Body Shop
The Sisterhood of Seduction
4 on 4 elimination match

{ All that is heard in the arena are whispers. This record breaking crowd has been waiting anxiously for this matchup as it will be one that determines who is the better stable. Signs that read, "Have you seen me?" with a picture of Sweet Misty underneath and one that says, "Official Member of the Sisterhood" adorn the arena. }

Garry: Well it's time for one hell of a fight now!!

Sandra: This is gonna be a war, that's for sure. It's time for the big 4 on 4 elimination match folks, sit back and hold on tight for this one, it's gonna be wild!!!

{ The lights go down in the arena. The speakers start to blare "Walking on Sunshine". The fans get to their feet as that signals the beginning of this brutal 4-person elimination tag match! A spotlight picks up Laura Parker on the walkway making her way to the ring followed by Willie. Her strapless, Christian Dior original gown and beautiful tiara pale in comparison to the smile she gives to the fans. They boo loud for the Sisterhood participant. As she nears the ring, she stops then bounces in time with her beloved music. The beauty queen laughs and enters the ring sweeping all sides of it waving to the fans. Laura steps to the center of the ring as Willie comes behind her removing the tiara first...then the gown revealing her tanned body in a white bikini top with white shorts. Her knee-high white wrestling boots and knee and elbow pads finish her outfit. The Queen waves one more time to everyone before settling into a corner and watching Willie leave the ring. }

Garry: Mmm Mmm what a babe!!! She's my beauty queen!!!

Sandra: What was Dice's comment? Two Tits, A Hole, and a Heartbeat? That would be your queen.

Garry: What else matters?


Sandra: You are such a pig Garry!!!

{ Laura's opener finishes playing over the speakers, then "Mama, We're All Crazy Now" blares over them! The crowd erupts into cheers as Tina Dream steps out from behind the current. She makes her way to the ring a spring missing from her step. Tina waves to the crowd but her smile that man have adored is missing and it seems by her eyes like she hasn't had very restful sleep. She looks like a very tired fighter and not ready for this match at all...or not wanting to do it. Getting to the ring, Tina makes her way up the steps to her corner and leans into it not warming up or even caring about Laura across the way. }

Sandra: Poor Tina, she just seems so lost lately.

Garry: Well shit, Sherry wants to beat her ass, and her sister does anything to screw her over. I love it!! hehehehe

Sandra: You would! I think Sherry needs to wake up. Tina would never turn on her, and the poor thing needs a good friend like Sherry used to be to her right now. Her past is really haunting her.

Garry: Nah, that's just visions of Sherry haunting her. That'll mess up anyones head!!!!


{ Gothic rock fills the arena straining some of the ears of fans nearest to the speakers. The curtain parts and the music stops suddenly. Kayla looks up a sinister look in her eye, and makes her way to the ring. The sound of flesh on flesh is heard over the loud speakers keeping in an unsettling pattern. The fans let her know how they feel about her with their booing and jeering. Kayla joins Laura in the Sisterhood corner to talk over strategy just before the match. }

Sandra: Such an odd little woman.

Garry: She isn't real attractive, but she's pretty cool.

Sandra: Amazing, you saw past someones looks?

Garry: Yea, she has a decent body, I'd do her.

Sandra: I give up, your hopeless.

{ The arena once again settles down and their is a slight pause that makes everyone wonder if anyone else is coming. Suddenly and without warning, "Know Your Enemy" by Rage Against the Machine starts to blare out into the arena. Everyone gets to their feet and screams for this one! Samantha Page parts the curtain leading to the back with a swipe of her arm and steps into the spotlight. Her light blue bikini reveals a little more than everyone thought it would...and some of the men clutch their heart as though they are ready to have a heart attack! Page's face and bikini sparkles in the light as it catches every curve of her body. She wears matching wrestling boots and makes her way to the ring. She smiles to Tina as she joins her in the Body Shop corner, but Tina just looks up and nods to her friend. }

Garry: Hmmn ya know, for a Shopper, she is pretty damn hot!!

Sandra: She's quite an acomplished wrestler Garry. If you'd go past her looks, you'd know she's held a couple big title belts in the past.

Garry: Means nothing to me, this is BRA, not some podunk fed full of losers.

Sandra: I suppose I agree with that one. The past is meaningless here. I've never seen so much talent under one roof, as BRA has. With the rating sky rocketing like they are, Van Driesal can afford to bring anyone in here now.

Garry: Nuttin but the best!!! She needs to get some of these ladies like Peg to weight watchers though. Kinda hard for me to look at folks like her. All that cottage cheese on the thighs....ewwwww!!!


{ "Sexy MF" by Prince plays across the arena as the fans turn back to the back curtain down the walkway. Pulling itself back, the curtain reveals "First Lady" Tiffany Lane and "The Goddess" Nina Larue looking very fit and ready for this match. Tiffany steps forward first in her skimpy blue thong bikini. Like Laura, she wears a tiara atop her head that flashes in the light along with blue wrestling boots. A red sash with the words "MISS BRA" and a golden scepter in her hand finish this Sisterhood member's wrestling attire. She stops and looks back to Nina who now steps out into the light as well to let the fans get a look at her. Her skimpy black thong bikini is accompanied by knee-high black boots. Her long black hair is loose with the bangs just out of her violet eyes. Nina smirks to the crowd as they are unfit to view such a sight. The Babe Squad arrogantly makes their way to ringside. As they approach the ring, Tiffany rids herself of her accessories to a nearby tech then gives him a small put forceful shove as if to say, "Whatever!" Both of the beauties enter the ring and high five their partners before glaring at Tina and Samantha...perhaps thinking of starting this match a little early with the odds tipped in their favor. }

Garry: GET THEM!!!!

Sandra: Oh that would be so like them too.

Garry: All is fair in this type event. Woo Hoo these two are HOT!!!!

Sandra: Oh shut up.

{ The lights dim as the Angeltron slowly fades in the words "THE DREAM" in gold letters. Twinkling stars issue from the speakers and awe music fills the entire room. Smoke starts to seep out from the back curtain filling the walkway, then light explodes near the back and the music changes to Limp Bizkit's "Nookie" as Lisa Dream comes from the back. Wearing a black blazer and skirt combination, she lets her eyes sweep the crowd completely with her hands on her hips. She scowls at the insignificant people who dare to look upon "Perfection" before making her way to the ring walking as if the walkway were a super model's runway. Lisa gets to the Body Shop side of the ring and glares up at her sister Tina. Entering the ring, Lisa keeps her eyes on her sister as she steps to the center of the ring. Doing her usual bump and grind to the fans who are loving it, she removes her skirt and blazer to reveal a skimpy white bikini. Lisa heads to the Body Shop corner as Samantha wisely steps between the two Dream sisters. }

Garry: Mmnnn I just love that little dance she does!!!

Sandra: Gee, imagine that.

{ The lights dim once again and a buzz that excites the very nerves fills the arena. "No Diggity" starts from the speakers and the Angeltron blazes to life. A golden laser slices out some letters leaving "BODY SHOP" in it's wake. The curtain stays closed as the music continues. The crowd looks down the aisle cheering as if to encourage Meagan Delinoire to come out. No one appears. Tina and Samantha look at each other wondering what is going on. }

Garry: Hmmnn at least this little Shopper had the sense to stay home.

Sandra: How odd, I wonder where Meagan is?

Garry: Probably feeding Sherry her Geritol.

Sandra: Isn't your cheek sore enough yet?

Garry: Nah, it's kinda immune to those slaps now.

Sandra: Ok, time for us to switch seats, and I'll work on the other cheek.

Garry: You can work on my ass cheeks when you kiss my ass bitch.


