Sherry Ann vs. The Marquise Yvette Desade Malreaux

LumberJack Strap Match w/ Body Shop & Sisterhood.

By: Tainted Angel

*** Pristine, Immaculate, Virginal... unlike the wrestlers... The symbol of the greatest wrestler in the Battling Ring Angels organization, unheld by any wrestler in since it’s minting such a short time ago. Wings emerging from the words "Celestial Champion" The leather smells fresh, black and flawless... Tonight, it shall be the prize of a true warrior***


This was it. The moment many had waited for, the final impression from the fledgling BRA organization. Everyone knew what was coming, nobody could have a clue how it would end. The night had produced many surprises and twists as everyone fought the exposure, honor and prestige they felt they deserved. One champion had been crowned, it was time for a second.

The crowd swept their arms in the air as the cameras panned across their expanse. Signs emerged from the depths, bright, loud, some filled with witty banter while others tried to promote their own locations at ringside. "Where’s the Puppies?" "BRf’nA" "Welcome Back Americana" and the ever present "Send Peg to the Body Shop, she needs a new one!" Down the aisles, peeking over the railing were the faithful BagHeads of Carmikaholics Anonymous, waiting for their savior and role model, convinced the messiah had arrived.

Tensions ran high, thoughts were quick and rampant. Everyone present had their speculations and insight, but none really had a clue. The night had claimed the day, glittering the heavens in starry splendor, embellished with the presence of the GoodYear Blimp. BRA had exhausted themselves in preparation and advertising, looking to forever put themselves on the map of women’s wrestling.

Ripples and electrical crackles arced across the surface of the AngelTron, an immense screen that engulfed the doorway beneath its radiance. A warm glow, a faint murmur, the complete solidity as the first promotional hit the air.

~^~ Sandra: Hello everyone, I have the honor of interviewing ring legend Sherry Ann. Hello Sherry, and thanks for your time. Well you have another big match tonight, are you prepared for this?

Sherry: Of course I am. That little chicken shit Yvette is finally gonna get what's coming to her. This damn title on the line is meaningless to me, I'm just out to hurt her.

Sandra: Sher, you've been in some of the wildest matches I've ever seen, ever been in one of these lumberjack strap matches before?

Sherry: Nope, but I'm not worried about her cronies, and their straps. I'll be ready for that if it happens, trust me.

Sandra: Anything you'd like to say to Yvette now?

Sherry: Why suuuuuuure!! OK, listen up Frenchy,,, You may think your really talented and all, scoring a couple wins here, but trust me wench, your nothing. I've battled the best in the buiz, and I hardly put you in that category, NEWBEE!! I hope like hell you've done your homework on me, cause I'm not known as the most dangerous women in wrestling for nothing.

Now this may be a title match, but I really don't give a rat’s ass about titles anymore. I've held them all, and quite frankly, they bore me. So all this match is to me, is just an everyday ass kicking of my opponent!!

I know you’re in your locker room now, and the butterflies in your gut are tearing you up. This is just a walk in the park for me hun. I've done this sort of thing thousands of times, it just comes natural for me. Your scared, very scared, and you should be, cause I'm coming at you like something you've never faced before. Check the record book hun, I don't fight to win when angered, I fight to injure, and you and your band of merry misfits has given me more incentive to hurt you than I've had had in a long time. Go update your health insurance hun, your gonna be using it after this match, I promise!!!

Sandra: Sherry you have Skye Soaring Hawk on your side for this, does this worry you at all? You two really don't get along that well at all.

Sherry: She wants a few shots at Yvette is all I think, but if she is stupid enough to do anything stupid, she'll regret her foolishness for a long time.

Sandra: Here's a tough question to ask you... Have you heard from Misty lately?

(Sherry closes her eyes, and looks down): No, I haven't. Misty honey, I miss you so much, please, PLEASE, PLEASE come back to me. I'll make it all up to you, just come back!!!! Look I gotta go San. I'll see you in the arena later.

Sandra: Good luck to you Sherry!

Sherry: Thanks hun. ~^~

Fade to nothing as the crowd soaks in the words of the Body Shop Leader. Sherry rarely mixed words, preferring a more direct approach. The gaze of the film shifted, leading back to the very announce table that had been present throughout the night. Garry and Sandra, both looking a little harried by the events of the night, quickly started into their rhetoric. This one would be talked about for a long time.

