Jenny Anderson vrs Alexandria Parker

By: Tonedef

[The camera fades from black to survey the sell out crowd as they are on their feet, waving their signs and showing their appreciation for their favorite wrestlers. This is the very first Battling Ring Angels Pay Per View, and they have been treated to a great card thus far. Some of the apparent signs are ‘MY CELESTIAL MARQUISE’,’BODY SHOP RULZ’, and ‘THE HAWKS ON THE HUNT.’ The camera spins around, to focus on the announcers table located at ringside.]

Sexy Sandra: "Welcome back from our promotional piece folks, and you are just in time for our next event! I expect a good match here, though both characters are a bit…disreputable…"

Gruesome Garry: "Which will make the match that much more interesting! We’ve got a high flyer going against a technician here, which should make for an interesting comparison."

Sexy Sandra: "Jenny Anderson…well, what can you say? Turning her back on her family, a total change in demeanor…It’s hard to believe that it is the same woman. And then there is Alexandria Parker…"

Gruesome Garry: "I’ve heard that she was none too pleased over the humiliation from that do gooder shopper Lisa Dream last week…"

Sexy Sandra: "Do gooder? Which Shopper are YOU looking at?"

Gruesome Garry: "Pffft…they’re all do gooders, and they’ll get what they deserve tonight!"

[The arena’s lights dim as ‘She’s a bitch’ by Missy blares over the arena’s loudspeakers. The entrance ramp explodes with red fire works and pyro’s, and then the curtain parts to allow Alexandria Parker to exit. There is a fair amount of cheers for her, accompanied by an equal share of boos. She is wearing redish colored daisy dukes, a maching bra top and black boots with ‘Rich Bitch’ written on the kicking pads in platinum script.]

Sexy Sandra: "What an arrogant girl…as if she is almost proud of being a quote unquote ‘rich bitch’!"

Gruesome Garry: "And her entrance is pure style…check it out!"

[Alexandria is lying on a platform, which is being carried to ringside by 4 bare chested males. When they get to the ring, they gently lower it to the ground, and one of the men helps Alexandria into the ring. She smirks at the crowd as her theme music is replaced with the new version of the Ohio state fighting song. The lights in the stadium dim, and the flashlights around the stadium start blinking red and white colors. Jenny Anderson emerges from the back holding two pom poms at chest height. She smiles brightly and begins to do a pom pom routine for the benefit of the crowd.]

Sexy Sandra: "One thing has to be said, Jenny certainly has a lot of energy! And she’s great at those routines!"

Gruesome Garry: "Mmm-hmmm…have I mentioned that I have a thing for women wearing those tiny little skirts?"

Sexy Sandra: "Somehow, it doesn’t surprise me…"

[Jenny finishes the routine with a split on the ramp leading down from the entrance. She then bounces to her feet, whips the pom poms into the crowd and dashes down to the ring, doing several cartwheels and summersaults on the ramp. She jumps over the top rope into the ring, and sits down on the top turnbuckle, shaking her head at Alexandria.]

Sexy Sandra: "It’s a whole different Jenny, that’s for sure! She’s still got the same spunk, but she has a definite attitude now!"

Gruesome Garry: "Bout time she broke free of that awful, no good shop…she’s got no place to go but up now!"

Sexy Sandra: "Jenny gets off the turnbuckle, and moves towards Alexandria…and a dropkick to Alexandria’s left knee starts this thing off!"

Ding Ding Ding

Gruesome Garry: "And Jenny goes to work on that left knee with a vengence! Alexandria is knocked to the ground, and Jenny starts to stomp away on it, doing some damage!"

Sexy Sandra: "A smart move…always eliminate your opponents vertical base, so that she has problems catching you."

Gruesome Garry: "Thank you, Ms. Wrestling Guru…and Jenny gets her in a step over toe hold, continuing to work on that leg! She smirks down at Alexandria..and is met with a rake to the face for her troubles!"