{The sickening sound of a chair's TWANG is heard from the other corner as Laura Parker falls to the mat cluthing the back of her head. She rolls around screaming in agony at what just happened to her. The Babe Squad leaps out of the ring and races around following none other than Meagan Delinoire. Meagan has a chair with her with a nice dent in the seat now. She turns and threatens the other beauty queens with the same treatment. Nina and Tiffany stop and consider if possibly marring their good looks is worth avenging the unorthedoxed attack. Instead, they roll back into the ring watching the sneaky Body Shop member the whole time. Laura is back on her feet helped by Kayla. She glares at Meagan then grabs the referee yelling at him, "What the hell is this!? I want her out of here!!!" The ref walks over to the Body Shop corner where Meagan has joined her partners and warns Meagan that he will not tolerate anymore of this kind of behavior. Meagan smirks and slides the chair out of the ring. }

Sandra: WOW!!! Meagan really made an entrance there!!

Garry: Typical Shop underhanded crap.

{ Both teams gather themselves and start talking amongst themselves. A few point at one another trying to decide who is to start. Finally, the two fighters left in the ring are Samantha Page and Kayla Vandergriff. }

Sandra: Well here we go!!!

Garry: GO KAYLA!!!


{ Kayla looks across at her bigger adversary and smiles seductively to her. Samantha flashes a smile back and closes he gap between her and the gothic queen. Looking unsure of this, Kayla reluctantly locks up with Page. A brief struggle insues as both combatants push at each other. Samantha shoves Kayla back into the ropes showing her obvious superior strength to the smaller woman. Kayla scowls but her disappointment in herself doesn't last long. Page steps forward quickly and throws a knee to the gothic queen's midsection. Kayla grunts slightly then smiles as her abdomen is her strongest asset. She launches a knee of her own that doubles Samantha over! Capatolizing on the situation, Kayla gets next to her doubled over opponent and puts one arm over her shoulder and hooks her nearest leg. }

"Don't try that again unless you want more of my wonderful pain!"

{ Throwing herself back, Kayla executes a well done russian leg sweep. Page cluthes the back of her head after it rebounds off the mat. Kayla smiles cruelly and grabs a handful of hair belonging to her dazed enemy. Guiding Samantha to the Sisterhood's corner, she tags in Nina Larue. Nina just smiles as if Kayla's choice of who to tag couldn't have been better. Kayla twists Samantha's body so that her gut is fully exposed while Nina enters the ring. Nina steps into a marital arts position and throws two quick brutal kicks to Page's stomach. Stumbling back away with her mouth in an "O" shape, Sam tries to catch her breath. She turns to her corner where Meagan is reaching out. Lisa looks content with being outside the ring while Tina shows no luster for this match at all. Meagan shots a warning as Nina swings Samantha around by her arm and scooping her up on her shoulders. Falling backward, Nina feels in complete control after a perfectly executed samoan drop. Her body spread out in the middle of the ring, Sam's chest heaves for breaths. Nina, after getting to her feet, wisely puts the boots to the Body Shop veteren. }

Garry: Kiss your ass goodbye Shopper!!

Sandra: Never count Sammy out, Garry. She'll rebound, you'll see!

{ Grabbing Samantha's hair, Nina takes her back to her corner tagging in Tiffany. Quickly getting in the ring, Tiffany and Nina whip Page into the ropes. Both turn at the same time and lash out with a double heel kick which once again grounds Sam. The ref yells at Nina to get out of the ring which she snorts at him and arrogantly complies. Looking to her team members, Tiffany flashes a bright smile. }

"Looks like this Shop Member is ready to cash in her credit cards!"

{ At that, Samantha Page throws a punch right into the gut of one half of the Babe Squad. Tiffany falls forward grasping her stomach. Sam gets to her feet and throws yet another punch this time to the face. Tiffany's head snaps back as a groan is heard from her lovely lips. As her eyes refocus on Page, Samantha grabs her head and throws it into a headlock before falling back into a quick DDT! Both women lie on the mat lifeless. The ref looks to both of them and starts the ten count.


Still no movement...


Tiffany starts to roll a little holding her head.


Samantha rolls to her side and stares blankly at her corner. Meagan is again trying to guide her friend with yells and stomping.


The Sisterhood is screaming for Tiffany to make a tag!


Tiffany clears the cobwebs and starts to grogily stand.


{ Page rolls onto her stomach and starts to crawl to her corner. The referee stops counting and tells the ladies to continue. Tiffany Reaches over and Laura tags in. Sam is so close to her corner but still can't quite get there when Laura dashes over and throws an elbow right into the small of Page's back. Standing and lifting Sam by the hair, Laura yells to the Body Shop members. }

"Not quite enough of an effort huh?"

{ Her smile is replaced by a howl of pain as Samantha grabs the beauty queen's hair. Samantha yanks Laura's head back with a very non-technical move that slams Laura to the mat. }

"Awww! That looked like it might hurt!"

{Samantha reaches out and tags Tina. }

Sandra: WOW, glad to see Sammy finally get out of there.....

Garry: I wish they'd of pounded on her some more.

{ Tina steps through the ropes and takes Laura off Sam's hands. Lifting the smaller girl, Tina scoop-slams her to the mat. An elbow smash to the gut capatolizes the combo as Laura shakes her head trying to gather herself. Using her hair, Tina lifts Laura up. She slings her into the ropes and gets herself ready. As Laura bounces off and comes back, Tina jumps into the air and spins thrusting out her leg. Laura catches the leg lariat right in the throat. She slams down with her back to the mat and coughs trying to push air through her damaged windpipe. Dropping yet another elbow to the gut before hooking a leg! }



{ The Babe Squad both leap to action in time. Tiffany runs in and slams a double axe handle into Tina's back to break the count. The ref turns to Tiffany who starts to walk purposly to the away from her own corner. Warning Tiffany with authority, the ref points a finger at her. Tiffany wraps her arms around his neck and glances over his shoulder as Nina leaps from the top turnbuckle of the Sisterhood corner slamming her boots right into Tina's chest. Nina quickly gets out of the ring by sliding under the ropes and Tiffany points to the Body Shop corner as Meagan and Samantha quickly enter the ring to avenge their friend from the dishonorable attack. The referee runs over and gets in the way as both the Shop members yell their protests. Tiffany blows a kiss to the Body Shop before stepping back to her place in the corner. Reluctantly, the Shop steps back out as well. }

Sandra: What cheaters!!!

Garry: Huh? Yea those Shoppers should stay in their corner. They know better than to come in untagged.

Sandra: Oh puhleeeze!!!

{ Laura stands and surveys the situation not quite sure of how it got back into her favor. She sees Tina down on the mat gasping for air and takes charge of the situation. Sliding down beside her she locks an armbar into place to wear down the larger Dream sister. Tina gasps and clutches her shoulder with her free arm where the stress is being placed. She shakes her head to referee who asks if she submits. Laura pours on the pressure and grits her teeth making her look more vicious than she would want the public to see. Tina gets to a sitting postion, then to one knee. Finally she stands but bends at the waist as the pressure is just too much to stand up straight. Laura quickly lets loose the armbar. She hip tosses Tina down to the mat, then drops a lucious leg across her opponent's throat. She sits there a moment and smiles to the crowd as a photographer takes her picture. }

Sandra: Unreal!

Garry: Wha? She's in control, she can take a break if she wants. Plus, that shot should make the cover of BRA magazine.

Sandra: Nah, I heard the pic of Sherry popping you in the head with a mic the other night will be the cover of that.

Garry: WHAT?!?!?!?!

Sandra: You heard me.

{ Laura grabs Tina's hair as she stands. Half-dragging the Shop member, Laura tags Kayla in once again. The Ab-Dominator smiles and steps into action. She takes Tina and slings her to a neutral corner. Dream hits with her back and slumps. her chest heaves for much needed air. Kayla runs forward and lowers a shoulder intent on to deliver maximum punishment to her favorite area. She zeroes in on Tina's gut and focuses on it all the way. Suddenly it moves and her new target becomes the turnbuckle! Kayla's face glances off the turnbuckle, but keeps going. The post behind the pads stops all her momentum. She grunts and slumps her body seemingly lifeless now. Tina grogily pulls Kayla from the corner and brings her to the Shop corner. She turns the Ab-Dominator around and wraps a body scissors around her. Tina falls back to the mat then leans forward whispering to Kayla. }

"Time for you to share in my darkness Sweetie..."

