( The arena is filled with screaming fans, the previous four matches have delivered on the BRA promise of providing top notch wrestling entertainment. There is an eerie feeling over the crowd as a cage is slowly lowered over the ring. It stops about 10 feet from the ring. Technicians scurry about, checking over the equipment.. The camera then pans around to the announcer’s desk. Garry sits smiling, watching as the metal linked house is set in place. Sandra is shaking her head.)

Sandra: "This is going to be brutal"

Garry: "Yes!!! The ring is going to flow with blood tonight."

( Garry puts on a plastic raincoat. Sandra looks at Garry with even more disgust on her face )

Sandra: "Your happy about this?"

Garry: " You bet!! Our beloved President is going to beat into a fine and bloody pulp, the most annoying insect in BRA. Viper has pissed off everyone and tonight she pays the price!"

Sandra: " Well, it seems that Amanda Strike has pissed off a few people. She didn’t want this match, but Owner Electra Van Driesal signed her to it. Perhaps the Owner is displeased with Amanda’s performance."

Garry: " Petty jealously, it’s obvious that Electra is envious of Amanda’s business savvy and skill."

Sandra: " Well, she better have her fighting skills tonight. This type of match plays into Viper’s strengths. No rules, No DQ , Inside the cage will be two barrels of weapons. The only thing banned are cutting or stabbing weapons."

Garry: "No guns as well."

( Suddenly the arena lights dim down. Red spotlights illuminate the wrestler entrance.

"BRICKHOUSE" by the Commodore’s begins to play. A series of boo’s and a few cheers come from the crowd as BRA President Amanda strike steps out from behind the curtain. Behind her two BRA workers drag a large plastic barrel. The barrel has all sorts of objects sticking out of it. Amanda wears her tight red tube top and black jeans. A pair of raised platform boots on her feet. She walks to the ring , staring at the cage. A look of "I can’t believe I’m doing this on her face")

Garry: " The President looks ready and man!! Look at all the goodies she’s brought for Viper."

( Another camera shot appears. It looks down into the barrel. A steel folding chair, a bat, broomstick, rope amongst other nasty devices. )

Sandra: "Amanda is no slouch. She is a great wrestler, but this isn’t a wrestling match folks. It’s a "Last Woman Standing" match. Basically the match ends when one woman cannot rise after ten seconds. Pinfalls or submission holds only start the count. The woman has ten seconds to rise or she loses. The ref inside the ring is only there to count to ten. They have no ability to stop this match for any reason. There must be a winner."

( Suddenly the hissing sound of a snake is heard throughout the arena. A surprising amount of fans start to cheer. The lights dim down and a green glow emanates from behind the curtain. The hissing grows louder and louder. The image of a snake appears on the JumboTron. The reptile slithers and slides, slowly rising up and then striking out. A large explosion of green and white light blinds the crowd. As the smoke clears , Viper stands in the entranceway. She stands next to a large barrel. She wears a white muscle shirt with her green sportbra underneath, cut off jean shorts and black boots. She slowly walks towards the ring, dragging the container filled with weapons behind her.)

Sandra: " Well folks, I guess now would be a good time to give a warning about this match. Even though this is on PPV, we suggest that those of you with a weak heart or low tolerance for blood should turn to another channel or perhaps leave the room for the next little while. "

Garry: "What? This is the match everyone wants to see. Like the Gladiators of old, Viper and Amanda are going to bloody and maim each other until only one woman remains standing. Two women enter, One woman leaves."

( Amanda stands in the ring , waiting for Viper to climb in. Technicians help Viper raise and lift her barrel into the ring. Viper hops over the ropes and smiles at Amanda. She looks up as the cage slowly lowers. Technicians runs around the cage, locking it into place )

Sandra: " Hey, there are no doors on that thing!!! "

Garry: "Yup, no need, it will be raised only when there is a winner. I suppose one of the wrestlers could climb out, but I don’t think you’d want to turn your back on your opponent with all those weapons in there."


Sandra: "Gulp"

Garry: " Let’s see some Blood!!!!"