[Jenny backs away, holding her face, and Alexandria gets to her feet, limping slightly on that leg. She moves forward, however, driving a knee into Jenny’s belly, and then underarm suplexes her to the mat]

Sexy Sandra: "Wow! What a power move, and it pays off! Alexandria always impresses me with her strength, every match I see!"

Gruesome Garry: "How much strength does it take to lift a 98 pound cheerleader?!? I’m not complaining, though, I love the lifts with the skirts…"

Sexy Sandra: "Get your mind out of the gutter! And a side headlock from Alexandria grounds the high flyer! Smart tactics, keep her grounded!"

Gruesome Garry: "Jenny is struggling to break free of the hold…somehow she manages to push Alexandria to her feet…"

Sexy Sandra: "And Alexandria grabs a handful of hair, driving Jenny back to the mat…right into the side headlock again! I’ve never seen someone submit from this move, but it wears them out, for sure!"

[Jenny struggles, arms and legs thrashing, but the weight advantage keeps her on the mat despite her struggles. Alexandria finally pulls Jenny to her feet, and whips her into the ropes, going for a closeline. Jenny ducks under the move, and flying dropkicks Alexandria, however.]

Gruesome Garry: "Can’t say that was a smart move on Alexandria’s part."

Sexy Sandra: "Have to agree with you there, you have to ground the high flyers, and not give them a chance to get away from you. Alexandria is right back to her feet, as is Jenny…and a flying headscissors takes Alexandria down again!"

Gruesome Garry: "followed up with a cartwheel leg drop right to Alexandria’s left knee…going right to work on that leg again!"

Sexy Sandra: "Both women are adopting unique styles here, I would have thought Jenny would stick with the high flying moves, but no, this is totally unexpected!"

[Jenny stomps away on the left knee again a multitude of times, then moves away into the center of the ring. She begins to do a little routine for the benefit of the fans, who roar their approval at the sight. Jenny finally sees Alexandria get to her feet and sticks out her tongue]

Jenny: "Can’t catch me!"

Gruesome Garry: "What a spunky cheerleader! Alexandria moves in, throws a punch, which Jenny ducks and sticks out her tongue again!"

Sexy Sandra: "Alexandria goes for another punch, Jenny ducks…no! It was a feint, and, grabbing Jenny’s head, Alexandria DDT’s her into the mat!"

Gruesome Garry: "Jenny just didn’t anticipate Alexandria’s reach…Alexandria goes for the cover…kickout at 2!"

Sexy Sandra: "Alexandria pulls Jenny to her feet, wraps her arms around her belly, lifts…belly to belly suplex!"

[Alexandria turns to the crowd and yells at them, and is responded with a mixture of cheers and boos. She smirks at them, points at the words on her boots and then stomps a foot down onto Jenny’s belly. Then, hauling Jenny to her feet again, goes to whip her into the ropes]

Sexy Sandra: "No! Reversal from Jenny, who goes to cross body slam Alexandria…Alexandria just catches her in mid air, laughs, and then slams Jenny down in a brutal backbreaker!"

Gruesome Garry: "I could practically hear the snap from here!"

Sexy Sandra: "Alexandria keeps Jenny on her outstretched knee, and pushes down on Jennys neck and legs, getting her in a brutal backbreaker submission hold! Jenny cries out!"

Gruesome Garry: "I don’t know how effective this is, remember how…flexible Jenny must be from Cheerleader training. But keep going for it, Alexandria, I love to see Jenny in this position…"

[The referee asks if Jenny submits, but Jenny shakes her head. Alexandria pushes down with all her might, but Jenny merely moans and does nothing, until finally, she does a back handspring off of Alexandria’s knee, catching Alexandria under the chin with her feet]

Sexy Sandra: "Wow! Flashkick counter out of the move, first time I’ve ever seen that done! Great flexibility for sure, on Jenny’s part!"

Gruesome Garry: "I think the move took its toll, though, Jenny slowly gets to her feet, and is met with a jarring running closeline from Alexandria!"