{ With that she hooks a dragon sleeper completing the Perfect Sleeper. The fans leap to their feet and scream their approval! The Sisterhood cries out in alarm seeing one of their own about to go out. They all run into the ring but the Shop is right there to cut them off at the pass. Tina jerks her body to add pressure as a weak Kayla flails for a few more moments, then her limbs fall motionless. The ref checks on Kayla lifting her arm once...twice...then a third time. He declares her out to the ring announcer. The announcer lifts the mic to his lips. }

"Kayla Vandergriff has been eliminated by Tina Dream!"

{ The crowd goes nuts!!! Tina lets go of Kayla and let's a tech at ringside guide the semi-concious Vandergriff from the ring. She holds her head as she is guided back to the dressing rooms ignoring the jeers from the crowd. The Sisterhood are all right in the ref's face about the Shop interference. He points to their corner telling them to pick one person to stay in the ring. The three beauties growl their disapproval and talk a little. Finally Tiffany stays in as the two other Sisterhood members step back out at their corner. The bell sounds. Tina, throughly exhausted, tags in her sister Lisa. She smiles to Lisa as she knows she hates to have direct confrontations. Scowling at her sister and the ref saying, "You're in!", 'Perfection' enters the ring watching Tiffany from afar. }

Sandra: Well one gone, 7 remain.

Garry: I think Tina choked Kayla out.

Sandra: Get real fat boy.

{ Lisa steps to the center of the ring and Tiffany does the same. Holding her arms up, Lisa steps forward to lock up with her Tiffany. Tiffany smiles knowing this will be to her advantage and complies raising her arms as well. Lisa, quick as a rabbit, drops to one knee and throws an arm right up between Tiffany's legs. Squeeling in pain and surprise, Tiffany grabs her crotch and falls lying fetal. Lisa smiles at her cleverness and ignores the ref warning her about those kinds of illegal stunts. Getting to her feet Lisa glares down at Tiffany. }

"How dare you think you could lay your hands on 'Perfection'!"

{ Lisa Grabs her opponents hair and pulls Tiffany to her feet. The dazed Tiffany doesn't even see the punch to her body. She stumbles back grasping her gut with her arms. Lisa moves in and belts her another. Tiffany falls back into the ropes. Seeing an advantage, Lisa presses herself against Tiffany and bends her back in a blatent choke! Pressing with her thumbs, Lisa starts to crush the beauty princess' windpipe. The ref tries to get between the two to no avail, then steps back and starts to the five count. }

Garry: Sheesh, do these Shoppers ever stop cheating?

Sandra: Turnabout is fair play.

{ Breaking on 4, Lisa steps to the ref and glares at him as he warns her. She, in turn, warns him. }

"Do NOT interfere with 'Perfection'."

Garry: Smartass Lisa best watch her mouth.

Sandra: Yea, these refs don't take any crap at all here.

{ Tiffany slumps to the mat coughing and heaving. She starts to crawl to her corner to desperately make a much needed tag. Lisa watches with amusement as her opponent puts so much effort into getting away. She simply grabs her hair and pulls her none-to-gently back to her feet. Tiffany screams and grabs at her head as her scalp feels like it just caught on fire. }

Sandra: Tiffy is really in trouble now.

Garry: This blows! { Pulling Tiffany into a headlock, Lisa takes her over to her corner and tags in Meagan Delanoire. Meagan steps in enthusiatiscally ready to bruise up the pretty girl. She takes Tiffany by the hair from Lisa and guides her to the ropes. Shifting her hold from the head to her arm, Meagan slings Tiffany into the ropes. She steps forward and drops Tiffany to the mat face first with a drop toe hold! }

Sandra: Great move!!!

Garry: Bah!!!

{ Getting to her feet, Meagan smiles at the other Sisterhood members as she drops a knee to Tiffany's neck. The lovely women screams and bucks as Ms. Delanoire doesn't roll the knee off the throat but puts all her pressure on it instead. Nina sticks her head in the ropes as if to jump in but the ref catches her before that happens. She yells at the ref that the hold is illegal before getting completely back out of the ring. The ref starts to count and Meagan breaks the choke on 4. }

Garry: Here we go again, all the Shoppers do is cheat!!!!

Sandra: Turnabut is fair play.

Garry: The Sisterhood has played by the rules, it's those Shoppers doing ALL the cheating!!

{ Tiffany rolls onto her stomach grasping at her throat again. Her body is bruised and battered, but the red welts on her neck really show how badly she has been treated in the ring. She stumbles a little but manages to get back to her feet on her own. Meagan waits for her to burn up her energy getting up on her own before leading in with a kneelift to the gut. Hooking a headlock in, Ms. Delanoire positions herself and Tiffany in the middle of the ring. She smiles to her fans and lets the headlock go. Reaching under the beauty queen, Meagan scoops her up for a body slam, but finds her hands suddenly empty as Tiffany slides over her shoulder and behind her! Meagan turns quickly to catch the slippery model but finds chop to her chest. Meagan's body jerks involuntarily backward with impact and a gasp issues from her lips. Another chop...and another...and another puts Meagan's back to the ropes. Tiffany wastes no time and whips her stunned opponent into the ropes. Meagan whips back and is horrified to see a suddenly seemingly revitalized Tiffany flip in the air to her! Tiffany's legs settle onto Meagan's shoulders and tighten their grip before she pull them over into a beautiful Hurricurana! Meagan holds her head and slaps the mat with her legs as Tiffany lays thoroughly exhausted now. }

Sandra: This is so intense!!!!

Garry: It really is a good battle. Tiffy is so hot, I wonder what she's doing later tonight?

Sandra: Nothing with you, I'm sure.

Garry: Hey, she and I hit it off well at the Marquise's party!

Sandra: Oh she must of gotten you something to eat, huh?

Garry: Your such a *&(^!

{ Nina and Laura scream at their partner to make the tag, and Meagan is desperately trying to gather her thoughts after the short yet brutal attack. Creeping slowly to the corner, Tiffany finds the hand of Laura Parker. Laura smiles as she gets into the ring to mix it up with Meagan who is now getting to one knee. She takes advantage of the still dazed Shopper and grabs under her butt and behind her knees. Lifting with a grunt, Laura falls backward with a side suplex. Meagan's body jerks straight making her do a sort of handstand before falling onto her stomach. She rolls over and covers Ms. Delanoire without hooking a leg. }

Garry: Seeya SSSShoppper!!


Sandra: Nope!!

{ Meagan kicks out with authority throwing Laura away from her. She starts to get to her feet showing that there is still plenty of fight in her. Beating Meagan to her feet, Laura whips herself into the ropes. She comes back and leaps into the air locking on her flying headscissors to Meagan's surprise. Both combatants come down to the mat, and Laura really starts to add pressure to the hold! Meagan squeels and grunts but shakes her head "No" to the referee when he questions her. Laura, frustrated that Meagan will not give up, reaches down and snags one of Meagan's legs. She pulls it up to complete the head scissors and bow and arrow combination. Letting out a horrible scream, Meagan still refuses to give up. Samantha pounds the mat and starts clapping, and the whole arena starts to applaude in rhytum with her to add strength to the dwindling Shopper. Meagan begins to buck and squirm to loosen the hold. Laura definately pulls back on her leg and squeezes her neck even harder with her toned thighs. Finally, Meagan reaches up with a free arm and slugs the beauty princess in the gut! Laura gasps and lets go of the bow and arrow but keeps the scissors as she cluthes protectively at her stomach, but that isn't where the next blow is going. Meagan closes her fist and nails Laura square in the nose! Laura shrieks and lets go completely of Meagan's neck. She gets quickly her feet holding her face. Pulling her hands away from them, she can see a small splotch of blood on her fingers. }

Garry: Uh huh, closed fist punches now, all they do is cheat I tell ya!!!

Sandra: GaaWaa!!

