pyrotechnics shoot up, obscuring the entrance. As

the smoke clears, Skye Soaring Hawk, her eyes shaded by a wide-brimmed

cowboy hat and her wrestling outfit covered by a floor length leather

duster, strides to the ring, cracking her knuckles in anticipation, icy

determination in her hard eyes. As she reaches the ring she pulls herself

onto the apron before flipping over the top rope. She throws her hat to the

cheering crowd and hands her duster to an ring attendant before leaning back

in her corner awaiting the arrival of her opponenet. Wearing her clingy, red

whie and blue outfit and a blue and white

cape, Americana enter's the arena to "God Bless America" by Kate Smith.

Smiling and waving to the fans she carries an American flag in her arms.

Sandra: There's the bell for the start of the match and look at this

Americana reaches out for a hand shake and Hawk with a big shove sends

Americana against the ropes, but

Americana rebounds with a lunging elbow right to the face of Hawk, sending

her against the ropes, and Americana now with a running start, dropkick and

it sends Hawk flying over the ropes and down below, the crowd slightly

cheers as they like what they see so far!!


Garry: There's no denying the athletic ability of either of these women, I

hope they achieve both their goals here in the BRA. (letting out a small

crackle)Both women are great athletes, no doubting that.

Sandra: Hawk now rolls back into the ring, Americana rushing in to greet her

with a knee to the throat, and now a forearm shot to the side of the head,

taking the fight to the Soaring Hawk.


Garry: Americana springboard from the ropes, flying headscissors takedown,

and Hawk is furious. No let up from the former Glow girl though, Americana

lands a spinning heel kick on the Hawk as she was getting to her feet,

Americana is definetly in control!

Sandra: Americana now goes over to lift Hawk to her feet, oh, a thumb to the

eyes from the Hawk, Americana wasn't expecting that, certainly. Hawk now to

her feet, and positions a staggering Americana up for a belly to back

suplex, hitting with bad.

Garry: Hawk drags Americana to her feet by her hair, ignoring the comments

from the ref. Big European uppercut rocks Americana to his boots, and

another, Hawk using her power advantage here now. Hawk now lifting Americana

up into a vertical suplex...

Sandra: But Americana slips out of it, latches on with a spinning ddt,

excuting it kinda sloppy.

Garry: Americana now locks on with a wristlock, applying pressure much to

the wrist of Hawk. Now Americana goes for a side-headlock.


Sandra: Hawk though, getting to his feet, and drops down, delivering a

halacious jawbreaker on Americana, breaking the hold. Hawk sends Americana

against the ropes, and hits a standing jumpkick to the chest of Americana.

Garry: Americana tries her best to make to her feet, but here's Hawk with a

double axhandle right across the shoulderblades sends Americana down in a

heap. Now she lifts fallen body Americana to her feet and slaps her across

the face screaming "Go back where you belong, in the kitchen!"

Sandra: Hawk mounts Americana on the tope rope and follows her up for a

superplex. A hook of the tight's.......Huh, the weight of Americana is too

much for Hawk as Americana's limp body falls ontop of Hawk.



And the winner is Americana!


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