany grabs a handful of Rebecca's hair and drags her along the canvas to the corner. Scooping Rebecca up, Tiffany slams the girl into the exposed metal of the turnbuckle, her skin slamming into the cool metal. Rebecca slumps to the mat and Tiffany quickly rolls her up in a small package pin hold. }

The ref drops to his knees.

{ Tiffany releases Rebecca and stands allowing the referee to raise her hand in victory. }


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