logoJennifer Christian vs. Patricia Flex

(The image fades up from black, showing the thousands of screaming fans, cheering and waving their homemade signs. "YOU CAN DO IT PEGGY!" "FORK 4 LIFE" and "MOON PUT A SPELL OVER ME!" are just a few of the hundreds that wave back and forth. The ring is empty for the moment, the crowd eagerly awaiting the start of the next match. The camera shot changes to the announcer�s table where Cari and Ken sit waiting.)

Ken: "Welcome back folks! Next up, the Featherweight Title match. Jennifer Christian vs. Patricia Flex."

Cari: "Another glorious victory for the Sisterhood."

Ken: "Well, don�t count your chickens before their hatched. Jennifer is still recovering from that assault from Lesley Magnus last week."

Cari: "Bah, a minor setback. Viper was just jealous she couldn�t fit into a Parker Original gown."

Ken: "Well, the rumor mill has been hard at work this week. Seems Laura Parker is still fuming that she lost the Featherweight title and she is not happy that her "sister" has it."

Cari: "That�s crap! Laura is a kind and caring human being and nothing has made her happier than seeing Jennifer with the title. Also, I will remind everyone that Laura never lost the belt, it was taken from her."

Ken: "If you say so, but I have it on good authority that Jennifer is not too happy with her Sisterhood comrades at the moment. None of them came to see her after Viper assaulted her. Nina has an excuse, but where was Tiffany, Alex or Laura? I say, Jennifer is better off on her own that with that nest of back stabbers."

Cari: "Heathen! Jennifer is where she is today because of the Sisterhood! Never doubt that!"

(The lights dim down as "Careless Whisper" by George Michael begins to play. Patricia Flex enters the arena. Her body shrouded in a glittering silver cape, the fans are surprised to see that Flex has deviated from her usual ring attire. As she approaches the ring, Flex removes the cape, revealing only a silver bikini. Some of the male fans whistle and cheer, showing they�re approval of her new outfit. Flex smiles and waves happily to her many new fans.)

Ken: "Well, that�s certainly an eye catching outfit."

Cari: "Get this man a drool bib!"

(Patricia steps into the ring and asks for a microphone. She bends through the ropes to get it, shaking her firm posterior in the process. She grabs the mic and walks to the center of the ring.)

Patricia: "Jennifer Christian, you are spoilt and obnoxious, both good qualities are far as I'm concerned. But I'm Patricia Flex. You are a lost little girl. Patricia Flex is all woman. Tonight I�m going to hurt you. Tonight I'm going to humiliate you. Think of it as an education. Learn to enjoy it. I know I will!"

Ken: "Well, she certainly is all woman."

Cari: "Patricia�s had some good matches, and been close to winning this title before. Jennifer shouldn�t take her too lightly, but then Jennifer is Sisterhood."

(The lights dim down again. Across the loudspeakers comes the haunting first few bars of the theme from "The Twilight Zone, then simultaneously with flashpots exploding Golden Earring�s song of the same name belts loud out around the arena. The name "Jenn" flashes big on the screen in a way that starts her fans chanting the name in unison. Images of deep space and celestial oddities interspersed with the images of every member of the current Sisterhood of Seduction flash across the Angeltron. The curtain parts and Jennifer Christian sachet�s out dressed in a black two piece swimsuit, black tights and black wrestling boots. Around her waist is the Featherweight title belt. Gone is the Yvette Malreaux leather jacket and S and M suit. She looks every bit a sweet innocent little girl, despite the frown that seems permanently affixed on her face these days. )

Cari: "Here comes the champ!"

Ken: "I miss seeing the smile on her face."

Cari: "bah, she�s just got her game face on."

(Patricia sneers as Jennifer climbs into the ring. The champ hands the belt over to the ref, who holds it high in the air for everyone to see. He passes it down to a ring assistant and points to the timekeeper.)


Ken: "And here we go!"

(Jennifer immediately steps out from her corner, circling the ring as Patricia takes her time and steps out from her corner. Jennifer starts to close the gap as Flex turns to face her, a twisted smile on her lips.)

Patricia: "Go back to Kindergarten little girl, the ring is no place for children!"

Cari: "How dare she!"

Ken: "She dare."

(Jennifer�s eyes fill with flame and she immediately steps forward to clinch with Flex. Both wrestlers push and strain against each other in the center of the ring. After a moment, Patricia starts to push Jenn backwards, forcing her into a corner. The ref calls for a break and Patricia raises her hands up.)

Ken: "Nice to see a clean -HEY!"

(Flex slams her forearm into Jennifer�s chest, knocking the champ back into the turnbuckles. The ref gives Flex a warning, but she ignores him and fires off another shot into Jennifer�s chest. The impact causes Jenn to slump to the mat, holding her rib cage.)