( Both women immediately grab items from their barrels. Amanda pulls out a long black baseball bat. Viper reaches in an pulls out a long link of chain. The crowd cheers as they slowly circle each other. Amanda swings the back in a menacing fashion, while Viper whips the chair around in a circle. Suddenly Strike lunges in, swinging the bat at Viper’s head. The young blonde ducks the blow and lashes out with her chain. It wraps around Strikes neck. Viper immediately closes the distance and slams into Strike. The bat goes flying out her hands and falls to the mat. Amanda stumbles back and is suddenly pulled forward as Viper pulls on the chain. Strike’s head snaps back and Viper fires a punch into her face. Another punch sends Strike to the mat. Viper wraps the chain up around her fist and moves in on her prey. Amanda suddenly launches her foot upwards, catching Viper in the groin. The blonde biker yelps and stumbles away. Amanda quickly rises and chases after her foe. She grabs Viper by the hair and slams her knee up into her face. Viper’s whole body rises into the air and she slumps down to the mat. Amanda scans the ring for her bat, but much to her dismay it has fallen through the links of chain and sits on the outside of the ring. Viper slowly starts to rise as Amanda assists her by yanking on her hair. Amanda scoops Viper up and slams her back first onto the mat. The biker bounces and clutches her back. Amanda reaches down and grabs the chair Vipers’ hand.. She wraps it up in her fist and sits down on Viper’s chest. Amanda raises her hand and slams it down. The sickening crunching sound of metal on bone is heard. Viper tries to block the blow , but it slams into her forehead. Amanda grabs Viper by the hair and pulls her head up, only to slam another blow into her forehead. The camera catches the blow as a spray of red flies across the mat )


Garry: " First blood to Amanda"

( Amanda slowly pushes herself off of Viper and rises to her feet. The young blonde lies unmoving in the ring. The ref starts his count. Amanda backs off, slowly unwinding the chain from her hand. She bends down and grabs Viper by the hair. She drags her over towards the side of the ring and slams Viper’s head into the chain. Viper slumps down to the mat and Amanda presses her foot against the back of Vipers head and try’s to shove Viper’s head through the links. Viper screams as her face is mashed against the metal. Strike kicks down, stomping on Viper’s head before she heads towards her barrel for more weapons of destruction. Viper pushes herself up at the 5 count and grabs the ropes to pull herself up. The ref stops his count at 8 as Viper stands. Amanda turns and smiles as a small flow of blood pours down her foe’s face. Viper’s white muscle shirt is slowly becoming stained red. Amanda grabs a Kendo stick from her barrel and moves quickly across the ring. Viper stands still, holding onto the ropes to help her remain upright. Strike lashes in and slams the stick down )

Sandra: "Missed!! Viper was baiting her!!!!"

( Strikes blow hits nothing as Viper side steps. Her foot lashes out, slamming into Strikes kneecap. The black beauty howls in pain and falls to the mat. Viper grabs the fallen Kendo stick and holds it high in the air. The crowd cheers and Viper complies with their wishes. She slams the stick down across her foe. Strike squeals and tries to roll away. Viper is relentless, slamming blow after blow down onto her foe. Strike curls into a ball as Viper stops and looks down in disgust. Red welts cover the unclothed parts of Strikes body. Viper throws the Kendo stick down and heads for her barrel. The crowd gasps as Viper pulls out a nightstick. The bloodied blonde moves slowly across the ring as Strike moans in pain. Viper reaches down and hauls Strike up to her feet. She moves behind her and places the nightstick across the throat from behind. Viper suddenly drops to one knee, forcing Amanda to the mat. She begins pulling back on the stick. Amanda struggles for air and tries to pry the wooden bar from her throat. Viper pulls back as hard as she can, Amanda’s face is twisted in pain as she struggles to breathe. Viper releases her grip and Strike falls forward to the mat. Viper wipes some of the blood out of her eyes and rises to her feet. The ref begins his count as Strike tries to rise. Viper drops the nightstick on the ground and goes to her barrel. She grabs a folding chair and heads back towards her foe. The ref is still counting as Strike slowly rises to her feet )

Garry: "Look out!!!!"


( Viper slams her chair across the top of Strike’s head. The President falls to the mat. Viper places the chair across the top of Strikes head. The blonde smirks and heads towards the turnbuckles. The crowd cheers as Viper climbs up to the second turnbuckle She holds her hands in the air and leaps off. As she jumps she extends her legs out.)


Sandra: "Oh my god!!! LegDrop from the second rope onto the chair!!!"

( Viper’s leg impacts into the chair. Amanda’s body twitches on impact. Viper slowly rises to her feet and looks at the ref. He immediately starts to count. Viper frowns as Amanda slowly starts to push herself up. Before she can even rise Viper grabs her by the hair. Suddenly Strike rams her fist upwards , in between Viper’s legs. The blonde gasps, doubling over. Amanda stands up and shoves Vipers head between her legs. She pauses for a moment, and then grunts lifts Viper upended into the air. The crowd rises as Strike moves above the steel chair and with a scream leaps up into the air and drops to her knee’s. Viper’s head is planted into the steel chair. Her neck bends awkwardly and she flops to the mat unmoving.)