Garry) "Great Interview Sandra, could you have sucked up any more? Oh, Miss Sherry Ann... You’re my favorite, You’re the Greatest! What about Hawk? Anything for Yvette. Here, management gives you a terrific Interview opportunity, and you squander it on meaningless questions. Who cares what Sherry is thinking about? Yvette is our new champion, Our FIRST Champion. Sherry needs to take her cue from another of the over forty club members and remove herself from the business while she still has any name left to save. You should have asked her the questions everyone really wants to know? How does she cover her gray? What does she use to hold her dentures in?"

Sandra) "Oh, go to hell. You’re just upset cause you weren’t given the assignment. Sherry Ann is an Asset to..."

Garry) "A fallen Asset..."

Sandra) "This promotion. She brings her experience, ring savvy, and brawling abilities to the ring every time. I honestly believe that like a fine wine, She gets better with time. Yvette cannot look at this lightly. She’s in there against undoubtedly one of the biggest names ever to fit a bill, a reputation not earned from inability."

Garry) "Well, I think my interview with Yvette will present the world with a glimpse of her beauty... a glimpse of her ability, and a glimpse at her sincere intentions of beating Sherry Ann."

The screen again flickered to life, claiming the attention of all those present as the cold, heartless visage of the Marquise eased it’s way into their eyes.

~^~ Such a brutal collection of women, each gathered behind Yvette for encouragement. Yvette’s eyes could easily display the words, teasing with seductive violence. Tiffany Lane, Nina Larue, Kayla VanderGriff, Alexandria Parker and P.J. Lawrence, blowing gargantuan bubbles with a mouthful of gum, listened intently to the words of their comrade.

"Sherry Ann, you have talked and talked about how you have wanted to get your chance to get me. Tonight is your big chance, mon ami! Tonight will be the first victor in a long series of victories by me, Yvette Malreaux, the greatest wrestler to ever enter BRA. No force shall stop me. No person shall stand in my way without being systematically dismantled."

"Of all the things that truly disgust me about you, Sherry, is the fact that you preach endlessly about your so called 'family' when, in fact, there has likely been no greater home wrecker and gold-digging tramp than you. How many husbands have you had, my dear? You are like a sow on a farm, fit only for rooting and grazing in some heated passion of disgusting frivolity. It will not matter after tonight, however. Sherry will be no more!"

"Ah, the Day of the Dead, as they call it here in Mexico. How appropriate, wouldn't you say, Madame? After tonight, you will reflect back to that beating that you received at the hands of my friends and wish that was as bad as it got. I will deliver you to the Hell you so rightly deserve this day, Sherry!"

***POP*** As P.J’s bubble burst, showering herself and Kayla in a collection of pink goo, The screen faded out to black once more. ~^~

Garry) "Was that not Pulitzer prize material right there? I got the answers people wanted! I got to the heart of the matter! I made her bear her very soul on the camera, in front of her loyal soldiers. How many journalists out there could draw such emotion out?

Sandra) "I didn’t see you on the screen..."

Garry) "I was off to the side, prompting her with questions and holding the microphone so the world could see her magnificent presence. A great news hound knows when and when not to burden the screen with his own charisma. The only reason I’m always on screen with you around is because you have none yourself... "

Sandra) "We’re about to add another match to this card..."

Garry) "Alas, the truth pains my cohort..."


Garry) "WHERE?"

As Garry disappeared from the watchful eye of the camera one was left wondering the question; Where did he go? Under the table? Into the Crowd? To change his slacks? Sandra didn’t care, and as always had a great laugh at his expense. Slowly, the cheap rat’s fur hairpiece peeked back over the table, along with a pair of beady eyes. Seeing nothing, he again resumed his seat while Sandra fell into a fit of giggles, then laughter.

The lights in the arena go out, and a hush falls over the capacity crowd, as they wait to see what's going to happen next. Deep blue spotlights shine down on the stage area, and silhouettes of a band can be seen there. Without warning, a short, scraggly haired man begins an opening riff upon his guitar. Lights burst from the floor to highlight his every feature, from the insane gaze and curled lips to the British School boy vestments, he merrily began to grind down upon his axe as the fans sprung to their feet. A second cry of whining guitars and the revelation of cannons positioned around the top of the arena... more lights preparing for the finale.

Sandra) "Holy *BLEEP* Sherry has really gone all out this time!!!!"

Garry)"Yeah right, that’s not the real..."

The small man bobbing back and forth on stage is no other than Angus Young, and as the cheers poured forth, Brian Johnson began to add his strained voice to introduce their classic "For Those About To Rock".

"Stand up and be counted, for those who are about to receive..."

The crowd roared with delight, pumping their fists and demanding more. There was a trick in all this, and they knew it... they just had to wait for it

Sandra) I've seen Sherry do some unbelievable entrances before, but this is by far the wildest thing she has ever done!!!