{ Meagan is still getting to her feet when Laura screams in fury and rushes her! Meagan is quick to counter as she kicks forward and chops Laura's leg out from under her. Parker tumbles to the mat and almost out of the ring. Meagan gets to her feet and takes in a clean long breath of air before running over to her nemesis. Glaring down at Laura who is resting on the ring apron, Ms. Delanoire puts one leg through the ropes and puts the boots to Laura's chest and stomach. Laura gasps and squeels with each shot until she tumbles to the outside of the ring. Meagan, seeing her opening to put away yet another of the sisterhood, steps through the ropes and down next to her opponent. She picks the littler girl up and throws a punch to her gut for good meassure. Taking a good hold of her hair, Meagan points to the post for all the fans to see. They erupt their approval, and Meagan runs with Laura in tow toward the metal weapon. Defiant as to the fate Meagan has picked out for her, Laura puts on the brakse just in time and Meagan loses her grip. She rams into the post herself...a victim to her own torture. Laura looks down at her opponent dazed and stumbling still. She points to Meagan who is out like a light on the arena floor and screams to the crowd! }

"She was going to try and destroy my career!"

{Gathering her thoughts, she rolls back into the ring and gets to her feet. She listens to the referee and leans back in her corner taking a much needed break.



Still no movement...


Meagan's hands can be seen gripping the apron now.


Lisa runs from her corner on the outside to help her partner in.


She reaches her and starts pushing for all she is worth while Meagan grips the bottom rope.


{ The ref signals for the bell. The announcer steps to the side of the ring and listens to the ref's instructions before talking into the microphone. }

"Ladies and Gentlemen. Meagan Delanoire has been counted out!"

Garry: Seeya Shopper!!!!

Sandra: Did you see what I saw?

Garry: Nope, I just watched the ref..

Sandra: Uh huh, suuuuure.

{ Lisa scowls and looks to Meagan still trying to get into the ring. She lets go of the eliminated shopper and moves back to her corner. Meagan holds her head and slaps the apron in disgust before heading back to the dressing rooms. Seeing that she is the freshest body, Tina steps into the ring to take on Laura. The bell sounds and Laura tags in Nina to catch her breath. She also needs to give her body time to heal a little as well. Nina steps into the ring ready to do battle with Tina. They meet in the middle of the ring and lock it up. }

Sandra: Well here we go again!

Garry: Go NINA!!

{ Both women struggle to gain the upperhand, then Tina takes a step back surprising Nina who stumbles forward from the slack. Hooking one arm between Nina's legs and another around her neck, Tina pulls her up and drops her gut first onto her knee. Nina gasps as Tina pushes her off her knee to the mat. Getting back to a standing postion, Tina falls down with a headbutt to the face. Nina convulses with the shot but then her arms and legs start to flail. Tina grabs a hold of her hair and pulls her closer to her as the ref starts to try and see what is happening. She lets up and gets to her feet. Nina springs to a seated position holding her face. }

"She bit me! She bit my face!"

Garry: The league really needs to do something about these Shoppers and their underhanded tactics. I think Sherry paid off this ref, so her girls could cheat, and get away with it. I hope Tina doesn't have rabies, for Nina's sake.

Sandra: Hold on, I need to go put my boots on. The crap flowing from your mouth is really building up down here.

{ Stepping over to Tina, the referee asks Tina about the bite. She shakes her head and gives the ref an incredulous look. Nina stands and screams to the ref about watching the match. The ref simply steps back and tells the girls to keep fighting. Nina is enraged at the obvious incompetance of the referee and turns to Tina. Both girls step forward to lock up, but Nina quickly lashes out with a boot to Tina's gut. Tina doubles over holding her poor stomach while Nina grasps her waist. Grunting as she heaves the heavier girl up, Nina pulls her up to her face then throws her down in a classic powerbomb manuever. Tina arches her back and the pain can be seen right on her face. Positioning herself over her fallen victim, Nina drops one knee to the neck of Tina as Tina did to her partner. Mercifully, she rolls the knee off the neck and watches with some amusement as older Dream sister rolls around on the mat holding her windpipe. Helping Tina back to her feet, Nina throws her to the ropes, but then, as if changing her mind mid-move, grabs Tina's hair and pulls her into a front headlock. Tina shrieks at the blatant hairpull and the ref warns Nina to watch the illegal moves. Nina scoffs at the referee before falling backward suddenly into a DDT! Tina completes the roll and slumps to the mat rolling her head from side to side. Nina is quick to get to her feet as the all the other wrestlers, Sisterhood and Shoppers alike, can see what is coming next. Tiffany whistles to the referee who turns to the curvaceous model. Taking advantage of her window, Nina drops down nailing a low blow to Tina completing Nina's Knockout. Hooking a leg, Nina goes for another elimination! Tiffany points to the pin and the ref turns just in time to see a flying Samantha Page break the pin with a kick to the head. }

Garry: It's never ending I tell ya. Come on ref, take control here!!!

Sandra: I wish you'd quit your whining, it's really getting annoying. The ref is doing a fine job, look.

{ Ushering Samantha back out of the ring, Nina sits up and kneels next to her opponent. She shakes her head as if Tina is a useless object she has to do something with. Deciding on her next action, she picks Tina up and sends her to the corner. Tina, very much in trouble, leans into the corner trying to fiqure out where she is. She holds her crotch as the low blow still stings a little. Nina casually walks over to Tina confident she has her opponent well in hand. Snapmaring her over by the hair, Nina crosses over her opponent to her legs. She grabs both of them and pulls Tina to the center of the ring before twisting one of her legs around one of Tina's. Bringing Tina's other leg up under to cross the other but to rest in Nina's lap, Nina hooks her free leg and completes the fiqure-four leglock! Tina sits up and screams in pain! Her eyes widen and she slaps the mat furiously as Nina lifts her butt off the mat increasing the pressure ten-fold! }

Garry: Seeya Shopper, your done!!!

Sandra: Come on Tina, hang in there hun!!!

Garry: Pfft...stick a fork in her, she's DONE!!!

{ The referee slides next to Tina and asks her right away if she gives. Tina screams her defiance, grabs the ref's shirt, and gives him a shove away. The referee scrambles to his feet and watches both combatants for another elimination. Tina, covering her face with her hands as Nina constricts the hold even more, fights the hold with all she has. }

"Dream! Dream! Dream! Dream! Dream! Dream! Dream! Dream! Dream! Dream!"

{ The crowd starts chanting for Tina trying to do all they can to give her strength. Samantha looks out to the fans and starts stomping her foot in time with the chant inspiring everyone to yell even louder. Twisting her body to one side, Tina starts to try and pull Nina over for a reversal. Nina laughs and pushes her body the opposite way countering Tina's attempt. }

"No no. Little girls shouldn't disobey their obvious superior. Give up Dream!"

{ Tina clenches her teeth and sucks in air through her teeth making a hissing sound. The pain is excrutiating! With her ring experience and more for survival, the older Dream sister suddenly throws her body the other way and uses Nina's own pressure to turn her over. Nina throws her head back and screams more in surprise at first, then the hot feeling of pain shots through her legs. The crowd goes crazy as they see that there chanting helped their chosen favorite. Tina pushes her legs off the ground to increase the pressure of the reversal. Grasping at her own hold turned against her, Nina manages to wiggle one leg out. Tina pulls herself foward and away from Nina before pushing off the mat to ger feet. Crawling to the ropes, Nina grabs the bottom rope and starts to pull herself up. Tina, smiling at this opportunity, throws herself into the ropes, bounces back, and leaps into the air to seat herself on Nina's neck! Nina lets out a small squeel as her neck is forced onto the bottem rope. Tina bounces up and down a few times before stepping back to admire her work. Barely limping but enough to be noticed, Tina goes to her corner and tags in Samantha Page. }

Sandra: And here comes SAMMY!!!

Garry: Oh whoopie!!! Hmmn, she is pretty fine looking though. Maybe I'll give her a tour of Mexico later tonight.......

Sandra: I don't think Sammy dates farm animals.

Garry: No No, I said I'd take her out, not some pig like you......


Garry: Knock it off!!!

Sandra: Let's switch seats, I want that other cheek now.

