logoLindsey Locke vs. Tiffany Lane: Heaven or Hell Match

It has been a night of exciting wrestling that has not been seen in the BRA arena for a long time. Then again, the next and final match of the evening is no normal match! A heaven and hell match to decide the Celestial titleholder is a highlight anywhere and the crowd reaction certainly echoed it! Almost everyone was on his or her feet in expectation of the upcoming battle. Signs scattered around the arena gave indications of the fans various loyalties.

"Sisterhood is doing it for themselves"

"Wanna get some! Watch the threesome!"

"Jennifer Christian is my Teen Angel"

"Ellen Parkinson Fan Club and Building Society""

Kenny: Certainly a great display of energy from the crowd tonight in anticipation of our next match!

Cari: I even see a show of support for one of the more respected names in this business, and I mean Ellen Parkinson!

Kenny: My hard drive is full of references about her! A great career!

Cari: Makes you wonder how she can be related to Peggy Christian!

Kenny: Looking at the rest of the crowd it seems to be a fairly even split in support. I don't think either Tiffany or champion Lindsey will have an edge there!

Cari: As I have told you time and time again Tiffany is Sisterhood and her support reaches farther and deeper than Miss Goody Two-shoes can even dream of!

Kenny: She may have the support, but Lindsey is still champion!

Cari: And a weenie! This is no ordinary match! Locke has never been in this type of match and don't expect her to be very hardcore either!

Kenny: Well, Lindsey wants to win as a wrestler, and has already proven she can do it! Whether Tiffany can is another matter!

Suddenly, Oops! I Did It Again!" by Britney Spears begins to play, the fans rising to their feet, cheering and clapping. The curtains slowly part and standing before them is the vision of loveliness known as Tiffany Lane, the reigning "Miss BRA". Tiffany wears a white, floor-length robe, tied at the waist with a matching sash. Her luxurious, blonde hair graces the small of her back, in a cascade of silky curls. With a smirk upon her beautiful visage, she stands atop the entrance ramp and performs a sensual bump and grind, teasing the fans by tugging on the sash. Finally, after driving the males crazy with anticipation, Tiffany whips off the flimsy garment, revealing her wrestling attire, a loud T&A POP resounding throughout the arena. The busty blonde wears a pink, lace bra and matching, thong panties, showcasing her sleek, curvy figure. She completes the ensemble with pink, sheer stockings and pink pumps, a pink garter stationed strategically on her shapely thigh. The crowd showers the seductress in catcalls and wolf whistles as she continues to shimmy and shake. Tiffany finally sashays to ringside and enters the ring. She slips out of her shoes and makes a show of seductively removing her garter before tossing it into the crowd with a devilish grin, causing an uproar as the males fight to obtain the precious garment. With a satisfied smile and toss of her blonde mane, Tiffany does a few stretches, preparing for the start of the match.

Cari: Sheesh, men! KENNY, GET BACK HERE!!

The camera quickly pans over to the scene of several frantic men balled up together in a pile fighting for the seductive souvenir!

Cari: It appears I am alone here for the moment, but that's lucky for you. To quickly recap tonight so far, the opening match sort of proved what I have been saying. Estrella shows promise, as does Goldie Knox. Malibu is just a flash in the pan and the valley girl should never be let in the ring again! The battle of the redheads is not over! Not by a long shot! Alex and Samantha, what a match! The comedy relief, Peggy and Amanda? Old and inept versus young and inept! Give me a break! The snoozer of the night, three tiny tots trying to live up to the standard set by Twilight Zone Jennifer Christian who again showed why she is the future of BRA!