The Angeltron flickers to life again with a montage of Sherry in some of her older matches, cascading through a selection of scenes with Sherry and her various titles. The crowd clambers for more, pleading their delights in heated chants and screams. The band continues belting out the song, and the stage then erupts into an inferno, as flames shoot up and bathe the images of the band in fiery light.

Garry) "That is not the real AC/DC! It can’t be!"

Sandra) "I'm pretty well speechless myself here, she's outdone herself this time. Just listen to this crowd, Sherry really has them fired up!!!"

Garry) "Huh? I can barely hear you the music is so loud. Did you say you got fired? I’m gonna miss you. Hopefully the next woman will have bigger..."

Sandra) "Oh jeez!"

Colored spotlights begin to shoot around the stands, and Michael Buffer steps into the ring.

Sandra) NO WAY!!! She has Buffer here to introduce her!

Garry) "Just another Celebrity Impersonator... I’ll bet he lip synchs too."

The camera swings to the ring, where Michael Buffer has the microphone. The band turns down the music a bit so people can hear him. The crowd demands more of the band, hardly caring anything about the introductions in the ring.

"Laaaaaddiiieeeees and Gentleman, it's time for the main event here at Battling Ring Angels... Are you ready?"

Big crowd pop

"I said, are you REEEEAAADDDDEEEEE?"

Bigger crowd pop


The crowd goes absolutely insane cheering

"OK, Hailing from somewhere in France, and with her stable, the sisterhood something or other... the Maggot Yvette Malagoof."


The first few bars of the French National Anthem play, and is quickly destroyed by the enhanced decibel level of AC/DC screaming to life again, a ploy by the veteran to work on the temper of the friend temptress. The lights faded away, replaced by darkness and hints of a spectacle ready to happen. A low streaming river of fog permeated the ground and flowed liberally from the back of the stage, flashing sporadically with greenish hues. Arcs of light and pyrotechnics struck the night and burst high above, lighting the sides of the Blimp up with orange light.

The Angeltron shows scenes of terrorism, violence, sex, and explosions... the speakers still too crammed with the heated licks of Angus Young to present the theme song of the Marquise. Yvette appears at the curtains, clad in her white tied bodice and silken bikini styled outfit, thigh high white leather boots with white crop and cape. Tossing her head back a moment, she roared in laughter at the antics of her opponent. Lowering her head, she threw her arms out upwards, forming a "Y" with her own body stature.

At her signal, her team made their appearance... Kayla VanderGriff, Nina "The Goddess" Larue, "The First Lady" Tiffany Lane, Laura Parker, and P.J. Lawrence, each fitted into the same outfit as their team mate, Yvette. Even down to the snowy white lockes. They stood proud as a unit, sneering at the fans as they worked their way down the aisle towards the ring.


Sandra) HAHAHAHAH Well we know Sherry paid for Buffer to be here now. Yvette and her girls didn't care for that at all.

Garry) "Who cares? That’s not the real Buffer!"

Sandra) " Well I didn't ask you, so stay quiet."

"And now ladies and gentleman... These women are without a doubt the most famous organization in women’s wrestling. Please welcome, Samantha Page, Lisa Dream, Meagan Delanoire, Tina Dream, and the newest members of the this famous group, Princess Peggy Christian and Darling Katie! PLEASE WELCOME THE BODY SHOP! Finally, playing the role of vengeful Tagalong, Skye Soaring Hawk!"

Emerging from a hidden elevator on the stage, the Body Shop members come up through the smoke and flames into the crowd’s view. The crowd erupts with more cheers as the Shop members with Skye come into view, as Pyrotechnics go off through out the arena, and fireworks light up the sky above.

Sandra) "Aww look at Peg, she is just loving being a part of all this."

Garry) "Isn't it her nap time. Alright, so let me get this straight. A match gets announced for the Shop versus The Sisterhood... So Sherry starts snapping up all the undercard talent that comes her way? Wow, what benevolence! Whoever out there that thinks Sherry does anything for someone else’s career, without enhancing her own, is completely insane. Her age is definitely starting to show through with this display. Even if they have no individual functions, the sheer numbers make them a threat. Provided that is, Sherry and Peggy can hold their water long enough to make a statement."

Sandra) "Aww, is someone afraid his wittle Marquise could lose? And what about the introduction of P.J. Lawrence, she’s not a part of the SisterHood."

Garry) "She doesn’t know that!"

Sandra) "Good Point. I mean, Shut up! I think it's great that the Shop has taken in such a rookie as Princess Peggy Christian. She's got a heart of gold, and is perfect for them. I think they can make a champion out of her one of these days.