Garry: You should just worry about reducing the size of your butt cheeks. Those things are HUGE!!!


Sandra: That should shut you up for a while.

{ Samantha is quick to react! She jumps into the ring and grabs Nina into a standing armbar as Nina just gets back to her feet. Wrenching Nina's arm up, she gasps and holds her shoulder as though to relieve the pressure that way. Pulling her opponent to the middle of the ring, Samantha relinquishes the armbar and scoops Nina up to a body slam. Sam holds her there a second before planting Nina into the mat. A quick followup by Samantha with a stomp then an elbow smash finishes a nice sequence of moves. Nina rolls her head from side to side dazed. Tiffany looks rather distraught for her friend, and Laura whispers to her as she looks on as well. }

Sandra: Those two can only be planning pure evil.

Garry: Nah, she's just asking Laura if that is egg on her face.

Sandra: HAHA and it just may be. Those little girls were a riot.

Garry: Well Laura got those little snots pretty good smashing their candy.

Sandra: Pfft...big deal, when Sherry gets back home, she'll take those girls to a candy store, and buy them all they want.

Garry: Candy store? That slobs kitchen prolly looks like a candy store!!!

Sandra: I'll let Sher slap ya for that one later on.

{ Pulling Nina up to a sitting position, Samantha clamps on a chin lock wearing Nina down. She wrenches her arm to enforce that she means business to the model under her control. Page glares over at the over Sisterhood members and screams at them. }

"Is this the best you can do!?"

{ Nina grasps at Samantha's strong arm as she gasps for air. Page pulls her up using the manuever she has clamped on. Leaning forward, she pulls Nina back into a reverse headlock, then falls back for a reverse DDT. Nina groans and slumps to the mat semi-concious. Rolling onto Nina, Samantha covers her opponent! }



{ Looking up just in time, Samantha catches a glimpse of Tiffany's missile dropkick nail her square in the nose! Rolling off her forgotten prey, Page holds her nose and gets to her feet. Yelling at the ref to keep the Sisterhood under control, she goes back to her target. She picks up the dazed model and screams over at the Sisterhood corner. }

"Time to put this little bitch out! Say Goodbye!!"

Reaching down inside her, Nina hooks Samantha's head and leg while rolling back into a small package! The Shop members in their corner scream encouragement to their partner to get out of it!


Samantha squirms and bucks but the package is set tight!


Lisa and Tina both jump into the ring but too late....


{ The ref signals for the bell once again and nods to the announcer once. The announcer stands and clears his throat before speaking. }

"Ladies and Gentlemen, Samantha Page has been eliminated by Nina Larue!"

Garry: Bump Bump Bump another Shopper bites the dust, and another one's gone, another one's gone, another Shopper bites the dust!! YEEEEEEHAAAAA!!!

Sandra: Oh lord, please stop singing. Your gonna scare the crowd out of here.

{ Sam stands as Nina slumps exhausted to the mat. She screams in rage at the turn of events and leaps to her feet! She starts to put the boots to Nina screaming and cursing at her! Tiffany and Laura get in the ring quickly and try to get to Page but the referee interferes with their helping their friend. The ref yells at Page to leave and another official slides into the ring bravely getting between an enraged Samantha and Nina. Screaming one more curse, Samantha slides out of the ring escorted by the extra official. She slams her hands on the apron and makes her way slowly back to the dressing room turning around to look back every so often. }

Sandra: Poor Sammy,, she did so well in there. Sherry will be proud of her I bet.

Garry: Why, is she bringing Sherry a bottle of Geritol to drink before her match?


{ The Dream sisters look at each other with frowns on their faces. A stare down insues until Lisa scowls and steps into the ring. She looks to her sister before stepping out of the corner. }

"Watch how 'Perfection' is done."

Garry: Can't ya just feel the love?

Sandra: Not really.

{ Tina simply shakes her head and looks away. Lisa looks to the center of the ring and sees Tiffany waiting for her. Nina must have made a tag out while the Dream sisters argued. Lisa shrugs and waits for the bell to sound. }


{ Lisa crosses her arms and smirks to Tiffany. }

"It doesn't matter which of you it is. You are all insignificant next to 'Perfection'!"

{ Tiffany laughs and signals for Lisa to come on. Lisa steps forward and the two begin to circle around looking for an advantage. Tiffany lunges forward and forces a tie up. Both combatants struggle for a moment then shove each other away. Glaring at each other and seeing they are evenly matched, they move forward to lock up again. Lisa ducks under the grasping arms of Tiffany. Tiffany turns to have a facerake delivered to her. She shrieks and holds her lovely face more worried that her looks were marred than anything. Lisa steps back and throws a chop to the throat dropping the pretty wrestler to the ground gasping! }

Garry: Yes folks, once again, a cheap tactic used by the Body Flop.

Sandra: You just never stop do ya?

Garry: That's what the ladies tell me.

Sandra: That's what they say when your at the dinner table.

Garry: Nuh uh! { Lisa, pleased with herself, turns to the fans and points to her head. They boo her arrogance but it doesn't bother 'Perfection'. Lisa turns back to her opponent who is down on her knees before her. She throws a simple kick up to the face of Tiffany that throws her opponent back to the mat. Tiffany, not looking so good and feeling the length of this match wearing on her, rolls onto her stomach and tries to get to her feet. Lisa grabs her hair and hauls her to her feet. A low blow keeps her opponent from being able to take advantage of any situation. Tiffany slumps back to the match curled in a ball! The referee steps to Lisa and warns her once again saying it is the last time. Lisa scowls at the official and turns back to her prey. }

Garry: Unreal, it just never ends. CHEAT CHEAT CHEAT!!!!!! { Lisa picks up her opponent and brings her to her corner. Tagging in her older sister, Lisa holds Tiffany for Tina. Tina steps into the ring and delivers a kick to the ribs before taking hold of one of Tiffany's arms, Tina slings her into the Shop corner. She starts to throw kicks to the gut of Tiffany who cries with each impact. Tiffany starts to slump down with each hit farther and farther to the mat. As she settles her head back on the bottem turnbuckle, Tina sets her foot under Tiffany's chin and uses the ropes for leverage to foot choke her victim! The ref is quick to come in and try to break up the hold. He gets to a 4 count before Tina breaks it. He warns her but Tina just simply shoves her foot right back again for another 4 count. }

Garry: I've just gotta tell Electra about this cheating. Hell she needs to pay this ref extra for having to control these Shoppers!!!

Sandra: You need to stuff your face with some food, and shut up a while!

{ Tina picks Tiffany up and and guides her to the middle of the ropes before slinging her into the ropes. Tina steps forward and throws a knee to the gut of Tiffany. Tiffany falls to the mat gasping for air her mouth wide open. Getting to one knee, Tina grabs her hair and takes her to the Shop corner. Nina and Laura yell out encouragement to Tiffany to try and get something going. Tina tags in her little sister. }

Sandra: Here comes Lisa!!!!

Garry: Here comes CHEATER #2!!!!

Sandra: Grow up!!

{Lisa steps into the ring once again not happy with being tagged in. Lisa snags Tiffany's arm up and twists it around. She climbs the ropes and comes crashing down on Tiffany's arm with a top rope chop. Tiffany falls to her knees gritting her teeth and holding her injured arm. }

Sandra: Excellant move!!!!

Garry: I think she pulled her hair.

Sandra: Get real tubby!!!

{ Lisa smirks and turns back to her corner. She slaps the shoulder of her older sister. Tina looks down at her shoulder then glares at the referee who slaps his hands together signaling a tag. Growling to her little sister, Tina steps into the ring determined to show Lisa how it's done. She snags Tiffany's hair and drags her none to gently to the middle of the ring. Tina slings Tiffany into the ropes. Falling into the ropes, Tiffany bounces back as Tina rolls toward her. Planting her hands on the mat, Tina springs up and connects to Tiffany's chin with a double heel mule kick! Tiffany stumbles back with a glazed look in her eyes before toppling over the tops rope to the arena floor. She lays seemingly lifeless face down! }

Garry: WOW!!!