As strobe lights go off around the arena, simulating lightning, Lindsay walks to the entry. She stands with her arms out in a "T", palms down. As pyrotechnics go off, she raises her hands to a "V", palms up. Lindsay stands in a way that is both defiant and cute, with a smile on her face. "Immigrant Song" by Led Zepplin hits as Lindsay, accompanied by Janus, Sakura Ito and Angela Downey, makes her way to the ring. Lindsay wears her outfit of blue spandex shorts with silver lightning bolts on it. On the back it says "Lightning" in silver letters. She wears a blue spandex top with silver bolts on it and blue boots with silver bolts on them. She also has silver kneepads. Her blond hair is in pigtails. The crowd cheers wildly as the fan favorite walks to the ring, smiling and slapping hands with fans. All four women enter the ring and the members of the Threesome hit the now well known "Threesome Pose". Sakura drops to one knee and flexes her two powerful arms. Lindsay stands right behind her, holding three fingers up. Janus stands behind both of them. Angela Downey points at them. The crowd is cheering like mad for their favorites. They split up and Lindsay gets hugs, first from Sakura and then from Angela. Finally, she walks over to Janus and gets some last minute advice. The ref clears the other members of the Threesome out of the ring and Lindsay stretches in preparation for the match. Janus, Sakura and Angela patrol the outside of the ring, making sure that no outside interference will take place.

Cari: Ah Kenny, you have returned!

Kenny: (rubbing his wrist) Did you see that! Big bully nearly broke my wrist!

Cari: I take it you didn't get the garter!

Kenny: Well�.

Cari: Just in time, now back to work!

Kenny: Heaven and Hell, Tiffany and Lindsey!


A roar goes up from the crowd at the sound of the bell as both women move out fast. The Celestial belt hangs glittering well above their heads with the dreaded cage an added obstacle to the title! Both wrestlers cast an upward glance at the prize before advancing to the middle. Lindsey moves fast and goes for a dropkick but connects with air as Tiffany manages to sidestep the effort. As Lindsey regains her feet fast she is met with a European uppercut that staggers her in her steps. Tiffany moves fast and springs off the ropes and leaps up, wrapping her stocking clad legs around Lindsey's head and dragging her down in a flying headscissors! Tiffany's face shows the effort of squeezing her legs hard, forcing an involuntary stomping of Lindsey's feet as she feels the tightening.

Kenny: Nice try by the champion but Tiffany seemed to read her mind!

Cari: I don't think Locke is giving Tiffany enough credit as a wrestler. She looks like she thought less of her and is paying for it!

Tiffany holds her legs tight, watching her opponent squirm for another moment before releasing the hold and dragging Lindsey to her feet by the hair. The Sisterhood woman drags the champion to a corner and tries to slam her head to a turnbuckle but Lindsey puts her foot up, blocking the move. Like lightning she drives her elbow back into the exposed midsection of Tiffany doubling her over. In a second Lindsey secures a headlock and spins around, dragging Tiffany over and hip tossing her to the mat. She gets up fast and leaps up, dropping a thigh across a dazed Tiffany's throat. Lindsey keeps up the pace, pulling Tiffany up into a front facelock before spinning and dropping Tiffany back to the mat.

Kenny: Spinning neckbreaker! Lindsey Locke is starting to unleash herself here! Tiffany Lane just can't keep up!

Cari: Fast pace but it's still a long way to the top!

Lindsey drags Tiffany up by the arm and slings her across the ring against the ropes and bends over. As Tiffany bounces across she seems to fall over Lindsey's back but grabs her waist and pulls Lindsey back over.

Cari: Sunset flip by Tiffany!

Kenny: Kickout by Lindsey though! A pin won't do it here!

Cari: Tiffany knows that! It was an effective way to break control and great wrestling as well!

Tiffany is first up and moves fast hooking Lindsey in a front facelock before snap suplexing her over. She gets up and repeats the move watching as Lindsey grabs her back in pain! Tiffany wastes no time, springing off the ropes and driving an elbow deep into the pit of Lindsey's stomach. Lindsey lays groaning on the mat as Tiffany gets up, brushing her hair from her face she starts to clap her hands, urging the crowd on as she moves for the side of the ring.

Cari: She's making a move for the tables!

Kenny: C'mon Lindsey!

Tiffany moves outside the ropes to the tables and starts to climb, stopping to clap her hands and stomp her feet, driving the Sisterhood fan's crazy. It seems to motivate Lindsey who gets painfully to her feet and sees Tiffany starting to enter the cage. Sakura Ito and Janus yell hard at her, shouting encouragement! Lindsey looks only briefly at the tables before running to the ropes, but instead of leaving the ring she bounces off the ropes and with a mighty jump, leaps into the air with arms outstretched!

Cari: I don't believe it!

Kenny: She's climbing the cell from the bottom! Lindsey is taking a shortcut!

