logoAmanda Starr vs. Peggy Christian

(The Camera pans the audience which is on its feet cheering for the next match. It stops at the announcers' table.)

Kenny: Good evening ladies and gentlemen. Tonight we have great card for you with two title belts up for grabs. The first will be Jennifer Christian vs. Patricia Flex for the Featherweight title and our feature match of the night will be Lindsey Locke putting her Celestial title belt on the line against the woman she took it from, Tiffany Lane.

Cari: Tiffany will have no trouble winning the belt back.

Kenny: She had a lot of trouble winning it in the first place and wasn't able to defeat Lindsey the second time they fought. This will be the third time between those too.

Cari: Until that match we have this one. Peggy Christian against rookie Amanda Starr.

Kenny: It is the first time that I recall BRA having a loser leave the fed match.

Cari: BRA can't have too many of those. There are so many losers in BRA that they would lose 90% of their wrestlers if they did.

( Peggy enters to the music of Tom Jones' "She's a Lady" as usual, sporting her trademark nervous smile and wearing a black one piece suit, black tights and black wrestling boots. )

Kenny: Peggy is a favorite of the fans. She has a lot of heart.

Cari: And a lot of thigh, stomach and more chins than Chinatown.

Kenny: She is more mature than most of the other wrestlers.

Cari: She is the mother of the Featherweight champ and old enough to be the grandmother of some of the others.

Kenny: She has still made an impressive showing for her year in BRA.

Cari: Impressive showing? Have you looked at her record?

Kenny: I'll admit it is not good, but she has fought well in all her matches, even her loses.

Cari: The only thing that matters is winning.

(Amanda enters to "Bad to the Bone". She enters the ring like someone who knows something no one else does. She is dressed in a salmon pink one piece suit and black wrestling boots with a denim jacket over top which she will discard after entering the ring. )

Cari: I don't know much about Amanda but she looks like someone that is ready to fight.

Kenny: This is her debut match on the big card. She has been in matches in our in-house midweek show and has looked impressive.

Cari: When standing next to Princess Pig, Urkle looks impressive.

(The referee brings both wrestlers into the center of the ring and explains the rules. Amanda sneers at Peggy who looks nervously at the crowd. Both wrestlers go back into their respective corners and the bell rinds starting the match. Amanda raises her arms in the air as signal for a test of strength. Peggy agrees and locks her fingers with Amanda. Amanda uses her size advantage to force Peggy to her knees. She then releases the hold and drives a knee into Peggy's face causing her head to bounce on the mat. Amanda grabs a handful of hair and brings Peggy to her feet before Irish whipping her into the corner. Peg's back hits the turnbuckle hard and Amanda follows her into the corner with a splash. Amanda moves out of the way as Peggy staggers from the corner and falls to the mat. Amanda goes for a quick cover but Peggy powers out before the ref can count one.)

Cari: Well, the rookie is really putting the old woman in her place.

Kenny: Don't count Peggy out yet. She has a lot of stamina.

Cari: It also looks like she's had a lot of deserts.

(Peggy gets to her feet and is greeted by a fist to the stomach that drives the breath out of her. Amanda puts Peggy's head between her thighs and wraps her arms around Peggy's waist. She tries to lift Peggy but is blocked. She tightens her grip and tries again but is blocked again. Amanda drives a fist into Peggy's ribs eliciting a groan from her. She smiles to the crowd as she once more wraps her arms around Peggy's soft middle. The smile turns to a look of concern followed by a look of horror as Peggy lifts Amanda up and sends her to the mat with a back drop.)

Kenny: A surprise move by Peggy after she manages to block Amanda's attempt to lift her into a power bomb.

Cari: I don't think Peggy blocked it. I think that Peggy is just too heavy for Amanda to lift.

(Peggy grabs Amanda's feet and sticks them under her arms. She begins to spin, lifting Amanda off the mat. Amanda screams as Peggy goes faster and faster.)

Kenny: A big swing by Peggy has Amanda begging to get off this ride.

(Peggy releases Amanda and she flies through the air, landing in a heap in the corner. Peggy is a little dizzy from the move and takes a moment to regain her bearings. Amanda gets to her feet and lurches across the ring in an attempt to get to Peggy. She is too dizzy to move straight and misses completely. Peggy drives a fist into Amanda's face knocking her to the mat. Peggy runs to one rope and bounces off it and hops over Amanda as she hits the ropes on the other side. She bounces off them, increasing her momentum and leaps into the air. She nails Amanda with a big splash and goes for the cover.)

