logoTen Woman War

Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, we now present to you the Ten Woman War! Suspended fifteen feet above center ring you will see a lovely belt. This belt is to signify the as-of-yet named midcard championship title! Now, let's bring out our combatants! This match features the lovely and deadly talents of: Miranda Ellis, Lori Wilson, Cyra Min, Lovely Heather, MaXus, Tiffany Epitaphine, Michelle Anderson, Mistress Catwoman, Rebecca Deiwert, and Rebecca Case! [As each woman's name is called, they enter the arena as such, often being hurried along by security:]
  • Miranda Ellis: smiles and poses for cameras.
  • :Lori Wilson steps out from behind the curtain as the crowd cheers. She is dressed in her black singlet with thin white lightning bolts down the front, back, and sides. Lori also wears black kneepads and wrestling boots, and a black bandanna which reads "Lady Lightning" in yellow lettering. She stands just in front of the entrance way, pumps her right fist into the air, as white sparklers shoot up behind her on either side of the entrance. Lori then walks down the aisle, slapping hands with fans along the way to the ring. As she gets to the ring, she jumps onto the apron, then walks to the corner and vaults over the ropes, landing so she is standing on the second turnbuckle, and raises her arms in the air to the approval of the crowd. She then hops down from the turnbuckles, then climbs through the ropes and exits the ring. Lori then walks over to the railing, and she removes her bandanna. She spots a young girl standing near the rail, and she reaches over and drapes the bandanna around the girl's neck, giving her a kiss on the cheek, then turning back to the ring, where she climbs back in through the ropes, then once she gets into the ring, she turns to the crowd to work them up.
  • Cyra Min: sluggishly walks to ring. It is unsure if she is depressed or tired, but she is obviously not interested in being here.
  • Lovely Heather: greets the fans.
  • Maxus: greets a few fans, but she seems more interested in arriving at the ring.
  • Tiffany Epitaphine: Does not appear when her name is called.
  • Michelle Anderson: runs to the ring and begins slugging at Lori Wilson, but security jumps in and seperates the women. Michelle looks nothing short of stunned as a burly man yanks her off of Lori.
  • Mistress Catwoman: lights fade to total black as "Moment of Weekness" by Bif Naked plays. Suddenly the lights return in a tint of violet as Mistress Catwoman and her "mentor" Kleopatrah step out and look out over the crowd and towards the ring. Catwoman is wearing a fishnet bodysuit covered in strips of purple vinyl, simulating tiger-stripes. She has her usual vinyl boots and gloves, but this time in a dazzling metallic gold color. She is not wearing her trademark mask but has a black tiger stripe painted over her left eye and down her cheek, her lips are colored to a dark tint of purple, she is wearing a gold loop nose-ring and her long black hair drapes down wildly, a few strands covering her right eye. She brushes the hair aside and puts her hands over her face and mouths something up towards the sky. The 2 women strut down to the ring, Catwoman is mumbling something to herself with a totally pissed-off look on her face, she rolls into the ring and charges right at Miranda Ellis. Cyra lazily steps to the side and trips Catwoman. Immediately, security guards seperate the two women.
  • Rebecca Deiwert: enters the ring. The lights in the arena area dim, and when they come back up, Tiffany is pummelling Rebecca. Again, a security guard pulls her off.
  • Rebecca Case: greets the fans.
[The women are noticeably confused as to why their assorted attacks were cut short. The announcer speaks again.] Announcer: Ladies, I realize you're all in a hurry to start the fighting, but Ms. Van Driesal was very specific with me on her wish that no one was going to get a head start on anyone and that I could briefly remind you of how this match is fought. A ladder will be where I stand. The first person to reach the belt is the winner. No official will enter the ring until that time. Those are the rules, pure and simple. [A security guard brings in a ladder and places it center ring. Slowly, all the guards and the announcer position themselves for hasty exits.] Announcer: Now, ladies and gentlemen, let's... get this match... going! [jumps from the rings as the bell rings out.] [As everyone rushes each other, Cyra Min bounces on the rope behind her and flips over it, landing outside the ring. apparently disinterested, she grabs a folding chair from the audience and places it ringside. She sits and watches.]

    No one wasted time. Maxus locked up with Lovely Heather, ramming her knee into Heather's midsection and doubling the pretty over brunette over. A few quick jabs to the jaw and forehead and Heather was on the mat already, clutching her head and moaning in agony.

    Rebecca Deiwert lept to the ladder immediately, wasting no time. She'd barely scaled the first few rungs before Tiffany Epitaphine hurled her body against Rebecca, knocking her from the ladder and onto her back. Landing on top of Rebecca, Tiffany positioned herself to straddle Deiwert's shoulders and furiously slammed fist after fist into Rebecca's face. The ladder was knocked over in the process.

    Michelle Anderson, grabbing hold of the fallen ladder, lengthwise, and announced, "You ladies might as well leave because I will take that belt no matter what!" With that, she swung the ladder as hard as she could, slamming it into the collective faces of Rebecca Case and Catwoman. Lori Wilson jumped Michelle from behind, however, dropkicking her to the mat. Not giving Anderson a chance to recover, Wilson scooped Anderson up for a bodyslam

    Catwoman and Case merely rolled on the mat, agonized. Case was apparently knocked unconscious from the hit. Miranda Ellis darted towrds the two bodies, kicking both while they were down. Catwoman stirred, and Ellis chose her as her target. Immediately, Ellis set upon Mistress Catwoman with a cobra clutch.