Lindsey just manages to hook her fingers to the edge of the hole in the bottom of the cell and hangs from her fingers! Tiffany stops and looks absolutely stunned as the champion grits her teeth and pulls herself up, hooking her arms on the edge of the cage.

Kenny: She's going to make it! I don't think anyone else in BRA could have done that!

Tiffany finally wakes up to what is happening and moves across the cage just and Lindsey rolls in. Lindsey's effort seems in vain as she starts to get up she is met by a running dropkick from her opponent that connects with her chin and sends her flying across the cage. Both women grimace as their bodies hit the cage floor, but with determined looks get back up. Lindsey takes one step and launches herself right at Tiffany with a high cross block that drops Tiffany painfully down.

Kenny: Lindsey is fearless!

Cari: And smart! She used Tiffany as a cushion for that move! The steel cage is going to take a lot out of them!

Tiffany gasps as the effects of the cage start to show. Lindsey returns to her feet as well, brushing her hair back and taking a few steps back. As Tiffany tries to regain her feet Lindsey again runs right at her with another high cross body, but somehow Tiffany brings her arms up and as Lindsey flies into her she twists her body to the side and falls down as she turns the move into a modified powerslam! However Tiffany was right on the edge of the hole and both women drop through the bottom of the cage with a resounding crash to the ring below!

Kenny: OH MY GOD! Are they all right?

Cari: I don't know if Tiffany knew where she was but if she did that's one of the gutsiest things I have ever seen! Neither woman is moving!

The referee checks both women out as Sakura and Janus start to protest with outrage! Tiffany rolls over slowly and gets to all fours. She was still on top and her opponent took the brunt of the impact but she was still suffering a lot! Lindsey lies motionless on the mat, twitching occasionally.

Kenny: Janus looks like she wants to eat fire out there!

Cari: She won't get a chance! Look!

Outside the ring four figures emerge from the crowd at four different sides as Nina, Alex, Laura and Jennifer merge on the ring. They don't make a move as they arrive but the remaining threesome members notice!

Kenny: This could be trouble!

Cari: Only if the meddlesome threesome starts it!

The presence of the newcomers seems to outrage Janus even more and the lights pick up the twinkling of silver shining in her hand. She takes one step towards the ring before something blocks her path. The smallest member of the Sisterhood, Jennifer Christian stands between her and the ring, feet spread apart and arms folded with a serious frown on her face!

Cari: This is too good! She's saying if you want to get in there you have to get by me first!

Kenny: Janus would have no problem with that! This is a David and Goliath matchup that David would have no chance with!

Cari: That does not stop the featherweight at all, but I don't think Janus is willing to ruin her friend's chances in this match!

Lindsey finally does stir and it is clearly an effort for both women as they start the climb up the tables again to the cell. Tiffany gets in first this time as Lindsey, clearly in pain and gritting her teeth from the effort follows in on the opposite side. As they meet Lindsey somehow grabs the edge and engages Tiffany is a spinning toehold, but Tiffany pushes her off with her free leg. Both women again clamber to their feet and again Lindsey moves for an aerial assault as she lands a flying forearm across Tiffany's chest!

Kenny: Lindsey's fitness is showing! Tiffany has slowed down a lot.

Cari: She is finding it hard to move fast! This could tell against her!

Lindsey picks up a fading Tiffany by an arm and bends her double with a knife edged chop to the stomach. Tiffany groans as Lindsey wraps her thighs around her head and reaches over to chicken wing her arms. She moves around so her back is the side of the cage.

Cari: This is going to hurt! Suplex to the cage wall!

Kenny: Tiffany will never recover from it in time! Lindsey has her!

With Tiffany's head locked in her legs Lindsey maintains the hold to take a short breath. Then, sucking in audibly she leans forward, grasping a firm hold on her opponent, but from somewhere Tiffany places her hands against the front of Lindsey's thighs and pushes, at the same time lifting her back straight up. Lindsey is surprised at the move and flips over Tiffany and again through the hole in the cage, crashing back first to the mat below as Tiffany falls to her back in the cage.

Cari: Lindsey goes again through the hole! How much of that can she take!