Cari: "Nice to see a bit of fire from Patricia, but those blows shouldn�t have knocked down Christian."

Ken: "She is still hurting from that attack last week by Lesley Magnus. Flex might be able to take advantage of the situation."

(Flex reaches down and grabs a handful of blonde locks, pulling Jennifer up. She scoops the champ into her arms and turns, slamming her into the canvas. Jennifer bounces up off the mat and slumps to her side, still clutching her chest. Flex takes a step and leaps into the air, extending her leg out.)

Cari: "Big leg drop!"

Ken: "No! Jenn rolled out of the way!"

(The crowd cheers as Jenn rolls out of the way. Patricia yelps as she lands on the hard canvas instead of Jennifer�s body. Christian rolls to her feet and turns as Patricia starts to rise. The little blonde takes a running leap and kicks her legs out, smashing her feet into Flex�s chest, sending her sprawling into the corner.)

Cari: "Nice dropkick by the champ."

(Jennifer quickly scrambles to her feet as Patricia uses the corner to pull herself up. Christian charges across the ring and jumps up, using the second rope to spring off of, she wraps her legs around Flex�s head and flips backwards, sending Flex flying across the ring.)

Ken: "Hurricanranna!"

(Flex hits and slides across the mat as Jennifer keeps up the fast pace, jumping to her feet and running over to her downed foe. Christian reaches down to grab one of Flex�s legs, but Patricia kicks her foot up, smacking it into Jennifer�s leg. Christian stumbles back clutching her leg as Patricia rises off the mat. Both women glare at each other for a moment, before coming back together in a clinch. As Jennifer goes to lock up, Patricia rakes her fingers across her eyes.)

Cari: "Nice move! I mean, HEY!"

(Jennifer screams and staggers back. Flex ignores the ref and grabs Jennifer in a headlock. She quickly jumps backwards to the mat, slamming her lighter opponents head into the canvas.)

Ken: "DDT! Flex is going for the pin."

(The ref drops down to count, but Jennifer kicks out after the one count. Patricia quickly locks on another headlock. She wraps her forearm around Christian�s neck, putting on the squeeze. Jenn�s arms flail about as she is choked. The ref yells at Flex to break the hold, but she ignores him, and squeezes even harder. The ref starts to count for a break, and Flex finally releases her choke at the last moment.)

Cari: "Hmmm, I like Flex�s attitude here. I just wish it was against someone like Lindsey and not Jennifer."

Ken: "Well, she seems keen on taking that belt away from the champ."

(Patricia rises to her feet, pulling Jenn up by her hair. She whips Jennifer across the ring, watching as the champ hits the strands and rebounds in. Flex takes a step towards the incoming champ and lashes out her arm. Jennifer ducks it and keeps running, she bounces off the opposite ropes and charges back in as Flex is turning to face her. Jennifer leaps into the air, turning her body sideways.)

Cari: "DOH!"

(Jennifer slams into Flex, attempting a cross-body-block. Patricia staggers back, but remains standing. She quickly wraps her arms around Jennifer�s legs and neck and drops to one knee, slamming Christian down across the thigh.)

Ken: "Backbreaker! Ouch! Bit of a miscue by the champ there."

(Patricia smirks, shoving Jennifer off her knee and grabbing a handful of hair.) Patricia: "Jennifer, I LOVE your hair! Let me pull on it a while!!"

(Flex grabs a double handful of hair and pulls Jennifer up. She quickly then whips the screaming Jenn around by her hair, flipping her over to the mat. As the ref warns Flex about the infraction, she pulls Christian up again and does another hair mare throw. Jenn crashes to the mat as Patricia lets go. Flex reaches down and grabs Jenn by the legs. She quickly lifts them up and step over them, flipping Jenn onto her stomach. Flex then squats down, while pulling back on Jennifer�s legs.)

Ken: "Boston Crab!"

(The champ lets out a yelp as Patricia bends her body. Flex leans back, pulling on Jenn�s legs, twisting her body into a cruel U shape. Jenn�s face is contorted in agony, she reaches for the ropes, but they are just out of reach.)

Cari: "Flex has Jenn locked in. The crab is hard to break when your opponent is heavier than you are. Christian is in trouble."

(Patricia rises up slightly and then slams her butt down into Jenn�s back. The young champion cries out in pain as Patricia howls with delight. The ref asks for Jennifer�s submission, but she refuses, burying her head in her hands. Patricia rises up to bounce down again, Jennifer uses the brief respite to claw her hands on the mat, inching herself closer to the ropes. Flex slams down again, and Jennifer screams, but her hand reaches the rope.)

Ken: "She made it!"

Cari: "I never doubted it."