    Cyra lazily rose to her feet and pulled Rebecca Case from the ring and into the floor. She slapped her a few times to wake her. Dazed, Case stumbled to her feet. She was obviously a little confused. Cyra merely pointed her to the ring. Case nodded in appreciation and turned towards the ring, falling to a knee in the process. With a sigh of discontent, Cyra yanked a chain from her boot and tightly wrapped it around Case's neck. From her other boot, she yanked out a padlock and clamped it shut in the chains links, locking the choking metal around Case's neck. Case dropped to her knees, gasping for air. Min, however, sat back down and staired at the ring in disinterest.

    Maxus had long since back Lovely Heather into a corner and, with little exaggeration, beaten Heather within an inch of her life. Maxus delivered another knifehand chop across Heather's chest and followed it up with a strong roundhouse kick to Heather's midsection. Heather slumpted to the mat, having had every ounce of fight beaten to her with no difficulty by Maxus. Blood poured from several cuts on Heather's face, and her eye was already beginning to swell from a strong punch Maxus had given her earlier on. To make them match, Maxus drove her boot deep into the left eye of Heather. Heather screamed and curled into a ball, clutching her eye and sobbing for Maxus to show mercy.

    Maxus turned and took hold of the ladder, unfolding it and standing it up. Tiffany stopped beating on Deiwert long enough to notice Maxus preparing to ascend to the belt. She smiled, and slunk off the barely awake Deiwert. She watched carefully as Maxus climbed the ladder. When Maxus was halfway up, Tiffany jumped up and kicked the the ladder shut. As the ladder fell backwards, Tiffany threw a wild punch up which struck Maxus directly in the back. The pain made Maxus drop to the mat, but the ladder also slammed into Tiffany's head. Tiffany stumbled back and shook it off. The ladder clattered against the ropes.

    Mistress Catwoman had long since risen to her feet and was trading blows with Miranda. Kleopatrah stood ringside, cheering Mistress Catwoman on. Finally, Catwoman grabbed one of Ellis's wild swings and spun her about in a sort of airplane spin, tossing her from the ring. She climbed the ropes and jumped, landing feet first on the back of Ellis's head. Kleopatrah was already delivering body stomps to the fallen woman.

    Cyra stole an audience member's popcorn and began eating it.

    Wilson and Anderson and been "barely missing" each other with well placed attacks the whole time. Finally, however, Anderson connected with her index finger into Lori's eyes, a la Three Stooges. As Lori backed off and covered her wound, Anderson connected with a low blow. Wilson doubled over, groaning from pain, just in time to catch a dropping elbow in the back of her head. Anderson immediately slammed on a headscissor hold. Lori flailed about.

    Maxus slowly came too, just in time to see Tiffany unfolding the ladder and beginning her ascent.

    Heather had barely dried her tears before she felt a cold chain wrap around her neck and heard the click of a padlock. Cyra yanked her from the ring and left her to choke on the concrete as she made her way back to her chair.

    Security guards had finally cut the chain from around Case's neck, and she was being rushed to an emergency unit.

    Mistress Catwoman handcuffed the battered Ellis to the security rail. Kleopatrah, however, was from from being finished with her and continued to deliver blows to wherever her foot happened to land. "You're my slave!" she bellowed. "I hope you like being pain as much I love watching you in pain!" Catwoman pulled herself into the ropes and found herself standing behind an unsteady Rebecca Deiwert.

    Deiwert had just risen to her feet as she saw Tiffany beginning her ascent. She would have gone after her, but a sharp kick into her tailbone from Catwoman brought her down.

    Tiffany was barely on the ladder when Maxus lept on her back and began beating her on the shoulders. Maxus wrapped one arm around Tiffany's throat, but Epitaphine would not be hindered. She quickly scampered up the ladder, Maxus slamming into her the entire way. At about nine feet up, Tiffany grabbed Maxus by the back of the hair with her free hand and slammed Maxus's forehead into the ladders. Maxus's shriek as she fell to the mat bellow caught the attention of the remaining wrestlers.

    Anderson left Wilson laying on the mat to rush and grab at Tiffany's feet, but Epitaphine shot further up and closer to the belt. Catwoman, however, had a different plan.

    Bounding off the rope, Catwoman missile kicked the ladder from underneath Tiffany just as her hand tagged the belt. She latched on to it, suspended for a few moments. Then, the cord holding the belt above the ring gave way, and just as the latter had done a few seconds before, Tiffany clattered to the ring below. She fell fifteen feet, slamming her head onto the side of the ladder. Bits of crimson began to appear underneath her on the mat, but Tiffany was still holding the belt. The bell rang, and immediately security guards ran into the mat, yanking Catwoman and Michelle away from the unconscious champion.

    Cyra, meanwhile, was picking someone's pocket.

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