Garry)"Yea, but she'll be collecting social security by then. Who knows, Maybe Vince will give her gold in the actor’s league? Introduce her as the "First Wonder of the World"! She’s old enough, hell, I bet she farts dust!"

Sandra) "Your such an AssHole."

The Shop members line the aisle to the ring waiting for their leader to emerge, and the shot goes back to Michael in the ring.

Now for the thousands in attendance here, and to the millions watching at home, it's time to introduce Yvette's opponent. You all know her, she's without a shadow of a doubt, the most famous women’s wrestler of all time, she held more belts than she can count on her ten fingers, and is the leader of this world class stable... Ladies and gentleman... LET'S GET READY FOOOOOR SSSSHHHEEEEEEEERRRRRRYYYYYYY ANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!


The band’s power rages on as the cannons shudder the foundation with their explosions. The crowd is going wild cheering Sherry's name, and the Angeltron comes to life... A cascading waterfall of sparks flows down over the wrestler’s entranceway, and as they stop, Sherry Ann is seen standing there, wearing her normal thigh high leather boots, matching leather pants, and custom made leather shirt with long sleeves. The crowd goes wild on her name.

Sherry just stands there for a moment, hands on her hips, smiling to the crowd. She then gives a thumbs up to Angus and the boys, then looks at her stable mates, gives them a wink, and a thumbs up, and takes about 10 steps forward for a momentary pause. Sherry holds her hand up to her ear, and looks around the crowd.. Sherry then points to her stable mates, and puts her hand up to her ear again, and the crowd responds once again, with loud cheers for the Shop members. Sherry smiles, then makes her way down to the ring, along with the members of the Body Shop. She hops into the ring, and grabs the microphone.

"Prepare yourself for one hell of a beating Frenchy!"

Sherry just throws down the microphone and backs into her corner, patiently waiting for the bell. Each of the women scatter around the ring, the Sisterhood Of Seduction massing near the Yvette’s corner, while the Body Shop adhered to Sherry’s. Each of them possessed a leather belt, and could use it legally so long as they didn’t step a foot into the ring. There was no escape ‘til a winner was declared.

Sandra) "Have you ever in your life seen an entrance like that?"

Garry) "Only at the Superbowl... or an "Artist formerly known as Prince" Concert."

Sandra)"You’ve been to a "Prince" concert? You? A man’s man? Mr. Manly? Mister, "I don’t each quiche"? "

Garry) "Uhhh... NO! I saw it on the news once, when I was flipping from the porno channel to the fishing channel with MY remote control."

Sandra) "We all believe you Garry. Now, back to the ring... with an entrance like that, Sherry has really built up the response of the crowd. What a show! What else could happen?"

Garry) "Yvette could mop up the ring with her, then the Sisterhood could lay waste to the fake bunch of AC/DC wannabes. As it stands now, the Shop has seven armed warriors to the five of the Sisterhood. Well, I should say four... "

Sandra) "She’s wearing the belt... "

A close up of P.J. Lawrence, parading around in her belt, now buckled at her waist. Clueless as always, she’s pondering what everyone else is doing just standing there with them. The camera seems rather shaky, as it pans back away and over to the table where the bell is just about to ring. Sliding back further, the angle changes and the bell sounds the beginning of war. Cry Havoc...

Sherry charged in hastily, throwing a clubbing right hand into the face of Yvette, who staggered quickly the ropes. A blur of fury, Sherry sought the destruction of the woman before her, and had no remorse in the tactics it would take to do so. A second right hand, then a third... Yvette staggered away early, looking for a place to hide. Sherry followed like a predator, offering no sanctuary from her assault. Yvette whirled around with a knife-edge chop, but the leather jerkin of the opponent absorbed the sting easily.

Sherry looked at her a moment, waiting for the realization to sink into the mind of the Marquise. Someone was about to get their ass kicked. Yvette tried to back away, Sherry continued to stalk. One could see the thoughts in the eyes of the French woman, analyzing, searching... there was a pattern she would have to learn, lest she be completely overwhelmed.

A kick attempt from the Marquise ended when Sherry caught her foot, and then yanked her forward for a short arm clothesline. Yvette looked up from the mat, and with an elbow dropped leveled at her head, quickly made a roll out to the concrete surrounded by her Sisters. The Shop began to encroach, but neither really wanted to test the limits of the belts they possessed.

Garry) "Ha, looks like the Shoppers are too scared to use their belts this time. Go figure. Wait, what is that..."

Sandra) "Sherry is stalking around the ring and waiting, the referee is calling for her return. "

Garry) "Wait, there she goes. Yvette is crawling back in the ring. I wonder if the belts are going to get used at all? Here comes Sherry again with a cheap shot across the back of the Marquise."