Garry: " Piledriver onto a steel chair!! That’s it!! Viper is out!!"

( Strike sits on her knee’s for a moment, catching her breath. Viper lies on her back. The only movement is that of her chest moving slowly up and down. Strike slowly pushes herself up and the ref starts his count. Viper’s eye’s open at the 2 count. Strike uses the chain wall to walks over to her barrel. She reaches in and pulls out a broomstick. She walks over as Viper has pushed herself onto her knee’s. Amanda slams the stick across Vipers back, it shatters into two pieces. The count is stopped as Viper slumps back down to the match, clutching her back. Amanda grabs the longer half of the stick and grabs Viper by the hair with her other hand. Amanda grabs Viper by the leg and pulls her legs apart. )

Garry: " This is going to hurt "

( The crowd groans as Amanda slams her foot into Viper’s crotch. The biker curls instinctively into a ball. Amanda wastes no time and grabs Viper by the legs again. She slowly lifts them up and turns Viper over. )

Sandra: "Boston Crab!!!"

( Viper screams out in pain as Amanda leans back. The ref stands in the corner, unable to act. Viper pounds the mat in frustration and pain. Amanda leans further back, forcing Viper’s body into a twisted U shape. Viper’s screams a heard above the roar of the crowd.)

Garry: " Look Viper is tapping out, too bad there are no submissions in this match "

Sandra: "Strike is going to break her back!!"

( Amanda suddenly drops Vipers legs to the mat. She stands above her wounded opponent and smiles. She stomps on Vipers head before heading towards her barrel. The crowd gasps and Amanda pulls out whip. Amanda walks slowly across the ring and with a twisted scowl on her lip she brings the lash down across Vipers back. The blonde reacts instantly to the pain. Her whole body convulsing. Strike brings the whip down again. The crowd moans in shared pain as Viper rolls across the mat, seeking to avoid the stinging pain, but finding nowhere to hide. Strike howls with delight and she raises the whip to bring another blow down. In desperation, Viper kicks her leg up, it impacts into the same knee she had hit early. Strike cries out and falls to the mat, clutching her leg. Viper slowly rises to her feet as Strike clutches her leg. Viper stumbles across the ring towards her barrel. She grabs a long piece of wood, a 2x4 and walks back towards her foe. Strike see’s her coming and tries to rise. Viper brings the wooden bar down in a vicious swing. It clonk’s Strike on the head, sending her into Dreamland. Viper then holds the 2x4 in the air and slams in down across Strikes knee. Again an again she slams it down. )

Garry: "Time out!!! Viper is trying to cripple Strike"

Sandra: "Looks that way."

( Viper drops the wooden weapon to the ground and grabs Strike by the legs. She pulls her into the middle of the ring and twists her legs around. )

Garry: " Oh no!! Figure-Four Leglock!!!"

Sandra: "Looks like Viper’s learned a new hold"

( Amanda howls in agony as Viper bends her already wounded knee in a direction it was never meant to go. Viper pushes herself up on her elbows, putting even more pressure into the hold. The ref stands waiting in the corner. His face a look of shock and disgust in the carnage unfolding in front of him. )

Garry: " She’s going to break Amanda’s leg!!"

Sandra: " Seems Viper wants to make sure that Amanda can’t stand up to make the count."

( The crowd is on it’s feet as Viper breaks the hold and slowly rises. Amanda rolls around on the mat clutching her leg. Viper brushes more blood from her eyes. The front of her shirt is soaked with her own blood. Viper leans against the ropes as the ref starts to count. Amanda rolls onto her stomach and tries to rise. Her leg screams out in pain, her knee is swollen and refuses to rise. The ref hits 5 when Strike grabs the cage wall and tries to pull herself up. Viper shakes her head, partly in frustration and partly in admiration as Strike refuses to quit. Viper grabs the dented chair and moves across the ring. Amanda pulls herself up at the 9 count. But is sent crashing to the mat by a chair slamming into her head. She hits the mat and lies still, a trickle of blood flows from her head. Viper drops the chair and falls across Strikes back. She wraps her legs around one of Strike’s arms and places her arms around Amanda’s head )

Sandra: "Redemption!!! This is Viper’s finishing hold! This usually brings a quick submission, but without a way to stop this hold. Viper could snap Strikes neck."

Garry: "Somebody do something!!!"

( Viper locks in the hold and pulls back on Strike neck. Amanda screams out in pain. Viper pulls back hard, stretching Amanda’s neck to the breaking point. Amanda cries out)

Amanda: " NOW NOW NOW "

(Both Garry and Sandra look at each other.)

Sandra: "Now?"

Garry: " Don’t’ ask me."