Sandra: Tina is on fire!!!!

{ Tina looks outside the ring for her opponent and leans on the ropes. She shakes her head. The Sisterhood nearby yell and jeer at Tina to get her attention...anything to get some heat off poor Tiffany. She looks over at them, steps over and slaps Laura on the back of the head. Laura snarls and leaps into the ring going for Tina's throat in a fit of rage. Lisa leaps down from the corner and heads under the apron of the ring seeing a nice opportunity. Coming out on the other side, she's looks up and sees the ref still occupied with an outraged Laura. Picking Tiffany up and hoisting her horizontal and on her shoulder, Lisa drops the beauty's neck right on the safety rail. She smirks and doesn't let Tiffany get a breath in. Grabbing her hair and hauling her up, Lisa slides Tiffany back into the ring under the bottem rope. She gets back to her corner the way she came. }

Garry: And the cheaters sisters are at it again. Both cheating at once this time!!

{ Laura ignores the ref's warning and he gets back to watching the match. He looks to the outside for Tiffany then spots her in the ring. A little confused, he shrugs it off and goes on with his duty. Tina looks over to Nina Larue and smiles. }

"Can't seem to help your partner now..."

{ Tina drops to her knees next to Tiffany and blatantly closes the airway with a chokehold. The referee yells at Tina and counts to 4 once again before the hold is broken. Tina glares at the ref then slaps the choke on once again. He slaps a hand down on Tina's shoulder to get her attention before starting the count this time. }

"One more time Dream! Just one more time and I'll disqualify you!"

Garry: Oh my, he finally gre some kahunas!! I'm amazed!!

Sandra: You want some cheese to go with that whine?

Garry: Ah hah, real original.

{ Tina picks up the stunned and confused Tiffany and walks her to a neutral corner. Pushing her away from the corner, Tina then slingshots Tiffany so hard she falls to the mat. Tiffany, however, slams face first into the turnbuckle bounces sickeningly off of them. She looks glassy eyed out into the arena before falling back to the mat. Tina simply lays on top of her and looks to the referee. }


Nina runs over from her corner and leaps onto the top rope.


{ She springs off and opens her body up to a splash. Tina rolls out of the way just in time as she sees the lighting on the mat darken. Nina lands stomach first on her partner and gasps in pain. Tiffany just lays motionless as though there was no splash...her energy all used up. Nina rolls off her Babe Squad partner and out of the ring. She clutches her gut and makes her way back to her corner. Tina rolls back onto Tiffany and hooks a leg. }



{ This time Laura Parker is quick to jump in and kick Tina in the head to stop the count. Tiffany lays still lifeless on the mat. Tina, surprised at the persistance of the Sisterhood, looks down at the motionless model. She sees no fight left in this woman. Tina picks up the poor girl and hauls her up into a body slam position. She walks over to Lisa and tags her sister in while giving some instructions. Lisa smirks at the older Dream sister. Tina lays Tiffany out on her knee and screams to Lisa to do it! Lisa climbs onto the top rope and perches. She smiles and does a little bump and grind for the fans out there. Some of the guys in the front row fake a swoon at the sight! Tina yells at her sister to get on with it. }

Sandra: If these two could work as a team, they'd be deadly!

Garry: Who, dumb and dumber? Nah, I doubt it.

{ Lisa leaps high into the air and drops a knee right onto the throat of Tiffany. Tiffany gurgles out a yelp of pain as she feels her body catapult off Tina's knee and land face first on the mat. Tina steps out of the ring watching the other Sisterhood members as Lisa covers Tiffany. }



{ Nothing from the Sisterhood corner. They just frown as they see it best to let Tiffany get out of this match. }


{ The bell rings twice and the announcer stands once again. }

"Ladies and Gentlemen. Tiffany Lane has been eliminated by Lisa Dream!"

Sandra: And then there were four!

Garry: That Tiffany took one hell of a beating there at the end. I hope she's ok.

{ Lisa stands and smirks at her opponent. She steps over her and does a bump and grind dance. Nina and Laura leap into the ring which forces Lisa to slide uner the rope and Tina to jump from the ring apron to the arena floor. The Sisterhood attend to Tiffany and try to help her. A few trainers for the Sisterhood come from the back. They hold out there hands as Nina and Laura scoot Tiffany to the edge of the ring. Putting her arms around there necks, the trainers help Tiffany walk to the back and exit out the curtain. }

Sandra: Oh my, this could be serious, I do hope she's ok. So goes for your plans later with her I guess.

Garry: Well if her neck is only hurt, I can still play with the rest of her.


Garry: I was being compasionate dammit!!! She needs something to take her mind off the pain.

Sandra: Yea, like having a 300 pound fat ass humping her would do that!

{ Nina looks to Laura and whispers to her. Laura simply nods and steps back out of the ring into her corner. Lisa, seeing that the odds are once again even, slides back into the ring and smiles to Nina. }

"You don't want to end up like your friend. Leave before 'Perfection' overwhelms you."

{ Nina doesn't even wait for the bell as she rushes forward and performs a stiff kick to the gut. Lisa gasps in surprise and doubles over. Nina throws herself into the ropes nearby and bounces back. She jumps in the air and axe kicks Lisa on the back of the head. Forgetting about her injured gut, Lisa falls face first to the mat and grasps the back of her head. Nina roughly picks Lisa back up using her hair. Grabbing at Nina's wrists, Lisa screams as her hair feels like it is being ripped out. She shoves Lisa to the middle of the ring and steps forward to her. One chop...then another...the another echo through the arena. The crowd "Ohhhh!"s with each slap and Lisa reals with each impact. Right before Lisa's bakc hits the ropes, Nina spins and balls her fist. She connects with the back fist right in the face! Lisa covers her face and let's out a shriek! }

"My....My face. MY FACE!!!!!"

Garry: Gaaa Waaaaa!!

{ Lisa turns with a horrified look on her face. Nina stops forward and spin kicks Lisa square on the jaw. Lisa falls back over the ropes but miraculously lands on her feet on the arena floor. Lisa covers her face and walks to the safety railing. The fans jeer 'Perfection' as she touches at her face making sure she is not bleeding. She screams to the fans not to touch her before turning back to the ring. She scowls at her inability to defend her perfect looks from this miscreant. She orders the ref to keep Nina back as she enters the ring again. Lisa steps through the ropes and readies herself to fight Nina. }

Garry: What a wuss!!!!

Sandra: Give it a rest will ya? Damn this is a long match. Someone get me another water please, I'm parched out here.

Garry: Yea, get me a couple cool ones!

{ Nina signals for Lisa to come on. Lisa steps forward and holds her hands up for a lockup. Nina puts her hands up and steps forward to meet 'Perfection'. Lisa once again ducks under her opponent's arms and looks to the crowd smiling. She points to her head and nods thinking herself so clever. She turns and is met with a kick to the gut as Nina is not fooled. Nina takes a hold of Lisa's neck and twists around putting the smaller Dream sister against her back. Letting go of Lisa's neck, she takes hold of her arms and hoists Lisa up. She turns and looks to the crowd spinning as Lisa is helpless to fight her way out of this one. Nina spreads her legs and falls forward finishing the crucifix powerbomb. Lisa's back slaps against the mat as her body bounces once from the impact. Nina comes over to make the cover. }



{ With still a lot of energy left in her, Lisa rolls her shoulder up. Tina smiles a little as she sees her sister taking a beating in the ring. Nina picks Lisa up not wasting anytime on this one. Shoving Lisa into the near neutral corner, she throughs one...two...then a third kick into the gut of 'Perfection' before leaping in the air and performing a spinning heel kick to the face. Lisa crumbles to the mat and holds her face protectively. Nina simply changes her approach and throws a boot right into Lisa's gut. Falling forward, Lisa coughs and moans in pain as she sees this match is slipping away from her. }

Garry: GO NINA!!!!!!!!

Sandra: This is one of the best matches I've ever seen. What intesity!