Sandra) "What was so cheap about that? She got in the ring and she got hit. That’s just the way it works. Doesn’t look like the Marquise was ready for a match like this, Sherry Ann is really taking it to her. Another series of shots to the ribs from Sherry."

Relentless. That is the only way it could be said. Sherry was a savage in the ring, stealing every opportunity, savoring every advantage... Yvette was at her mercy, at least, for now. Sherry snatched the leg of the Marquise and drug her towards her corner, the corner laden with seven, belt-laden piranha seeking their first frenzy. Sherry stepped out of the ropes and held onto the Marquise’s leg, subjecting it to a series of harsh whips.

And it was on, the Sisterhood charging around and into the mix, belts flashing at one another determined to leave whelps on the opposition. Tiffany laid leather on the skin of Samantha, who in turn leapt at the blonde bombshell. Laura found the flesh of the housewife as her target, who yelped at being struck. It was a mess, The sisterhood wanted it’s share of the blood and the Shop sought revenge for their loss earlier in the day.

Behind them, the true action took place as Sherry sent Yvette crashing into the guardrail. Sherry followed in with a clothesline, sending Yvette over the railing. Sherry slid back in the ring, and waited... Yvette crawled back over and slumped to the ground, hands visibly clenched around something. Rolling back into the ring, Sherry came charging at her again.

Yvette ducked the barrage and brought her palm across Sherry’s face in a blatant slap, yet brought blood from the cheek of her opponent as ice tumbled from her palm. Sherry reeled back, but it was more than enough time as the Marquise swung around with a savate kick that tumbled Sherry towards the corner. Yvette took a knee as she fought for some much-needed rest. Sherry would have to recover from the shock of the ice, and Yvette needed an idea.

Garry) "Sherry’s busted open! In just one punch, the Marquise has drawn blood from the "Great" Sherry Ann. Look at them, Sherry doesn’t know which way is up."

Sandra) "She had a handful of chopped ice! Where? How? That’s cheap! How can you be so proud of her?"

Garry) "Watch and learn... Yvette with a mad dash, clotheslining Sherry roughly against the turnbuckles. I could have sworn I heard something break! I guess that’s what happens when you play with ancient toys. Look at her go! Kick to the side, a second, spinning heel kick! Sherry is hurt!"

Sherry took a couple of steps from the corner and fell to a heap on the mat. Yvette bounced off the second turnbuckle with a weak knee drop to her opponent’s spine. Yvette still showed her prowess as a professional wrestler, her technical skills were definitely taking a back seat to her martial arts capabilities.

"You filthy sow, after I take the title out of your grasp, I shall take from you your daughter, Jenny."

Sherry bucked in the ring, Yvette sneered in a way of a woman who enjoyed this... not winning, not simply stealing a victory... she wanted possession of her opponent. To prey upon her pains and to make her feel helpless, whether verbal or physical... that was the true mission here.

A kick to the ribs by the Marquise brought a cry of pain from Body Shopper, digging in deep under her ribs. Nobody could tell what Sherry was feeling, but she knew there was something more to those boots than what she could see. They hit with the impact of metal, unforgiving. Rolling to her stomach, she fought for air through clenched teeth, the crimson essence of life still draining down her cheek.

Outside the ring, the piles of fighters had backed away and regrouped in their respective corners, each wrestler showing some of the wear and tear from striking, and being struck by the leather straps. P.J. still wore hers proudly, the welts not so proudly. Yvette strolled casually about the ring, occasionally dumping another loaded boot into the midsection of her opponent. Teasing her, tempting her to try and get back into this fight. There was more pain to be had, they were both sure of it.

Yvette leaned down close to the victim, tips of her long blonde hair sweeping against Sherry’s cheek. Her voice sounded like a whisper and was meant solely for the ears of the prey... How the tides has turned. Sherry had looked invulnerable a few moments ago. Now, she was nothing...

"Sherry, this is the day that I have waited for. Finally, I have you at my disposal, which is precisely what I shall do to you."

Ladylike or not, Yvette spit upon the downed foe and kicked her again, punctuating her words. Kneeling beside her, the Marquise laid across Sherry for an ending to the misery.

Garry) "Sad. Sherry was such a fighter, and to be beaten so quickly by an up and comer. It’s off to the retirement home for her."

Sandra) "Shut up, it was a two count!"

Garry) "Oh, but look, Yvette still has Sherry. A pickup by the hair, you know all this is going to do is result in complaints that someone was being too mean. An elbow across the back of her neck, ho hum... poor Sherry. Hopefully this’ll end soon so I can go home and catch Ally Mcbeal."

