Michelle "The Great" Anderson vs Titianna

The camera fades in from the break as the house lights dim slightly. The roar of the audience is deafening as the first few bars of Titianna's entrance music pours from the speakers.

SANDRA: Welcome back BRAniacs!! This next match should be, to quote good ol' J.R. one hell of a slobberknocker!

GARRY: Aw c'mon Sandra.this is going to be a snore. Two more has beens from the IFWF. You'd think these broads would just take a cue from their former fed and just fold up.

SANDRA: (Glaring at Garry) Whatever, fatboy.

Suddenly, Titianna steps out from backstage, dressed for battle in her pink two-piece with yellow trim. She stands at the top of the entrance ramp for a moment looking at the audience with a scowl on her pretty face and then she raises a microphone to her lips.

TITIANNA: Cut the music!!!!

The music stops and the house lights come back on. While the fading echoes still thunder throughout the arena, Titianna begins walking toward the ring trailed by the soft, pale halo of a spotlight.

TITIANNA: Y'know Anderson, you talk a good game. Sure you beat my sister a few times, but you see that wasn't me.

Titianna stops just short of the ring and points at the squared circle with dark grin.

TITIANNA: It's just going to be you and me in that ring Anderson. I'm out here alone. I told Love Jones and Barocca to stay in the back. I don't need a damn safety net. Can you say the same?

Titianna climbs into the ring with a smile and looks toward the entrance ramp.

GARRY: What! No Love Jones? Aw, man.that's my dawg! Damn, he was the only thing that was going to be entertaining in this match. Screw this, I'm going for a soda.

SANDRA: (Smiling sweetly) Gee, Gar, think you'll still have a job when you get back?

GARRY: (After thinking for a moment) I think I'll stick around.

Once again the lights dim and then they wink out. The baseline to Wu-Tang Clan's "Triumph" hammers its way out of the speakers signaling the arrival of Michelle Anderson. A spotlight shines on the entrance ramp and illuminates the figure of Tyree as he steps out onto the ramp, mike in hand.

TYREE: HEY!!! YO,YO!!! I would like to introduce, along with her sister Betty and her cousin Kelly, the future BRA wooorrrrllllld champion.MICHELLE "THE GREAT" ANDERSON!!!!!!!

Michelle, wearing a blue bikini, steps from backstage with her sister and cousin flanking her at either side. Michelle whispers something in Betty's ear with Kelly leaning close to listen in. Michelle then pats them both on the back and makes her way to the ring alone.

As she passes Tyree, she takes his microphone with a sly grin and continues ringside.

Michelle rolls underneath the ring ropes and circles Titianna with a smile.

MICHELLE: Well, well.the man who disappeared with the Sex Kittens is now managing Porscha's sister. The last time I remember seeing Love Jones was when we beat the crap out of his tag team.

Michelle smiles evilly at Titianna who is steadily growing angrier.

MICHELLE: Well Titianna.it looks like you're going to be Jones's next failure. You're going to feel the pain that your sister felt after what my sister and I did to her.

Michelle is cut off as Titianna's large form hurtles toward her in a blind rage. Michelle tries to duck out of the way, but Titianna is on her before she can react and Michelle is mowed down by a crushing clothesline.

Michelle flies backward, tumbling head over heels, finally coming to rest on her stomach. The brunette is dazed and short of breath. She tries to scramble to her feet, but her larger opponent is already upon her savagely pulling Michelle to her feet by her hair.

Michelle is yanked to her feet and then once again sent careening into the canvas as Titianna snapmares the smaller girl using her own dark locks of hair.

Michelle crashes to the mat with a sharp gasp. Titianna drags Michelle to a sitting position and then slaps on a headlock.

Each crushing squeeze robs another breath of precious air from Michelle and with each squeeze, Titianna's grip grows tighter. Michelle claws at the air, her pretty face marred by a horrific grimace as she tries to fight her way out of the hold.

Suddenly, the pressure is gone and Michelle sags to the canvas.

Titianna stalks around her victim and then drives a foot into the brunette's vulnerable tummy. With a slight OOF, Michelle curls into a ball and tries to roll away from Titianna who chases after her, stomping the brunette's back and ribs.

Titianna stomps Michelle in the side once more and then reaches down to grab Michelle's chestnut hair. As she knees down, Michelle suddenly sits up and drives a thumb into the bigger girls eye.

Titianna screams in pain and anger, staggering away from Michelle who staggers to her feet. Titianna quickly turns snarling at Michelle. Michelle smiles weakly and then dashes across the ring slamming into the big blonde sending them both stumbling into the corner.

Titianna's back strikes the corner with a metallic SMACK! A strangled grunt escapes from her lips and she slumps against the turnbuckles. Michelle kneels slightly and then springs forward driving her shoulder into Titianna's stomach. A harsh hiss escapes the bigger girl as her body shudders with the impact. Twice more Michelle lunges forward driving her shoulder into Titianna's body and with each impact, the blonde sinks lower and lower until she clings to the ringropes dangling just above the canvas.

Michelle snags a handful of blonde hair and pulls Titianna out of the corner roughly. With a low grunt, she flings Titianna across the ring where the girl careens into the corner.

Titianna feels her teeth rattle violently as she rockets into the corner, feeling the turnbuckles dig into the flesh of her chest as she collides and falls to the canvas.

Michelle struts over to her fallen foe with a smile.

MICHELLE: I remembered kicking your sister's butt in the fed.I believe my sister and I took her title away from her. Let's see if you and your sister have the same skills.

Michelle pulls Titianna to her feet by her hair and walks right into a punch to the stomach. Michelle barks out a yelp, but quickly counters by raking her nails across Titianna's eyes. The big girl cries out in pain and leaves herself open for a DDT.

Michelle sends Titianna crashing to the canvas. Michelle quickly picks herself up and kicks the recovering Titianna down to the mat.

Two vicious kicks to the back of Titianna's head keep the bigger girl plastered to the canvas.

Michelle circles her opponent for a moment and then drives her knee into the small of Titianna's back. Titianna yelps in pain, reaching for her back. Michelle kicks the girl's grasping hand away and slams her knee into Titianna's back once more.

Springing to her feet, Michelle straddles Titianna and gripping the girl's outstretched legs yanks backward and sits into a Boston Crab.

Michelle pulls waiting for Titianna to scream out a submission, but all she hears are the girl's low whimpers. Snorting in disgust, Michelle drops Titianna's legs and changes position for a Camel Clutch, sitting back on the maneuver until the veins stand out on Titianna's neck as the blonde weakly claws the air.

With a giggle, Michelle released the girl, allowing her to flop limply to the canvas. Michelle stands shaking her head and then with a shrug she straddles Titianna once more and applies the Crab. Then with a sneer, Michelle drives her knee into the back of Titianna turning the already devastating Crab into the Great Snap.

Screaming, Titianna taps out, unable to withstand any more abuse. The ref calls for the bell, but Michelle maintains the Snap.

With a satisfied grin, Michelle releases the hold and allows the sobbing Titianna to fall to the canvas.

Raising her arms in victory, Michelle looks down on her opponent grinning.

MICHELLE: Hmph, you are just like your sister, tough but can't beat an Anderson.




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