logoAngel Dust vs. Shea London vs. Moonspell


The young Goth woman waved to the crowds, whom cheered her magnificently.

"Her opponent tonight," the announcer continued, "from Seattle Washington, ANGEL DUST!"

The crowd snapped from their affection of Moonspell to hatred and heckling as the villain they'd come to know and hate entered the arena, accompanied only by her arrogance and the song, "Black," by Sevendust.

"And our final combatant for this threeway match, from Manchester, England, SHEA LONDON!"

The lights dimmed. Pyro displays along the walkway began blasting their lights as Elton John's 'Made in England' blared over the PA. After a few seconds, Shea London and Tara Sawyer appearred, side by side, in the entranceway. Both walked briskly down to the ring, both slapping hands with the cheering fans. Shea smiled and acknowledged the fans, but there was no mistaking the look of sheer determination on her face. Tara, meanwhile, seemed in her brightest spirits in a long time, though she wearily eyed Shea's two opponents in the ring, Moonspell in particular.

Moonspell eyed back

As they reached the ring, Shea dove through the bottom rope, sliding into the ring, curling up into a ball, then springing to her feet. Tara, meanwhile, stood at ringside, clapping and cheering for her friend and partner

The bell rang. Moonspell glanced to her side in time to see Angel Dust storming at her. Moonspell grunted as Angel Dust lowered her shoulder and placed it into her ribs, forcing her back into her corner. She barely had a chance to breath in before Angel Dust backhanded her across the face.

As her head was forced aside, she got a glimpse of Shea London rushing at her. The thought was forced from her head by Angel Dust's brutal chop to the brow and a knee planted in her midsection.

Moonspell slid to the mat, cradling her stomach, but her arms were yanked violently from their comforting. She glanced up. The overhead lights kept her from seeing features, but she knew she'd not been hit hard enough to see two Angel Dust's above her.

She realized Angel Dust and Shea were about to have a momentary peace treaty - long enough to fix her.

Each woman pulled the gothic beauty to her feet by an arm. With a coordinated effort, they slung Moonspell towards the opposite rope, catching her with a two knees - one for each kidney.

Moonspell dropped to her knees, only to catch a boot right under her nose. She slammed back on the mat, again looking up at the hot lights above. As she looked up, dazed, a thought occurred: if nothing else, she'd been a reason for Shea and Angel Dust to overlook any differences. That was good, right?

The boot that landed across her throat answered her question: No. Not really

Moonspell's body spasmed as Shea stomped her in the throat. Angel Dust just watched, and smiled. It seemed like Shea had gotten very into removing Moonspell, and forgotten her. So much the better.

Angel Dust wasn't one to waste a perfect opportunity, either. She kicked he leg Shea was supporting herself on from under her, and down Shea went. This time, Shea got the stomp to the throat, and imitated Moonspell's spasm rather nicely.

Angel Dust gripped Shea's and slingshotted her. Shea soared nicely, slamming her face into the turnbuckles. She landed on the canvas with a solid thump that shook the mat.

Angel Dust took a step towards but caught more movement out of the corner of her eye. Moonspell was stirring.

Not just a few seconds ago, Angel Dust took a cheapshot at Shea. While she was sure she could hold Moonspell off, Shea would be in the mood to get retribution. It would probably be wise, she surmised, to end this match here and now.

Moonspell was on her knees now, groggy. She felt a pair of thighs close around her head, and her body lift. Seconds later, her body jolted, and everything shook and spun. She saw the lights again, then dark. She could feel the mat vibrating.

She realized a second too late she was being counted out.

Winner: Angel Dust
Hosted by www.Geocities.ws