Sandra) "You’d be wise not to ever count out Sherry. It’s never over. Ally McBeal? I love that show! Did you catch the one..."

Yvette tucked Sherry’s head between her legs and stared at the Body Shop, making sure every eye was upon her as she proceeded to destroy them from within. Yanking her into the air, and rolling her over, Yvette fell back to slam Sherry’s face across the top turnbuckle, drawing more blood from the already opened wound. Yvette leaned down and pointed to Tina, slapping Sherry across the face firmly. Wiping her blooding hand off upon Sherry’s leather outfit.

Tina leapt to the apron, but was drug back down when confronted by the referee. Yvette wiggled her fingers towards the girls and slipped out of the ropes, replaced by one of her sisters, each dressed the same... it would not be easy to tell who was who.

Samantha Page was the first to protest this action, lunging onto the apron while taking the attention of the referee. Was not smart to play the numbers game when you’re outnumbered. Quickly, there was nothing more than a free-for-all as the Shoppers directed their aggressions towards SisterHood, trying to get in to beat on Yvette.

It was Skye who found her mark, draping the leather around the neck of her enemy, the only similarity she would claim with the Shop. In the ring, "Yvette" stared at the downed Sherry curiously. Quickly she moved in, tossing her belt aside to rip the leather from the Body Shop Leader. This match was about pain, how dared anyone take away that privilege. Sherry Ann was about to ab-dominated.

Sandra) "That’s not even Yvette in the ring! What a scam! Can’t the referee tell the difference?"

Garry) "What are you talking about? Certainly looks like Yvette! Same hair, Clothes... are you trying to tell me that more that one person can look that perfect?"

Lisa Dream slowly made her way from the combat, keeping an eye on both friends and foes. She was not about to take a shot that she hadn’t asked for. This was Sherry’s fight, not her own. Not that she would step out so far to make it obvious, but she wasn’t going to be in the range of a wild shot either.

Sammy and Tiffany had again rekindled their hatred, exchanging heated right hands. What had started off as a match between two opponents, with 12 others to make sure it ended had turned into something bigger. Rivalries flared, intentions were becoming obvious, and in the middle of the ring, Sherry Ann accepted another backhand from the disguised Kayla Vandergriff.

Extreme Closeup, Kayla snatched Sherry up again as the camera zoomed in incredibly tight on the Sherry’s rear. Ratings Ploy? For a Forty Year Old Woman’s Ass? Something was up... It sat there, so close that no detail could be made out save the slick white leather pants of Sherry Ann.

Garry) "Torture! Agony! I’m going Blind! Shoot the Cameraman!"

Sandra) "Oh please, you know you’re loving every moment of it."

Garry) "Well, they say the camera adds thirty pounds, but wow... "

Back in focus and in sight, Sherry staggered back away from a falling "Yvette" blood dripping from her face as she fell against the ropes, fingers furled around a pair a brass knuckles. Throwing her head back, Sherry inhaled a breath of fresh life and kneeled over Kayla, throwing punch after punch into her head, enhanced with the unforgiving steel on her hand.

Outside, it was another war. Skye was yanking back against her strap trying to steal the air from the real Yvette. Nina quickly broke the hold with a shot to the head of Skye, then yanked her off. Meagan and Tina moved in quickly and the belts became relics as they engaged. Meagan shoved Nina into the railing as Tina whipped Yvette into the apron.

Katie climbed the apron and lined P.J up for her Big Easy, but a lash across the calve brought her crashing to the concrete as Tiffany made the save. P.J., in her normal, indecisive glory still couldn’t figure out what was going on? Shrugging, she finally just picked a Shopper and pounced, knocking Peggy to the ground roughly. It was a free-for-all amidst a sea of swelling anger. It wasn’t about keeping anyone in the ring, it was about destroying their enemies.

Sherry snatched the legs of her opponent and stepped over, pressing hard on the lower back of Yvette/Kayla. Holding tighter, Sherry pressed her knee into Kayla’s back and wrenched harder, pulling screams of agony from the battle worn Dominatrix Kayla’s hand outstretched, then rapidly tapping to the force applied in "Sherry’s Crab". (Better known the world over as the "LionTamer") The referee threw up his hand and signaled for the bell. Sherry tossed her opponent down and raised her hands.

Garry) "HAHA! What is she going to say when she realizes it’s not over?"

Sandra) "They should throw it out for interference then! Sherry’s gonna have to fight the whole damn Sisterhood!"

Garry) "Well, it seems as though the smarter fighter has found a way around the legions of Shoppers. Numbers mean nothing."


