Peggy Christian
Brynn Kennedy

by djmh

Ladies and Gentlemen. The following matchup is putting a young woman against her aunt. Thats right, its Peggy vs Brynn. It seems that Brynn has for some reason a strong disling for her aunt. But nothing of this sort from Peggy's end.

Ok here goes. First comes, weighing 155, er, 159 lbs today and 5' 4", Peggggggy Christian. Peggy enters with her normal song, "She's a Lady" by Tom Jones. She is wearing a floral kimono. Peggy looks very nervous. As she passes by the announcers' table she manages to smile. The announcer asks her something that cant be heard coz he didnt use the mic. Peggy takes the mic and says,

Peggy: Oh my niece will sure do some good moves. I will let her show her skills before ending the match.

Peggy looks too confident to win this match. She gets into the ring and removes her kimono. She is dressed in a Navy blue one piece swimsuit with a mesh middle, navy
blue tights and matching boots.

Now comes out the debutant. weighing 106 lbs and standing at 5'6", Brynn Kennedy.

She is wearing loose denim cutoffs and a white sports bra, hair pulled back into a tight ponytail. She gets into the ring and snarls.

The bell rings. Peggy smiles to her niece and says,

Peggy: Ok I ll let you have some initial moves.

The women lock up. Brynn quickly shifts her position and tosses Peggy down with an arm drag. Peggy stands and rubs her back. But still smiles at ehr niece and congratulates her. Brynn just snarls. They lock up again. No. Brynn levels Peggy with a drop kick to the chest. As Peggy stands up, Brynn scoops her heavier aunt up and slams her down with a big body slam. Peggy moans a bit and shouts,

Peggy: "Hey take it easy young lady. Ok now time for my moves."

She stands and goes for the lock up again. But this time she ducks and armdrags her niece down. Brynn quickly stands and rushes towards Peggy. Peggy trips her and quickly locks on a body scissors. Brynn moans a bit between her legs. Peggy keeps on the pressure. Brynn starts to try to power out of Peggy's move. She slowly sits and grabs Peggy's inner thighs with her hands. Peggy now is lying on her back facing Brynn who is sitting on her knees still trapped in Peggy's scissors. To Peggy's surprise, Brynn slowly powers to open Peggy's legs. Pegy tyries to resist but Brynn succeeds in opening her legs. She keeps spreading them apart and traps Peggy in a leg split hold pressing her thighs in the opposite directions. Peggy howls and reaches wildly for the ropes. Luckily she is too near to them and the ref orders a break.

Brynn lets Peggy go. Peggy is quicker to stand straight and traps Brynn in a front face headlock. She grabs Brynn's bottom with the other hand and tries to elevate her up. Brynn quickly slams a knee in Peggy's belly. Peggy shrieks and lets Brynn go but now Brynn holds her in the front head lock and slams her knees again and again in Peggy's gut. As Brynn stops, Peggy almost falls to the mat had it not for Brynn still holding her by her hair. Brynn smiles sadistically and whispers some insult to her. Then she quickly elevates Peggy up for a suplex. As Peggy stands up wobbling, Brynn mounts the top turnbuckle and jumps with a cross body block. Peggy smashes into the ring with Brynn at her top. The Ref counts, 1..2.. Brynn lifts Peggy's shoulder up to break the count. As ref makes an inquiry, Brynn laughs and drags Peggy up on her feet. She scoops up her aunt in her arms and walks towards a corner. There, she hangs Peggy upside down. Then she walks to the opposite corner and comes running. She dropkicks Peggy into her breasts. Peggy falls down on the mat and lays motion less. Brynn stands and smiles. She sits beside Peggy and puts her shins at her back. Brynn reaches on her left to grab Peggy's chin with her left hand. Then with her right hand, she crosses Peggy's legs at her back and holds em. Then she whispers anothe rinsult to Peggy and falls back on her back, hoisting Peggy to lay across her shins. The poor woman's back is arched painfully in Brynn's clutches. Brynn is apllying tremendous pressure by pressing down with her both hands arching Peggy's back across her shins. Peggy hangs in the air as Ref asks for her submission. Peggy wants to submit but Brynn's hand is pulling down at her chin, making her mouth tightly shut. Tears stream down Peggy's eyes. Brynn laughs and whispers,

Brynn: Dont cry my big aunt. You have still to suffer more.

With that Brynn springs Peggy's body down. Peggy rolls a bit and curls into a ball sobbing. Brynn stands and brings Peggy to her feet. Then she scoops Peggy up into her arms and walks around the ring smiling and showing her sobbing aunt. She stops at the middle of the ring and drops her aunt onto her outstret=ched knee. Peggy's body bounces off ehr knee and lies on the mat on her belly. Brynn stands and heads to the top turnbuckle. She comes down at Peggy's back with a Victory Star Drop (inverted rana) and puts a foot at Peggy's chest as the Ref counts for the three.

Winner of the match by pinfall: Brynnn Kennedy.

Brynn drags an almost unconscious Peggy to her feet. She traps her head between her thighs and wraps her arms around her waist. Then she lifts her up and over and rests her on her back, traps her legs with her body and hooks her arms with her own. Then as Peggy lays spreaded on Brynn's back, Brynn bends further down pulling Peggy's arms to stretch her back and arch it over her back. Peggy is yanked back to her consciousnes with immense pain and shrieks at the top of her lungs. Tears roll down in stream down her cheeks as she is punished ruthlessly y her niece. The ref orders Brynn to put Peggy down. Brynn keeps on stretching Peggy. After a while Peggy cant bear it anymore and passes away into unconsciousness. Sensing this Brynn dumps her down. Brynn walks back to Peggy and leans to put an arm under her back and the other at the back of her thighs. Then she stands straight hoisting her aunt into her arms into a cradle. Peggy's head slump down and her legs hangs at the other side as she is completely out of conscious. Brynn looks at joy with what she has done to her aunt. Then she drops her down again and heads back for the dressing room.

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