{ Nina backs off and lets Lisa climb to her feet on her own to burn energy. Grabbing her arm, Nina drags Lisa to the middle of the ring and slingshots her into the Sisterhood corner. Stepping over to her territory, Nina tags in Laura for a much needed break. Laura takes Lisa off Nina's hands and locks on a headlock. She pushes her other arm up through the hair of the smaller Dream sister and gouges her eyes before letting the hold go. Lisa screams and drops to her knees covering her eyes. Stepping behind Lisa, Laura places her foot in her back and shoves Lisa down face first to the mat. Parker sits in the small of Lisa's back, pulls her arms up over her knees, and then laces her fingers under Lisa's chin before hauling back. Lisa's eyes widen and she gasps in pain as her back is strained from the camel clutch. Laura rears back more and more putting maximum strain on the back of Lisa. Lisa moans and cries out with each jerk of the clutch. The referee asks Lisa if she submits, and she shakes her head no. }

Garry: Give up Shopper, your done! Damn, where is my beer?

Sandra: I dunno, but I need a drink soon too!!!

{ Tina steps into the ring after watching her sister suffer for a little bit, but the official cuts her off and orders her back to the corner. Nina takes the opportunity to climb in the ring and sit back to back with Laura. She grasps both of Lisa's ankles and pulls them back as well as the two perform a sort of combination boston crab/camel clutch. Clawing at the hands laced under her chin, Lisa starts to shriek and tries to buck to unseat her torturers. Both Sisterhood members smile, but Tina is wise to the trick and exits the ring. The ref turns around and sees Nina helping her partner illegally. He runs over and orders Nina out of the ring as well. A 5-count that stops at 4 is necessary to get Larue to go back to her corner. Laura continues to rear back on on Lisa's head as Lisa struggles. She slaps her feet on the mat as she can only really take the manuever and hope it is over soon. }

Sandra: Gee, how come your not crying about that cheating?

Garry: I didn't see anything, I was looking around for a beer man.

Sandra: uh huh, sure!!!

{ Laura undoes her fingers and let's Lisa flop back down to the mat. Pulling Lisa to her feet, Laura locks in an armbar that gets a moan from Lisa. She guides 'Perfection' to a neutral corner and climbs it still holding the bar on tight. Lisa grasps at Laura hands holding the manuever but can't seem to slink her fingers in under Laura's hands. Showing that she has a good acrobatic ability, Parker walks along the ropes pulling Lisa with her. She lets go of the armbar then slingshots herself off the rope into the air. With pinpoint accuracy, she lands an elbow smash to Lisa's strained shoulder. Her arm hanging uselessly to her side, Lisa yelps in pain and stomps the mat with one of her feet as if it helps with the pain. Pushing Lisa into the ropes, Laura throws her into the ropes for running manuever. Laura steps forward and catches Lisa's waist as she barges back toward her. Twisting her body, Laura flips Lisa around and then down on her knee using the Lisa's own momentum to inflict extra pain with a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Lisa arches her back over Laura's outstretched knee, then rolls to the side off the knee to the mat. Tina in her corner doesn't look at all concerned for her sister. }

Garry: Well Sherry certainly isn't gonna be pleased with Tina's attitude.

Sandra: Ya know, for once your right about something. What is up with Tina????

Garry: Probably that time of the m........


Sandra: Don't you dare say it, jerk!!!

Garry: OUCH!!!!

{ Getting back to her feet, Laura smiles and pushes the hurt Dream onto her back with a flick of her foot. She gets to the nearest corner and climbs it facing the crowd. She flashes them an awarding winning smile before springing backward flipping in mid-air! She lands on top of Lisa who screams out as her body convulses from the moonsault. Laura hooks a leg for the pin. }



{ Lisa rolls her shoulder up just in time! Laura slaps the mat in frustration as she gets back to her feet. She grabs a handful of hair getting Lisa to her level. Turning away from her opponent, Laura runs to the ropes and rebounds back. Doing two backflips, Laura does half of one more but then pushes herself up kicking out with a mule kick. Lisa takes the full impact and falls back into the ropes bouncing off them. Laura is already on her feet and finishes her tactic with a spinning heel kick. Lisa flies into the air and lands flat on her back after this. Her body convulses a few times before lying still. Laura rolls Lisa up in a matchbook pin! }

Garry: End of a dream here folks.


{ Tina is quick to help out on this one with body tackle generally aimed at the pin pair. She grazes Laura which breaks the count. }

Garry: Once again, desperation of the Shop, forces them to cheat.

Sandra: Oh shut up.

{ Laura is visibly upset as the official once again has to usher Tina out of the ring. Laura grabs a hold of the Dream's legs and pulls her to her corner. She tags in Nina who climbs the turnbuckle. Laura drops a legdrop to Lisa just to keep her down just in case. Nina jumps from the turnbuckle as soon as she gets to the top dropping a knee to the gut of Lisa Dream. Lisa balls up and clutches her stomach kicking her legs that hit the mat in a rhythum. Pulling Lisa to her feet and shoving her into the Sisterhood corner, Nina throws a chop right into her throat. Lisa's eyes grow large as she grasps her throat. The ref comes in and yells at Nina for her chop. Nina just looks back at the official and says her rebuttal. }

"You never seem to mind when the Shop cheats!"

Garry: You tell him sweety!!!

{ Nina grabs a hold of Lisa's head and throws her out of the corner to the mat nonchalantly. She tags Laura back in and they both nod to each other. Nina steps out as Laura steps back into action. Laura looks over at Tina and blows her a kiss. She covers a still motionless Lisa and gives the other sister a wink. The ref slides down and raises his hand to begin the count. Tina steps into the ring but her other leg won't go with her. She trips up as her right leg is stationary. She looks back at Nina Larue holding onto her ankle. She must have used the same tactic Lisa did crawling under the ring! The Sisterhood learns fast! Tina screams her defiance. She jerks and and twists her body trying to get away but it's no use as the ref's hand falls for the third time to the mat. }

"Ladies and Gentlemen. Lisa Dream has been eliminated by Laura Parker!"

Garry: Nah Nah Na hey hey GOOD BYE!!!! Now time to see the other sister take a pounding!!!

Sandra: Tina has her work cut out for her now, that's for sure.

{ Nina lets go of Tina's leg and gets away as quick as she can. Tina steps into the ring quietly and looks down at her sister. She simply shakes her head and walks away waiting for her to get out of the ring. Lisa holds her head and rolls out of the ring. She stumbles a little but makes her way down the walkway. She stops and looks to the fans before scowling at them and their lack of respect for 'Perfection'. Lisa disappears into the back to rest. }

Garry: I guess Sherry will kiss her butt now.

Sandra: After what Lisa did to Meagan? Lisa best stay clear of Sherry for a long while!

{ Laura and Nina are all smiles as they see just one more Shopper to go through to win this match. Tina warms up with the ropes knowing she no longer can just tag out and rest. Laura looks at Nina and nods signaling she'll stay in. The bell tolls once more and the fans get to their feet giving Tina their full support. They circle in the ring looking for an opening in the other's defenses. They lunge forward at the same time and violently push and shove to get the upper hand. Tina finally pulls Laura into a headlock and twists the headlock to put on as much pressure as she can. Laura yelps and grabs at Dream's arm to try and break the hold. Laura changes her tactic soon after and grabs a hold of Tina's hair. Tina's head jerks back as she gasps. Laura pulls her back to the ropes, uses them to push the momentum forward, then slings Tina into the ropes. Tina flies to the opposite set of ropes. When she comes back, she meets Laura in the middle of the ring. She shoulder tackles the Sisterhood model to the mat. Laura quickly begins to get to her as Tina runs to the ropes once more. As Laura gets to her knees, she is met by a missile dropkick well placed by Tina. }

Sandra: Tina just may pull this off.

Garry: I've got a hundred bucks that says she doesn't.

Sandra: Ummm.....nah, no bet. The odds sucks here.

{ Falling back to the mat, Laura slaps the mat in frustration. Tina, being more fresh than anyone, is already back on her feet. She falls down dropping an elbow right into Laura's pliable belly. Laura screams and wraps her arms around her stomach. Getting back to her feet, Tina leaps in the air once again and splashes down ontop of her stunned opponent. }

Garry: EEP!!! Good thing we didn't bet!!