Outside the ring, Yvette blinked and looked at the Referee... slowly crawling back into the ring while Tina began celebrating with the shop. Sherry leveled another kick into the back of the Abdominator, as Yvette got in the referee’s face. Everyone else knew what was going on, even Sherry should have sensed some treachery in her opponent.

In final desperation, Yvette ripped the blonde hair from the crown of Kayla’s head and revealed her, sadistically smiling at Sherry, who stood there still drenched in her own blood. The referee signaled for the match to resume, and Yvette leapt at the opportunity. Sherry blocked a right, and countered with one of her own to send Yvette to the mat.

Tossing her hair back, Sherry waved Yvette on, coaxing her back into the battle. Yvette stepped back, allowing Sherry instead to come in for the attack. A solid spear from the veteran, indefensible by the rookie. Sherry sat up and straddled Yvette, similar to the affair moments ago with Kayla, and began mercilessly reigning down punches, possessed in her absolution.

Anarchy took hold as both sides slipped into the ring, first the Sisterhood and then the Body Shop. Laura took Sherry from her perch with the leather strap, and followed up with several more across the now exposed back. Meagan charged in for the save to receive a last minute back body drop, and find her self the victim of a seven foot drop to the concrete floor. P.J. had finally figured out her purpose in all of this, as was as one with the Sisterhood, belt in hand lashing away at the Shop.

Yvette crawled towards a corner, watching systematically as both stables took each other out of the ring. Sherry took to a knee and stared across the way. The referee gave his attention back to the fighters and it was on again. Sherry again tried to swallow her opponent in a spear, but met with nothing when Yvette dodged.

Sandra) "I think Sherry hurt her shoulder on that one, she just slammed right into the steel pole."

Garry) "I guess she’ll learn then, won’t she. Sherry’s a decent fighter, but mentally... brawlers are little more than one trick ponies. If a true fighter steps in there with her, they’ll quickly find the chinks in that set of armor. Judging the age of the armor, you can bet there’s alot of them. Yvette is back in control with another barrage of kicks!"

Sherry grimaced in pain as she fell out of the corner, victimized first by the steel pole, then secondly from the steel lined boots of her opponent. Yvette stood over her opponent and dug her nails deep into the trapezius, only a few inches away from where she slammed the pole. It was Sherry who cried out now, and Yvette who held her mercilessly.

Again the camera focused in tightly to the screaming face of the Body Shopper, pools of tears forming at the corners of her eyes. Yvette threw her head back and laughed. Tina beat on the ring in constant intervals, bringing up the chant of "BODY SHOP" The Sisterhood cheered on their chosen while P.J. entertained herself by skipping rope with her belt.

Katie stormed to the apron, shaking the ropes in time to the chant. The referee quickly met her head on, making sure she couldn’t play further into the match. The angles changed as the far cameraman, dressed in the trappings of a crew worker, with a Yankees ballcap on, stalked from the steps into the ring, crashing the camera down across the back of the Marquise’s skull, dropping her to the mat with a shower of broken electronics.

Garry) "BIANCA’s done it again! How did she... She’s giving Sherry the win? What the hell is going on?"

Sandra) "Pin her! The Sisterhood has cheated enough! It’s about time!"

The cameraman quickly slid from the ropes and made an escape into the crowd, never giving a long enough glance to detail identity. Sherry lay there beside the body of the Marquise, as Katie leapt down from the apron and went about her business. The referee upon discovering both women down could only begin administering the ten count.


Sherry rolled to her stomach, trying to fight her way back to her feet. Yvette slung an arm to the side, the only motion she could muster. The faces of the teams bore some concern, and with the escape of the camera person, it was easy to read disgust on the faces of the Sisterhood.


Sherry staggered to one knee then fell across the chest of the Marquis as the count changed and the stripeshirt began to hit the mat in repetition.


It doesn’t matter how, but somehow, the Marquise pulled a shoulder away from the canvas long enough to save herself from her first loss. Sherry sighed and fought back to her feet, drawing Yvette up by her blonde hair. Sherry fell to her knees and brought a fist up between the legs of the Marquise, who stood up in instant shock, before folding double to contend with the painful wound.

Sherry thrust her opponent’s head between her legs and yanked her up, positioning her body horizontally over her shoulder with one hand gripping either wrist of the Marquise. It was again time to feed the snakes outside the ring. Sherry, with the Marquise on her shoulder, ran towards the ropes in hopes to deliver a running crucifix powerbomb.