(The ref calls for the break, and again, Flex shakes her head, bouncing her body up and down on Jenn�s back. The official begins to count as Jenn screams in pain. At the four count, Patricia breaks the hold and rises to her feet. Jenn curls into a ball, clutching her back. Flex turns and lands a vicious kick into Jenn�s belly, causing her to curl up even more.)

Cari: "I�m really liking this vicious streak in Patricia."

Ken: "Well, she�s taking it to the champ right now."

(Flex raises her hands above her head and places her boot on Jenn�s side. She poses, mocking the champion by standing triumphantly above her.)

Cari: "A bit early for that, but if things keep going her way, Flex could be the new champion."

(Patricia grinds her boot down on Jenn�s side, grinding it down. Christian tries to roll away, but Flex shifts her weight, moving her boot across Jenn�s throat. Flex grabs the ropes and steps towards them, putting all of her weight down on Jenn�s throat. The ref warns Flex again and starts to count. Patricia smirks and steps off her lighter opponent and walks around the ring with a smile on her face. Jenn coughs and splutters on the mat, trying to suck in some deprived oxygen. She yelps as Flex grabs her by the hair and hauls her up. Patricia goes to scoop Jenn into a carry, but Christian suddenly locks her leg inside of Flex�s and rolls backwards.)

Ken: "Small package! She�s got Flex pinned!"

Cari: "1�2�.Kickout!"

(Patricia kicks out just before the three count. She quickly rolls to her knee�s as Jenn grabs the ropes to help her up. Flex scowls her lips and jumps to her feet. She comes charging as the rising Jenn who grabs the top rope and flings her legs up. She wraps them around the surprised Flex�s head and then spin�s away from the ropes.)

Ken: "WoW! Headscissors takedown!"

(Patricia is flipped to the mat with Jenn�s legs around her throat. Christian quickly shifts her legs, pulling them around her opponent�s head.)

Cari: "Figure-Four-Headscissors!"

(Jenn leans forward and grabs her ankle, pulling back on it. Flex�s head is trapped between Jenn�s strong thighs and the champ pulls back, putting on the pressure. Patricia�s legs flail on the mat, desperately trying to kick free of the dangerous hold. Jenn decides to lean back, pushing herself up on her elbows. She squeezes with all her might, trying to put Flex out of the match. To her dismay, she sees Flex�s leg flop over the bottom rope and the ref call for a break. Jenn�s lips twist into a snarl as she remembers that Flex never made a clean break. She leans back and squeezes as hard as she can, waiting until she hears the fourth count before breaking the hold.)

Cari: "That�s my girl!"

(Jenn quickly rises to her feet and grabs Flex by the arm. Jenn quickly drops to the mat, pulling the arm between her legs. Christian places her boots against the side of Flex�s head and chest and pulls back, trying to rip Patricia's arm from its socket. It�s Flex's time to scream as Jenn leans back.)

Ken: "Smart tactics here by the champ. She�s putting Flex in some brutal holds, but she�s also using the time to catch her breath from the earlier attacks."

(The ref asks if Flex wants to submit, but she screams out her defiance and reaches her free arm over and digs her hand into Jenn's ankle. Christian yelps as Patricia claws her Achilles tendon. Jenn releases her hold and rolls away. Flex rises to her knees, rubbing her arm as Jenn does the same, save for clutching her ankle. Both women glare at each other, before rising to they�re feet. They start to circle each other before coming together in another clinch. As they do, Jennifer reacts first, driving her knee up into Flex�s belly. Patricia gasps and bends forwards. Jenn quickly wraps her arm around her head and runs towards the corner. As she reaches the turnbuckles, Jenn lets Patricia go and Flex slams head first into the second buckle. She bounces back, only to have Jenn grab her in another headlock and take off across the ring. About halfway, Jenn leaps forward into the air.)

Cari: "Bulldog!"

(Patricia�s face is driven into the mat, her body bouncing up and rolling onto her back. Jenn quickly lies across her and hooks the leg. The ref jumps to the mat, slamming his hand down twice before Flex gets her shoulder up. Jenn glares at the ref, but he holds up two fingers. She scowls, grabbing a handful of Patricia�s hair and pulling her up. Jenn spins Flex around and grabs her by the back of the head. Pulling her back, Jenn places the back of Patricia�s head against her shoulder before dropping to her butt. Flex�s head snaps back violently, before her body flops to the side.)

Ken: "Violent neck breaker by Christian!"

( Jenn quickly hooks the leg and goes for the pin. But to her credit, Flex kicks out again. Jenn wastes no time and rises to her feet, pulling Flex up with her. Jenn goes to stuff Flex's head between her thighs, but Patricia fires her forearm up, slamming it up into the junction between Jenn�s legs. Christian�s body stiffens on impact and she lets out a small gasps before stumbling away.)

Cari: "I�m torn here! Great move by Flex, but poor Jenn!"