Sexy Sandra: "Alexandria plays for the crowd again, then seats herself on Jenny’s back, pulls her head back…camel clutch!"

Gruesome Garry: "Nowhere for the Cheerleader to go here, this move could snap her right in half!"

[Jenny cries out, but shakes her head when asked if she submits. Alexandria smirks as she pulls back…with all her effort, Jenny slides her arms off of Alexandria’s knees, and, grabbing Alexandria’s left leg, suddenly pivots under Alexandria, sliding out from under her from behind, holding the left leg. She is now on top of Alexandria, and painfully twists Alexandria’s leg]

Sexy Sandra: "Wow! What a counter! It’s damn near impossible to get a hold of this girl, it seems! And going right back to work on that left leg!"

Gruesome Garry: "The tides have reversed, but Alexandria spits at the referee when asked if she submits. She reaches out, grabs a hold of the ropes…forcing a break."

Sexy Sandra: "Jenny holds on for a 4 count, then releases the hold and bounces to her feet, sticking out her tongue at Alexandria!"

Jenny Anderson: "Oh, Alex, you’re so pathetic. I thought you knew how to wrestle."

Gruesome Garry: "Her words provoke Alexandria to run at Jenny, just what she wanted…hiptoss takes down Alexandria! Alex comes back at Jenny…hurricanrana! That had to hurt!"

Sexy Sandra: "Pin attempt from Jenny…power out at the 2 count!"

[Jenny gets back to her feet and pulls Alexandria to her feet, but Alexandria suddenly lets loose with a series of jarring knees to Jenny’s midsection. Jenny drops to her knees, and Alexandria follows it up with a swift kick to the head.]

Gruesome Garry: "Wow! Jenny must be on dream street…good martial arts from Alexandria, who pulls Jenny back to her feet…wait a second…"

Sexy Sandra: "Jenny has removed something from her top, and sprays something into Alexandria’s face! The referee missed it, Jenny had a good idea on where he was standing…she quickly removes the evidence, and then kicks Alexandria in the belly!"

Gruesome Garry: "Alexandria is blinded! I love it, Jenny gets my 5 star approval for her great ring skills!"

Sexy Sandra: "That was disgusting! Jenny did not have to do that!"

[Jenny shoves Alexandria’s head between her legs, going for a piledriver…Alexandria, however, suddenly lifts, throwing Jenny onto her back infront of Alex, who holds Jennys legs. Alexandria turns around, whip flips Jenny onto her front, getting her in a Boston Crab. Jenny cries out.]

Gruesome Garry: "Another nice counter! Alexandria can’t see, but she’s got the advantage here, getting Jenny in a liontamer….mmm, Jenny’s skirt just can’t seem to stay in place…"

Sexy Sandra: "Jenny goes for the ropes, but they are way out of range, and I think this match has taken its toll on her! She is in a lot of pain, and this is a vicious move for a weakened back, let me tell you!"

Gruesome Garry: "Jenny is asked if she submits, she shakes her head…she can’t do a thing, though, and Alexandria knows it! Alexandria applies more pressure…she’s going to snap Jenny in half!"

Sexy Sandra: "Jenny submits! I never thought that I’d see the day! Jenny is tapping out!"

Ding Ding Ding

[Alexandria’s theme song begins to blare over the arena’s loudspeakers as she releases Jenny, but she is not done with her. She rolls Jenny onto her back and seats herself on her face, beginning to gyrate on Jenny’s prone body as she gloats to the crowd.]

Gruesome Garry: "Didn’t Lisa Dream do the same thing to Alexandria last week?"

Sexy Sandra: "Maybe she’s sending a message to the DREAM…a good match, but Jenny’s own trickery got the better of her there! She thought Alexandria beat, and got cocky! Alexandria gets the upset over the ring veteran…though this is a rather sick display."

Gruesome Garry: "Well, I like it!"

[Fade to a promotional piece on the upcoming 10 person first to grab the belt is crowned the champion match.]




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