The Marquise wormed out of Sherry’s grip and fell to her feet, whipping around with a standing Enzuguri to send Sherry over the top rope and onto the pile of Body Shoppers. Yvette fell to her knees and scrambled back across the ring towards her own collection of people, taking the time to swipe some of the remnants of the camera.

In a last ditch effort, the Sisterhood came at the Body Shop in order to get at Sherry, swinging the skin raising fury of the leather against the skin of whomever was closest. The exchange saw members of both falling back, holding their arms or chest. Neither would ever forget this fight, nor were they likely to repeat it.

Sherry couldn’t escape unscathed and slipped back into the ring, still feeling the stings from the occasional strike. Yvette moved in with a hand full of metal, swinging it quickly at the head of the Shop. Sherry ducked under the attack, and quickly wrapped her arms under Yvette’s, locking her away in a Full Nelson.

Skye climbed the apron above the rest and drove her lash across the Marquise’s chest, as the battle raged behind her. Sherry held her steady, pressing harder as each red mark was born upon the form of Yvette. Slowly, her legs buckled and with the still rage-fed Skye beating down on her, Sherry bridged back and let her go in a release dragon-suplex.

Sandra) "This match has been everything expected, and Sherry has finally taken an upper hand."

Garry) "If not for that Miscreant Dupree!"

Sandra) "Since when was Bianca too shy to show her face?"

Garry) "What do you mean?"

The Angeltron crackled to life for a final time in the evening, as the speakers roared with the words...

"FreeStyle rules says this match is now a Three-Way Dance!"

The lumberjacks turned out to scan the crowd, hoping to sway off any attempt at the interloper. Sherry didn’t hear a word, or if she did... She didn’t care. Snatching the legs of Yvette, Sherry wrenched her over and dug the knee as deep into her back as she could. If Yvette wouldn’t cry out, She’d break.

The Shop forgot the words, forgot the screen and immediately set about stopping the Sisterhood. The fight spilled from the ring to the outside, as the sheer number of bodies was capable of holding out the Sisterhood. Sherry yanked back harder forcing the Marquise to shout in pain, one hand extended and hovering over the canvas, inches away from calling it quits.

In sheer metaphoric style, there came a fallen angel. From the heights of GoodYear Blimp, a form dove from the side and plummeted gracefully towards the ring below; arms extended and head back. Adrenaline coursing every inch of her being for the few moments she had of freefall.

The bungee tether slowed her descent as she came within feet of the surface, hitting the release and landing in a crouch in the middle of the ring. Sherry’s eyes grew, but it was too late. They’d never been in a physical confrontation before; there was a first time for everything. With the Sisterhood and Shop predisposed, and the rising noise level of the crowd. There was nothing anybody could do about it.

There was no time wasted as Sherry dropped the legs of Yvette, but the Hellion’s speed laced with the fact she had just started with the highs of a thrill junkie made her too quick for the worn out veteran. Sherry moved in quickly, more instinctual than analytical.

Bianca Dupree, the FreeStyle, dressed in full black on black, including the trademark F.I.N.E. black leather jacket, slipped under the punch and brought a knee directly to the stomach of her stepmother, doubling her over. Flashing towards the ropes, then off with a springboard moonsault into a face plant, sending Sherry Ann into dreamland.

"Count it"

The referee hit the mat three times consecutively, bringing a roar form the crowd and Bianca to her feet, throwing an envelope towards the striped official, monogrammed "C.E". The battle on the outside ceased to be when another enemy presented herself, and as quickly they both charged the ring in an effort to get to the HellRaiser. Bianca made her exit in traditional fashion, taking the time to steal "Her?" belt on the way, and stage diving into the awaiting arms of the crowd, riding the tide for possibly the last time, gold in hand.

The band struck up, AC/DC flinging the introductory chords of "Money Talks" as notes fell from upon high, green dollar sized slips of paper with "$" scripted across in a golden emboss...


Fade away from the ring as the Body Shop and Sisterhood forego their differences long enough to collect their leaders...

Garry sat there silent and stunned, tongue lolling out to the side while he tried to make sense of it all. Sandra stared at Garry, snapping her fingers in his face, trying to wake him from his stupor. His first words...

"Then... who came out of the crowd?"

Sandra) "Folks... I don’t know who won the match. Just when it looked like Sherry had it won, her daughter dove into the ring and stole not only a win, but also the B.R.A. Celestial Title. If the rumors backstage are true, then this could prove to be a very interesting twist in our sport."

Garry)"Who used the camera? Who forced me to stare at Sherry?"

Sandra) "From the Aztec Ruins at Cozumel, this is Sandra Allistaire and at my side, Garry Grimmoire. Good Night, and we’ll see you again in a month for what promises to be an even more spectacular night."































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