Kenny: Tiffany almost looks worse off! The fall to the cage seems to have hurt her every bit as much as Lindsey!

Tiffany's blonde locks lay hanging down through the cage floor as the Babesquad member lay precariously close to the hole catching her wind. Nobody outside the ring moved as they watched to see who would stir first! Amazingly it was Lindsey as she rolled groaning to all fours, reaching out to hold her back!

Cari: She may be fitter but nobody survives the fall twice from the cage without showing some effect!

Kenny: She may be hurt but she is still determined! Lindsey Locke has the power of conviction and the strength of her kids to pull her through!

Cari: Any more of that and I'm either going to gag or just pummel you!

Kenny: Tiffany seems pretty hurt though. A metal cage can do a lot of damage to a body, especially one as�

Cari: They get the point!

Incredibly Lindsey leaves the ring and again starts the climb as Tiffany finally started to move again. No one doubted the pain either woman was fighting through at the moment. Both the Sisterhood and Threesome members seem transfixed on what was happening as Lindsey again sees Tiffany recovering and climbs back into the cage.

Cari: She may have missed her chance there. Lindsey might very well have outclimbed Tiffany and grabbed the belt.

Kenny: I think she wanted to make sure Tiffany was out of the picture!

As both combatants circled the hole Lindsey did the unexpected and suddenly launched herself across the hole and surprising Tiffany with a flying forearm to her bosom! A stunned Tiffany fell back to the cage and arched in pain! Lindsey acted with speed, hauling her opponent up then scoop slamming her to the cage! Tiffany did not scream but the pain was visibly etched on her face! Lindsey dropped to a sitting position behind Tiffany and snaked her legs around the blonde bombshell's head, trapping her tight!

Kenny: Figure four sleeper! Lindsey has her trapped!

Cari: Credit where credit is due! Leaping across the opening like that surprised even me! Now she has the match in her hands!

The crowd roared as Lindsey squeezed with every fiber of strength! Tiffany's struggles started to grow weaker as the hold wore her down! The bombshell reached out, pain and exhaustion written across her features! Sweat started to pour from Lindsey as the effort dug into her reserves as well. Slowly Tiffany started to make headway, every ounce of strength geared to escape!

Cari: Come on Tiffany, you can make it!

Kenny: She's trying for the hole! It's her only escape!

Cari: But if she goes through and Lindsey doesn't its match over!

Lindsey tries but the match has taken its toll on her as well and she grimaces as Tiffany amazingly inches closer to the opening! Closer she gets, the knowledge seeming to drive her harder! As Tiffany makes it to the opening and threatens to plunge through Lindsey sees the battle is lost and releases her legs, settling back against the cage wall! Tiffany somehow manages to throw her weary body to the side a millisecond before she plunges through the hole!

Cari: A terrific escape by Tiffany Lane! Amazing resilience, which of course is a trait of all Sisterhood members!

Kenny: Both women are all in! I don't know if either have the strength to climb to the top!

As Lindsey leans gasping against the cage wall Tiffany rolls to an adjacent side and gets to all fours, shaking the cobwebs out! Exhaustion is evident in both women. Lindsey shakes her head in disbelief and drags her tired body up.

Kenny: Lindsey can't believe it! Tiffany is trying to get up again but she looks like she is another world right now! I doubt she has all her wits about her! Lindsey is going to finish this now!

Cari: She is running out of lives! I don't know how Lindsey keeps coming back!

Tiffany makes it to her feet right beside one of the side openings but her stance is wobbly at best and she can't seem to make the effort to get out and start climbing! Both her hands grasp the cage and it seems to take all her effort just to keep from falling. Lindsey moves up to her feet but shows a little more staying power. Seeing Tiffany wobbling between her and the belt, she takes one last run. As she approaches a shocked look comes over her as Tiffany's fingers grip the cage and with an effort born of sheer determination hoists her legs up and around the surprised Lindsey's head! Gritting her teeth, Tiffany releases her grip on the cage and drops down, whipping her legs to the side. Lindsey's momentum does the rest as off balance she runs into the opening behind Tiffany and folds over sill. She balances precariously over the edge before a quick twitch from Tiffany tips the balance and the champion tumbles over the side to the tables stacked below!