(The ref is outraged and gives Flex yet another warning. Patricia ignores him and moves towards the staggering champion. Flex decides to use Jenn�s idea and stuffs the champions head between her thighs. Flex then bends forwards, grabbing the back of Jenn�s outfit and pulling up. She quickly falls backwards, planting the top of Jenn�s head into the mat.)

Ken: "Wedgie Piledriver! This could be it!"

Cari: "Jenn�s out cold!"

(Patricia rises to her feet and smiles. She grabs Jenn by the ankles and pulls her semi-conscious opponent towards the corner. Flex then steps through the ropes and starts to climb up the turnbuckles. As she is climbing Jenn slowly pushes herself up. Flex smiles at some ringside fans cheering her new outfit.)

Cari: "Jenn is rising! She�s not as hurt as we �umm you thought!"

(Christian forces her body to move and she quickly moves towards the ropes. Flex�s attention turns back to the ring and her eyes open wide as Jenn�s fist plows into her gut. Christian jumps up onto the second rope and slams her fist upwards into Flex�s belly three move times. Patricia gasps and leans forwards. Jenn quickly reaches up and hooks her arm around Flex�s head. With her other arm she grabs a hold of Patricia�s bikini bottoms and in a tremendous show of strength, she lifts and falls backwards, pulling Flex up and off the top turnbuckle.)


(Both woman slam hard into the canvas. Flex takes the harder impact and lies spread eagled on the mat. Jenn slowly rolls to her knees pushes herself up. She stumbles over to her downed opponent and grabs her by the hair. She forces Flex to rise and with a snarl on her lips she rams her knee up into Patricia�s lower, lower abdomen.)

Cari: "There�s my girl! Payback for earlier! Always pay back, with interest!"

(Patricia�s mouth forms a silent O as the ref warns Jenn about the low blow. The champ ignores him and steps forwards, trapping her opponents head between her knees. Taking a deep breath, Jenn leans forwards and wraps her arms around Flex�s waist. Jenn then bends her knee�s and with a grunt pulls Flex into the air.)

Ken: "Piledriver coming up! Wait!"

(Jenn staggers back, almost losing her balance. Luckily she is close to the corner and leans against the turnbuckles. As she feels the buckles on her back, a twisted smile comes across her face.)

Ken: "She�s taking her time here. What is she up to�OH MY GOD!"

Cari: "Goodnight Patricia."

(Jenn takes a step backwards, putting her feet on the bottom rope. She then jumps forwards, driving her knee�s and Patricia�s head into the mat. Flex bounces up and flops to the mat like a felled tree.)

Ken: "Jesus! She just tombstoned Flex off of the bottom rope! That added a good 6 or seven inches to the fall!"

Cari: "And probably took 3 inches off of Flex!"

(Jenn rises to her feet and glares down at her dazed opponent. Christian pulls Flex in front of the corner and runs to the opposite side.)

Cari: "Outer Limits!"

(Jenn charges across the ring and leaps over her downed foe. Grabbing the top rope, Jenn pulls her body into a handstand. She holds it there for a moment, before pushing off and falling down across Flex�s chest in a reverse frog splash. Jenn hooks the leg and waits as the ref slaps his hand down three times.) DING DING DING

Ken: "A solid title defense by Jennifer."

Cari: "Flex took it to the champ, but in the end the Sisterhood always prevails."

(The ref hands Jenn the belt and she holds it high in the air. As the announcer steps into the ring, Jenn grabs the microphone and jumps up onto the turnbuckles.)

Jennifer: ""Does everybody see this! I mean, can EVERYONE see this!"

( The crowd cheers as the young champion holds the belt high in the air.)

Jennifer: "This is the Featherweight title belt and it belongs to ME! Jennifer Christian! It does not belong to Patricia Flex, it does not belong to Angel Dust, it definitely does not belong to Laura Parker!"

Ken: "Some strong words by Jenn."

Cari: "She�s just exhausted from the match, she doesn�t know what she�s saying."

Jennifer: "If I chose to polish this belt it�s because I do it for ME! Featherweight Champion, Jennifer Christian, and if anybody, and I mean ANYBODY thinks they want it, they are going to have to go through the Twilight Zone to get it!"

(Jennifer jumps out of the ring and walks up the ramp towards the back.)

Ken: "Well, it seems all is not well is Sisterville."

Cari: "Bah, just a little competition between friends. Jenn loves Laura."

Ken: "Well, keep your eye on this one folks. I don�t think Laura�s ego can handle Jenn�s comments."

Cari: "See! It�s people like you that start rumors that cause trouble!"

Ken: "Speaking of trouble, the technicians are putting the Heaven and Hell cage together. Lindsey Locke defends the Celestial Title against Tiffany Lane, NEXT!"
**Winner of the match: Jennifer Christian by pinfall**
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