{ Nina runs in and kicks Tina in the side breaking the count. The referee is quick to get back to his feet but Nina has Tina by the hair determined to change the momentum of this match. She delivers chop after chop to Dream's chest leaving it red and raw looking. The corner is introduced to Tina's back as she falls into it after the last chop. Laura gets back to her feet and steps over to help her partner. Nina slingshots Tina into the opposite corner, then takes a hold of Laura's hand. Laura jerks Nina forward into a run. She smashes full body into Tina head on. Both girls have a meeting of the minds and both cry out in obvious pain. Tina slumps into the corner and Nina falls back onto her back before rolling out of the ring holding her head. Laura, being the only one not involved in the collision, walks casually to Tina. }

Garry: Break out the Advil!!!

Sandra: Eww that smarts!

{ Laura lands a chop of her own to Tina's chest before slinging her back across the ring to the next corner. She is quick to follow and does a handstand right behind Dream as she slumps into her new temporary home. Laura's legs wrap around Tina's neck and rest on her shoudlers. She pulls her forward into a hurricurana. Tina falls to the mat on her back and slides a little ways from the momentum of the move. Laura slides over to her corner and tags in Nina quickly. }

Sandra: Impressive.

Garry: These two rock!

{ Nina climbs the top turnbuckle and perches there waiting for Tina to drain some energy by trying to get to her feet on her own. She leaps into the air just as Tina turns around looking a little dazed. Thrusting her legs out for a massive dropkick, Nina yelps in surprise as Tina steps to the side, catches her in mid-air and slams her to the canvass. Nina arches her back and holds it feeling the pain shoot up her spine. Tina stumbles a little then drops a knee to the small of Nina's back. Tina wraps her arms around Nina's lush throat and squeezed determined to take some of the life out of her. The ref starts the 5-count knowing yelling is going to do any good at this point. Tina lets the move go at 4 and clasps it right back on. Another 4 count and Tina gets back to her feet. The official points a finger to her and warns Dream. }

"One more choke and you'll have earned yourself a one-way ticket to the locker rooms Dream!"

Garry: He's so full a crap, how many times is he gonna say that? This wimp wont d.q. her!

Sandra: Want your bottle now, baby?

Garry: Your a joke, it's ok when you cry about foul play, but I can't, SHEESH!

{ Tina just looks down at the official with her glazed eyes. She shrugs and looks down at Nina struggling to get to her feet. Tina takes her by the hair and pulls her into a headlock. She falls backwards hitting the DDT smoothly. Nina rolls onto her back and pants for air. She presses one hand to the top of her head as the stars start to finally go away. Tina gets back to her feet, then drives an elbow into her gut. Nina rolls into a fetal position trying to protect her exposed abdomen as she gasps for air. Tina sits up and looks out into the crowd. They cheer for her enthusiastically, and she gets back on her feet. She picks up Nina and pushes her back into the ropes. Laura reaches over and slaps the back of Nina for a blind tag. Quickly she climbs the ropes and watches as Nina runs towards the other end of the ring, bounces off the ropes, and rushes back to Tina. Tina throws one arm out and whips Nina back down to the mat with a clothesline. Laura takes advantage of the situation as Tina's back is to her and lunges through the air with a clothesline of her own. It catches Tina as she turns around to work on Nina some more dropping her roughly to the mat. Nina, dazed and hurt, rolls around on the mat trying to find out where she is. }

Sandra: Dang, Tina was ready to put Nina away there I think.

Garry: Pfft...yea right.

{ Laura, in the mean time, smiles as she picks Tina up and takes her to the corner. She chops Dream in the chest once to keep her off balance, then pushes her up onto the top turnbuckle. Climbing up to join Tina, Laura can hear the crowd grow in anticipation with to what this move will be. A photographer runs over and motions to Laura. She hooks Tina's head in a headlock then smiles down to the camera with her drop-dead smile. However, Tina throws a punch up into the ribs of the smiling model as the picture is being taken so that instead of a "O" will be on the face of Laura Parker. Working her arms between her and Laura, Tina shoves Parker off her perch to the mat below. Laura flails her arms and legs as she falls flat on her back. Tina stands and throws herself out following Laura. The fans go nuts as Tina smashes into Laura with a splash from the top rope! The ref gets into position. }

Sandra: You'd think she learned to focus on her opponent earlier, not the camera.




Sandra: How much did we bet?

Garry: Nice try!

{ Laura lays in the ring panting and not knowing yet that she has just been eliminated. The official nods to the announcer once more as he does his part. }

"Ladies and Gentlemen! Laura Parker has been eliminated by Tina Dream!"

{ The arena erupts as they see the Shop making a comeback. Tina staggers to her feet tired and hurting from all the pain she has taken. She turns and gasps as Nina has recovered and already launched herself from the ropes. Her legs wrap around the Dreams's neck! Nina swivels around Tina's body then pulls her legs down whipping Tina to the mat violently. Nina ends up on top of Tina straddling her chest. She reaches back and hooks both legs for a matchbook pin! }


Garry: This should shut these fans up.


{ Tina uses her strength to kick out of this one, but she is in bad shape. Nina roughly grabs Tina by the head and hauls her to her feet. She steps back into a martial arts stance, then lunges in with a spin wheel kick! Tina cries out, then falls face first to the mat. Nina, not content with just one kick, puts the boots to Tina's head time and time again keeping the Body Shopper down. She is determined to keep her down this time for good! }

Garry: When the party's over!!!!

Sandra: It's not over yet, jackass.

{ Tina grabs onto Nina trying to use her to pull herself up. Nina lets her amused that Tina is still trying to fight back. Grabbing her hair, Nina pulls Tina's head back before delivering one chop right to the face. Tina cries out and slumps back to the mat. She rolls around with her chest heaving for air. Backing into the ropes, Nina slingshots herself back to Tina before jumping into the air. She comes down with a knee to the chest of Tina. Tina opens her mouth as all the air in her explodes out. She slumps to the mat trying to suck in as much air as she can for her oxygen deprived body. Nina shakes her head and sees no fight left in this woman. She hooks a leg and covers her. }

Garry: Say buh bye!

Sandra: Poor Tina, you may be right.


Tina rolls a shoulder defiant to the fate Nina has in store for her. Snarling, Nina stands and picks Tina up with her. She whips her into a corner and walks over to Tina. She yells to her.... }

Garry: Unreal. "You brought this on yourself!"

{ With that, she throws kicks and chops blindingly fast to Tina who looks like a mexican jumping bean in the corner. Her body jerks and convulses with each hit! Nina steps back and admires her work before placing a back kick right to Tina's face. Tina, more glassy eyed than before, falls forward to her knees then completes her fall on her face. Nina rolls her over and performs a cross body pin. }

Garry: Stick a fork in her!!!





{ The ref and Nina both stand at the same time. He takes her arm and holds it up in victory. Nina smiles to the fans who boo her for putting such a severe beating on their beloved Shop. Nina in turn responds by patting her butt while sticking it in the air. }

"Ladies and Gentlemen! Tina Dream has been eliminated by Nina Larue! The winners of the match....The Sisterhood of Seduction!!!!!!!"

{She climbs through the ropes and waves to the fans still as she walks down the aisleway! Tina holds her pain racked body as she exits the ring as well. Coughing and stumbling, she makes her way to the back. The fans cheer her effort and give her pats on the back for support. She disappears behind the curtain to join the rest of the Body Shop. }

Sandra: Well that was one hell of a match!!!

Garry: Yup, nice to see the Shop get dominated.

Sandra: What?!?!?! I think all 8 ladies are gonna be soaking in the hot tubs tonight. It was a great effort displayed by all of them.

Garry: Ya know, I never did get my beer. I'm really ticked about that!

Sandra: Well folks while we roll out a barell for tubby here to consume, we'll go to a promo for the Angels.

Garry: Don't go away, more great action is still to come here. 1

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