Kenny: That was some splash. I don't know if Amanda will be able to recover from it.

Cari: It is about the equivalent of having a house land on you.

(The ref drops to the mat and slaps it twice before Amanda is able to raise a shoulder. Peggy gets to her feet and grabs Amanda in a wrist lock. She uses the hold to force Amanda to her feet. Peggy whips Amanda toward the ropes but Amanda is able to reverse it and send Peggy crashing into them. On the rebound, Amanda leaps and plants both her feet into Peggy's soft belly. Peggy groans as she slams into the mat. Amanda gets to her feet and takes sometime getting her bearings. Peggy manages to get to her hands and knees with one hand massaging her stomach as she gulps in much needed air.)

Kenny: Amanda looks pretty good in the ring.

Cari: Humph! I could take on both of them with one hand tried behind my back.

(Amanda grabs Peggy by the hair and hair mares her onto the mat. The ref cautions Amanda about using hair but Amanda just ignores him. Peggy gets slowly to her feet as Amanda plays to the crowd which boo her. Amanda grabs the back of Peggy's head and begins to run across the ring. She leaps and drives Peggy's face into the mat with a bulldog. Amanda rolls Peggy over and covers her for the pin. The counts one before Peggy can kick out. Amanda is quickly on her feet and grabs both of Peggy's legs. She wraps them into a figure four leg lock. Peggy squeals in agony as Amanda leans back increasing the pressure. The ref asks Peggy if she submits, and she shakes her head no. Amanda keeps the pressure on as Peggy reaches out for the ropes. She is just inches away from them.)

Kenny: Peggy tries for the ropes but they are just out of her reach.

(Again the ref asks Peggy is she submits. Again Peggy can barely shake her head no. The crowd roars out its approval of Peggy's determination. She begins to claw at the mat inching herself closer to the ropes. Amanda sees what is happening and leans even further back, putting even more pressure on Peggy's knee. Sweat begins to pour down Peggy's face as she grits her teeth and claws the mat even harder. She reaches out with one hand and barely manages to snag the bottom rope. The ref signals for the break but Amanda refuses to let go. The ref begins to count as Amanda leans back even further, causing Peggy to scream out in pain. At the count of four Amanda releases the hold. Amanda gets to her feet as Peggy lies on the mat holding the bottom rope. Peggy stretches out her leg trying to work the pain out of it. Amanda runs at Peggy and puts a foot across her throat and steps on it with all her weight. Peggy's face turns blues as she tries to force the foot off her wind pipe. The ref tells Amanda to get off Peggy. Amanda refuses so the ref pushes her until she is away from Peggy. The ref gets in Amanda face about the rules. Peggy still holds the bottom rope as she tries to gulp in enough air to get herself going. The ref stands between Amanda and Peggy and forces Amanda into a corner. Peg uses the ropes to get to her feet.)

Cari: I would say that Princess Pig is out of it. It's time to stick a fork in her because she is done.

Kenny: Stick a fork in her? Janus isn't in this match.

Cari: That is just an expression, you moron.

(Peggy limps toward the center of the ring and Amanda charges toward her. Amanda leaps and hits Peggy already sore knee with a drop kick. Peggy's knee collapses and she falls to the mat. Amanda rolls Peggy onto her stomach and grabs Peggy's legs in a Boston crab. Peggy screams as her knee is tortured even more. The ref asks if she submits but Peggy cries out "no". Peggy begins to try to crawl to the ropes but the weight of Amanda is too much for her. Tears stream down Peggy's face as she slaps the mat in submission.) DING! DING! DING!

Cari: That's it. The end of Peggy's checkered career as a prime time wrestler.

Kenny: That is too bad. She had a great career here. Maybe she can work herself up from the house card soon.

Cari: Yeah! And maybe, if you're good, Santa Claus will bring you a nice present.

(Kenny and Cari are interrupted by "Johnny Angel" playing over the sound system.)

Cari: What does this moron want?

(Johnny makes his way to the ring amidst the shouts of NERD from the crowd. He takes a mic from the ring attendant and walks over to Amanda Starr.)

Johnny: Ladies and Gentlemen! Let me introduce to you the newest superstar in the Battling Ring Angels . . . Amanda Starr!

(Johnny gives Amanda a hug and walks out of the arena with her.)

Kenny: Do you suppose that Johnny planned this?

Cari: No! He can't even plan what he is going to wear tomorrow.

(The camera fades on a picture of Johnny and Amanda walking out of the arena with his arm around her shoulders.)

The Winner: AMANDA STARR, by submission.
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