Cari: Outstanding! Simply outstanding! Tiffany Lane dug deep inside and stunned the champion!

Kenny: Lindsey Locke was caught totally off guard! Everybody was!

Down below all the Sisterhood members danced around the ring as Janus, Sakura and Angela ran to the splintered pile of wood that marked the resting spot of Lindsey Locke! Inside the cage Tiffany Lane lay on her back, her chest heaving up and down, body glistening with the sweat of the effort!

Cari: All Tiffany has to do is climb to the top now! She must get up!

Kenny: She had better! Lindsey is amazingly starting to move again!

Cari: The Sisterhood have stopped celebrating and are now watching the cheating threesome to make sure they don't give Lindsey a hand back up! There is a lot of tension building there!

Kenny: Fortunately they have not helped her and with the Sisterhood watching likely won't!

With her friends cheering loudly and urging their supporters on, Lindsey rolls off the broken tables to the floor, holding her back as Tiffany moves to a sitting position. The bombshell is slow to recover from the effects of the sleeper and struggles to her feet. She clings to the cage and seems to see Lindsey amazingly start to climb the tables again! With the Sisterhood and her supporters matching the cheering of the opposition Tiffany works her way to the outside of the cage. The effort is a struggle for the model and her climb to the top is agonizingly slow! Lindsey shows every bit as much determination and pain but incredibly makes ground in her climb! As Tiffany painfully reaches the top she collapses over the edge, shaking her head. Lindsey digs down into somewhere, tears of agony rolling down her cheeks as she struggles up the other side, nearing the top! The crowd to a person is on their feet cheering the spectacle at the tops of their lungs! All eyes look up as with Tiffany struggling Lindsey pulls herself up and over the edge! The belt dangles agonizingly within reach of both women now as they simultaneously drag themselves to their knees. Neither Kenny nor Cari speak, not wanting to miss a moment, the seeming climax of the fight! Lindsey and Tiffany gain their feet at the same time, both at their ends, watching each other with the belt hanging between them! Finally Lindsey twitches and Tiffany charges. Lindsey sees it coming and ducks down. Tiffany's momentum takes her over Lindsey's back and for a grueling split second appears headed over for a backdrop, but she surprises everyone, grasping her arms around Lindsey's waist and with a monumental effort pulls back and drops Lindsey's head to the top of the cage!

Cari: This never stops surprising us! Tiffany managed a semi-piledriver on Lindsey!

Kenny: There was not a lot of contact though and Lindsey is lying on top of Tiffany!

Cari: Someone grab the damn thing!

Tiffany appears lifeless beneath Lindsey who is groaning on top of her! Lindsey's head rings and a trace of blood is picked up by the cameras trickling from her forehead. Tiffany seems unaware of where she is as Lindsey rolls to all fours. Tiffany staggers up, looking around in a daze! Whether she saw the belt or just the glitter didn't matter! The effects of the match finally finished her and her knees buckled! Tumbling backwards she rolled over Lindsey who was still on all fours. As her legs kicked up one of them knocked the belt from its perch! As it dropped it fell into the clutching fingers of Tiffany Lane as she tumbled over Lindsey's back and something inside the bombshell recognized the significance of the object in her fingers and clutched on tight as a thousand flashbulbs clicked simultaneously!

Cari: She's got it! Tiffany has got the belt!

Kenny: I just don't believe it! The referee is signaling for the bell! It's official, we have a new Celestial champion in BRA!

Cari: The belt is back with the Sisterhood!


At the sound of the bell the remainder of the Sisterhood danced around as Tiffany, the belt still clutched in her hands and Lindsey lay exhausted on the top of the cage! Almost immediately the cage was let down and medical attendants rushed to the top to check on the participants!

Kenny: What a finale! Lindsey Locke gave everything and then a little more and came up so very short of retaining her belt!

Cari: The world will have to look on Tiffany Lane in a new light tonight! She had no help, she didn't cheat, and she just outwrestled Lindsey Locke to take the title! Don't let anyone call Tiffany Lane anything but the best wrestler in BRA right now!

Kenny: A dark day for goodness tonight, but the result stands, Tiffany Lane regains her celestial title!

WINNER: and once again Celestial champion! Blonde Bombshell Tiffany Lane!
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