(Fire works soar through the air as the camera pans the capacity crowd. The cheering and screaming fans have come to see BRA"s first major pay per view event. Many of them carry signs showing support for their favorite BRA wrestlers and personalities. Some of these include, "Alexandria Parker, will you marry me?", "All hail $", and "Tina, I'll see you in my Dreams!". Suddenly, Prince's "Sexy MF" blares over the speakers.)

Garry: (in an excited tone) You know what this means?

Sandra: (sarcasm dripping from her voice) Yeah, here comes Nina Larue. Whoppee!

Garry: Whoo Hoo! The Goddess is coming! The Goddess is coming!

Sandra: Calm down! You're making an even bigger fool of yourself!

("The Goddess" Nina Larue steps from behind the curtains and is immediately showered in catcalls and whistles. The bewitching beauty wears a red, Donna Karan, spaghetti strap, mini dress that clings to her sleek form. The curvaceous Diva finishes the attire with matching heels. Her long, black hair falls straight down her back as she arrogantly struts to ringside, careful not to let any of the fans touch her. She makes her way into the ring and snatches the microphone from the ring announcer. Her sensual, violet eyes flash with excitement as the music begins to die. The fans quiet as "The Goddess" goes to speak.)

Nina: Ladies and gentlemen, you are fortunate to be here for the greatest event in wrestling!

Sandra: What is she doing out here?

Garry: Shhhhh! Stop being rude! You never speak while The Goddess is talking!

(Sandra shoots him a dirty look.)

Nina: I'm not talking about this PPV although that is extremely important, as well. I am talking about the official crowning of Miss BRA!

(The fans erupt in massive cheers.)

Sandra: Miss BRA? What is she talking about?

Gary: Shhhh! Nina: That's right fans! We are crowning Miss BRA this evening. This was all made possible with the help of The Marquise Yvette Desade Malreaux and Electra Van Driesal! We did a vote, by secret ballot, to determine the woman that the fans felt should represent BRA.

Sandra: What secret ballot?

Gary: (in shock) You mean to tell me that you didn't get one! (he smirks) I would talk with Van Driesal if I were you!

Nina: It is my pleasure to introduce Miss BRA......Tiffany Lane!

(The instrumental version of "The Miss America theme" begins to play as the cameras slowly part, revealing the stunning form of "First Lady" Tiffany Lane. Tiffany wears a red, sleeveless, Gucci gown and matching heels. Her long, blonde hair is styled in an elegant, french braid and a small, diamond tiara rests atop her head. A red sash, with the words" Miss BRA" written across it in white letters, rests across her chest and a gold, scepter rests in her right hand. She curtsies to the fans before casually sashaying to the ring. The referee holds the ropes open for the busty bombshell as she enters the ring with grace and poise.)

Sandra: This cant be right!

Garry: (applauding Tiffany) Oh yes it can! Remember, The Sisterhood and Van Driesal are as thick as thieves, as close as Siamese twins, as..

.Sandra: (grumbles) I get the point!

(Nina hands the mic to Tiffany as Miss Lane blows kisses to the fans.)

Tiffany: Thank you. Thank you. It really is a great honor to have been chosen as Miss BRA and even more important is the fact that the fans are the ones that appointed me. Thank you all so very, very much.

(This gets a mixed reaction from the fans.)

Sandra: Fans my butt!

Tiffany: I promise that I will hold this title with honor and be a model representative for BRA. Who needs a Celestial Title when you are Miss BRA?

Sandra: Ooooh! Is that a dig at Yvette?

Gary: N..no. Nonsense! The Sisterhood doesn't fight amongst each other! They're sisters, remember! It was obviously meant for Sherry Ann! There you go trying to start trouble again!

Sandra: (smirks) Suuuuuure. Whatever you say.

Tiffany: And tonight, your Miss BRA will wrestle with honor, dignity and class when I step in the ring with that accursed Body Slop. I will show the fans how a true representative of BRA and a true lady conducts herself! And to the other green-eyed monsters, in the back. I want you to know that I will not use this title to further my own agenda or that of The Sisterhood. You can expect me to be as fair and objective as I was in my match against Samantha Page. (she smiles sweetly) I promise. Now, it's time to kick some Body Shop butt! Miss BRA has spoken!

(The fans erupt in cheers as the two beauties leave ringside.)

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