(Suddenly there is a commotion in the crowd as something or someone tries to break through the canvas in one of the corners. A woman , wearing a BRA technician jumpsuit and baseball hat, climbs up from underneath the ring. She picks up the nightstick. The crowd screams out a warning, but Viper fails to hear it. The stick slams into the back of her head. The blonde biker slumps to the mat. The ref goes to remove the woman but she her icy cold stare backs him off. The woman pulls Strike to her feet and props her up in the corner. She then removes the hat and jumpsuit.)

Sandra: " Who is that?"

Garry: " That’s Amanda’s insurance policy. Kelly "The Assassin" Mase."

( Kelly stands in the ring looking down at the KO’d Viper. She wears a black leather outfit that bares her well toned midsection. Her green eye’s show no emotion as she reaches down and picks Viper up. )

Sandra: "Viper is deadweight in Kelly’s hands!"

( Kelly lifts Viper up onto her shoulder and walks slowly across the ring. She moves the chair to one side and suddenly falls over towards it )

Garry: " OUCH!!! Death Valley Driver into the chair!!!

( Viper’s body crumples into the chair and lies still on the mat. The ref stands helpless in the ring. Strike has slightly recovered and hobbles across the ring, with the assistance of a piece of wood she uses as a crutch. She points to the cage wall and Kelly nods her head. The attractive Assassin pulls Viper up and carries her to the cage wall. Kelly pulls out a pair of handcuffs and locks Viper against the side of the cage. Viper’s head hangs down, her chin pressed against her chest, the cut on her forehead still drips down onto her stained shirt. )

Sandra; " This is brutal, this match was won by Viper, Strike would have been out for sure. "

Garry: "Looks like Amanda hired the Assassin as her trump card"

( Amanda has picked up the chair and is looking up at one of the sky boxes. One particular sky box. The owners box.. Kelly moves away as Viper is held helpless against the chain fence. Amanda gives the owners box the finger before slamming the chair against Vipers head. The crunch sickens the crowd as Viper just hangs against the fence. Amanda slams the chair down across her head one more time before dropping the dented weapon to the mat. The crowd is booing and jeering the brutal display as Kelly unlocks Viper from the wall. Again, the blonde gives no resistance as Kelly drags her into the middle of the ring. Amanda still hobbles on her leg. She points at Viper and then at one of the corners )

Sandra: " For god’s sake Strike…END IT!!!"

Garry: " Look’s like Strike wants to send Electra a message and Viper is the delivery girl."

( Kelly kicks the chair over towards the corner and drags Viper along with her. Kelly scoops Viper up and places her over her shoulder. She climbs up to the top turnbuckle and in a feat of strength and dexterity, she slowly slides Viper down so that her head is trapped between her knee’s.)

Sandra: " No..that move was banned!!!"

Garry: " Banned in Japan and in Canada, but not in Mexico "

( Kelly leaps off the top and drops to her knee’s. Vipers head in spiked into the steel chair, it bends horribly to the side, eliciting a scream from some of the ringside fans.)

Sandra: "oh no….no.."

Garry: " Call a doctor…heck call a mortician."

( Kelly slowly rises to her feet and watches as Amanda moves above her opponent and puts her foot on her chest. Blood drips down from head and slowly down her chest. Viper is a bloody mess, her body broken and defeated. Kelly just stands there, uncaring and unmoving. The ref begins to count. A team of paramedic’s have arrived at ringside. At 7 Strike removes her foot and bends down, picking Viper up off the canvas. The ref screams at her, but Strike ignores him. Kelly watches as Strike places Vipers head across her shoulder. Amanda then falls to the mat, Viper’s head snaps against her shoulder. 130 pounds of flesh lies still on the mat. The ref immediately starts to count, his pace is fast. Strike glares at him as he reaches ten. As soon as the bell rings. Kelly moves away from Strike. She watches as the cage is lifted and slides out of the ring to the boo’s and jeer’s and drink cups of the crowd. Strike falls to the mat, clutching her leg. The paramedics rush into the ring. )

Announcer: "Your winner, at the 22 minute mark of the match….Amanda Strike"

( The paramedic’s place Viper’s head in a brace and slowly take her out of the ring. Amanda is placed on a stretcher and carried from the ring. )

Sandra: "I hope she will be ok "

Garry: "Are you kidding me? Did you see the way her neck bent?"

( Garry picks up a pencil and snaps it. Sandra winces and slugs him in the shoulder )

Sandra: "You insensitive prick!!!!"

( Garry covers up and Sandra nails him with a couple more blows. )

Garry: " Help…Ummm Help…get the next match started!!!"


























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